"Japanese" (Only used when speaking Japanese in a usually English speaking setting)


"Normal speak/English."

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Today was a hectic day in more ways than one. September first was the day that all Students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry boarded the Hogwarts Express and returned to school for another year. So naturally all over Brittan families were running around making sure their children or siblings had everything they would need for the school year.

Then they would drive to Kings Cross Station and cross through the barrier between nine and ten. Entering Platform nine and three quarters to make sure their child or sibling actually got on the train.

But something different happened this year, just a few minutes before the train was set to leave. A horrifying crash echoed around the Kings Cross train station in London. As an unfortunate raven haired and green eyed young man had just run his trolley head first into the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Normally, you'd think that this was some sort of horrible unfortunate accident. But in reality, that barrier shouldn't have been quite so solid. But it had been very solid; the crash was causing quite a scene actually.

Harry Potter groaned. He was unaware of the many people staring at him. "What happened?" He was lying flat on his back and felt as though he had just run into a brick wall. Which he had, the barrier was made of bricks after all. Hedwig screeched indignantly from her cage. Someone was helping him to his feet. "Ryou, what the hell happened?" Harry shook his head trying to clear away the stars he was seeing. Even if they were a lovely Gryffindor red, they wouldn't do him much good at the moment.

Ryou Bakura had an expression of barely restrained panic. "The Barrier didn't let you through, it won't let anyone else through actually. We missed the train!" He whimpered. Oh how Ryou wished that this kind of thing wasn't so typical of Harry's hateful luck. "Ron is freaking out and so am I!" Ryou pushed Harry towards his trolley. "Hurry up we need to get out of here. We've caused enough of a scene." He hissed sounding extremely stressed out. Ryou then left Harry to go drag Ron Weasley towards the exit.

Harry quickly made sure everything was still on his Trolley and pushed it after Ryou and Ron. Squashing the feelings on panic that had started to surface, just because they couldn't get on the platform that didn't mean they couldn't get to school. At least that's what Harry hoped. He really didn't want to get in trouble for not turning up at the sorting. By now the Hogwarts Express would be pulling out of the station. If Ryou was right, and Ryou was so rarely wrong, they were currently trapped on the wrong side of the station. No train on the Muggle side of Kings Cross would be able to take them to their school for magic.

Once they were outside the station Harry worked on stopping his companions from freaking out. "It's not that big a deal guys. Someone will realize what happened eventually." Harry shrugged. "Besides, it's not like there aren't other ways to get to school." Harry wasn't exactly sure on that part actually. After all, Hogwarts wasn't like Muggle Primary school. You couldn't walk there if you missed the train. But at least it seemed to calm them down. It was warm outside, the sun was shining and clouds were sparse. There was a light breeze which ruffled their hair as it blew past them.

Ron thought over Harry's words and hesitantly nodded in agreement, smiling nervously. "Yeah, yeah you're probably right Harry. Let's just go wait by the car." Ron motioned to the blue Ford Angela which wasn't too far away. "Mum and Dad can just apparate back to the platform and come looking for us." He trailed off, not liking the look in Harry's eye. Ron had seen it one too many times when playing Aurors and Outlaws.

Ryou frowned suspiciously. "Harry, what are you thinking?" Ryou asked cautiously. That look was never a good sign. More so when it was coming from Harry, the last time Ryou had seen that look he ended up being pushed in a lake. He could swim, and they had gone there to go swimming in the first place. But still Ryou had learned from that experience. He had learned that Harry Potter was prone to crazy ideas when he had too much sugar. Or when he was bored, or at any point in time really.

Harry grinned as if he had just had a revolutionary idea on par with the discovery of gravity. "I'm thinking the car of course! Ron you're brothers, taught you how to drive it!" Harry said excitedly. Though Ryou had a feeling that this might be a concussion talking, Harry had run into the barrier pretty hard after all. It was the only rational explanation for hwy Harry would think it was okay to drive a card all the way to Hogwarts. Which was somewhere in Scotland, rather far from their current location in the heart of London.

Ron blinked and stared at harry for a minute, before an identical grin grew across his face. "That's bloody brilliant mate!" The red head cast a glance back at the car. "We'll be at school before the train even if we leave now and fly fast enough!" Ron was just as excited about the idea as Harry was now.

Ryou then paled as he remembered that the Weasley Families car had been charmed to fly. Ryou hated heights. He always had. The thought of flying of any type was terrifying to him. But the fact that Ron would be the one driving. That just made it all the more unlikely that Ryou would willingly get in the car with them. "I don't think that's a good idea." Ryou stated nervously. "Flying is dangerous. In the middle of day in muggle London it's an even worse idea then it normally would be. We could be seen and get in trouble for breaking the statue of secrecy!" Ryou knew that it wasn't a particularly valid point. Due to Ron's dad knowing every loophole there was in that law. But he had to say something other than 'I'm terrified of heights and I don't trust you two to get me to school alive'. Somehow Ryou didn't think they would take that very well.

"Relax Ryou." Harry grinned. "Our plan is full proof!" Harry pushed his trolley towards the car, Ron followed his lead.

Ryou blinked. "What plan? You two just up and decided to take the car, that's not a plan!" Ryou argued pushing his own trolley after them. "We should just wait here for Ron's parents to come back." Ryou insisted as Ron opened the trunk with a few taps of his wand. Ignoring him, Harry began to put their stuff into the car.

Harry answered Ryou a few moments later as Ron was loading the last of their things into the trunk. "Well, we probably could wait here. But flying will be much faster. Besides, who can say they flew to school in a car? No one! Well, we can now but that's not the point." Harry laughed. He grinned at Ryou. "Just give it a shot. I promise I'll never make you do something like this ever again!" Harry declared.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Ryou scolded. "But I guess I can try anything once." Ryou sighed and allowed Harry to unload his trolley into the trunk.

Harry then slammed the trunk of the car shut and dragged Ryou over to the front of the car. "You want shotgun?" Harry asked with an excited grin. Ryou shook his head no and got in the back with Hedwig and Scabbers. "Suit yourself!" Harry laughed and got in the passenger seat next to Ron, who was of course, in the driver's seat.

As soon as they took off Ryou had the oddest feeling he had made a horrible mistake. Though that was probably because a few moments later they almost crashed into a building, and that was before Ron activated the invisibility booster.