A/N: Another Creative Writing assignment that I used as a means to write a fanfic. I'm really gonna love this class. Especially seeing that, given the fact that I've got seven freakin' classes this semester, I probably won't get much writing done on my own time. These Creative Writing assignments are a good way for me to write fanfics while still doing schoolwork. You'll probably see about one of these type of stories per week for the next few months. This particular assignment was to write a scene where a character is in conflict with the setting. Here's what I wrote. Again, I changed the names for the school version, but the rest is the same.

"Oh, I don' know 'bout this, Faceman," Murdock looked up at the great steel structure that loomed over them. "I mean, this thing don't look too safe."

Face stared at his friend, incredulous. "Are you serious?"

"For once."

"Murdock, you've flown every vehicle that was ever made to be airborne, and a few that probably weren't, and you're telling me that you're scared of this?"

Murdock ran a nervous hand through his hair, sweeping his hat off his head with the motion. He twisted the blue ball cap in his hands, as if wringing out a wet cloth, and shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he spoke. "Well this—um...this is different."

"How is it different?" Face asked, growing a little impatient.

"Studies have proven that flying an aircraft is statistically safer than getting on one of these things!" Murdock explained, gesturing wildly for emphasis.

Face rolled his eyes. "Murdock, the people who took those statistics have obviously never flown with you. Now c'mon," he grabbed his companion by the arm and tried to pull him forward.

Murdock held his ground. "I'm not getting on that thing."

"You've got nothing to be scared of."

"I might get motion sick."

"You. Are. A. Pilot!" Face exclaimed in exasperation. "You've never had trouble with motion sickness. Now stop being such a baby and come on!" He tugged at Murdock's arm again. Murdock still refused to budge.

"C'mon," Face entreated, his voice taking on that persuasive, slightly whiny tone which he had practically turned into an art form. "I'll let ya drive my Corvette for the rest of the day..."

Murdock looked as if he were considering it, then he shook his head. "Nope, sorry. It's gon' take more than that."

Face thought for a moment. "How about the rest of the week? And—oh I can't believe I'm saying this—I'll even let you polish it."

Murdock raised an eyebrow. "What are you, Tom Sawyer?"

"Aw, c'mon, you know I never let anybody else polish my car. That's a big deal!"

"So assuming I don't die on this thing," Murdock surmised, gesturing toward the structure in question. "Then I get the distinguished honor of polishing your car. No thanks, pal!"

Face sighed. "All right, what's it gonna take to get you to go on this thing with me?"

Murdock mulled over it for a moment. "A package of Twinkies afterward." he said at last.

Face stared at him. "You turn down my car, but you'll do it for a package of Twinkies?"

Murdock grinned and threw an arm around his friend's shoulders. "It's the little things in life that count sometimes, y'know? Now c'mon," he added, herding Face toward the roller coaster. "Let's get in line."

Face shook his head in disbelief as they joined the end of the line. "Murdock...you're crazy."

"You can buy our tickets." Murdock told him. "And make sure you've got enough money left over to pay for my Twinkies."