Notes: Well, after...a lot, here it is, the end. I just wanted to thank every one who stuck with me for this long, and I hope the einding doesn't disapoint you.
I am everything, that you were too afraid to be.
"Come on David! Jump!"
Dave stares at him from the top of the bridge, eyes wide open with shock and something that looks a lot like admiration.
"What the hell? You're crazy!"
Sebastian wipes the water from his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying hard to keep himself afloat. "I'm alive, David! You should try it sometime! There's nothing left to be scared of!"
David stares at the boy in the water for a second, before deciding that he's been scared long enough already. Then he jumps.
"You've got balls, kid!" Sebastian screams at him, with sparkling eyes and the brightest smile Dave's ever seen "Welcome to the world of the living!"
And Dave feels alive for the first time.
The auditorium is silent, the lights are off, and there's a lonely figure sitting in the middle of the front row. Sebastian sits at the far end, in the back, and waits.
The music starts suddenly, and the stage lights up. There's a boy in the center, eyes cast down and looking small and scared and nervous, and something inside Sebastian flinches, because this is it, this is the moment, it's here and now, or never.
The boy raises his eyes and focuses on him. There it is, that smile, the same smile Sebastian saw so long ago, in a youtube video filled with dancing boys in uniforms. He had lost all hope of seeing that smile in again, but here it is.
¨Look at me. I'm the king of New York, suddenly I'm respectable starin' right at 'cha, lousy with stature..."
Those moves, that smile, that voice. That small boy changes, he comes to life, he grows, he expands, until he's all Sebastian can see, he owns that stage as if he was born to be there. Every note hat comes out of his mouth is stronger than the last one, every move he makes is more precise.
"I gotta be either dead or dreamin' 'cause look at that pape with my face beamin', tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it, but I was a star for one whole minute! Startin' now I'm the king of New York..."
Sebastian's smile is so wide, his lips star to hurt, and he knows, he just knows. You're a king indeed, Blaine Anderson.
Blaine is standing in the middle of the stage, panting, beaming, shinning brighter than any of the lights that surround the stage.
"Well mister Anderson, that was...impressive."
The man with the notepad stands up, and Sebastian stands too, but he's too far to see his expression.
"Thank you, sir."
"No, I don't think I'm expressing myself quite well...What just took place on that stage was...Do you understand the kind of talent you have, Mr. Anderson?"
Years from now, Sebastian knows he'll still remember Blaine's smile at this very moment.
"I have to thank you for such an outstanding performance."
The man leaves, with his expensive suit and his scary looking notepad, and the auditorium seems a little less oppressive. Sebastian and Blaine stand there, rows of seats apart, just staring at each other. And then Blaine drops down to the floor, and laughs.
"Oh God." he exclaims, in between laughs "Oh God."
Sebastian walks up to him, clapping all the way, until he reaches the stage, and stands there, staring at the boy sprawled on the floor.
"I think I just saw Blaine Warbler."
"You did, didn't you?" Blaine's smile never leaves his lips "I felt it too, I felt...stronger,'s like I was Blaine Warbler again."
"Where's gayface? I thought he'd have gone into hysteric fangirl mode by now."
Blaine's smile falls for a second. "He's been very busy rehearsing for his NYADA audition, ever since Rachel left for New York it's all he's been doing, he's under a lot of pressure, you know?"
Sebastian scoffs. "That's not an excuse. He's just a selfish little..."
"But you came." Blaine cuts him off before he can finish "Why did you come?"
"Because...I needed to see it again." Sebastian says, stepping closer to the stage "When my dad first told me I was going to a boarding school, I could not think of anything worse, but then I started investigating, and I came across a video of the Warblers on youtube, the editing was horrible and the video was so shaky it might as well have been recorded by a kid with parkinson, but you were there, singing that awfully overestimated Katy Perry song. And...every other thing in the world stopped being important, you were all I could see and your voice was all I could hear. What that man from Juilliard saw today was the same thing I saw that day. You are one of a kind, Blaine Anderson."
Blaine stares at him with the strangest look on his face, and crawls toward the edge of the stage, until they're face to face. "What did you see?" he asks in a whisper.
Blaine's lips are soft and gentle and warm, his hands are cold against Sebastian's cheeks, and the moment is just as perfect as Sebastian always thought it would be.
"You are magic too, Sebastian." Blaine whispers when they part, pressing their foreheads together "You make me feel like I'm the king of the world."
"I don't know about the world, but you'll sure be the king of New York one day."
There's a pair of green eyes taring at him from the mirror. Tanned skin, perky nose, silky hair. Thin lips that curve into the most beautiful smile.
You are so, so beautiful.
There's nothing wrong with you.
"Can I come in?"
He spins around, and his stomach tightens uncomfortably.
"It's open."
His father stares at him from the door. His eyes trail over Sebastian's face and his arms, like he's searching for something, but every trace of the life he's been living is already gone.
"I don't know what you've been going through." The man begins, unsure "But whatever it was, seem different now, you seem better."
"Well, not really thanks to you." It sounds a lot more bitter than he intended.
"I know that..." He looks away for a second, then back to Sebastian "I just wanted you to know how proud I am. I always knew you'd be great. You're...fearless, and strong, you could take on the world all on your own. You're everything I was scared to be, when I was your age."
He turns to leave, and Sebastian takes an involuntary step forward.
"Dad." It's been a long time since the last time he called him that "Thank you. It means...a lot."
"I should have told you sooner."
Sebastian smiles as his father leaves the room.
So this is what forgiveness feels like.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
Blaine looks away and bites his lips. Sebastian wishes he'd just leave.
"I... being with you, it reminds me of who I am, of who I can be...But I can't...Kurt's going through a hard time, I can't just...leave him, do you understand what I'm saying?"
"I'm a grown kid, Blaine, trust me, I'll survive."
Blaine takes a step forward and stares at him with that miserable expression on his face that makes Sebastian want to kiss (or fuck) the pain away.
"I wish I had met you sooner."
"You would have ended up hating me."
Blaine laughs slightly.
"You know what?" Sebastian says suddenly "You and me, we could be amazing together."
Of course we could.
"In another time, maybe."
In another life.
"We should go to Paris before school starts."
Sebastian stares at Jeff.
"We should?"
"Of course." Nick ads with a laugh "It'll be so much fun. We can all go together and learn french or something."
"All of us?" Sebastian asks again.
Trent laughs at Nick and Jeff's confused looks, and puts a hand on Sebastian's shoulder, squeezing slightly.
"All of us." He says "A Warbler trip."
There are a lot of things Sebastian wants to say, things he wants to ask. Am I forgiven? Is it all forgotten? Am I still a Warbler?
"You can bring that guy Allen, too."
"I'm not bringing my dealer fuckbuddy to a Warbler trip."
"Yeah, I think it's for the best." Nick agrees.
"You can introduce us to your French friends." Suggests Thad taking a sip from his coffee "I've seen pictures of that blonde girl, and I swear I'm in love."
"Corie? Go Thad! I didn't think you had it in you." Sebastian laughs, relaxing visibly.
"You've been doing very good lately Sebastian, don't ruin it."
The group of boys burst out laughing, but the people at the cafeteria are so used to The Warblers making it their official meeting point, that no one pays attention to them.
"We can invite Blaine too!" Exclaims Jeff excitedly "For old times sake and all that."
Something triggers in Sebastian's head then. His smile turns to a smirk, as his brain begins to do the thing it does best: scheme.
"Jeff's right, Blaine'll be thrilled to join us."
Sebastian Smythe's still the bad boy of this story, and bad boys never give up.
After all, once a Warbler, always a Warbler.