It was gone 11.p.m and my friends and I were supposed to be back at the hotel from the party at least two hours ago. The party was in celebration of the day my friend's brother's army unit had come home from Afghanistan. The party went on until the late hours of the night and almost all of my friends were wasted or asleep on the benches of the hall that we'd rented. I hadn't gone anywhere near the drinks, preferring to stay sane for the night. There was a live band and the pub/bar was on the other side of the double doors. The band were almost screaming into the mikes at one point but they then toned it down and started playing one of my favourite songs: Underground Machine by Take That. A British band to suit my British nationality. People from all throughout the neighbourhood and beyond had come to the party so it wasn't just our celebration. Everything was going fine until these strange men walked in; one was in a red, white and black outfit and the other was in a murky blue suit. They looked pretty mean and like they were looking for someone. I was suddenly pulled out of my trance as some random person dragged me off to dance, I'd no idea who it was but seeing as they danced like a professional I couldn't help but go along with it.

Seconds passed and I kept on dancing with the guy long after I had lost sight of the two creepy men. I looked up at the guy I was dancing with; he had gorgeous eyes, both as blue as the bluest sea, his hair was dark brown/ black and his faceā€¦ well, that defied a fitting description. His face was like an angel had fallen from Heaven. He was tall and muscular with broad shoulders and thick, strong but gently arms that twirled and turned me with such grace. His touch was as soft as a feather's and he danced with pure beauty. I on the other hand was tall and slender with jet-black hair and green eyes. This was possibly the worst thing about me, green eyes and black hair don't go, or not in my opinion they don't. All my friends say I'm the most beautiful out of all of them but I could never agree.

'Maybe he is an angel from Heaven.' I thought giddily, he was just so gorgeous that nothing could possibly ruin the moment. Suddenly screaming and shouting erupted from the front of the crowd and the entire party and music just stopped. No trail off or anything, they just stopped. Even the man I was dancing with stopped. The two men had pulled out guns and had threatened to shoot someone if we didn't hand over a certain man they were looking for. Everyone was uneasy about this but the man dancing with me lowered his head slightly and gently whispered, "Walk towards the back slowly and calmly and stay with me." I felt like I could trust this guy, his voice was gently yet commanding and the best thing was it was a baritone voice. I loved baritone things, they just relaxed me and this guy had a baritone voice. I looked up at him and nodded. He took my hand in his and we gently crept towards the back doors, my heart in my mouth.

We slipped out into the night-covered alley as gunshots erupted from inside. We broke into a run, my white dress billowing in the cold, bitter wind as we ran. He never let go and he never spoke, he just ran. Soon we slowed in another alley and paused to catch our breath. I had a feeling that this man knew the other two and was keen on getting away.

"Who are you?" I panted as I struggled for breath, "who were they?" I had about a billion questions forming in my head but he held up a hand before I could continue.

"My name is," he paused, "Orion. Yours?" Orion. It was a rare name and I'd never come across a person called Orion. I soon remembered I hadn't answered.

"Oh, my name is Emerald. No last name." I hastily added. It was true; I had no last name. My first name was Emerald and I had no last nor did I have a middle name. Orion seemed to ponder this for a moment.

"Emerald, that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He spoke with such care, choosing his words carefully and stringing them together to make the most delicious sentences. I also noticed he, too, was American. No surprise considering I was in America

"Uh, thanks." I had no idea what to say, no one had ever called me beautiful. "But who were those two guys at the party? Why were they looking for you?" I asked. Orion seemed a bit paranoid at this.

"Their names were Knock Out and Breakdown, they're like warriors or bounty hunters in a world you wouldn't understand." Orion was right, I didn't understand. I'd never heard of someone being called Knock Out before, equally with Breakdown. Orion could see the confusion in my glittering eyes, "you could view their names as a sort of nickname."

"Ohhhh. Why were they looking for you?" I pressed, I was curious to find out why.

"They're one of the bad guys in the world I live in and they are in your world whereas I'm one of the good guys. That's why I got you out of there alive." Orion explained.

"So where to now?" I asked, I was cold and I had no idea where I was for I'd arrived at the party with my friends and I'd fallen asleep on the way there.

"Um, no offence but you can't come with me. It's too dangerous." Ok, this annoyed me. I had been in plenty of dangerous situations before and I could handle this one.

"And why not? I don't even know where I am!" Orion sighed.

"Fine, you can come with me until I can get you where you need to go, then I leave you. Got it?" I still wasn't overly confident with him leaving me in an area I don't know but I had to agree with it. I nodded. "Ok, good but we'll go along the main towns so we kinda get lost in the crowd where Knock Out and Breakdown can't find us. They don't know this area too well." NOW I felt reassured. We set off but before we got too far Orion stopped and said, "By the way, call me Optimus, that's my real name." He also handed me his jacket seeing me shivering.

"Thanks, Optimus." I chattered as I gratefully accepted his offer and we set off down towards the streets.