"Mr. Garcia, it's time." I heard from the other side of my dressing room door. I felt my nerves fire up, just like every time I do this. Star in a new movie, that everyone knows will be a big hit, just because I'm the one starring in it. Knowing I have power over everything makes things that much better too. If I'm not in charge, well, lets just say things won't be pretty.

I'm not an A-list star, at seventeen even, for nothing.

"Whatever, I'll be there when I want to be." I yelled back at them, as I took my time putting the gel in my hair. I hated gel, but it kept my hair in place. Which was only one important thing, out of many, in being a star. You had to look, and act pretty damn perfect. One screw up could cost your career. So I was on pins and needles all the time.

"O-Okay M-Mr. Garcia..." I heard, probably a weakling intern, call back. It made me roll my eyes, I mean really, was it so hard to say a sentence without unprofessional stuttering? This was the entertainment business. No time for being unprofessional.

I've been in the entertainment industry since I was in diapers. I know every in and out of this job. I've learned who and what to do, to keep the public buzzing for what I will do next.

And what I'm doing next, is this movie. It's a risk, but I know it will be well worth it. Everything I do is well worth it.

It's about two homosexual males.

Something most male stars wouldn't do. But, that's just who I am. A risk taker.

I smirked at that thought, as I put the finishing touches on my hair. Once I was satisfied with it, I took one deep breath. Letting the real me leave my body, and in with the character. Derrick Ridge. A restaurant owner who falls in love with novelist Caleb Keiths, the new guy to the town.

It was now show time.

"So you mean to tell me you've never acted before?" The make-up girl, Jo, asked me as she continued to put what I think is called foundation on my face. I thought it was weird for guys to wear make-up. It's made for girls, why should boys wear it? I just did not get being an actor. At least me being one.

I mean, the other people here. They are amazing, and they have so much passion for doing what they do on set. Everyone, from people like Jo, to people that move props. They all have passion for what they do. And without them, a movie like this one, "Outside the Lines", wouldn't exist. Not at all.

"Nope. It never crossed my mind to act." I told her, turning my head to the side, so she could put some more make-up on the side of my face. I was smiling the whole time she was doing so. I always smiled, because I didn't want anyone to feel worried about me. I had a lot going on at home. And to tell the truth, I only took up this acting thing for my sister and brother, Katie and Ellis.

If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't be doing this.

"Well you must be pretty damn good to be playing a lead role, with Carlos Garcia even." Jo told me, tilting my head up, putting her finishing touches on my face. She was a pretty lady, easy on the eyes. If I wasn't gay, I would've asked her out on a date on the spot. But, I was...That doesn't mean I can't be friends with her though. She seems like a nice person.

But, wait...Who is Carlos Garcia?

"May I ask who Carlos Garcia is?" I questioned her politely, still wearing a smile on my face. But I let my confusion shine through my eyes. I really had no idea who he was. I've always been too busy with working different jobs and taking care of Katie and Ellis, that I didn't really pay much attention to stars. Which, I'm guessing he is.

Because at that moment...She dropped the brush she was using to even out the make-up, onto the ground with a loud gasp. I couldn't help but jump at that, and I quickly exclaimed just as loud,


"How can you not know Carlos Garcia? He's one of the most famous teenage actors out there! At fourteen he got a oscar, at sixteen he became a billionaire! There is no way you haven't heard of him." She was quick with words, because she said all that without taking one breath. It was funny.

But, is he really that famous...And I'm working with him? When I'm only a newbie? I didn't know how that happened, when there was probably all these other professional actors wanting this part for Caleb Keiths. Which I got. I feel guilty now...

"I didn't really pay attention to tabloids and that kind of stuff..." I mumbled out, looking down in embarrassment. I should've researched all the people I would be working with. That way I wouldn't look rude or stuck up that I didn't know them...Like I was now.

"It's okay...I just got to warn ya honey, he has no heart. He's the coldest person I've ever saw. Not that I have ever talked to him...I've seen he talk to the other make-up girls though, and he was very mean towards them. He is to everyone I believe." Jo told me, picking up the brush off the ground and continuing on with her work. It was like she went from a loving fan of his, to hating him.

I was confused even more about this world they called Hollywood. Was this how it was? You change your opinion of someone in an instant? More so, is Carlos Garcia really that cold? He has to have a heart...Everyone does.

I was so lost in thought, I didn't notice that Jo finished her work on the make-up on my face. Well, I didn't till I felt the big black apron get pulled off me, and she stated it herself.

"Done. You look gorgeous, doll."

I really snapped out of it, when I got up and she slapped me on the butt. It made my eyes widen and I jumped a little. This work is weird...But, It's worth it if I can make a living for Katie and Ellis.

They're my main and only priority.

So I took a deep breath as I made my way towards the set, with determination.

It was time to give or nothing.

And I definitely wasn't going to give nothing.

"So, where is my love interest?" I demanded the director. I did not like anyone being later then me, or making me wait. It made my skin crawl with hatred. This was a profession. Not a school play that you do in your free time. This was work, something that you did to make a living."Get it through your mind, or get the hell out of here.". That's what my acting coach told me. And it was something that stuck with me all through my time as an actor.

And it should with other immature actors too.

"H-He's coming..." Mr. Griffin stuttered out, whispering something into one of the interns ear next to him. I was sure it was for him, the intern, to go get this love interest of mine. He would be foolish to not to. I could ruin his career in a second if he didn't get me what I wanted.

And I wasn't afraid of doing so. I've done it hundreds of times before.

"I'm sorry for being late! I got lost!" I heard some boy yell out, and I quickly whirled around to see a blonde boy with bright green eyes jogging over to Mr. Griffin and I. He was pretty damn hot, to say so myself. I've never seen him around before...Hmm...I wonder who he is.

"It's alright, Kendall, it happens. This is Carlos Garcia, your love interest." Mr. Griffin told, apparently my love interest, Kendall.

And knowing he's the one that made me wait for him, I lost all attraction for him. Well, almost all. He was hot after all. He would make me look good, hopefully. If he doesn't...He's going to learn real fast I don't let anyone bring me down.

No one.

"Hi! Nice to meet you, I'm sure we'll get al-"

"Not if you mess up. Get this straight. Don't be late for practice, don't mess up, and most definitely do not try to out shine me, like it could happen. We are not friends either, this is strictly work and that's it. We're not going to be all buddy buddy, because judging from how you act, you're a newbie. Which only god knows how you got this part, but you better give it your all." I cut him short, getting in his face as I said each word.

I wanted him to know I was dead serious. He was going to take these rules deadly serious also, because I'm not going to let him do otherwise. He was my co-star now, the one that had to make this movie good also. Even though I was the main one to do so, he still had a part in it. Unfortunately.

So he had to give it his all. Or he will make me look bad.

"O-Okay...I promise to do my best." He told me, looking down at his feet.

It was pathetic really. Stuttering, and looking down. He wasn't even presenting himself as an actor should. He was letting his guard down, which was a idiotic move. The press and paparazzi would eat him alive if he continues to do this.

He already was making me look bad. This is why I hated newbies.

"No. You WILL do your best. Trying is for the weak. Which, you seem to be. But I'll give you a chance at showing me different. Even though we all know that won't happen, will it?" I taunted him, smirking coldly at him. He disgusted me to my very core. And I was going to let him, and everyone else, know it.

He had to learn the truth about Hollywood sometime, and it was going to be from me. Because that's how it always should be. Because I'm the one in charge here.

Mr. Griffin looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't. Of course he wouldn't though, he knew what power I had over him. And everyone else for that matter.

I waited for newbie to say something, or at least stutter something out. What I didn't expect is for him to just shake his head, and walk towards his mark with his script. He ignored me...Who does that little fucker think he is? Doesn't he know what I could do to him and his reputation as an actor? I could ruin him...

And he just walks away like nothing was said.

Even though I wouldn't admit it, it made me curious of him. Not like he meant anything, just pure curiosity. Nothing else. This was strictly work.

Just work.

"Well time to get rolling people, we don't got all day." I yelled out, making my way also towards my mark also. I didn't have my script of course, that was for newbies, not mature actors like me. I studied my script all week, so I wouldn't have to hold it like him. Because that was unprofessional.

I listened as all the workers footsteps ran around, making sure everything came into place. I was right across from the newbie, watching as he read over his script. He better read that damn thing over and over again. And make his performance damn perfect.

"Get that thing right the first time. Because there is no second chances." I hissed out, piercing him with my deadly glare. I wasn't going easy on him anymore. He ignored me earlier after all.

And apparently, he's ignoring me again. The lit-

"Get ready! This is take one of the date scene!" Mr. Griffin called out to us, and then with that, it was show time.

"I've never met someone like you before...You're breathtaking." Carlos whispered near my face, stroking my face tenderly. Like a lover. It made my eyes flutter close as I then said,

"If one of us had to be breathtaking, it's you."

I heard a chuckle, warm and rich, right before my lips were taken by his. It was a sweet, slow, gently kiss. One of the most amazing I've ever had. And it was by him. Carlos Garcia.

"And that's a wrap!" Mr. Griffin yelled out...And that's when me and Carlos pulled away from each other. Well, he pushed me out of my chair right as the cameras stopped rolling. So close enough. He also was back to looking at me with pure disgust and hatred.

It hurt, even though I knew that kiss was all an act. It still hurt badly. How can someone go from being a warm person, to a cold one, in two seconds flat? I know it was all apart of acting, but it still made no sense to me. I didn't want to be a fake, I wanted to be me. A nice person to everyone.

"You did decent for your first time. But you better do way better next time, newbie." Carlos spat out, turning on his heels and leaving me down on the ground. Where he pushed me.

I guess Jo was right...He really was that cold. Maybe even colder. But, I still believed he had a heart somewhere in there. I just had to find it.

He may be cold, and selfish, but I wasn't going to give up.

I was going to find that good person inside of him.

One way or another.

The Knight household

"I'm home!" I called out, dropping my jacket onto the floor. Once I did that, I shut the door of the apartment, and I looked for my little angels. I've missed them all day, and they were really what I needed right now after this long day with Carlos.



I heard both their two year old voices exclaim loudly, and then, I heard two sets of little footsteps running towards the little living room I was now standing in.

And only moments later was my legs hugged tightly by the two of them. Little Katie was the only brunette of the family, Ellis and I were blondes. She has our mom's hair. I know my parents would be happy...If they were still alive.

They died right after these two were born, in a fire. They went to save the old lady down the street...But, they never came out. Their bodies were found the next day. And I was fourteen, stuck as a parent to my twin brother and sister. But I never regretted it, I love them to death. I have help from Miss Kelly from down the hall, she watches them while I work. I'm forever grateful for her. I wish to one day repay her for all the help she has done.

"Hey guys! Did you be good for Miss K?" I laughed out, leaning down and scooping them both up in my arms. Which made them giggle and nod. I smiled as they then snuggled into my shoulders on each side, and looked up at me with their brown eyes. That's the only thing that made them look the same, their similar eyes.

I then pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads, before I went into their room, to talk to Miss Kelly. Which, after so long, I knew that is where she was at without a second thought.

"So how was your first day shooting in your first movie?" Miss Kelly questioned me as soon as I walked into the room. Of course she would ask that, I knew she would, but I really didn't want to tell her. I didn't want her to worry. She already did so much for my family. I didn't want to bother her with my problems with Carlos.

That was how he acted for some reason...I would have to get use to it, if I wanted to be in this movie or be an actor apparently.

"It was great, I met a girl name Jo that was super sweet." I told her, smiling brightly, as I leaned against the wall, shifting the twins higher also. It was shocking how quiet they were being, they are never this quiet...Unless...Yep. They are sound asleep.

My innocent little angels.

"That's good honey, I'm glad." She told me in her soft voice, as she went to each crib and pulled the comforters down halfway. She was always thoughtful like this. I loved her like a second mom. And I know Katie and Ellis were fond of her also. Their eyes light up every time they know she is coming over. It was a cute sight.

Their room was painted a neutral color, light yellow. And the floors were light brown wood. My parent's decorated this room right before they died, and I just didn't have the heart to change it. It's the last thing they did together, for the twins.

The only thing I added was their white cribs, the blanket sets, and their little pillows. Ellis blankets were yellow and blue, while Katie's was pink and yellow. It matched their room, and their genders.

It was perfect for them.

"Our family is perfect." I whispered softly as I laid them down in their cribs.

And I wasn't going to let Carlos ruin it with his cold attitude, I was going to star in this movie, and I was going to make enough money for these two and Miss Kelly.

All while trying to turn Carlos around.

And his ice heart.

The Garcia Household

He cried out in ecstasy, as I continued to thrust without mercy into him. I needed a release, and he was the one for it. He always was. He was a little slut. His dark brown hair, his creamy pale skin, and those deep brown eyes.

Made him look innocent, but he was far from it. He was as dirty as one could get. He whores around with all stars, just hoping to get famous notice. Pathetic.

Just like newbie.

"C-Carlooos!" He moaned out, pressing his hips back into mine. Which made me growl, and tighten my hold on those hips. I was in control, not him. I was always in control. In sex, in acting, in everything. No one was going to take that away from me.

But damn newbie wasn't playing by my rules. The smartass fucker.

With that new rage, my thrusts got rougher, and my hold on his hips. I was basically pounding him into my silk sheets without control. I wasn't holding myself back anymore, and he was loving it. The little slut.

He moaning even louder now, pressing himself back eagerly. Again, slutty.

He was another person that bowed down to my every command, while, Kendall Knight wouldn't. He ignored me. A fucking newbie, ignored me.

It pissed me off beyond belief. And that's the reason I needed Logan, I needed someone to take my frustrations out on. And he is always the one to do it. Sexually.

It wasn't long before we both released. Me with a quiet moan, and him, he was loud. As always.

The deal was done, we did what we always did. Pull apart, roll over, get dressed, even though I stayed naked this time, and we part ways without a single word. I was glad he was the one person I did not have to talk to for very long. We did what I wanted to do, straight to the point. Just how I like things.

Again, newbie wasn't doing that.

"Goodbye Mr. Garcia."

With that, Logan was gone. And I was free to do what I pleased. Which was to take a long, long shower. I needed it after working with someone with no talent. He was a beginner, and they gave him the lead role? They must of gotten real desperate to go to that length to get me a co-star.

Okay, he was kind of good, but he still was a beginner. And fucking stupid at that. He wouldn't listen to me at all!

That thought stuck in my mind the whole time as I went into my bathroom. Got in the shower, and began to wash my hair and body. I wanted Kendall to listen to me...

Because without power of him, I had no control of him. Which made me weak.

And my parents taught me to never be weak. They didn't treat me like crap for nothing, it was to toughen me up. To show me the real world, and that if I wanted to be strong. I would have to take control, and power. Which I done good at so far...Up till now.

All because of that blonde newbie that knew nothing about the acting world. Or what it does take to be in it for the rest of your life. The power you have to hold.

He was Naïve to it all. The fool.

And he was the one treating me like a damn fool. On his first day on set none the less. Again, who the fuck does he think he is?

I washed a little rougher at that. I didn't figure that out till my skin started to sting, and I realized I was rubbing the skin right off my arms. Fuck...That hurt. I quickly dropped the loofah I was just holding onto the bottom of the shower floor. I then turned the shower off and got out. I was done after that. Who knows what I'll think up about newbie that might piss me off again. That's all he did. Piss me off.

And I had to act like I was madly in love with him.

I rolled my eyes at that thought, knowing I could handle the challenge, and I grabbed a towel from the closet, wrapping it around my waist. Once that was done, I made my way into my room again. This time a little calmer. Being stressed wasn't going to help matters. I had to be perfect. While along the way...I will make Kendall my bitch.

He will give me full power. One way or another.

I was going to the top dog.

Even if it meant him falling in love with me to get to it.


I hope everyone has a great day today! And that everything goes well!

I also hope that you've liked this chapter :)

There is more to come, and we'll see if Kendall can change Carlos' ways...Hmm...:)

I think you are all amazing.

And I wish I could say more, but it's two in the morning, and I really need to get to bed.

So see ya :)