Disclaimer: See 1st chapter

Warning: See 1st chapter

Happy New Year!

Chapter 30

Letting Go and Realizations

The next few days Naruto couldn't bring himself to do anything. All he did was sit slumped on his bed, his back pressed against the wall and stare listlessly at the swaying light. Each time Kisame came in with his food he ignored him and the food, when Kisame came to collect his tray the food remained on it, untouched.

He thought about demanding to see Sasuke but the fire had drained out of him, how likely was it that Sasuke would come? Or even be allowed to come? He tried to commune with the fox, which he had tried since day one, knowing the demon did not want to be sealed and yet without his chakra it proved fruitless. He wasn't even sure if Kyuubi heard him. And since he couldn't get the blasted collar off and couldn't come up with an escape plan without his chakra he simply sat.

On the third day Kisame sighed heavily as he once again retrieved the untouched food and left, but instead of going to his room he made his way to Deidara's.

This time he didn't knock, he merely opened the door. He found the artist eerily in the exact same position and idly he wondered if Deidara had even moved since he last saw him.

"I don't know why I'm going to the trouble," Kisame started and not waiting for any acknowledgment continued, "the kid looks like a zombie. Are you absolutely sure about not seeing him Dei?"

Deidara didn't acknowledge the words, simply pressed his face deeper into Tobi's pillow, giving the impression that he was merely asleep.

Kisame contemplated the idea of throwing something at the blonds head before stalking closer and yanking the puffy pillow from the artist. His beady gaze met glaring blue ones.

"The least you could do for the kid is meet with him," Kisame growled.

Deidara glanced away, a tight frown in place. What do you care? Deidara thought irritated, even almost voiced aloud but deigned not to.

"Dei," Kisame uttered feral like. "Should I drag you?" Not entirely serious, but he hoped it would spur the blond into action.

Deidara returned his gaze to the angry mist nin, slightly put off at such anger. What right did Kisame have to be angry?

Deidara exhaled heavily, sitting up, "fine," he uttered softly.

Kisame blinked, "what?"

Blue eyes glared at him tartly before snapping, "I said fine, I'll see the blasted kid!"

Kisame frowned, wondering why, "what changed your mind?"

Deidara stood, shaking his head before running a hand through his lightly tangled hair, "none of your business, un!" Something just pulled at him, he knew not seeing the kid would bother him... that he would regret it, and granted he knew he might regret seeing him..., he just couldn't not see him. He would rather regret meeting him then left wondering if he didn't. A part of him didn't want him to die, a part of him didn't know if he could accept the kid's death. Because they were brothers, blood related and he had never had such a bond. And mostly that was why he had to see him. Granted he knew Tobi would be angry at him for seeing the kid and yet... what he didn't know... who was he kidding Tobi would probably be able to tell he had seen the kid just by looking at him... but the thought of Tobi being angry at him wasn't enough to stop him, besides Tobi couldn't stay mad at him forever.

A tight frown etched onto his face as he trailed behind Kisame, there was nothing between them, and there never would be. Despite knowing that, his heart wanted... needed... he needed to see him, to meet him, because he couldn't settle the storm, his slight conflicted feelings otherwise.

It was funny that it bothered him so much, he being a criminal and all. He'd left his village, severed his ties to it, if he had known his brother then he would have also severed his ties to him then. Of course there was a slim chance that having a brother would have changed things. Would he then have still left? Would he still have been treated poorly? Good questions but not something he would ever truly have the right answer to. He would only ever be able to speculate and it wasn't worth dwelling on.

His eyes darted around him, scrutinizing every dark area and open doorway for signs of Kabuto. He had had the misfortune of meeting the mutated male with Tobi at his side. As soon as they had arrived, he for the first time, Kabuto had been there to greet them. Despite Tobi informing him of what Kabuto now looked like, it hadn't been enough to prepare him. He couldn't fathom how Kabuto could do such a thing to himself. Was he even still considered human?

He couldn't make out what Kabuto had been thinking as his glasses and been tilted just so that the pale white light reflected off them and prevented him from seeing his eyes, eyes like Orochimaru according to Tobi. He got the distinct impression Tobi wasn't the slightest bit thrilled to see Kabuto but later told him it worked out as this way Kabuto would know what he looked like, felt like and would know to stay away from him. Tobi had stated thinly and not so nicely to Kabuto that he was to stay away from Deidara and Kisame and should he not do so he didn't care for their deal he would end him.

And so he hadn't even seen a whisper of the mutated male, and yet at times he felt as if he was slithering down the corridor just of eyesight, the little hairs on the back of his neck would stand on end but no matter where he peered he never saw a thing. He would feel better once things with Kabuto were finished, he would breathe easier once the snake like male was gone.

Sighing loosely he returned to the present as they hit the stairs that lead to where Naruto was held, as they descended his chest went tight unpleasantly and his heart sped up a little, it kind of felt like his first real fight against ninja, except he'd known what to expect, with Naruto he wasn't sure what would happen.

Kisame had been gifted with taking care of the kid, feeding him and making sure he didn't manage to escape, it wasn't like there were very many options. For obvious reasons he wasn't given the job and Kabuto well Tobi had stated plainly that he didn't trust Kabuto, and because of that there was a possibility that the mutated male may release Naruto so he was not allowed anywhere near the kid. Of course Tobi had also said it wasn't tremendously likely Kabuto would set the kid free because then that would damage his chances of getting Sasuke. Yet if Kabuto didn't want the Akatsuki to gain all the tailed beast... by releasing Naruto it hindered them. And yet Kabuto could still do it and make it look like he wasn't the one responsible, fat chance though, there was only four people here and Tobi knew Kabuto couldn't be trusted. He would be the prime suspect.

He shook his head lightly, getting back on track, he didn't envy Kisame having to feed the kid and deal with him practically every day. Yet in just a short amount of time Naruto had gotten Kisame to care about getting him to talk to the brat. It made him wonder just what the kid said or did to get the blood thirsty mist nin to care to some extent. Then again perhaps Kisame was merely being so insistent because the kid had been pestering him to no end... yet hadn't he said something about the kid becoming a zombie?

Deidara shrugged feeling pretty indifferent and dropped the thought.

His throat tightened as he hit the bottom and his eyes peered around Kisame's tall form, the hallway was dark, the soft amber glow of the swaying lights didn't manage to illuminate the place. There was each a small glow of light then utter blackness for a few moments before the amber light of the next engulfed its own area. It continued that way until the very end. Because of the spacing of the lights he couldn't see the very end all that well.

Finally the wall became visible and he knew just a cell away dwelled Naruto. His back straightened and he steeled his nerves as he entered the amber glow and peered into the occupied cell. On the bed wrapped in a brown blanket the kid sat huddled, his blond head tilted down, his gaze resting on the cement floor.

He had to know that they were here... and yet perhaps he just wasn't paying attention. Kisame had said the kid was pretty much a zombie, and he did look very listless. Kisame settled against the wall with his arms crossed, utterly silent for a moment. His beady gaze glanced between the two then broke the stifling silence, "Oi kid, look who's here."

Naruto seemed to ignore the shark nins words for a moment, silent seconds ticked by, the only sounds light breathing and the small almost inaudible creak of the swaying light. Then slowly the blond hair which was so like the fourth Hokage, lifted up and blue eyes met blue eyes.

Naruto couldn't hold the strangled gasp that left him as his eyes took in the slightly older blond. Shock was the first thing he felt then disbelief and a part of him contemplated on whether he was hallucinating or not then a slow build of hope stirred and he straightened.

For several moments the two brothers merely stared at each other, neither one wanting to be the first to break the silence, neither of them really knowing what to say either.

Deidara felt tense, like he was expecting an attack and he found he couldn't will the feeling away so he shrugged his shoulders and tightlipped stared at the kid. What do I say? The kid was the one who wanted to talk to him... and yet he continued to stare with a small gap.

Kisame chuckled into the quiet, earning a slight flinch from Naruto at the sudden noise and making him aware that Kisame was present, despite having heard the mist nin speak before alerting him to someone else being here.

He gave a side glance to the shark nin leaning against the wall.

Kisame raised a single eyebrow getting the hint and decided it wasn't too surprising the kid wanted to be alone with Deidara. He coughed lightly quickly gaining Deidara's attention and jerked his head in clear indication of 'did he want him to leave?'

Deidara frowned lightly then shrugged, what did it matter if Kisame stayed? Yet if he did, the kid might not speak...

So he turned a bit towards Kisame and nodded, silently telling him it was fine for him to leave.

Kisame hummed and made his way back down the poorly lit corridor, after a backwards unreadable look to the artist.

Now they were alone, as Naruto simply stared Deidara racked his brain for something to say. What did one say in a situation like this?

After a few moments of staring at the smooth face Naruto's expression morphed into determination. He exhaled slowly, hoping to help slow the rapid beating of his heart and the flutter in his stomach, butterflies down there were uncomfortable and he wasn't use to having them except around Sakura.

He closed his eyes for a brief moment with a thought, what should I start with?

"I remember my run in with you," Naruto softly whispered at last, his eyes opening to stare at the now blank face of the artist. What he wouldn't give to be a better face reader...

Deidara responded coolly yet neutrally, "so do I, un."

Naruto leaned forward a little, his hands settling onto his folded knees and fisted tan fingers into the orange material, "I-I didn't know then," he confessed, silently fishing for knowledge of how long Deidara had know. Did he not know then? To him it was important, if Deidara had not known at their first meeting, that day where Gaara had died..., it was crucial. He had to stab down on the furious anger that suddenly surged at the reminder, he could move past the blond killing Gaara, simply because Gaara was alive.

Deidara sighed, thought about lying and yet why lie to a person whose sand in the hour glass was running out?

"Neither did I," Deidara revealed staring at the slight hope that briefly jolted across the whiskered face, and decided to add, "the wood user told me, un." He knew that the kid would know who that was seeing as there had been only one person of this time capable of using wood.

Naruto's eyes went wide, part in surprise and part in shock and uttered shakily, "w-were you the one who killed Yamato?" Because the only time Yamato would have been able to tell Deidara had been after the destruction of the leaf...

Deidara frowned, searching his mind for the name yet he couldn't recall what it was before inwardly shrugging, Naruto obviously meant the wood user. He glanced down to the tan hands fisting in orange, seeing the knuckles turn white, "no," he hummed out, seeing a small jolt of emotion go through the form on the bed and added, suspecting the kid would demand who the one responsible is and knowing it was of little consequence to tell him, "it was Tobi."

Naruto sucked in a breath and held it for a moment as he stared at the older blond with wide eyes; honesty sparkled in blue depths and slowly he eased the air out and relaxed his body.


Just another person to have fallen victim to the masked Uchiha, at least it hadn't been Deidara, he didn't know if he... no, he knew he wouldn't have been able to accept Yamato dying by the blond.

Deidara shifted slightly at the deathly silence that had settled between them at his revelation, he eyed the tan face for any sign of the kid freaking out but didn't see any. Granted he didn't have to worry about the Kyuubi taking control seeing as the chakra collar prevent that from happening... yet still the Kyuubi was a demon.

"Oh," Naruto finally strained out, missing the slight easing of tension in the artist's shoulders.

Naruto glanced to the side out into the inky blackness in thought, take it carefully.

"Why did you join?" Naruto asked making sure his tone held only curiosity, no judgment what so ever. Jiraiya... Naruto stilled for a fraction as he swallowed thickly at the still fresh wound, the toad sage had been his sensei. Jiraiya had told him that Deidara hadn't joined willingly; if that was true he had to hear it from the artist himself. Granted he could lie...

He returned his gaze to the fair face, and bore into it deeply, hoping that if the other did lie, he would catch it. He had to know.

Deidara twitched at the close scrutiny, feeling just a tad uncomfortable; it was like the kid was trying to see into his brain. Shrugging, he contemplated the value of lying; to lie and say he had, merely would mean he was trying to ruin having a decent conversation with the other. And destroy whatever the kid hoped to gain from talking to him. Because saying he really wanted in this organization, was saying that he believed in their goal and supported the capture of the tailed beasts, but to tell the truth... Deidara cocked his head, a deep frown lining his face, what would it lead to?

Closing his eyes, he exhaled slowly and shrugged almost deliberately, "I didn't join," he waited a breath before adding with some of the old bitter anger, "I was made to join, un."

Naruto's mouth fell a little, not even thinking the other was lying due to the amount of venom he heard, and felt rising hope surge before he stamped down on it, it was too early to feel much hope as he remembered the masked Uchiha's words from the dirt trail they'd come upon him.

"So then," Naruto started hesitantly, as if he was dealing with an exploding bomb, but hey the guy loved explosions... shaking his head inwardly, he continued after noting the raised eyebrow, "why didn't you ever leave?"

Deidara snorted, earning a startled look from the younger blond and not the face of weary anger as he had been expecting. Sighing he crossed his arms across his chest and answered almost with scorn, "if I had they would have hunted me down and killed me, un." Well mostly true, he mended silently, they might not have killed him since they knew he wanted no part of the organization – but he would have been punished severely. Just the thought left him with a massive shudder.

Naruto glared and struggled not to start shouting at the older blond, "what," he bit out not managing to stamp down on all of the anger, "and you couldn't have just bombed the hideout? Surely that would have killed them all if not most of them?" And if the artist had done that, then he wouldn't be trapped in this cell right now, and the leaf wouldn't have been destroyed... a lot of things wouldn't have taken place.

Deidara barely managed to hide his flinch from those words, because he had thought to do that in his early years, for the most part the reason it had never come to pass then was because of Sasori. He was constantly in their shared room and anywhere else would have been a chance to be seen. Plus he hadn't been allowed outside on his own, and he sure as hell wasn't going to blow up the hideout with him in it and die for the sake of being forced to join. No, that had not been his dream to go out that way, even if it would have been with his art. And the other reason ironically was because he had bombed the hideout and killed off a member. Naruto would never know how close his words struck home.

"Perhaps," Deidara allowed, no sense in arguing over something long past.

Naruto blinked, almost in bewilderment before shaking his head and dropped it, so what if Deidara could have, he hadn't and he couldn't go back and do it. His eyes slipped shut, so they had finally come to the one thing he had wanted to say... been itching to say since the blond and shown up, "how can you side with them?" Naruto blinked his eyes open and leveled a stern, almost fierce expression to the artist, before adding with venom, "how can you side with him?"

Deidara didn't need to know who 'him' was, what could he say? He sure as hell didn't want to tell the kid that they were together.

Naruto growled, almost sounding like a very pissed off dog and shot off his bed and stalked right up to the bars and wrapped his hands tightly around smooth, cold bars and pressed his face to an inch of touching at the dragging silence.

Deidara blinked rapidly in light shock at the sudden action and almost took a step back. By doing so, he gave the impression that he was afraid and he wasn't.

"Well," Naruto snapped finally, urging, his eyes glaring into similar blue depths.

Deidara swallowed, before retorting tartly, "what does it matter why I do? No reason will ever be... justifiable, un." Deidara bore heavily into glaring eyes, "right?" because he was a criminal and Naruto was not. Nothing a criminal did was right or reasonable because they deserted.

Naruto wasn't able to hold his flinch clearly understanding yet his glare remained, "so you," a lengthy pause and his hands fisted tighter on the cold gray bars, his knuckles going white, "you don't want to make things up?"

Deidara frowned, unsure what the spiky haired blond meant, he raised an inquiring eyebrow but the kid merely glowered at him, his gaze insistent. Sighing in slight annoyance since the idiot couldn't grasp the fact that he was silently asking him to elaborate, asked rather snappishly, "what do you mean?"

Naruto's jaw clenched but instead of shouting he spoke semi calmly, "amends."

Deidara's brows almost went through the roof at that, was the kid really implying that he wanted to ... that he should try to amend being a criminal?

Naruto gave a jerk nod as if reading the blonds thoughts but the startled, naked surprise had been his clue to what the older blond was thinking.

Deidara nearly bit his lip, how could he possibly clear his crimes? But the real question: did he want to?

"If the Akatsuki succeed the world will change, and not for the better," Naruto spoke, his tone full of certainty, "tons of people will die," because what else was likely when all the tailed beasts would be under one organizations control?

"I-I know you like to kill," Naruto went on into the stiff silence, he knew because he'd seen the blonds face during their fight. "But there are ways you can kill and it to be okay," because that was what S-ranked missions were for and even A and B-ranked sometimes required someone to be killed. The artist would still be able to use his art, his bombs and be doing it for a village... for the sake of the village.

He stared unwaveringly into the carefully blank face of his brother and added, "You left your village because of how you were treated," he stated slowly yet firmly. "I to, because of what I am, was treated like that."

He watched the one visible eye widen at that and pushed a little more, feeling like something was hitting home, "but I rose above it, if I had left, they would have won, and I couldn't..., wouldn't let them win. I proved myself to them." Naruto thundered out sternly, firmly with unwaveringly determination.

Naruto's gaze dipped down, away from stunned blue orbs, and stated softer, "being a rouge, its merely showing them that you're no better then they always thought, its proving to them that they had the right to treat you the way they did because you became a criminal, you were always bound to end up like that, either way."

Naruto fell silent not wanting to say too much and overdo it.

Deidara stared unblinkingly at the younger blond, his emotions warring inside of him, anger for daring to imply he understood and something a kin to aching relief for that very same understanding.

Naruto could feel it in the air, a shift and knew that this was the time to say it, to voice it, "the best starting point to revoke your criminal charges," here he paused just long enough to get the blond to hang onto his words and silently urge him on, "is to," a short pause as he stared deliberately into the one blue orb, "to release me."

Deidara's back went straight, a small choking gasp leaving him as he stared in shock at the solemn whiskered face.

"Help me escape," Naruto implored with careful control, he didn't want to come off eager or pleading. His heart was pounding rapidly, it felt loud but he couldn't will it back to a normal pace, not after finally voicing the entire purpose of this meeting.

Deidara's hands tightened tightly into his upper arms, he's serious.

How could he... what right... what gall! He just couldn't believe it; the kid was seriously asking him to help him escape!

His heart pounded loudly in his ears, he felt like backing away, as if that would wash away the words.

Naruto held the paler blue gaze, uttering softly, "we're brothers."


At that lone word the warring vanished, yes they were brothers, yes they were blood brothers but they had grown up separately and no matter what the kid said he was still a criminal and even if the leaf revoked his status the knowledge would still be there. Naruto and he, they could never be close.

Why should he risk his life, take a possible second chance for a brother that he would never be close to? And if he did release Naruto, if he did help him, he'd lose Tobi.

It was true, he had some feelings for Naruto but they were insignificant compared to Tobi.

Deidara held back the sudden gasp that arouse at the masked raven, how could he have possibly even considered-!

Naruto swallowed thickly at the darkening face of the older blond and resisted the urge to step back, what did I say that looks to have ruined all that he had managed to accomplish?

No! Naruto thought desperately, his hands fisting so tightly to the cold metal bars that they hurt, things were going so well, he was sure of it! So why?

He tried to not look panicked and racked his brain for something to say, something that would help fix the damage he had clearly caused, yet nothing came to mind, nothing he hadn't already said.

He had Tobi, he didn't need Naruto.

Resolved Deidara turned to the right, hearing a light strangled gasp from the boy in the cell and his eyes closed, his arms fell from their crossed position.

He could accept Naruto's death; in fact he did accept it and has no regrets. With that firm thought in mind he walked away, ignoring the shuddering, desperate shout, "wait!"

A few cells down, almost to the stairs he opened his eyes and jolted in surprise and shock as he came face to mask to Tobi.

How long has Tobi been standing there? Deidara thought in unease.

Tobi stared directly into blue, he wasn't angry that Deidara had disobeyed him on not seeing the brat; he knew that Deidara would eventually see Naruto either way. He had allowed the conversation to take place, in a small way he was curious what Naruto would say but mainly he wanted to see if Deidara would release Naruto.

Deidara had made it clear that he cared to some extent about the kid, and why wouldn't he, once he knew that they were blood related. Despite it being utterly ridiculous, for they would never be real brothers.

And yet because of that small care, that small interest he had been worried, there had been a small slim chance that Deidara would release Naruto – thus choosing his brother, and the greater possibility, Deidara walking away – thus choosing him, Tobi.

Tobi strode the scant paces to his blond and grabbed his hand ignoring the uttered words, "you're not mad, un?" and led the artist up the stairs and down a few corridors and to the outside.

Bright light hit them in the face, the mask saving Tobi from wincing, Deidara was not so fortunate. A light wind ruffled their clothes and Deidara found it refreshing after being down in the cellar for a while.

Tobi dropped Deidara's hand and finally said in his deep, dark voice, "I knew you would see him."

Deidara blinked; shocked before chiding himself, he should have known Tobi would know he would see Naruto no matter what the raven said.

A fleeting second later he jerked.

He knew I would...

Wait… why in the world would he let me see him then? Then it clicked.

This was a test, Deidara thought wide eyed.

Tobi turned staring into the lone wide blue eye, "and you passed," a light, happy grin visible in his tone.

Deidara wondered idly if he should be annoyed that Tobi obviously didn't fully trust him and yet actions spoke louder than words. If Tobi had simply asked him, the raven would never be fully sure. He would always have doubt lingering, so really he shouldn't be annoyed.

Deidara glanced away gazing at the endless sea of trees and soaking the warm rays of the sun that flared over the tall green trees.

The sun was bright like a new light bulb had been turned on, and as he looked out at the world with the warmth washing over him he couldn't help but feel that this day was the start of a new beginning. Too bad this wasn't a sunrise.

He had gotten to meet his brother, have a chat with him and accept his death. To some it was like he was losing something but he wasn't, Naruto's death would happen someday anyway. He didn't regret his decision.

Besides, he thought as he spared a quick glance to the raven besides him, Tobi is far more important. Naruto being his blood brother could never measure to what it felt like hearing Tobi say 'I love you' for the first time.

He felt a frown wash over his face as he gazed up at the pale blue sky. He-

His heart thudded madly in his chest as his brain realized something that had been there for a while now, something he had been to dull-witted to realize and accept.

Deidara glanced at Tobi again before his eyes swelled over with determination and without any hesitation grabbed Tobi's hand, feeling the other jerk a little in surprise.

And as Tobi's head turned to face him, his new blue mask catching some sun and lightening it up in an almost blinding way Deidara parted his lips and stated with utter sincerity and conviction, "I love you."

Behind his mask, Tobi's eyes went wide and his breath stalled as he heard those three words he had so longed to hear. A small part, buried deep within had been weary that he never would hear them. And Deidara wasn't just saying them, he truly meant them. His chest grew with surging warmth that had nothing to do with the glowing ball in the sky.

With casual slowness Tobi shifted his mask off, taking in the brilliant smile gracing that fair face. It wasn't like his usual psychotic smiles he has when he blows something up with his beautifully sculpted clay animals; it was much more lighter, a much more softer kind of smile. A smile that would melt anyone's heart (even the coldest of hearts). A smile Tobi would keep on that lovely face forever.

Tobi entwines their fingers together as his free hand absently drops his mask, vaguely hearing the clatter it makes as it thuds to the dirt floor, and wraps his arm around Deidara's waist and pulling him close. Their mouths meet, and Deidara's eyes flutter close as he brings his free arm to clench at the dark fabric of cloth Tobi is wearing, his mouth parting with a quiet moan. Tobi slowly trails his gloved hand to those lovely golden strands as he lightly, with a touch of firmness grasps that blond head and deepens the kiss. And thinks of the dark that had surrounded him, of the swirling hate that had so consumed him, before a single beam of light shone through. And while he still teetered in that darkness, his light kept him a float, and knew that he could not see a life without his light, without Deidara.

~ End

I did quite enjoy writing the scene with Dei and Naruto. Some of the dialogue was troubling to come out and getting important things said and still having this big talk come out well was kind of hard and there is one section that I don't like but couldn't get it better, but overall I am happy with the way the conversation and confrontation went here.

I feel I failed a bit in grasping the emotion from Dei while he is debating on Naruto, on whether to see him and then why he does. Its overall an okay part but it could have been done better. I hope it wasn't too cringe.

For the most part I like the ending with Tobi and Dei, the dialogue went through a few changes. The exact ending to this though gave me a really hard time, I knew that I wanted this kind of scene and I knew that I wanted Dei to finally realize that he was in love with Tobi for some time and to finally say the words, but after having him say them, I had a hard, difficult time getting it wrapped up well. I do like it though.

Unfortunately the zombies and the war didn't make it into this story. When I sat down to write this I'd only seen so much and I've not read the magna. I've seen by now the zombie arc and unfortunately decided not to delve farther. I did contemplate Naruto escaping, or being rescued, but when I set out to write this all I wanted was to write about Tobi and Dei and a decent story with plot in it and them coming together. I did that. And this story is not about Naruto, I did make him part of this story but he was never a focal point. And if you were looking for him to come out on top then :(

It is highly unlikely that there will be a sequel. At this point the story ends with Akatuski victory since Naruto was captured but I didn't actually have Kurama extracted so...

I hope this was an enjoyable fic to some, I know that I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. And I am thrilled to finally have this completed.
