"Jenture! Jenture!" Forge called out in a panicked voice.

"Forge! Calm down," Gibson said fiercely.

Forge took a deep breath and exhaled though he was obviously still very upset.

"We need to find where Jenture, Chiro, and Otto have gone," Antauri said as calm as always, though he was also worried.

Suddenly there was a cry and Splore's light went out.

"Splore!" Forge cried and ran to where he last saw him but he too disappeared.

"Holy crap, what the heck! What's Going on! What are we going to do," Sprx said in a slow spiral to panic.

"Calm yourself Sprx, we are all going to be-" But Antauri was cut off by his own cry when he was dragged away.

"Antauri!" Gibson cried and he shot his lasers in that direction and he ran in that direction.

"Wait Gibson don't leave," But he was cut off when he felt something grab his ankle and pull. He fell onto his face and was being dragged away when he felt a hand grab his and pull.

"Hang on Sprx, I've got you!" He heard Gibson cry.

He felt the thing on his ankle jerk and he was pulled out of Gibson's hand and pulled into the darkness.

"SPRX!" Gibson cried. Fury filled the leader and he shot lasers into the darkness. "Come out you cowards and fight me! It's me you want I know it is!" He yelled.

Suddenly the lights blared on and he squinted until his eyes adjusted to the lights.

"Chiro! Antauri! Otto! Nova! Splore! Jenture! Forge! Sprx!" He cried when he saw them hanging on the opposite wall, held by some odd tentacle like creatures.

"Ahhh Hello Gibson… Doesn't this feel familiar," A voice said to his left.

He turned, "Mandarin," he said with pure hatred, He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Look, let me guess; you won't let them go until I either give myself up or give you the information that you want right?"

Mandarin looked genuinely surprised, "How did you know?"

"This has been done before," Gibson said with a smirk, "Now what do you want?"

"I want the formula for getting through the time space wormholes and landing in a desired location. If you don't tell me I'll-," Gibson cut him off. "You'll kill my friends right? Yeah well I have prepared myself or this very moment so there is no way you can win," Gibson said smugly, Very ungibson like.

"Ok at least let me get my threat out," Mandarin said annoyed at his thunder being stolen.

"How about this," And Gibson whipped out his drills and shot the bonds tying his friends to the wall with perfect aim.

They all landed perfectly and poised for the fight.

"Attack!" Mandarin cried and his slimy bulging creatures. They slithered forward and attacked with their tentacles flying.

"Boom Boom Wakka," Nova yelled.

"Spin shocker," Gibson cried.

It seemed like they were going to win when Mandarin said, "Don't move or I will blow this ship to smithereens."

Everyone froze and turned to see the big red button he held in his hand.

"Tell me what I want to know and I might let you live," he said smugly.
Gibson frowned and looked to Forge who was closest to Mandarin. Gibson nodded ever so slightly and Forge nodded back. The two looked back to Mandarin and smiled.

"Now!" Gibson cried and Both Gibson and Forge sprang at him.

Forge kicked mandarin in the face and took the Button and flipped away with it. Gibson smiled and pointed his drills at Mandarin, "If you move, it will be your end," he said.

"Eat that Mandarin," Forge said. Suddenly there was a long slimy tentacle sticking out of Forge. He Stopped and jerked forward but never let go of the button.

"FORGE!" Gibson roared. He turned to Mandarin with fury and hatred when he saw Mandarin laughing. Ignoring his conscience he fired and Mandarin breathed no more. After Mandarin died the slimy creatures evaporated into smoke with a horrible cry and the team was left alone.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl when Forge fell forward and blood seeped out of the hole in his chest. Jenture ran and picked him up and cradled him close. "Don't- Don't die. Please I love you," she sobbed.

"I- I- Love-," and his head lolled to one side and his eyes went blank.

"Forge! Forge! Wake up," Jenture Screeched.

Chiro turned away, and Sprx looked to Gibson who was staring at the ground his fists clenched in anger. Splore's eyes where wide and his mouth was open in shock. Otto fell to his knees sadly; they had become close in the time they had been together. Nova knelt next to Jenture and pulled her into a hug and she sobbed into Nova's shoulder.

"He- He- can't die! No he….Gibson you have to do something," Jenture sobbed.

Gibson stiffened and looked away. Forge unfroze and knelt down beside Forge and closed his eyes. He bent his head in sorrow and he felt the tears roll down his cheeks.

"He didn't die for nothing," Sprx said after and eternity of silence.

Everyone nodded in agreement. It was over, all of it….. but was the price worth it?

THE END Thanks to all my reviewers. And I cried at this part. It was such a hard decision but I felt like it worked, so Good by Forge!