MCD: I've been spending too much time away from my writings! Here's that Sweden/Kags~!

Oh, and the following challenge is NOT easy to do! Seriously, people! I only got about 40 minutes in before I died! XD

8. Sweden

"Oh my gosh, Sve… I can't believe how entertaining this is." Kagome giggled, still dancing. She had been at it for about twenty minutes now, and it was starting to feel pretty damn ridiculous. But then again…

Flushed cheeks, shining, sweaty, stomach, hands stretched above her head, extending the view of her elevated breasts, the short school-girl skirt swishing too high every once in a while…

Kagome noticed Sweden's stare glued onto her rear and smirked, shaking a little extra. Sweden erupted into a nosebleed at the sight of her panties, the force of it nearly making him fall off of the (IKEA) sofa. Kagome laughed and re-glued her eyes to the television screen, copying the dance moves of the characters perfectly to the catchy music.

Holding his nose tightly, Sweden grinned slightly. At first he had been a little exasperated at the invention of the Caramelldansen 100 hour challenge video, but now he could see the perks… literally.

And when Kagome was too tired after dancing for as long as she could… he would have her all to himself~!

*Cue naughty eye glint!*