Disclaimer: I do not own bleach but I do own my oc's

"Wow Kev can you believe it were new recruits at the soul academy!" I intertwined my hands behind my head, but before he could respond there was a loud roar. "Yo Steph what was that!" I pondered at the question "I don't know but I'm going to find out." I took off in the direction of the sound and saw some ugly creature "It's a hollow we better get out of here." I wouldn't listen to him, I saw a few kids getting backed into a corner I think the hollow wants to eat them.

"Kevin listen I need you to get those kids to safety while I distract the hollow." I saw shock written all over his face "Are you crazy you could get killed we haven't even started at the academy yet!" he grabbed my arm before I could run "Just trust me I know what I'm doing! Just take the kids out of here and run and find help!" he got a serious look on his face and let go of my arm "Fine but you better promise me your short ass will be okay." I punched him "I promise now wait till the hollow isn't looking to make your move."

I ran up to the hollow took off my shoe and threw it, in hope to attract its attention. "Bulls eye!" it hit him straight in the eye. It turned toward me and threw one of its many arms down trying to crush me. I rolled away from it and out the corner of my eye I saw Kev running away with the kids. At least there safe I thought only to be interrupted by another arm.

I continued to dodge hits from it till I slipped and rolled. I saw its hand coming down fast I had no time to move I closed my eyes ready to be crushed but when nothing happened I opene them to see the a Captain of the 13 court guard squad standing blocking the hollows fist with a single hand.

"Rangiku get this girl out of here." She nodded "Yes Captain" she stated it to the guy with snow white hair. She lifted me up and ran out of there. I watched as the Captain defeated the hollow without having to call upon the name of his zanpakuto (I did my studying) She stopped and put me down.

"Sorry we were late; I'm squad 10 Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto." She's a Vice Captain! "Hello my name is Stephanie Shimizu, new recruit at the soul academy it's nice to meet you Lieutenant Matsumoto." I bowed so low my nose was bound to have brushed the ground. "Don't be so formal Steph please call me Rangiku."

"Rangiku have you asked her about why she was attacked by the hollow?" the boy with snow white hair walked up to us. "well um no actually I haven't." she rubbed the back of her neck and smiled sheepishly "Well my Name is Tōshirō Hitsugaya Captain of squad 10 now why did you get attacked by that hollow?" I smiled andbowled "hello my name is Stephanie Shimizu new recruit at the soul acadamy." I explained to him what happend with the he nodded.

"wow you have some guts taking on a hollow and you aren't even a soul reaper yet." I smiled and nodded in response "um Tōshirō, Rangiku Ishould head to the soul acadamy" I just realize I didn't call him Captain Hitsugaya crap! " alright me and Rangiku should be heading to the Seireitei to report this incident to head Captain Yamamoto." oh good he's not mad thank goodness.

I waved and Started to walk away only to be stopped by a comment Rangiku said. "Hey Captain I realized you didn't get mad or correct her when she called you by your first name and not Captain Hitsugaya" I looked at them and smiled and saw Tōshirō look puzzled "you like her Captain don't you." I felt my face heat up when she said those words "Rangiku I just met her." he had a slight shade of pink on his cheeks "whatever you say" she shrugged and stated to run away. "Rangiku!" he looked mad but it's actually kinda cute I turned mind continued my way to the academy.

"Aye yo bitch you made it back!" I saw Kevin with three other girls "Yep I promised I would." I smiled and stood proudly "Haha you gotta tell me how but first this is Kristen." he pointed to a girl wiher hair a little past her shoulders glasses and big brown eyes "Brianna" he pointed to the girl next to her she had shaggy brown almost blond hair and side bang. "and "Ji-eun" sh has short black hair that swoops at the end (like rukias but with side bangs) and big dark blue eyes. I waved and smiled they did the same.

"So tell us what happend with the hollow?" Kristen eyes filled with wonder. "oh we'll I just dogged a couple hit and ended up tripping and was saved by Tōshirō Hitsuga.." I was interrupted by Brianna before I could finish his name "You mean Captain Hitsugaya of squad 10!" I nodded and they all looked shocked i looked away at the shy remembering when he saved me, "wait I know that look you think he's cute!" my face began to heat up and I punched him in the arm "No I don't!" I pouted andcrossed my Arms.

"Yeah you do just look at how defensive she is." I herd Ji-eun speak up, I growled and got a look of death in my eyes but still looked innocent "I only met him once and it doesnt mean a think." I saw Kevin slightly turn away and the girls eyes wided but when they were about to speak are instructer began to speak. "Alright since it's your first year we will learn a basic Kido that's good for first years it's called 'Hado 31. Shakkahō' " she told its incantaion and how to stand, she did and example.

"Now it's your turn who would like to volunteer" everyback stood there in silence I raised my hand. "alright step right up and aim at the redfigure." she smiled and I took my place " ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south! Hado 31 Shakkahō!" perfect hit I smirke, I did it "great job, now you may go back to you sleeping quarters' who's next?"

I smiled and walked back maybe we will practice our Hand to hand combat next. I layed in the grass and looked at the sky. This should be a very interesting experience I already met a Captain and Vice-Captain before I was even hear got Hado 31 on my first try maybe I can be good at this. At east I'd be good for something. I lost my train of thought "well I should go back to my quarters and get some rest" I spoke to no one in particular." I walked with a smile on my face.

Me: Well there you have it the first part of my Bleach story its just an intro that's why its so short it's also a test run to see if I should continue tell me if I should please!

Rangiku: wow looks like someone found my Captain cute when he's angry.

Toshiro and me: Matsumoto!

Rangiku: I was only joking Captain

Toshiro: Don't you have some paper work to attend to?

Me and Kevin: Owned!

Rangiku: wahhh you're no fun

Well bye before Rangiku says something that will give her even more paperwork