A/N: I'm super sorry for the late update. This is the last part to this little fic. I'd like to say a huge thanks to everyone who read, reviewed or alerted my fic, thank you all so much. I'm sorry for all the typos, late updates, and general crud that is this thing, but if you bothered to look at this fic then I am truly thankful, LOVE YOU GUYS 3. This was my first ever fic, probably a little silly to start off with a multi, but I've finally gotten it out of my head which is awesome, I had fears I'd never make it haha. Thanks again to all of you, I hope you enjoy this last little bit :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee :(

Of meerkats and moving forward.


Paul looked on proudly as his son grudgingly posed for photos, his smiling boyfriend wrapped in his arms. He laughed as Dave squirmed under Sebastian's glares, after the larger boy had accidently ruffled Seb's perfectly styled hair.

"How long until the others get here?" Paul asked, interrupting Sebastian's futile attempts at straightening Dave's tie, a tie that refused to be anything but crooked.

"Should be here any minute." Dave shrugged, swatting Seb's hands away.

"Good, we've got time for a few more photos then." Paul smiled.

"Seriously dad? You've got plenty already." Dave grumbled.

"You still need photos of the two of you together." Sebastian clapped giddily, grabbing for the camera and ushering them into position. "Smile Davey, you look like you're in pain." He laughed as Dave scowled at him.


"They're here." Dave pointed out, sounding suspiciously relieved, as a black limo came into view of the house.

"Excellent. A couple of group shots and we're done." He laughed at his son's exasperated look.

"Dad, seriously?'' Dave whined.

"Yes, seriously. I want you to look back on this Prom and remember how happy you were." He frowned. "I want to look back and remember how happy you were, okay?"

He nodded sadly at the look of understanding on his son's face before they made their way out to the four teens who were assembled outside of the limo. Alex and Jimmy in their tuxes, trying and failing not to get caught oogling their dates who were chatting excitedly.

"Alright, line up kids." Paul bellowed cheerfully. "Girls in front, boys up the back." He clamped his mouth shut in horror. He was completely accepting and supportive of his son's sexuality; To Paul, it was just another part of his son that made him, Dave. But sometimes things slipped out before he thought about them; things that he knew could lead to serious consequences.

Tonight, almost one year ago, he'd found his son laid out, unconscious on his bed. He'd frantically called 911, and had sat there, his son cradled in his arms as he'd screamed to god and his beautiful wife to not take him; to let him keep his little boy. His prayers had been answered and yet, with that memory fresh in his mind, he was still constantly making mistakes, unintentially hurting the son he'd promised to do better by, to always protect.

"You hear that Sebby?" James laughed. "Be a good girl now, up the front." He coughed, graoning as he was elbowed in the stomach by his too innocent looking date.

"Fuck that, I'm taller then him." Sebastian scowled.

"Language, Sebastian." Paul stated gruffly, forgetting that he had no authority over the boy,but smiling kindly as the kid looked embarrassed, apologetic and almost pleased with how Paul treated him. Like Dave; Like family.

"By, like, an inch." Dave rolled his eyes, grinning as Sebastian frowned.

"Still an inch taller then you, shorty." Seb countered, smirking.

"Oh for f- gods sake." Alex huffed, catching himself before swearing, which pleased Paul. "Everyone get in here, GROUP HUG!"

Paul laughed as they all clustered together, tackling and jumping all over each other in a laughing heap, before finally bidding him farewell and climbing into their waiting vehicle.


Paul smiled as he watched the car drive away. He knew tonight would be different, knew his son was beyond happy. He knew he'd be waiting up half the night as his son and boyfriend would come home past curfew looking rumpled, tired but ecstatic; And then he'd have to stay up later, listening to their tales of the events of the evening.

He smiled at the thought. He couldn't wait.


Dave was understandably nervous as their limo pulled up at the school. Although by now he was quite comfortable being out in public with Sebastian, and was getting better at showing affection to the boy while infront of people, he knew tonight would be hard for many reasons.

It was only one short year ago he'd tried to take his own life after Prom. And now, a year later, he was bringing his boyfriend as a date; Bringing Sebastian. And so he was nervous, but he was also excited. Tonight, he knew, would be different to last year. He had friends, real friends, he was happy, he was in love, and for some unknown reason, he was loved in return.

He laced his fingers through Sebastian's as they made their way through the gym doors; Jimmy and Alex following closely behind, their dates on their arm's.


He smiled as he waltzed with Candice, looking gorgeous in a purple gown and laughed awkwardly as he fumbled his way through a dance with Nikki, who looked fabulous in a little black number. He bounced around giddily with his mates after consuming too much of the spiked punch, and he smiled lovingly at Sebastian, kissing him as they slow danced to the song Sebastian had sung to him at a PFLAG meeting long ago.

When they finally arrived home, tipsy and rumpled, he found his dad still up, looking tired, nervous but happy as they bombarded him with all the details of the night.


After they'd both hugged Paul goodnight, tripped their way up the stairs and found themselves naked and cuddling in Dave's bed, looking lovingly at each other, Sebastian cupped Dave's flushed cheeks and kissed him softly. Not even a year ago, he was a lonely boy who threw himself around to feel loved and wanted, but instead just felt disgusted with himself. He had no family, no friends, and he could only blame himself for that.

But then there was Dave; Dave, who'd looked beyond his tarnished reputation and fallen in love with the lonely, miserable boy underneath. He not only had someone he loved, who he could safely save loved him back; But he also had Paul, a man he now looked at as a father figure. A man who looked at Sebastian with pride, who looked at him like a son.

A few months ago Sebastian had nothing. Now he had everything he could ever want.


Dave thought about how different his life was now, to last year, as he wrapped his arm's tightly around Sebastian. How grateful he was that he was still here. Last year he thought his life was over, that everything was hopeless. He was a gay teen who'd never find acceptance, support or love.

But now, now he had his dad and they were closer then ever. He had his friends that he'd do anything for, and knew they'd do anything for him; Friends and a father who'd stick by him when he could barely stand himself.

And he had Sebastian. The boy who he'd repeatedly rejected, fought with, cried with. He had Sebastian, the love of his life; The boy who'd looked past the horrible masks he'd put up, who'd fought for him, stuck by him through everything. The boy who loved him back.

One year ago, Dave thought he had nothing left to live for; He'd given up. And now? Now he had more then he could ever ask for.