Another story...I'm spoiling you guys with all these new stories. :) Disclaimer as always and let me know what you think - whether I should continue it or not.


Daddy's Little Man

The sound of machines beeping assured the silver-haired, blue-eyed old Marine that his senior field agent was still alive, still fighting for his life. A ventilator had been placed to make it easier for the unconscious normally brown-haired man to breathe. The younger man looked so peaceful like he was asleep, despite his current appearance. The white blankets covering nearly his whole body hid his injuries from the world, only giving the public a glimpse at what the patient endured. His hands lay at his sides, covered with bandages that concealed burned and raw skin. White gauze covered the crown of his head where a massive head injury had left them with no other choice than to shave his whole head. His left eye was bruised and swollen with matching bruised cheeks and a cut lip. He literally looked like he got into a fight with a very bad guy.

Beside him sat his wife, head down while one hand held his hand and the other rested on her slightly swollen belly. She looked like someone had sucker punched her, but he knew just how strong and lethal she can be if under the right circumstances, which is why he was surprised that she hadn't tried to hunt the people behind his injuries down. He was sure she wouldn't hesitate to snap their necks.

He could never understand the relationship between his senior field agent and the Israeli-American ex-Mossad assassin. At one time in all the years he'd known them, he remembered the hatred she had for him. It changed after he and their friend risked their lives to save her. If they hadn't been in love before, they certainly were now.

Who was he to deny them? Oh right, he was not only their boss who had strict rules about interoffice relationships, but he was also the senior field agent's biological father. Long story, one he was still too pissed to discuss.

A sudden tug of his right hand and the pressure of someone leaning against him brought him out of his thoughts. He looked down at the small boy who had his father's green eyes and the mutual dark hair, clinging to the very teddy bear that had been given to him as a baby. The boy was five years old, had seen far too much for such a young person, and was more his father's son than his mother's.

"Papa?" The little boy asked, seeking comfort from him. "Is Daddy gonna be okay?" He asked in a small, innocent voice.

"I don't know, Zach." He really didn't know what to say. It was really up to his son to fight or give up. Personally, he had a lot to live for. He bent down to Zach's level. "Why don't you go sit with Abby and your uncles." It was more of a suggestion than a question.

"Okay." He responded before pecking him on the cheek and running off to sit with the rest of their family. Abby's been teaching him things again. He thought, watching as the little boy carried his bear so tightly against him, its limbs flinging with each step taken.

"Thank you, Gibbs." Ziva's small voice averted his attention back to the bed. "I hate for him to see his daddy like this."

"No need, Ziver." Gibbs remained where he was, waiting for any sign that his son gave him. He glanced out the window, discovering darkness had taken over for a while. "Ziver, let me sit with him. You, Zach and the baby need to eat." When she looked up at him, he decided to pull rank. "This is an order." The famous Gibbs stare came out.

Ziva stood up. "You're right." She kissed Tony's hand before sitting it back where it had been. "Call me if–" She started.

"He wakes. I know, Ziver." He watched her leave, loosely gripping her hand as a sign of comfort before taking her seat. For a few minutes, Gibbs just sat there, watching him intently before raising his hand and lightly smacking his son. A brief brain spike occurred, making Gibbs smile. He leaned closer to Tony's ear and whispered. "Tony, you better listen to me. I don't give you permission to die. Your family's waiting on you. I don't want to lose another child, watch Ziva break down even more, and have my grandchildren growing up without a father. Got me?" He glared at the unconscious man, just daring him to defy him.

The sudden intake of breath caused him to look at the machines, taking note that his brain waves were becoming more active. He smirked. That's my boy. His son's eyes unfortunately remained shut.

Pressing the call button, he alerted the nurses of Tony's status changed. Within a few minutes, the doctor and a nurse entered the room, removing the tube. Tony's eyes still had yet to open, but he was breathing on his own.

"Why isn't he opening his eyes?" Gibbs wondered.

"I'm not sure." The doctor pulled out a pen light and moved closer to check his eyes. "I believe he's still in the coma, but breathing on his own and the brain activity shows that he is improving. I'll come back later to check on him further."

Gibbs was still disappointed, but let the doctor go as he sat back down. He should call Ziva, but he just couldn't do it. She needed to eat and tend to the children's needs. The twitching of Tony's eyelids lead Gibbs to deduce that his son was in a state of reliving old memories. Good or bad, he wasn't so sure.

Tony surprised him again when he mumbled softly in a sleepy tone. "On it, Boss." Gibbs had to smile at that.

Once again, he leaned closer and whispered in his ear. "Come back to us, son. We still need you."