Don't ask. Just, please, don't ask.
"By Grandmother's spear, are you serious?" asked Darcy through her laughter.
Rohan took a sip of the tea in front of her and shook her head. "Completely. I couldn't believe Stark had said that either. I wanted to strike him and probably would have if he hadn't been flying the plane we were in."
"Eh, you could have probably survived the jump," pointed out Darcy with a shrug. Her aunt had finally, after years and years of refusing, agreed to talk about the war. Apparently, Steve's disappearance really had been the reason for her refusal to discuss anything about WWII. Darcy would have made a comment about 'young love', but she wasn't sure the word 'young' could be applied in any way, shape, or form to either Steve or Aunt Rohan.
"If I broke cover, sure," agreed Rohan. "But it was the war and we were low on supplies. Plus, Hitler was a bastard and I wanted to see him burn as much as everyone else, so that meant making sure we didn't loose our equipment for stupid reasons."
"Didn't loose what equipment where?" asked Clint curiously as he walked into the room, heading to the coffee machine for his own cup of caffeinated goodness. Steve followed him into the room along with Natasha, both of whom looked like they had been working out.
"A military plane in the war," replied Rohan with a shrug. "I was telling Rowena about sneaking Steve out to the Hydra base where we thought Barns and the others were being held."
Darcy nodded, watching Clint as he moved around the room. She never got tired of watching him, though she preferred it when he was naked and walking around. But that just had a lot to do with the fact his pants never showed off his ass to her satisfaction. His arms, on the other hand, were just fine. "Apparently the Stark she knew was just as bad about the whole flirting thing as Tony is, except he had worse timing."
Rohan hummed in agreement. "Waiting until you're over an active enemy base to ask someone out isn't the brightest move."
"So you finally got her to talk about the war, huh?" teased Clint as he wrapped an arm around Darcy's waist and kissed her forehead. "Thought you said she was really tight-lipped about that whole experience."
"Apparently finding Steve helped loosen her reservations," replied Darcy with a grin. "The man does wonders for her."
"Watch it, Rowena," warned Rohan with a warning look. "I may be speaking to you as a friend, but I'm still your aunt and significantly older than you."
Natasha tilted her head slightly in consideration. "You know, Darcy told us how old she is, but I don't think you've ever mentioned how old you are."
"Old enough," replied Rohan with a shrug. "It's not really important."
"Sure it is," countered Clint with a smirk. "We're trying to figure out who's robbing the cradle here."
"That would be Rowena and I," informed Rohan as she poured more hot water into her mug of tea. "Well, at least I am. Rowena is closer to your age in the spiritual realm, so she isn't exactly robbing any cradles."
Steve's brow furrowed slightly as he took a seat across from where Rohan was leaning. "You only look 27; you can't be that old."
"Steven, you were frozen for nearly 70 years," reminded Rohan gently. "And I still look just like I did before you were frozen. If my appearance can remain unaltered for 67 years, what's to say I couldn't still look the same after 6700 years?"
"But you trained with Thor," pointed out Darcy with a furrowed brow. She remembered that part distinctly, mostly because Rohan and Kith'ka's time in Asgard was the whole reason she and Derek existed. "Thor was an adult and you were a newly made immortal and all of that was 1400 years ago. Plus you told Derek and I that you're only 1600 years old."
Rohan raised an eyebrow at Darcy, her look clearly saying her niece was completely off track. "I've had a human form for 1600 years. That isn't how old I am, that's how long I've had this particular body for."
"So wait, then how old are you?" asked Darcy, brow still furrowed. Yeah, her aunt had been a wolf before she was a human, but she'd made it sound brief. Which meant she couldn't be much older than 1600.
Taking a sip of her tea, Rohan shook her head slowly and shot Darcy a warning look. "It's not important, Rowena."
The furrow between Steve's eyes deepened. "Why won't you tell us, Rohan? I'm not gonna leave or anything." Eyes widening, he quickly added: "If that's what you're worried about, I mean.. I- I already know you're older than me." His assurances only earned him a weary glance from Rohan. "Seriously Rohan, I want to know."
Rohan sighed, shaking her head. "Why does it matter, Steven?"
"Because you know how old I am," explained Steve with a sigh. "You know so much about me and I know almost nothing about you. Just the stuff you told me during the war, which wasn't much to begin with."
For a moment, Rohan was silent as she stared at Steve before her eyes dropped to her tea. "Over 15,000."
"What?" choked out Clint, nearly spitting coffee across the counter. Gently, Darcy patted him on the back to help clear his throat.
Sighing again, Rohan explained. "I'm over 15,000 years old. We didn't have a concept of time back then, so I can't say how old I actually am in human years. I just know I'm more than 15,000 years old."
Steve blinked, clearly trying to process the number. His eyes were wide and he looked a little paler than normal. It caused Rohan's brow to furrow a little more and, for a second, she looked ready to bolt from the room.
Darcy spoke up quickly, knowing that if her aunt bolted then no one would see her for a while. "'We didn't have a concept of time'?"
"The other guardians and I," explained Rohan with a shrug. "I used to be one of Gaia's guardians. Still am, technically."
"Which is why you aren't always available to do things," muttered Darcy, the reason for her aunts various disappearances over the years suddenly making sense. "I always wondered about that."
"When Gaia calls, we go to her," explained Rohan. "It doesn't matter what we're doing."
"Even if you're trying to track a mad necromancer," muttered Darcy darkly. She still hadn't forgiven her aunt for that and neither had Derek. "Derek and I still haven't forgotten that Frankenstein incident."
Rohan winced. "I've apologized multiple times. There isn't much more I can do."
"Speaking of Frankenstein," cut in Clint, "did you and Derek ever find his research?"
"Her," corrected Darcy automatically. "Shelly Frankenstein was a girl."
"Her research resurfaced?" questioned Rohan worriedly. "I thought you got destroyed all of it all in the 1700's."
"Given it's what killed me, clearly not," replied Darcy with a shrug. "Derek and I tried to track it down, but we didn't have any luck. There haven't been any more incidents though, so we're hoping that something happened to whoever had it."
"I wouldn't count on that," stated Rohan with a shake of her head. "Research like that always manages to resurface, no matter what you do."
Steve seemed to finally manage to come out of his shocked state, his eyes focused on Rohan again. "You don't think that's the last time we'll see something resulting from this research?"
"Probably not," confirmed Rohan with a shrug. "You don't really want to know how often my job involves going after someone with dangerous research and making sure it gets destroyed. Why do you think I was in the army during World War II?"
"The hot men?" guessed Darcy. "Or maybe the chance to try and puzzle out humans again?"
"Hardly," dismissed Rohan with a snort. "I was there to ensure some information Hitler managed to obtain was destroyed. Of course, it turned out Hydra had the information instead, but we managed to find it regardless."
"So, you just destroy information that you don't think humans should have?" asked Clint, brow furrowed and a slight frown on his face.
Rohan nodded. "Exactly." Glancing at Clint, who's features had darkened with her response, she rolled her eyes and explained. "Would you really like everyone in the world to know how to reanimate the dead? Or be able to spread a plague with a snap of their fingers? Better question: would you really want an army of low-powered Loki's running a muck across the planet? Because I know I wouldn't want to deal with that, and it's pretty much my job to take care of people who are exactly like that."
Darcy made a bit of a face. "I'm not sure it would be that bad..."
The look Rohan gave her niece clearly said it would be. "Rowena, if everyone had access to Frankenstein's notes, plus Bathory's lovely journals, plus Jack's experiment results, plus Vlad's journals, that's pretty much what we'd have."
Steve looked more than a little lost. "Um, I know the first one but who are the other three?"
Rohan sighed and began ticking people off on her fingers. "Bathory is Elizabeth Bathory who practiced blood magic; Jack would be Jack the Ripper who did human reanimation experiments similar to Frankenstein's but with more of a medical component and no regard for the soul what-so-ever; and Vlad was another practitioner of blood magic but following a different vein of research from Bathory."
"In other words, a group of particularly dangerous people that Rohan, and in some cases Derek and I, tracked down and killed," finished Darcy. "And I'm not disputing that there are some dangerous and deranged people out there, but I'm not sure comparing them to Dad is really accurate."
Rohan looked ready to argue, but was cut off when Derek suddenly popped into the room with his usual flash of light. "Hey Rowena, Aunt Rohan. You busy?"
"We were just arguing if there was anyone like Dad in the human populous," replied Darcy with a shrug. "What's up?"
"The entire courthouse downtown is kinda being held hostage by some deranged sociopath and his army of steroid-hyped lugs," explained Derek with a shrug. "I figured I'd see if you guys could take a moment to help me deal with it."
Darcy shrugged and looked at Rohan. "What do you think, Aunt Rohan?"
"Sure, I could use some exercise today," agreed Rohan. "Doesn't sound too hard."
"Eh, they're all human," shrugged Derek. "Meet you there?"
"Yeah," confirmed Darcy. "Just let us check to make sure no one else wants to join in the fun."
"Fun?" sputtered Steve. "How is saving a courthouse fun?"
Darcy and Derek smirked and replied simultaneously. "You've never been in battle with us."
"Why does that sound like it'll have the same effect as mixing two unstable and combustible chemicals with C4?" asked Tony as he more or less ran into the room. "By the way, we've got a minor issue at a courthouse. There are hostages, so Agent's wanting us down there ASAP. Anyone interested?"
"We were just heading there ourselves," replied Darcy with a shrug, jerking her thumb at Derek. "Wanna come with? We'll get there faster."
Tony paused, considering this before shrugging. "I need my suit and I'm pretty sure Mr. Spangly Ass, Ms. I-Can-Kill-You-With-A-Look and Bird-man here need their costumes." Clint and Steve leveled irritated looks at Tony, but neither bothered to say a word. It wouldn't do them much good, anyway. Natasha just smirked slightly. Tony kept going, regardless of anyone else around him. "Not that we don't need those things anyway, but if you're in a hurry-"
"Get your gear and get back here," cut in Darcy with a roll of her eyes. "We'll wait."
Derek nodded. "I'll fill Rowena and Aunt Rohan in on what I know while we wait."
"Works for me," stated Tony before he spun around and headed off to get his suit.
Clint kissed Darcy's forehead quickly. "Be back in a minute."
"Same," stated Steve, meeting Rohan's eyes for a moment before heading out of the room with Clint. Natasha had vanished sometime in the midst of the conversation, which left Rohan, Derek, and Darcy alone in the room.
Derek immediately turned on Rohan as soon as the others were gone. "What was that about?"
"What was what about?" asked Rohan, one of her eyebrows rising in response.
"The whole 'same' and pointed look thing from Mr. Embodiment-of-nationalism," replied Derek. "Are things serious?"
"Lopt," warned Rohan, voice containing a touch of a growl. "This isn't your business."
"Sure it is," countered Darcy. "We've gotta make sure no-one hurts our aunt. Mom would be very angry if we let someone hurt you."
Rohan rolled her eyes, pointing at Derek. "Lopt, what's the situation we're going into?"
Derek and Darcy shared a glance that said they'd pick this up later before he answered. "Maybe thirty guys, all of them human and apparently jacked up on steroids. Their ring-leader is some psycho in a mask, but I didn't get a good look at him."
"So we're going in semi-blind," stated Darcy with a shrug. "We've done worse."
"True," agreed Rohan. "Necromancers can reanimate what bodies are around them. I actually got attacked by zombie squirrels once."
Darcy shook her head. "I can top that: zombie mackerel."
"What about a zombie mackerel?" asked Clint as he hurried back into the room, pulling his vest shut.
"I've been attacked by one," replied Darcy. "It was...weird."
Clint paused for a moment, just blinking at his girlfriend. "Um...right..."
"Aunt Rohan was just saying she was attacked by zombie squirrels once," explained Derek. "Apparently Rowena was attacked by a zombie mackerel."
Darcy nodded, reaching out to finish zipping up Clint's jacket and shooting him a look that she knew would make parts of him stand at attention. "So what's your weirdest Derek?"
"Do vampires count or are we just doing zombies?" asked Derek.
"Zombies only," replied Darcy. "We can do vampires next."
Steve looked startled as he reentered the room. "What about vampires?"
"We're going to talk about our weirdest vampire encounters next," explained Darcy. "Go, Derek."
"Zombie chinchilla," replied Derek. "Got a great hat out of it, though."
"There was enough of the hide left to make a hat?" questioned Rohan in surprise. "That's impressive."
Derek shrugged. "That's what counter-magic is for."
"What are we using counter-magic for?" asked Tony as he walked into the room with Natasha, suit settling into place. "And why do we need counter-magic?"
"We don't," replied Darcy. "Derek used it to take out a zombie chinchilla once so he could make a hat from it's hide. Everyone ready?"
Tony blinked cluelessly at the former lab intern. "I think I'm missing something."
"No, pretty sure you're not missing a damn thing," muttered Steve, rubbing his forehead like he didn't know what to make of anything he'd just heard. Which, well, he probably didn't if Darcy had to guess. "We should probably head over."
"Right," stated Derek, clapping his hands together. "So, how do we want to do this? Everyone port to the same place or different places?"
"Same place," replied Rohan. "We can determine if we need to split up once we're inside."
"My office?" asked Derek.
Darcy shrugged. "It's as good a place as any. Aunt Rohan, have you been there?"
"I'm not worried about it, Rowena," stated Rohan. "Now, let's get this job underway. Steven, Natasha, would you prefer to come with me, Rowena, or Lopt?"
"You," replied both Steve and Natasha.
Derek grinned. "I'll take Stark if no one objects."
"Just don't molest the guy," warned Darcy mildly. "Guess that leaves you stuck with me, Clint."
"Oh no, whatever will I do?" wondered Clint sarcastically.
Rohan smirked a little. "I believe he's as sarcastic as you, Rowena."
"And you're surprised by this...why?" asked Darcy, even as she grabbed Clint's hand. "He's still no where near as bad as you can be."
"I'm not sarcastic unless I'm dealing with Odin," countered Rohan, one of her hands reaching out to take Steve's while she offered the other to Natasha. The former assassin carefully took the offered hand. "Or Loki. Or Thor when he's being dense."
"Speaking of Uncle Thor, should we have invited him?" asked Derek. "I mean, I don't particularly relish the idea of the courthouse getting leveled, but it's a little rude to leave him out of the fun."
"Trust me, inviting Thor along on something like this isn't his idea of fun," assured Rohan. "I would know, I used to hunt with him. Now, let's go." With that, Rohan disappeared from sight along with Steve and Natasha.
Tony jumped a little, whistling as they disappeared without so much as a flicker. One minute they were there, the next minute they were gone. "Where was the flash of light? Or is that only on the other end?"
"Aunt Rohan is a bit more skilled at teleporting than myself and Derek," explained Darcy. "She's learned how to do this through other channels. Now, take Derek's hand and let's go."
Just like Rohan had, Darcy teleported both herself and Clint from the room. The space around them literally changed in less than a second: one minute they were in the kitchen of the tower, the next they were in a cluttered law office. The only sound was the snapping of her fingers as she teleported them.
Glancing around, she noted that Steve and Natasha were already in the room with Rohan, who was leaning against Derek's desk like she was waiting for an appointment. There was tension in her form though, belying her nerves. And Darcy knew why: Steve had never seen Rohan in a fight like the one that was about to occur. Magic would be used, and that alone worried her aunt.
No matter what Rohan said, Darcy knew the older woman was afraid Steve would be offended or frightened off by something she did. Not that Darcy blamed her; 16,000 plus years old and the woman had never been married. To Darcy's knowledge, she'd never so much as dated except for Steve. Which meant Steve was her aunt's first boyfriend/lover. Being afraid of loosing Steve was understandable.
A faint echo of a snap cut through the room, the energy from the shift catching Darcy's attention and refocusing her on the room as a whole. Glancing to her right, she noted that Derek and Tony were now in the room as well. Derek looked the same as before, possibly even a little bored. But Tony- he looked beyond excited.
"I have really got to invent a teleporter," stated Tony firmly. "JARVIS, remind me to build a teleporter later. We can use it in the tower instead of elevators."
Derek shot Darcy a raised eyebrow. "Is he always like this?"
"Pretty much," confirmed Darcy. "Sometimes he's worse. Depends on how much alcohol and caffeine he's had, when he last slept, and what he's seen recently. Letting him watch Star Wars while drunk and going on 48 hours without sleep is forbidden by Pepper now."
Blinking at his sister, Derek looked a little concerned. "Do I want to know why?"
"Because last time he did that, we found a working version of the Millenium Falcon in the Tower's hanger," explained Darcy with a shrug. Beside her, Clint was snickering hard at the memory. Tony just rolled his eyes and muttered: 'At least it worked'.
Rohan and Steve both looked confused, asking the same question simultaneously. "What's Star Wars?"
Darcy felt a little disturbed hearing both her aunts voice and Steve's speak the same words at the same time. Their voices were of different pitches, but there was a quality to them that was the same. "It's a series of movies about a galactic conflict between the presiding abusive government and a rebel group trying to take control."
"It has space ships, light sabers, and a power known as 'the force'," added Derek easily.
"So, it's a documentary?" asked Rohan with furrowed brows.
"Uh...not really?" replied Darcy uncertainly. "It's the same generic story of a power struggle, but it takes place in space, spanning an entire galaxy."
Rohan nodded. "So it's a documentary."
Derek and Darcy exchanged confused looks while everyone else stared at Rohan like she'd grown another head. "Uh..."
"Who produced it?" asked Rohan, switching tactics a little.
"George Lucas," answered Derek.
"Then it's a documentary of sorts," stated Rohan with a shake of her head.
Darcy blinked at her aunt like the woman had grown another head. "What does the series being produced by George Lucas have to do with anything?"
"Because he's a Halangian descendent," explained Rohan with a shrug. "It makes sense he'd produce a movie about his own people's history."
Everyone just stared at Rohan like she'd grown another head, except for Steve who just looked confused. She cocked an eyebrow in return.
"What's a Halangian?" asked Steve suddenly.
"They're a race of people who began developing several million years before humans did," explained Rohan. "Their galaxy was filled with a variety of life forms and it's one of the few galaxies I know of to contain that many different sentient species. The whole area was taken over by a rogue Halangian maybe three hundred years ago, bringing forward an abusive regime that was toppled less than fifty years after it's establishment in a galactic rebellion."
Tony was looking at Rohan like she'd just told him Santa was real after all and the man was bringing him every single toy he'd ever wanted in his life but hadn't gotten. "So Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon are real?"
Rohan's brow furrowed again. "Han Solo? Was this man a smuggler?"
"Yeah," confirmed Derek. "He's roguishly handsome, too."
"Then yes, that character does exist in a sense," confirmed Rohan. "Different name, but same role. There was a smuggler famous for allying himself with the alliance after one of their key leaders was imprisoned and the man helped save her. He married the woman much later, to general approval. Of course, the man turned out to be a fallen lord's son, so it made everything easier ultimately."
"I can't believe Star Wars is real," muttered Clint in awe.
"Wait, I'm confused," stated Darcy. "I thought you were Earth bound. What were you doing in an entirely different galaxy?"
"Helping a friend," replied Rohan. "Do you remember when I left suddenly about four hundred years ago?"
Darcy and Derek both nodded. "Yeah, we remember. Frankenstein."
"A friend posted in that galaxy asked for my help tracking a rogue creature," explained Rohan. "So, I went to help her."
"Which is what took you so long," stated Derek. "That makes sense."
The sound of gunfire outside the door brought everyone back to the situation at hand. No screams of pain followed, just fear, so Darcy figured no one was hit. They needed to deal with this situation now though. Discussions of galactic rebellions could wait until later.
"Can we table this discussion for now and handle the matter at hand?" requested Rohan. "Just for the sake of the people in this building."
"Agreed," muttered Clint. "It's on the list right under 'weirdest vampire encounter'."
Darcy cocked an eyebrow at her boyfriend. "Really dude?"
The archer just shrugged, offering her a grin. "What can I say? I wanna know what you're weirdest vampire encounter was."
"Rabbits," replied Derek suddenly. "Vampire rabbits. The men are scattered through the building. It would probably be safest to lure them into one place and pounce from there. Any ideas on how to do that?"
"Seriously? Vampire rabbits?" asked Tony. "Isn't that a little contradictory?"
Natasha, who Darcy knew had been silently observing the chaos that was the incredibly strange family in front of her, shot Tony a look. "Focus, Tony."
"Yeah, we don't have your meds with us right now so you're just going to have to be good on your own will power," joked Clint. "We could use a centralized explosion."
"Orca whale," replied Darcy. "Vampire orca whale. And our best bet would probably be stealth-"
"Did you just say 'orca whale'?" asked Clint. Apparently, he and Tony were sharing an attention span today.
"Yes, I did," confirmed Darcy. "If Tony can do something to distract them, that should lure most of the men away from the hostages and put us in a position to take out the few remaining men silently while the rest of the group deals with the rest."
Derek blinked at his sister like she was insane. "You've had a lot of trouble with undead fish, haven't you?"
"More than you want to know about," muttered Darcy with a sigh. "Aunt Rohan, what do you think about this?"
"I think this will work," agreed Rohan. "The basis is simple, but I have one suggestion: let me lure the men into one place."
"Go for it," agreed Darcy. "Do we have a map of this place?"
"I have something," confirmed Derek as he started shuffling around his office. "So Aunt Rohan, what was your strangest vampire encounter?"
"Vlad," stated Rohan without hesitation.
"Vlad the Impaler?" repeated Darcy and Derek, both twins looking at her in surprise.
"Yes," confirmed Rohan.
Steve shook his head slowly, rubbing it slightly. "I thought you said he did magic?"
"No, that was Vlad the Monk," corrected Rohan. "Vlad the Impaler was a vampire and the older brother to Vlad the Monk."
"Isn't Vlad the Impaler the reason Vlad the Monk got involved in blood magic?" added Derek, attention mostly returned to digging for something in his office. "Also, Aunt Rohan, you did silence the room, right?"
"Yes, he was the reason, and if I hadn't silenced the room, we would have already been shot at," replied Rohan. "Three men have passed the door since we arrived."
Natasha nodded, her body leaning against the wall beside the door. "Impressive. No one else had even noticed."
Rohan shrugged. "They smell different."
"Wait, go back to the whole 'Vlad' thing again," insisted Darcy. "You've been attacked by a vampire goat. So how is Vlad is the strangest vampire you've come across?"
"He propositioned me," stated Rohan flatly. "He asked if I would have sex with him before I killed him."
One of Tony's eyebrows rose in confusion. "Um, not to make Steve uncomfortable or anything, but I would too. I mean, if you're gonna die, you might as well give it a try."
"He wasn't the first human to proposition her when she showed up to kill them," informed Darcy. "I can name at least ten others, men and women, who did that. What made this one so different?"
"I was still recovering from the spear that Turkish man shoved in my side," replied Rohan.
Darcy winced. Outright winced. "And that is more than I ever wanted to know about his kinks."
Clint cocked an eyebrow at her, clearly confused. "I think we're missing something."
"Aunt Rohan wasn't human at that time," explained Derek, pulling a rolled up piece of paper from a pile of books and bringing it to his desk. "So basically, Vlad propositioned a wolf."
"Which says a lot about Vlad," muttered Darcy with a shake of her head. "So, did you sleep with him?"
One of Rohan's eyebrows rose in disbelief. "Would you have?"
"Yes," replied the twins immediately, causing both of Rohan's eyebrows to rise in surprise.
"We saw what he looked like in reality," explained Darcy with a shrug.
Derek smirked. "And he was hot. I would have jumped him any day."
"Hell, if he was into twins, I would have joined them," added Darcy with her own grin.
Rohan groaned, dropping her head against her hand. "Now that you two have reinforced my previous concerns you have an incestuous relationship, can we please take care of this current problem before it gets worse?"
"But you didn't say if you'd slept with Vlad or not," pointed out Derek with a smirk, hands easily unrolling the piece of paper he'd retrieved.
"I didn't," stated Rohan firmly. "Vlad wasn't my type and I wasn't about to let a human male mount me while in that form. Now, can we please move on?" The sound of Steve choking distracted Rohan from her irritation. Gently, she patted him on the back. "Sorry Steven, I shouldn't have been so crude about the matter."
"It's alright," assured Steve. "Er, let's just get these hostages free."
"Right," muttered Derek, fingers pinning the sides of the scroll down. "Map of the Wanderer, show us the place in which we stand."
Slowly, lines began to flicker across the paper from the point where Derek's fingers touched the pages. Ink flowed from here to there, slowly outlining the entire floor they were standing on. Moving dots appeared on the page as well, displayed in the same black color as the lines of the walls. Markers for doors, windows, and stairwells appeared in various places, showing escape routes.
"Shit, that's some trick," muttered Clint. "Where'd you get something like that?"
"It's an old artifact I inherited from a previous lover," explained Derek. "The man got into trouble, a lot. Plus, he was perpetually lost. So, he made a map that could display anything around him that he needed it to."
"So, wait, you dated a Marauder?" asked Tony, eyes actually going wide. "Does that kind of magic actually exist?"
"What kind of magic?" questioned Rohan, brow furrowed again.
"He means the type in Harry Potter," replied Darcy with a shrug. "No Tony, stuff like Hogwarts doesn't exist."
Tony looked far too gleeful for anyone to be safe though. "But magic does."
"You aren't learning magic, Tony," stated Darcy firmly. "I'm not going to teach you that."
"But your brother could," pointed out Tony, grin still in place as he turned to Derek. "Right?"
Derek shook his head. "Sorry, I only teach magic to people who agree to sleep with me."
"Done," agreed Tony, holding out his hand to Derek.
Turning to his sister, Derek raised an eyebrow. "Is he serious?"
"Probably," sighed Darcy.
"Is he any good?" asked Derek, tilting his head and looking over Tony with an appraising eye.
Darcy shrugged, eyes focusing on the map again. "No clue, probably? He's got a lot of practice."
"Eh, sure, why not?" decided Derek with a shrug, shaking Tony's hand. "It can't be that bad of an idea."
Rohan just shook her head, also focusing on the map on the table. "You are responsible for his actions if you do."
"I know," assured Derek, finger swiping across the front of the map. The lines dissolved and reformed themselves into another, albeit different, layout. "Alright, this is the main floor of the court house and this," his finger fell on a large room filled with dots, "is one of the main courtrooms. It looks like that's where they're hiding everyone."
"So these are the guards," muttered Darcy, pointing to one of the moving dots on the page. "There aren't too many of them."
"Maybe thirty in all," agreed Rohan. "Can this map show us anyone specific?"
Derek shook his head. "No, though I'd assume the guy who master-minded this is either with the hostages or in the basement where he thinks it's safe."
"Show us the basement," ordered Steve, leaning slightly over Rohan's shoulder. She just moved aside to allow him an unobstructed view.
Flicking his fingers over the paper again, the lines reformed themselves once more into yet another layout. "This is the basement." Several dots were roaming around the area but there were no clusters. "Huh, he's not there."
"What about the DA's office?" suggested Darcy. "I'd hide there if I was going to take over a courthouse again."
Steve, Rohan, Clint, Natasha, and Tony all shot her worried looks. Darcy just shrugged. "You don't know everything I've done in all my 1200 years."
"Clearly," muttered Rohan, shaking her head. "I'm assuming I don't want to know about that, either."
"Probably not," agreed Derek, fingers moving over the paper in front of him. "She's a troublemaker."
"You can't talk," pointed out Darcy, scowling slightly. "Half the trouble I've gotten into you dragged me into or I got into getting you out of trouble."
Derek just shrugged. "Never said I could comment. Here's the top floor." His finger landed on one room with four dots in it. "That's the DA's office."
"Looks like that's where they holed up," stated Steve. "Er, each of these dots is one person, right?"
"Right," confirmed Derek. "Though it has been known to show cats, too. And trolls. But if there're trolls in the office, we're in a bit more trouble than I thought."
"Trolls are extra," muttered Clint as he leaned over Darcy's shoulder to see better. "What are the chances they're holding the DA there?"
"Good," replied Darcy. "I'd be surprised if they didn't."
"So we've got wondering guards, three men holding the DA in his office, and a group of men holding the rest of the hostages in a court room," summed up Natasha, leaving the door to join the group. If Darcy had to guess, she'd say the assassin had been monitoring how many people she heard outside the office. Soundproofing only meant that whatever was inside the spell didn't get out. Sounds outside could still get in. "How are we going to play this?"
"Depends on if Murdock took out the men holding him hostage yet or not," muttered Derek. "I'm assuming not. The dots keep moving."
"How would an attorney take out the men holding him hostage?" asked Tony curiously. "Bore them to death?"
"Nah," replied Derek. "He's a superhero named Dare Devil. Caught him coming into the window of his apartment once when I went over to copy some of his files. He doesn't know I was there."
Darcy cocked an eyebrow at her brother curiously. "And you were breaking into you're boss' apartment for some files because..."
"He forgot to give me copies," explained Derek. "And I was prepping for trial the next morning. It's a valid reason for committing a B&E."
"You're supposed to be an attorney," reminded Darcy mildly. "I'm pretty sure there's some kind of irony involved in you actually committing a crime."
"Eh, crimes are defined by the people of the time," reminded Derek. "Besides, old habits and all that."
"Anyway," cut in Rohan, heading off the potential argument brewing, "we need to devise a plan."
Clint shrugged a little. "How about 'Tasha and I break into the air vents and start taking people out?"
"Too much risk people will just start shooting," muttered Steve. "We can do that once we've managed to lure most of the men away from the hostages."
"Let me handle that," insisted Rohan. "Derek, pull up this floor again." Once the lines had reformed, Rohan pointed to a large atrium-style space near the elevators and staircase. "Just be waiting here. And don't shoot at me when I lead the men in."
"She'll be the giant white wolf running through the hallway," added Darcy. "You won't be able to miss her."
"Right," muttered Tony. "You're all insane, you know that right?"
"Like I said, getting into fights with us is fun," insisted Darcy with a smirk.
Rohan, for her part, had already moved to the door of the room. "Darcy, I want you and Derek to handle the hostages. Steven, could you and Tony help me take care of the assorted guards?"
"Yes, ma'am," answered Steve quickly.
The corners of Rohan's lips kicked up a little. "You don't need to 'ma'am' me, Steven. We aren't in the military anymore."
"And where do you want us?" asked Natasha curiously.
Rohan considered that for a moment. "You and Clint are assassins, correct? Or at least, familiar with stealth tactics?"
"Yeah," confirmed Clint. "Something like that."
"Clint's a bowman, Aunt Rohan," informed Darcy. Snapping her fingers, the clothes she had been wearing were replaced with something that looked like it belonged in a ninja. Which it had; she'd stolen the clothes from a ninja almost 600 years ago. "But Natasha is basically an assassin."
"Either way, could you two handle the men holding the DA hostage?" requested Rohan. "I'd prefer someone with experience in stealth handle that."
One of Natasha's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Why not Darcy and Derek?"
Rohan shrugged slightly. "They tend to play with their targets before they kill them. Plus, despite all of their trick playing and fighting experience, neither of them have ever used stealth to take someone down. They've used other tricks, but not stealth."
"That would be Aunt Rohan's specialty," explained Derek. "We'd rather just startle everyone, set them off balance, and then take them out. Or, you know, just outright take someone down. We haven't had a lot of luck with situations where the bad guys outnumber the hostages though."
"Should we be letting them handle the hostages in the main room then?" asked Steve wearily. "We don't want people getting hurt..."
"It'll be fine," assured Darcy. "Those guards are spread out enough that we can take them down without too much drama. We've got knives and magic on our side. Plus, there are fewer hostage takers than hostages."
"I'm not worried," agreed Rohan. "The men holding the DA worry me more because it's a confined space and I'd prefer we not have to deal with explaining to an innocent man how he got turned into a pig. Again."
Tony looked ready to open his mouth, but Darcy and Derek cut him off. "Don't ask."
"That's a little worrying to hear," muttered Steve uneasily.
Clint looked equally worried. "Is it bad that I'm kinda glad we're gonna be on the other side of the building?"
"Hey! We were only 300 years old at the time!" objected Derek.
Darcy nodded. "And still learning magic. We've gotten better since then."
"Agreed, but I'd still rather not risk it," stated Rohan dismissively. One of her hands reached for the doorknob. "Alright, when the guard passes by again, I'm going to slip into the hall. Derek, can you transport Tony and Steven to the space I indicated?"
"Got it," confirmed Derek, reaching out to grab both Tony and Steve's hands. "Now or once you're out?"
"Once I've got their attention," replied Rohan. "I'll round up as many of the guards as I can before leading them to the atrium. Darcy, when Derek gets back, I want you two to wait until you see me heading for the atrium, then free the hostages."
"No sweat," agreed Darcy. "What about Clint and Natasha?"
"They should head up whenever they want to," replied Rohan. Apparently hearing something she liked, she straightened back up and turned to look at the gathered group again. "They just need to take the leader out eventually. Remember, once I've got their attention Derek."
"Got it," confirmed Derek. "Good luck, Aunt Rohan."
Nodding once, Rohan silently slipped out the door.
"How is Derek supposed to know when she's got their attention?" asked Steve, scratching his head a little.
"What the hell?" shouted one voice though the door suddenly. "Is that a wolf?"
A scream echoed down the hall, followed by the shout of a second voice. "Oh god, it bit me!"
"Quick! Catch it!" ordered a third voice, followed by the sound of pounding steps running past the office door.
"How the fuck did a wolf get loose in the courthouse?!" exclaimed the first voice again, fainter now, just before the footsteps disappeared.
Steve blinked blankly at the door. "Never mind."
"That's our cue," informed Derek with a smirk, grabbing both Steve and Tony's hands. "Back in a second." Without any warning, he disappeared in his usual flash of light with Tony and Steve.
Clint just shook his head. "Darce, your family is weird."
"Eh, I prefer to think of us as quirky," explained Darcy with a shrug. "It sounds nicer than institutionally insane."
"I'm not sure there's an institution in the world that would take you guys," muttered Clint.
"Someone would," insisted Darcy. "They'd at least take Derek and I. Aunt Rohan might be a bit too weird, but we aren't."
Derek chose that moment to flash back in, a grin spread over his face. "Am I a horrible person for pinching Steve's ass before I flashed back here?"
"Yes," replied Darcy immediately. "Mostly because you did it when I wasn't around with a video camera."
"We can rectify that," pointed out Derek. "I'll do it another time when you do have a video camera."
"Deal," stated Darcy, grinning at her brother. "So, how was it?"
"Nice and firm," replied Derek with his own smug grin. "Aunt Rohan had better jump him soon."
Natasha cocked an eyebrow at the twins. "What makes you think she hasn't already?"
"A hunch," replied both twins.
"She should be less tense if she's getting regular sex," explained Derek with a glance at his sister. "At least that's our guess."
Darcy nodded. "We don't actually know for sure."
"How does she usually act after she's gotten laid?" asked Clint with a shrug. "It should be the same."
Again, the twins glanced at each other. Darcy cocked her eyebrow at her brother, asking silently if he'd ever observed what happened. Derek just shrugged in response, indicating he didn't know.
"We don't actually know," admitted Darcy slowly, brow furrowing.
Derek's own brow did the same. "Has Aunt Rohan ever had sex?"
"She must have," insisted Darcy. "She's older than all of us."
"Yeah, but she was a wolf for a while," argued Derek. "And she's so busy, I'm not sure she ever has."
"She must have," repeated Darcy firmly. "I doubt Aunt Rohan is the oldest virgin in the world."
"You're right," agreed Derek. "She must have had sex before."
Clint clinked his tongue at that point, drawing both twin's attention to him. "Besides the fact that I don't think 'Tasha and I need to know any of this, we should probably go save the world now. Er, well, the courthouse at least."
Darcy cocked her head slightly to the side, listening carefully. She could still hear the men shouting, but it was significantly fainter. Glancing down at the map, she noted the rather nice sized group of dots currently chasing a single dot that was headed straight for the atrium. Flicking her fingers over the map just as her brother had, she watched the floor plan change to the one below them.
"I think we're good to go, Derek," informed Darcy. "How do you want to handle this? Each of us takes a target?"
"That sounds good," agreed Derek, walking over to the map beside his sister. "How are they spreed out?"
"Pretty far," admitted Darcy, pointing to several dots around the edge of the room. "Looks like five men total. Flash and slash?"
"Flash and slash," agreed Derek. "Though if we can do that without traumatizing everyone, it would be better."
"I can just freeze the room," pointed out Darcy with a shrug. "It's not as much fun though."
"And takes a lot of energy," added Derek, mouth slanting slightly in response. "I think freezing everyone in there will take too much energy. Plus, it's a large room."
"Let's get in there and decide," opted Darcy. "Is it one level or two?"
"Two," replied Derek, flicking his fingers to display the second floor again. He pointed to a spot that looked like one large room with a smaller, crescent shaped one stuffed inside. "The second story is that strange space there."
"So, port to just outside two and slip in from there?" asked Darcy. "I mean, we can do it the flashy way, too."
"Flashy might be better," informed Derek. "It gives us less time to assess the situation, but it'll throw everyone off guard, giving us a better chance."
"Flashy it is then," stated Darcy. "I just don't want us to get caught off guard by a bunch of men hiding in the rafters."
"I only see two dots," observed Derek, pointing to two dots on the crescent shape inside second story of the room. "Those are balconies; we occasionally need them during trials."
"If we can take them out first, we'll be in the clear from above," started Darcy.
Derek picked up her line of thinking quickly. "But if there's any noise, the people below could open fire."
"And vice-versa," sighed Darcy. "Top or bottom?"
"Top," replied Derek. "Can you slip in without drawing attention?"
"Walking through walls is my specialty," reminded Darcy without thinking.
"You can walk through walls?!" repeated Clint.
Glancing up, she noted the disturbed look on his face. Right, that probably wasn't information she should have given him. "With magic, yeah. Kinda. It's hard to explain. It's more like circumventing the wall than walking through it." Shaking her head, she returned her attention to the map. "I'll explain later. Derek, do you have a plan?"
"I was thinking I'd take out the two guys above and distract the people below while you took care of them," replied Derek. "Sound good?"
"About as good as every other plan we could try," agreed Darcy. "So, we'll both go in, you'll take out the guys above, and I'll deal with the ones below once you've distracted them?"
"Yep," confirmed Derek. "Shall we?"
Darcy nodded, walking over to give Clint a quick kiss. "I'll be back. Be safe and have fun taking out the guys in the office."
"Be safe yourself," countered Clint, grabbing her head to give her a proper kiss. "See you when this is done."
"Yep," confirmed Darcy, stepping away from Clint and glancing over her shoulder. "Ready?"
"Go," responded Derek, disappearing.
Darcy didn't waste half a second teleporting herself as well, landing outside one of the doors on the bottom floor. It was harder to teleport when you didn't know what the inside of the building was, but that's what having a telepathic connection with a twin brother was for. Summoning up a cloak, which would help hide her appearance, she shot a telepathic message to her brother. Derek, you ready?
Ready Rowena, responded Derek telepathically. Let's go.
Taking a deep breath, Darcy carefully opened a sub-dimensional pathway and slipped into the room. Ducking into the first dark space she could see, she quickly scanned the room to confirm the situation at hand. She wouldn't have much time before chaos broke out, meaning she needed to examine the space as rapidly as possible. Thankfully, she'd been in enough fights that she knew how to pick up key points of interest.
All of the hostages were kneeling in the middle of the room, huddled together like frightened children. The five men she'd seen on the map were hanging near the edges of the room, all facing towards the hostages and paying no attention to the edges of the room. Not that they had reason to suspect anyone would come through the walls; they were arranged in such a way that at least one man had a clear line of sight for each door, if the doors opened.
A shout from above drew everyone's attention and prompted every thug in the room to raise their weapons with a responding shout. The flash which came from the other side of the balcony above told her Derek had teleported, probably to take out the second man. Shots rang out from above, along with a sharp shout from someone who wasn't Derek. Then he appeared at the edge of the balcony and fired at one of the men. It prompted the rest to open fire.
Darcy didn't hesitate, grabbing the back of the neck of the man in front of her and pushing a spell into his spine. The man fell unconscious instantly. She ported then, before anyone could see her, and flashed behind the man across from the one she'd taken out already. Above, she could hear Derek continuing to fire at the men below. Her second target fell just as quickly when she touched him as his cohort had.
Two down, thought Darcy, glancing around the room. Three more to go.
Two of the men had moved into the center of the room so they could fire upwards, making them inconvenient targets because she'd be easily spotted taking them out. Instead, she opted to pop up behind the third man against the wall and knock him out with the same ease as before.
The barrage of gunfire was blocking the noise of bodies hitting the floor, which was convenient for her. Every hostage in the room had scattered when the bullets started flying, most of them taking cover in the rows of seats. She just hoped no one had gotten hurt by a stray bullet. Derek was firing downward and, though every shot had hit the wall, there was always the chance of a flying bullet.
With just the last two men left, Darcy didn't waste any time teleporting behind them and grabbing both their necks at the same time. It was a little harder to disable two people at once, but they fell pretty easily none the with that came the silence.
Glancing up at the balcony, she scanned for some sign of her brother before teleporting quickly out of sight and up onto the balcony above. Glancing around, she spotted Derek immediately. "Shit."
Derek was lying on the ground, blood pooling around him. His head turned slightly as Darcy approached, offering her a smile. "Could you do me a favor?"
"Sure," replied Darcy, kneeling next to her brother. "What's up?"
Coughing slightly, Derek shifted and winced. "Can you put in some vacation days for me? Just a week's worth. I think I'll be back by then."
"Might want to make it two weeks, just to be safe," suggested Darcy. "You think this is it for you?"
"Definitely," replied Derek. His eyes were glazing over, which told Darcy he wasn't going to hold on for much longer. "Hey, second favor: hide my body?"
"I'll make sure it disappears," assured Darcy, reaching out to squeeze her brother's shoulder. "I'll come check on you while you're recovering."
"Thanks sis," breathed Derek before his head rolled limply back.
Sighing, Darcy stared at her brother's former body in silence for a moment before reaching out to close his eyelids. She raised on hand and snapped her fingers while uttering a spell. The blood on the floor shifted and reformed into a plastic sheet which she pulled around Derek's body. Laying a hand on the sheet, she teleported out of the courthouse.
"Well, that was fun," remarked Tony as he wondered into the kitchen sans armor. "We should do it again sometime."
At the counter, Rohan shrugged. "It was a little boring, but I suppose that's refreshing once in a while. Though I do prefer when I can simply kill whatever is in front of me without concern."
Steve shot her a glance from where he stood beside her, raising a surprised eyebrow. "Why?"
"Easier," explained Rohan with a shrug. "And faster."
The super-solider looked ready to comment, but Clint burst into the room looking ready to have an aneurism. "Has anyone seen Darcy? I can't find her anywhere in the tower and she wasn't at the courthouse when all the chaos died down."
"Derek is missing too, Clint," pointed out Natasha as she followed Clint into the room calmly. "They probably went out to celebrate."
Rohan shook her head, holding up a note. "Actually, Rowena went to hide her brother's body and apply for him to take two weeks of vacation." She offered the paper to Clint calmly. "She left this in his office. Apparently, Derek was shot and died."
"Shit," muttered Tony. "Is she alright?"
"I'm certain she is," assured Rohan. "She is an immortal, after all. Derek will be back in a week, two if Loki becomes clingy again. It isn't a concern."
"Well, when will she be back?" asked Clint worriedly. "In a week?"
"Tonight, most likely," replied Rohan. "It's not that hard to hide a body."
Tony shook his head slowly. "Why is she hiding it? He didn't hide hers."
"So Derek can keep his job," explained Rohan. "Besides, all of you witnessed her death; he died in the balcony where no one could see him, or so her note says. It gave them a chance to hide the fact that he died from the courts. This way, Derek can come back and hold his current job until he gets bored with it."
"Which probably won't take very long," remarked Darcy as she strolled into the room. Her hair was dripping wet and she looked like hell, but otherwise she was alive. Well, as alive as she could be.
Rohan shrugged. "He has more patience than most. Plus, he seems to truly enjoy working for the courts."
"Why are you talking like that?" asked Tony suddenly, eyes narrowing at Rohan.
One of Rohan's eyebrows rose in response. "Talking like what?"
"You don't sound...normal," replied Tony. "Your voice is almost..."
"Formal?" suggested Darcy.
Tony nodded. "Close enough."
"That happens when I have been without my human body for any period of time," explained Rohan with a shrug. "My mind shifts along with my body and human speech becomes difficult for a period of time as a direct result."
Darcy smirked a little. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it. At least this time she didn't forget English."
"I have never forgotten a language, Rowena," argued Rohan. "I may have forgotten that I was not speaking the correct language, but I have never forgotten how to speak a language."
"I'll keep that in mind the next time you start speaking Babylonian when you're trying to speak Italian," remarked Darcy with a shake of her head.
"Speaking of weird shit that shouldn't probably be able to happen," cut in Tony, "how long until your brother rises from the dead or whatever it is you guys do?"
Shrugging, Darcy headed towards the coffee maker. "Probably a week. Two of Dad is feeling over-protective. Why?"
"Because he owes me a magic lesson," replied Tony with a shrug.
Clint groaned. "Are you really going to sleep with him just so you can learn magic?"
"Why not?" countered Tony. "Not like I'm a virgin."
"We don't need to know anything about your sexual escapades, Tony," informed Natasha, clearly attempting to head off any attempts by Tony to over-share. "Also, I doubt Pepper will enjoy you sleeping with a random man."
"I'm pretty sure Derek was joking when he made that offer," stated Darcy with a shake of her head. "If he was being serious though, at least you'll probably have fun. I've never heard any of his partners complain."
Tony shot Darcy an appraising glance. "How many partners has he had, exactly?"
"Around thirty," replied Darcy with a shrug. "I think he's had that many at least. More than me, that's all I really know."
"I'm pretty sure your Aunt has probably had more partners than you," pointed out Tony. "And she's not exactly the warm and welcoming type. Beautiful, yeah, but in the same way a wolf is beautiful. You want to stare at it for a long time but getting close just sounds like a really bad idea."
"No, I'm pretty sure I beat her, even with the waiting several hundred years to be with the same guy bit," insisted Darcy. "Aunt Rohan doesn't like to sleep with people."
Rohan snorted. "You speak as if I have never ventured into a man's bed."
"Steve doesn't count," stated Tony with a roll of his eyes. "We already know about him."
Behind Rohan, Steve choked. "What?"
"I haven't lain with Steven," remarked Rohan with a roll of her eyes.
Darcy's brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, if you haven't slept with Steve, then who did you sleep with? And it still counts as Steve if you slept with him during the war, so no counting that as a separate time."
Rohan shook her head. "I haven't lain with Steven, period." Sighing, she rubbed the bridge of her nose and muttered her next words. "The only other man I have lain with was Thor."
"Thor?" repeated Darcy, jaw hanging open. "You slept with Thor? I thought you hated him."
"I didn't hate him," corrected Rohan. "He annoyed me. There is a difference. Besides, we were both intoxicated. It was the only time I have ever been inebriated to the fullest extent that I can be. The following morning was highly uncomfortable."
"Derek and I don't have any cousins we should know about, right?" asked Darcy with a grin.
Rohan rolled her eyes. "Really Rowena, this is not as funny as you are making it out to be."
"Sure it is," insisted Darcy. "It's hilarious. Does Thor remember that happened? It had to have been before Derek and I were born."
"I don't know," admitted Rohan. "Likely though, he has forgotten it. There were many ladies of the court vying for his attention at that time and they were far more suitable mates than I."
"In other words, you still hated him back then," stated Darcy with a shake of her head. "So you and Mom, who are sisters, each slept with one of two Aesir brothers. They must have been something back then."
Shaking her head, Rohan turned to the stove and began to heat water for tea. "As I said, there was alcohol involved. I no longer drink for a good reason, and that is it."
"Whatever you say, Aunt Rohan," teased Darcy, her eyes falling on Steve. "Just be careful when you jump Steve; he's a bit more fragile than Thor."
A smirk tugged at the corner of Rohan's lips. "I'm unconcerned. Steven is about as fragile as forged steel." Her smirk widened a little. "Besides, your human manages to survive. I'm certain Steven can as well."
"I'm also careful with Clint," insisted Darcy. "Besides, Steve's sensibilities are more what I'm worried about you breaking than his body."
"You aren't one to discuss breaking human sensibilities," remarked Rohan with a snort. "I can think of several instances when you have been responsible for damaging a human's psyche."
Darcy snorted. "I'm not that bad..."
"Would you like a chronological, geographical, or alphabetical list?" asked Rohan mildly.
Pausing for a moment, Darcy considered the question before shaking her head. "Never mind, I think you're right."
Rohan snorted slightly, shaking her head. "I know I'm right. Your mother can see everything."
"Which is so disturbing when I take that thought into consideration with my sex life," muttered Darcy, shaking her head.
Beside her, Clint started blushing. "I never needed to know that."
"She gives you plenty of privacy," assured Rohan. "She only uses her powers when she suspects you are causing trouble or someone is in trouble."
"You know that probably means she uses them all the time, right?" asked Darcy wearily. "I don't want to know what my mom has seen me do."
"No, likely you don't," agreed Rohan, pouring her tea. "Now, if you don't mind, I would like to drink my tea in peace. Preferably with Steven."
Steve grinned, pouring himself a cup as well. "I can do that."
Smiling at him in return, she headed for the hallway. "Try not to get into too much trouble. Any of you."
"No promises!" shouted Darcy with a grin, even as Rohan disappeared, Steve right behind her. Turning to Clint, she offered him a grin. "So, don't suppose you're willing to help get rid of the rest of my energy from the fight, huh?"
"Depends on how you want to get rid of it," replied Clint with his own smirk.
Darcy laughed a little and headed for the hallway. "Come with me and I'll show you."
Clint happily followed.