With a grunt of pain Raven was propelled through the air and into one of the concrete support beams of the bank the Hive were attempting to rob. Her shoulders and back collided with the concrete, causing a horrible bone cracking sound before she fell onto the marble floor below. The pain delayed her momentarily as she got back to her feet. She would be feeling it later there was no doubt but her training allowed her to push the pain to the back of her mind for now.

Summoning her powers she formed a shied of pure ebony energy in front of her to prevent Mammoth's fist from colliding with any part of her body. Ever since Jinx had joined the Titans the Hive had grown more sloppy but what they lacked in strategy they made up for it in increased aggression. The giant snarled as he continued to rain down blows onto the shield. Growing bored, Raven waited until he lifted both of his fists above his head to deliver a power attack before dropping her shield and sending a torrent of dark energy from her finger tips to connect with his exposed chest.

The powerhouse of the Hive was flung away from the dark Titan and into one of Billy Numerous' copies. Paying no further attention to Mammoth, Raven glanced to the side and narrowly ducked an oncoming kick for Kyd Wykkyd. The silent Hive member narrowed his blood red eyes at his failed attempt and retreated back into one of his black portals.

Standing upright Raven barely had time to think where the Hive student would appear next before a force collided with her injured back. Grunting in pain she fell forward into a roll, coming to a halt she swiftly turned and thrust her energy encased open palms forwards and wrapped her powers around Kyd Wykkyd. Her cold violet eyes watched as Kyd Wykkyd struggled in vain to escape from his encasement, she had to be careful not to squeeze him too hard in her power.

"I could use a hand here!" glancing away from Kyd Wykkyd she noticed that Cyborg was struggling against the vast army that was Billy Numerous copies. The cybernetic Titan was using his sonic cannon to fend off the onslaught of copies but for everyone he took down another three took its place. They needed to locate the real one fast or get him to generate more copies until he couldn't maintain them.

Observing her surroundings she noted that Robin was taking on both Billy Numerous copies and Gizmo. Thankfully, Gizmo was an easy opponent and Robin easily disarmed the midget genius before he could prove to be a real threat. Starfire was handling See-More and didn't appear to need any assistance nor appear able to lend assistance whilst Beast Boy had shifted into his gorilla form was currently engaged in exchanging blows with Mammoth.

Leaving Kyd Wykkyd floating in mid-air Raven grabbed numerous desks, chairs and other forms of furniture with her powers and sent them all hurtling towards the Billy Numerous copies scattered about the place. And just like she had thought the more that were taken down the more copies were created until the real Billy Numerous couldn't maintain them and they all started rushing back to their maker. Cyborg swiftly dealt with the real Billy Numerous with a well placed sonic beam to the chest which left him laying spread eagled on the floor, stunned.

The fight quickly came to an abrupt end with the Titans being victorious once again over the Hive students. Releasing her hold on Kyd Wykkyd the police officers quickly placed power nullifying cuffs onto the silent Hive member's wrists and led him out of the bank and into one of their specialist trucks. As the rest of her team chatted amongst themselves, Raven tried her utmost to keep from wincing as the muscles in her back tightened painfully.

"So who wants to go get something to eat? Kicking bad guy butt has left me feeling starved" declared Cyborg. Raven rolled her eyes as everyone else voiced their desire for food as well.

"I'll see you back at the Tower" stated Raven as she prepared to summon her powers to teleport herself back to her home.

"Oh come on Raven! You never go anywhere with us. Would it kill ya to come just this once?" Staring blankly at the green shape-shifter Raven merely rolled her eyes as an answer before vanishing before their eyes.

"I'll take that as a yes then. So where we heading? It better be some place that serves vegetarian!" declared Beast Boy.

Holding a hand to her shoulder, Raven hissed in pain as she tried to coax the tight muscle into relaxing. Whatever damage being thrown into that beam had done it was certainly impeding her ability to move. Just walking from the living room to her room had caused a fair amount of pain and discomfort for her to know that she may have fractured something in her back or worse.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Raven continued to massage the muscle that was connected to her neck and shoulder while silently cursing her healing powers for only aiding her when she was in life-threatening circumstances. Concentrating on trying to ease her pain she failed to notice that her door had opened and a certain pink haired sorceress was approaching her with a concerned look on her face.

"Raven?" Jerking her head to the side Raven inhaled sharply as her muscles protested against the sudden movement and tightened horribly. Wincing, Raven closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before exhaling, dully noting that even that caused her back to protest with a sharp ache. Opening her eyes a small smile formed as she looked down at where Jinx was knelt in front of her.

"Where does it hurt?" asked the former Hive student.

"My shoulders and my back" answered Raven. Nodding, Jinx slowly got to her feet and pulled Raven's hand away from her tight shoulder only to replace it with her own. Slowly and very carefully Jinx started to apply pressure to the area, rubbing her fingers and thumb in a circular motion along the muscle in the hopes of coaxing it into relaxing. Closing her eyes, Raven didn't even acknowledge Jinx changing position so she was sat behind her on her bed.

"Who would have thought that we'd ever be in this position?" whispered Jinx as she worked on the demon's upper back. Raven couldn't help but agree with her, a year ago if you had asked her if she would consider letting Jinx massage her aches and pains away she would've blasted that person into oblivion but now…now she couldn't think of anyone but the pink haired sorceress. A gasp of pain escaped from Raven as Jinx's fingers found a painful spot on her back. Jinx's eyes narrowed as she pressed against the area to find two fractured ribs.

"Raven I think you've got fractured ribs. I'm gonna need you to take your shirt off though to check for any others" a blush formed on Jinx's face at the prospect of a topless Raven, not that she would mind the sight of course; she just had to remind herself not to oggle.

Raven opened her eyes and locked her door with her powers to prevent anyone else intruding on them. Thankfully, Raven had had the foresight to change into something much more comfortable that her Titan uniform. She had found that putting on a top had been too painful so she had opted for a figure hugging buttoned black shirt and jeans. Sighing, the violet haired Titan started to unbutton her shirt. Once the shirt was open she needed Jinx to help her pull the shirt off of her shoulders as the action forced her back to tighten and prevent movement.

"Holy shit" muttered Jinx as she stared at the mass bruising that covered Raven's back. Looking over her shoulder, Raven frowned as she observed the concerned look on Jinx's face.

"It looks worse than it feels" stated Raven. Jinx glanced up to look her in the eyes, the look on her face showing Raven that she didn't believe her words in the slightest. Turning her attention back in front Raven once again felt Jinx's fingers, except this time it was on her skin which Raven found far more appealing that she should.

"You're not angry are you?" asked Raven as she tried to ignore the pain as Jinx tried to locate anymore fractures.

"With what?" asked Jinx as she continued to run her fingers down Ravens bruised skin.

"With Robin leaving you here because it was the Hive" Jinx shrugged as she located another fractured rib which caused Raven to hiss with discomfort.

"I wish I had been there. Then maybe I could've stopped this from happening" Raven rolled her eyes at the comment. She wasn't a helpless civilian who needed protecting, it was just a few fractured ribs and bruises. She had had worse in the past.

"Honestly though, I wish he had let me come. If I'm going to be apart of this team then sooner or later I'll have to face them so might as well get the unpleasentries out of the way now"

Raven understood Jinx's reasoning but all thought on the subject left her as Jinx wrapped her arms around her stomach and rested her chin on her shoulder. Turning her face to the side she inhaled deeply and smiled at the scent of Jinx's shampoo, it was a subtle blend that Raven had come to associate with the sorceress and found strangely appealing.

"You know I think your former team mates blame me for you joining the Titans" whispered Raven as she leaned back into Jinx. A chuckle escaped from the bad luck charm as she entertained the idea.

"Well they wouldn't be wrong would they" stated Jinx lightly as she kissed Raven's cheek.

"Though if they're gonna hurt you like this then Robin is gonna have to let me on missions involving them so I can teach them a lesson" the protectiveness that Jinx felt over Raven was indescribable but, she supposed, that was what it was like to be in a relationship. She wondered if Raven felt the same way. The two sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before deciding that it was probably best to wrap Raven's chest so that the ribs would heal nicely. Thankfully, because of her genetic make-up Raven did heal faster than normal human beings so the ribs would take a few hours maximum to heal properly.

"Thank you" whispered Raven as she buttoned her shirt up. Jinx smiled warmly at the demoness before quickly pressing her lips against hers. Bringing her hands up to cup Jinx's cheeks, Raven purposely deepened the kiss.

Things certainly would've gone at least a bit further if the sound of Cyborg's declaration of the team returning home didn't ruin the moment.

"Blasted Titans" moaned Jinx pathetically.

Okay theres the opening chapter, next chapter will introduce much more of the main story plot. Please review and thanks for reading :)