I'm not dead!
Here's a little Kuro-fic for GrellxWill fans. There's fake SebastianxGrell and implied SebastianxCiel later on.
Yes, the chapters will be short and sweet for this one, but I think they contain a lot. It's mostly dialogue.
(I'm really bored right now and should be asleep)
Grell: *GASP* Sebby and I go an a date? Ai-chan, I love you! *glomp*
Ai-chan: Grell get off and keep your voice down before Sebastian...
Sebastian: *pops out of nowhere* Before I what?
Ai-chan & Grell: Nothing!
Sebastian: You're lying.
Ai-chan: How dare you accuse me of such treachery?
Sebastian: I dare, now hurry up and say the disclaimer before I get the Yard.
Ai-chan: You wouldn't!
Grell: Ai-chan doesn't own me, or any of the other characters. I wish she did. then I could go on dates with Sebby.
Ai-chan: AH! ON WITH THE STORY! *runs before Sebastian decides to kill me*
~Grell's P.O.V~
"Grell! Quit sighing and get back to work!"
"But Will, I'm so bored!"
"Then get back to work and quit pestering me."
Why are you so cruel to me, Will? What did I ever do to deserve this? Is my love for you not enough?
"I'm done with my work already."
"Really? Ah! It seems you really are finished. This is a first."
"Will, let's go on a date."
"I'm working."
"Hmm, you always work. Can't you-"
Argh! Why do I try so hard? William's such a workaholic. He needs to let loose and live a little. I know. I'll make him jealous. Yes, then he won't be able to say no. Let's see, I know I have Sebastian's number in my phone somewhere. Aha!
"What do you want, Grell?"
"I need your help making Will jealous. I promise I won't do anything bad."
"Define 'bad'."
"Anything I would normally do, or try to do, to you."
"Fine, but try anything funny, and I will murder you."
"No need to be so cruel. I'll meet you by the café Will frequents at four."
Hehehe. Will won't be able to say no anymore. I just hope the little Lord Brat doesn't ruin this. This is going to be so perfect. It's almost time for Will to take his break. I better go meet Bassy.
Like I said, short and sweet.
Grell: Ai-chan loves reviews.
Ai-chan: You know me so well, Grell. Hehe that rhymed.
Sebastian: I don't approve of this. Delete it.
Ai-chan: Too late. Plus, I'm already writing one with a friend, where you really do hook up with Grell.
Grell: Let me read!
Ai-chan: Grell, you're fictional.
So, 5 reviews for the next little bit. Constructive criticism please. Flames will be used to dye Grell's hair.