I'm sorry this took FOREVER. But, life happens, you know?

Smut chapter earns forgiveness, yes?

I hope so. Enjoy.

Or maybe I should recap for some of you. It has been a really long while. So they went dancing and Beckett's hot for Castle. They're going back to Beckett's apartment. Now.

Kay. Have fun :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Castle. Obviously. They would've gotten naked a long time ago if I did. However, if I ever come into a lot of money, Marlowe and I would need to have a talk.

Beckett was so sure of herself that it almost scared her. Never had she wanted anyone so much. Never had it taken almost four years to take that final step. With anyone else, this would be stupid, irrational; too fast for a first date (was that what this is?). But, this was Castle and nothing about her relationship with Castle was too fast or done without careful baby steps first. She led him up to her apartment with a newfound confidence towards Castle. Wall? What wall? Kate had all but forgotten about it as every touch between her and her partner healed her, strengthened her every step.

They journey back to Beckett's apartment was a quiet one, but comfortable – peaceful. When Beckett opened her door, she looked to Castle, who was still standing awkwardly in the hall.

"This was fun, Beckett." Castle couldn't decide whether to kiss her goodnight or to just walk away. In an awkward attempt to find a middle ground, he stuck out his hand. He was twelve and on his first date; years of experience flew out the window.

"Aren't you coming in? Sorry… I just thought we… were on the same page." Beckett's confidence flew away with Castle's common sense. They stood there in the doorway to Beckett's apartment, motionless.

"Umm… okay. I could come in. Yeah. Come in. I could make you some coffee." Castle hurried past Beckett into her apartment and rushed into the kitchen busying himself with the coffee that he wasn't really wanting all that badly, but it distracted him from what he really needed. Beckett looked amazing, even after the dancing and after being in such close proximity in a completely casual situation, he was having issues keeping that respectful distance he worked so hard to keep for her. He'd lost track of the amount of times tonight that he pictured himself just taking her in his arms and kissing her senseless.

Beckett was left in the now vacant doorway staring into an empty hallway. He really didn't get it, did he? She shut the door and leaned against it to watch the tall figure working in her kitchen. She rolled her eyes, smiled, and began to walk towards the delicious smell of coffee, kicking off her shoes on the way.

"That smells delicious," Kate cooed. If he was oblivious to her needy attitude thus far, Kate would just have to make it a little more obvious. She invaded his personal space as she leaned over him, not to smell the coffee, but to smell his classic scent.

The smell of cherries filled Castle's nostrils, though, and he was really, really trying to be good, so he pivoted out of Beckett's reach and made his way to the refrigerator to find the cream. Beckett had no right to reach over him like that, her beautiful hair fanning out across both of them and her cleavage (already more exposed than usual in her dress) so close, so, so close to pressing against him. He could just taste her… Down Ricky boy… You're being "good." Coffee, focus on the coffee.

Beckett couldn't understand why he wasn't getting this, he was usually very perceptive… third time's the charm? She stepped back into Castle's personal space, looked him square in the eyes, licked her lips, and said in an almost whisper, "Castle, I need your help with something."

"Errr…. What's that, Beckett?" Once again, he slipped away from her, reaching for two mugs in the cabinet behind him.

Maybe he honestly didn't want her, she thought. She reached into him again, but this time only to reach for the coffee pot, quietly giving in to what could only be rejection.

Castle froze when her side brushed up against him. It was as if she was TRYING to torture him.

Then they both froze, suddenly very aware that Beckett's ass was pushing right into Castle's groin. It was an accident, honestly, but when Beckett heard Castle's guttural groan and felt his reaction to her, she was glad the attraction wasn't simply one-sided.

Beckett turned into Castle, looking him in the eyes; they had grown dark with lust, just as her own. Now they were almost completely pressed together, Castle couldn't help it anymore, so he just went for it. He kissed Kate Beckett with all the passion in the world and she returned the favor. Her mouth opened to his as their tongues explored, learning and mapping this new part of each other. After they both remembered that oxygen was a necessary thing, they broke apart with a small popping noise.

They were both panting after the intensity of their kiss. Castle clutched the counter with one arm on either side of Beckett and held on so tightly that his knuckles turned white. Beckett still held two mugs in her hands that she had originally intended to be for their coffee. Looking at them, she remembered their purpose.

"Castle?" she breathed.

"Mmmm?" Kate's detective skills told her that Castle was still as worked up as she was, and judging by the bulge she could feel pressing against her, she was right.

"How badly do you want that coffee?"

"Not that badly," he growled.

And just like that, they were on each other again in fierce attack of passion. Castle pulled Beckett closer into him – if that was possible – and held onto her for dear life. Too tightly, actually, he gripped her waist way to tightly, and he knew it, too. But part of him was afraid if he loosened his grip a little too much, opened his eyes a little too wide, or let himself believe it a little more, then he would find himself back in his own loft, victim to his overactive imagination yet again. Then Kate moaned and he thought to hell with it, I'm going to enjoy this.

Kate found herself all too aware of the crushing hands on her sides. She didn't mind it, though. They were his hands. A moan escaped her lips and her arms found their way around his neck, one hand entwining itself in his luscious hair.

And then Castle's hands were no longer gripping Beckett's waist too tightly. They were feather light and teasing, bushing softly just under the hem of her shirt. Castle's lips released Beckett's and found her neck, nipping and sucking on her pulse point. Beckett arched her neck back to give him better access, barely able to even think straight because the things he was doing to her! Those marvelous things!

Kate Beckett felt like a teenager doing this for the first time, because, no, this was not the first time somebody made her feel so crazy, but never before had they done it fully clothed. Rick's light tough slowly worked its way up her abdomen, making Kate's insides leap with pleasure. Higher and higher, they worked their way up, past her belly button, slowly stroking and climbing, up and up, past her ribs, and then they stopped, right at the edge of her bra. There they stayed, brushing small circles, and if there was a word, and if Kate was coherent enough to think of it, it'd be a cross between insanity and perfection.

Castle's mouth parted from Kate's body for just a moment to search for the okay to continue further, but that moment gave her the time to regain thought and she launched her attack on him. She all but ripped Rick's shirt off as her hands raked over his abdomen and muscular arms. She admired them as her mouth made delicious work of a particularly sensitive spot just behind his ear. Then her sly fingers brushed over his groin, so light it could have been an accident – of course it wasn't – and Rick's hips bucked into Kate on their own accord. She gave an evil little laugh before palming him through his pants.

"K-K-K-Kate…" Castle struggled to form words, hell he struggled to form thought that wasn't 'Hell yes!' and 'God this woman is perfect!' But this was not the way this should be going. Getting it on in her kitchen? After years of foreplay, they were just going to have it hard and fast in her kitchen? No way.

"hmm?" Kate was unbuttoning Rick's pants and working her way inside of them.

"We need to…. Oh that feels good…. We need… to slow down." He finally spit out his words, probably just in time, because if Kate didn't slow down soon, this was going to be over embarrassingly quick.

Kate froze and looked at him quizzically. What?

Rick saw her look and suddenly felt the need to explain that this was not rejection. "It's just that you deserve better than hard and fast on the kitchen floor when I haven't even taken you out on an official date."

"Well… there is the counter. Who said anything about a floor?" Kate gave Rick her best devilish smile, and just like that, he was gone once more, lost in the world of Katherine Beckett, lost in her hair and her skin and her delicious cherry scent.

Before she could really take it all in, she was naked and sitting atop the counter with Rick positioned at her entrance. No second thoughts. No going back now. Just him and her.

Rick leaned forward and placed a wet kiss to her lips, and then he was in her. And damn he felt so good! Never, she thought, had she been filled so perfectly. His movements created the glorious friction they both needed and soon he picked up the pace. Frantic. They grew frantic in their movements, in their quest. That amazing journey to release. Up and up they climbed, together. Higher and higher. Flying that's what this was.

"YES RICK, oh God, yes!"

Their orgasms hit them together. Slamming into one another hard. He cried out her name and collapsed onto her, lying her down on her counter, her legs still wrapped around his waist. A short time later, after proper breathing and thought had returned to their bodies, Rick slid out of her and met his gaze with hers.

What was that look on her face? It was so sappy… and un-Beckett-y. It was beautiful, though. Rick filed that look away in his head for long-term storage, immediately becoming one of his favorite looks.

A smile spread across her face and she kissed Rick sweetly. As they both moved to stand up (the counter was a little impractical for laying on for any lengthy period of time), Kate looked Rick in the eyes.

"Hey Castle? Can I um… can I tell you something?"

"What's that?" he sensed a change in her fast and furious demeanor from a few minutes ago, so he turned to look at her, to make sure everything was okay.

"I love you, too."

And in that moment, nothing really mattered. Not the past, not the future, the point was that they were here now, and everything was perfect.

"I love you, Kate." He kissed the top of her head and ushered her into her bedroom. They cuddled up and drifted off into unconsciousness, both happy with right now.

Okay, so that's it folks. For those of you who were waiting during that insane period of time where I didn't write, I truly am sorry. To make it up to you, I henceforth promise to never start anything that I don't have the full intention of finishing in a timely manner. For those of you just joining us, welcome. Either way, I sincerely hope that you enjoyed this little story.