The brunette stood at the edge of the roof top of the apartment complex. He looked out over the street lights and the people walking along the sidewalk. Would anyone notice I was gone? He leaned forward to look at the sidewalk below. A small breeze blew his dark bangs from his face. He thought about his sisters, about his friends, about Shizuo. He thought about backing down from jumping, thinking that everything could go back to the way it was.

He jumped. He was at least 20 stories up so he knew that he would die easily from the landing. He closed his eyes and waited for the pain to strike. He thought he heard someone call his name. I'm just imagining it. He felt a few tears go. He felt something grab him; hold him before he ended up a stain on the sidewalk. He felt two strong arms holding him bridal style. But…who would… He opened his eyes and they met amber ones.

"Sh-Shizuo…" The blonde just stared at him, worry written across his face. The brunette opened his mouth to say something but was caught off guard when Shizuo held him close in a warm embrace. "Why Izaya…" Said male wrapped his arms around the blonde's neck and began to finally let the tears fall. Shizuo carried him back to his apartment. Once inside, he set Izaya on the couch but kept his hold on the smaller male.

"Why would you save me? I have no reason to be alive." Shizuo pulled the brunette close and stayed silent. Izaya was a little happy knowing that someone wanted him to be around. Or maybe Shizuo just didn't want to lose his property. His frown deepened. He hugged the blonde tightly, wanting so badly to cry his eyes out into the blonde's shoulder.

"Why did you jump?" Izaya looked at Shizuo somewhat surprised. It took him a second to get himself together. "I have no purpose. Why should I be alive if no one wants me around." Shizuo grabbed Izaya by the shoulders and held him so that they were face to face. "Don't say that! Your sisters would miss you, Rags would miss you, I would miss you!" Izaya was a little shocked that Shizuo actually did care. He was about to say something when Shizuo smashed his lips to the brunette's.

Izaya gasped lightly into the kiss, but started to kiss him back. Shizuo ran his tongue over Izaya's bottom lip asking for entry. Izaya allowed his tongue to slip between his lips. He deepened the kiss by turning his head a different angle. They finally parted for air. As the brunette caught his breath, the blonde placed a kiss on his forehead and pulled him close once more.

"Don't ever think that no one wants you here. I will always want you around." Izaya felt tears start to form and he wiped them away with his hand. He snuggled against the blonde's chest and drifted into sleep.