Chapter 50: The Ending and Beginning

Hello everyone. I do not own Atla :) now on to the last chapter!

Previously on Avatar: The Journey Begins...

"I have to kill him... To protect Katara... At whatever cost." The Airbender thought to himself. Shino was putting up a fight, and Aang didn't know how much longer he could continue his hold on him with out both of them dying. He was losing the battle, and began seeing the blackness enveloping him.

"I will not let Katara down." The young Avatar growled to himself as he strained to finished the mission. Suddenly a bright flash of light enveloped Aang and Shino.


"Aang! You're alive!" Katara exclaimed before wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tight. Aang buried his head in her soft hair as he took in her wonderful scent.

"I will never leave you, my love. You were the only reason I am still alive right now, and the reason I will remain alive for many more years to come." Aang whispered endearingly before Katara pulled him into a passionate kiss. Their lips met like an explosion as the young Avatar wrapped his arms tightly around the love of his life. Katara held on tightly as if she were afraid to lose him. She allowed her whole emotions to flow through her kiss to him as she poured out her never ending love to the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

"I love you Katara." Aang whispered as they broke the kiss in order to catch their breath. With their noses still touching and eyes still closed, Katara let out a content and joyful sigh.

"I love you too Aang. More than you will ever know." With those words, Katara grabbed the side of her lover's face and tenderly began kissing him once more. The victory was won. All because of a little but powerful thing


And Now...

Two Weeks After the Defeat of Shino

Katara walked down the quiet hallway of the infirmary. It was the place where Zuko sent all of the brainwashed victims to recover. Generally Katara would come here to help heal some of the injuries; however, this time she was here to visit one person in particular. It was a person she would have never thought she would be even thinking about talking with.

"How is she?" Katara asked a plump elder healer who just walked out of a room. The older lady smiled kindly before placing her hand on the young girl's shoulder.

"She's recovering nicely and will probably be completely healed within a few weeks." The Healer answered kindly before stepping to the side and allowing Katara to pass. With a smile, the Watertribe girl opened the door of the room. It was a cozy room with white walls and beige trim and a small twin size bed near a huge open window. Bright light shined into the room creating an angelic glow as the beautiful waterbender walked silently into the room. It was tranquil and very peaceful. Laying in the bed was a young, confused, and broken girl. Her dark black hair fell down her shoulders, and she wore a dark green silk robe.

"Hey OnJi." Katara said in almost a whisper causing the young girl to look up in surprise. The Firebender's face instantly filled with shame as she looked silently at her hands.

"Hello Master Katara, What brings you here to see a worthless servant like me?" The completely defeated and humbled tone in her voice caused Katara to almost stop in the middle of the room in surprise. She was so used to seeing this prideful, boyfriend stealing, evil, and selfish girl; however, now she just seemed lost and confused... Almost like Katara herself did after her mother died.

"I just thought I would come see how you are doing. I know that experience still did alot of damage to your body, and I wanted to make sure you were recovering okay." Katara answered in a soft kind tone before grabbing her arm. How could she have never seen that OnJi was just hurting and misguided.

"Yes, but I'm doing better. A lot better now than before.. Thank you for.. Returning my life. I certainly did not deserve your mercy." OnJi stated with a soft defeated light laugh. This touched the waterbender's heart.

"OnJi, everyone deserves life... I was just as much in the wrong as you were. I couldn't see that you were grieving and confused, and I treated you terribly from day one. I should have given you a chance..: I guess I was a little jealous of you..." Katara admitted causing OnJi to look at her in shock.

"Jealous of me?" The Firebender asked as if to make sure she heard those words correctly. This, in return, made Katara nod her head 'yes' in a silent reply. "But.. But why?" The young girl wondered. She was clearly taken back by this statement.

"Well.. Because you know how to have fun, and Aang kind of asked you to dance before he did me... I know it's really stupid of me to be jealous over that, but I guess I was so afraid of losing Aang that I let it make me oblivious to your brokenness. I look at you now and I see myself. I see my brokenness." Katara stated while looking at the floor. This made OnJi's interest peak to a whole new level.

"What do you mean? I thought you had both your parents, then your brother, and then Aang. You have the perfect life." The Firebender said in a nice but skeptical tone as she studied over the watertribe girl standing before her.

"OnJi, you have my life completely wrong. When I was a little girl, my Mother was killed in a firenation raid. She died saving my life. Less than a year later, my Dad left Sokka and I all alone to go fight in the war. I didn't see him again until after I met Aang and we were halfway through our journey to end the war. I know what it feels like to be alone and abandoned, and so does Zuko... He lost his mother when he was younger too. We are still trying to find her. Aang lost all of his people; they were killed in the war. We all know what it's like to be broken.. I guess I just couldn't see your pain over my jealousy..." The Waterbender told the young girl whose mouth dropped a little.

"Katara... I had know idea... I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry for everything that I put you through... I couldn't see out of my anger and loss." OnJi apologized before hanging her head down with the realization. The next thing the saddened girl knew, a soft hand was on top of hers.

"It's okay. I'm sorry that I didn't treat you kindly when you became a part of the group." Katara responded with a sweet smile. "I will talk with Zuko about your Father. Maybe we can release him from prison soon." This news brightened the young girl girl up as a huge smile came on her face.

"Lady Katara." An elderly voice said as the door opened revealing the plump healer from earlier. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid Ms. OnJi needs her rest now." Katara sent an understanding nod before standing up and beginning to walk out of the room.

"Katara.." OnJi called out causing the watertribe girl to immediately stop and turn around to see a smile on the young girl's face. "Thank you.. For everything."

"Your welcome, OnJi. Get some rest. I'll let you know what is going on with your Father tomorrow." Katara replied back with a sweet smile before exiting the door and leaving the young Firebender to rest.


Aang sat behind a table in a sunlit bedroom in the FireLord's palace. He was finely adorned in his airnomad outfit that he wore on special occasions. His head was now bald once again since there was no need for a disguise anymore. His prayer necklace was laying on the desk before him, but he wasn't focused on anything but a piece of dark blue fabric along with a piece of orange fabric. Next to these to pieces was a blueprint, a drawing, of a beautifully carved necklace. Not just any necklace, but a betrothal necklace. He still had to ask Hakoda for his daughter's hand in marriage, but he planned to do that very soon. The night before Sokka, Katara, and him were discussing returning to the Southern Watertribe for some much needed rest. There he planned to ask for her hand. After everything they had been through these past few months, The young Avatar knew without a doubt that Katara was the one. He also couldn't stand to wait any longer. He was ready to be all hers and for her to be all his. Aang contemplated hard on the two fabrics as he fought to figure out what to do. In traditional waterbending culture a woman received a betrothal necklace. This was also the case for the airnomad culture. Now he had to choose between the colors of his nationality or the colors of hers. It definitely was not an easy decision for the poor airnomad.

"Hey Honey, What are you doing?" The voice of his lover stated from behind him causing the young Avatar to panic and with a yelp airbend the papers on the desk and hide the two pieces of fabric in his shirt. Thankfully Katara didn't notice anything.

"The victory celebration is in a few minutes. Are you ready to go?" His beautiful girlfriend asked as she walked up behind the young man who was trying to not make eye contact with his lover until he got his emotions under control.

"Oh Hey Katara.. Uhh.. Yeah.. I just need to put on my prayer beads.." Aang answered as he prepared to grab the necklace only to have Katara stop his hand. The confused Avatar then decided to look at his girlfriend. Her face was beautiful and had the slightest hints of makeup only to enhance her features. He soft lush hair was pulled up into an elaborate bun with her tradition hair loopies dangling in her face. She truly was a sight to behold.

"Let me." The angelic waterbender offered before grabbing his necklace and placing it over his head and onto his shoulders. Aang then smiled appreciatively before standing up and grabbing ahold of his lover's hands. She was dressed in a long flowing red silk dress. It's sleeves were long and big like Mai's only they were made of red sheer material. The cut along the neck was a medium low vneck that didn't show much of anything. She looked absolutely beautiful. Aang couldn't stand it anymore. Just the sight of her nearly made him weak kneed. Suddenly Aang swooped down and crashed his lips against Katara who gasped in surprise only to close her eyes and lean into him. His protective arms pulled her into him as she sighed a content and happy sigh. A few minutes later, the young couple pulled apart from eachother only to stare into eachother's deep passionate eyes. The mighty Avatar lifted his left hand and slowly caressed the side of Katara's face causing her to close her eyes and sigh again.

"You are so Beautiful, my Love.. I love you so much." Aang whispered those words of endearment causing Katara to give him another sweet kiss.

"I love you too Aang. I love you too." Katara replied before taking his hand in hers. "But if we wait any longer we will be late for the celebration." With those final words, both of them took off walking towards the courtyard where the celebration would begin. A few minutes later, Aang and Katara were sitting next to Suki, Sokka, and Toph along with Sonyi, Ning Li, Sheng, Chang, And Ji. FireLord Zuko stood before the mighty congregation of people as he prepared to speak.

"People of the four nations, We come here today to celebrate another mighty victory over the forces of evil. We are here to commend all of the brave soldiers who risked their lives to fight for peace, and to those who lost their lives in the battle. Just two weeks ago, our forces bonded together with the Avatar in order to defeat an army of enslaved warriors in order to maintain this era of peace and prosperity. Though it wasn't easy, our men's courage and bravery was looked upon with favor. Not only did we win the battle, but also was able to save the newly reformed Princess of the Firenation. My sister, Princess Azula. Just like Me, Azula found her destiny and her own path. She plans to help the needy in the Nations so that way everyone can have a good education and equal opportunities. Please welcome, Princess Azula." Zuko informed his congregation before Azula came walking up. The crowd of people applauded and yelled for their princess as a sign of their approval. "The road ahead of us is still a challenging one, but if we focus on remaining united there is no obstacle that we can't face. To Victory!" Zuko finished before another huge applaud was heard and shouts of Victory were heard throughout the army of people.


In the Spirit World

It was dark like the shadow of night. The land was completely burned and barren with only a few sticks in the ground for trees. An unsettling grey mist resembling murky smoke hovered ghostly just above the ground. In the darkness, there was one man leaning against against a fallen tree. this man's eyes were the color of Fire. A mix of yellow, orange, and red shined brightly from his eyes. His hair was about Zuko's length, and he wore nothing but some bright red pants. The man was around twenty years old and very muscular. He was the only one in this depressing place and for good reason. The first Avatar had defeated him and locked him in the terrible place filled with memories of the battle. Kiroko had been trapped in that prison for thousands upon thousands of years, but now he had a plan.

"The Communication with mortals was a success. Now I can finally place my plan into action." Kiroko said as he walked over to an empty doorframe. There was nothing in it or on the other side of it, but the spirit knew that this wasn't going to be for long.

"I will get one of these gullible humans to free me soon and very soon. Enjoy your small victory while it lasts, Avatar. For It is about to end, and then I will destroy you and your past lives... PERMANENTLY!" Kiroko screamed as bloody red fire shot out of his mouth and palms lighting up the entire barren prison.

The End.

To Be Continued in Avatar: The Journey Continues.


So yes, I had Katara bring OnJi back to life and give her a chance to right her wrongs. Who knows maybe OnJi will really find the love of her life. And I'm sure some KATAANG fans liked reading about the betrothal PLANS! oh yes yes yes ;) now we have the introduction of Kiroko. Evil man...anyway I will have pictures up of the characters soon. Once again, if any of you is artistic feel free to do a cover art or favorite scene. I'll add the link here for people to view your work. :) Whooooo! This is the last chapter... This is actually pretty bitter sweet.. I'm glad that this story is done so we can get onto the sequel.. However I really loved this story. Thank you all for your reviews. If you guys wouldn't have reviewed TJB well it wouldn't be finished today. You guys are so awesome thank you all for everything. Your comments have been such an encouragement to me. Thank you all! I will TRY to have Chapter 1 of Avatar: The Journey Continues up this coming week. It will be rated M... If you read this chapter you can probably know why... Yeah.. Lol anyways. Thank you all so much again. It has been such a pleasurable experience to be able to bring these cherished character's to life in a big adventure for you guys to read. I hope you all enjoy the sequel also! PLUS THIS IS YOU LAST CHANCE TO REVIEW THIS STORY! SO PLEASE REVIEW! :) I will come back after a few days and tally up all of the hits, views, and reviews of this story for you all to see. If you guys are interested in that. Lol :) SEE YOU GUYS IN THE NEXT ADVENTURE! :))))