'I do not own any of the characters they belong to Disney.
Prodigal Daughter
The sound of flesh hitting resound around in a dojo then a feminine scream replace it as blood fly behind her sailing body, she grunt on impact and roll to the other side "why don't you just give up, you can't beat me!" another female voice yell to her with gloating and sarcasm in her voice.
A peach, but slightly green colored hand hit the floor and help the soaring female to look up with one eye closed in pain, she cough up blood then smirk "the eldest never lose to the youngest..." she then get to her feet again and wipe the blood from her lip "I'm ready" she get into her stance.
The first to speak scoff at her statement "don't blame me later when you end up in the Safety Net" she get into her stance as well then charge at the other, she couch low in front of her, slam her light green hands on the floor and send her left foot up at the other's chin, but it's halted from landing the blow by a sun-kissed hand, her blue colored eyes narrow "Kai...why'd you stop me"
The now thirteen, white and green-haired male smile down at the spunky five-year old girl "because you should remember to show mercy to your opponents when you realize they can't continue, especially your sister knowing she isn't as strong as you are"
the other girl appear indignant "but, I can continue, just watch!" the tiny sable-haired girl tackle her youngest sister and twin, but in the end, even though she is on top, she began coughing up more blood
"nope that's it Neci..." Kaison pick her up "Mom will have a fit if I allow you to continue like this and Momma will fry my face off along with breaking my arms and legs" he carry his little sister to the Clean Room or 'Safety Net' as the twins call it.
A sharp pain travel up Kaison's spine as soon as he place his hand on the door handle, he fall on his back, still having a grip on his little sister, they land hard then look up to see light green legs "I don't think so Kai, she said she can continue...so let her continue" she smirk looking very much like their green Mother, but with the red hair of their other Mother.
Neci slowly get up on wobbly legs and kick her sister in the stomach "why'd you have to kick Kai for, he was just trying to help"
her sister stand back up "because he stepped in Neci, Mommy never did that"
"but Faye..." she double over coughing up more blood "he was only...tr-" she fall to her knees coughing up more and more blood
"Neci!" Kaison scramble to his feet and run for his sister.
A blur of green halt him and cradle Neci gently "my poor baby, you just had to push yourself didn't you..." Shego sigh heavily while brushing her eldest daughter's dark hair from her face "calm down Angel Momma's got you" she then rise upright and walk out the door
Faye and Kaison watch, but Faye's miffed and throw her hands up "Neci gets all the attention and what do I get scolding and harsh words, why big brother, why is that?"
Kaison smile at her kindly "because you are strong and Momma knows Neci needs the extra reassurance, but don't worry she love you both equally" the little redhead hump indignantly and walk over the center of the mat again and start her regimen by herself, until an unexpected partner shows up her blue eyes widen
"what you figured I forgot you..." green arms wrap around her lovingly "my own Mommy forgot me, but I'd never forget you" she hold her close
Faye shut her eyes tightly to hold back the tears then forcefully push her Mother away "what is up with you woman, did you come to fight or get weird!"
Shego smirk and flare up her hands to low-level heat "come at me Demon"
Faye flare her own up, but to high heat "you asked for it!" she charge at her green Mother.