Split Spirit

He wakes up to a unpleasant sensation of rushing wind around his body. He opens his eyes, and notices that he happens to be falling. Not good. A strange cone starts to appear around him as he falls, spread eagled. A strange crescent shape of darkness, which proceeds to get darker and darer, larger and larger as he continues his descent to what seems to be his doom.

What he notices before the forces that pound his body drive him in to the abyss of un-consciousness, a large field seems to be coming up to greet him, fast ." Son of a bi-" he is muffled the earthshaking smash of him colliding with the ground, and the cone of darkness evaporating with a crack of thunder.

Meanwhile, in the city of Canterlot…

Princess Celestia looks up from the object of her interest, a old, dusty tome.

"Is everything all right your highness?" She looks towards the source of this question, one of her royal guards. "Fetch my sister at once." she calmly orders the ever present guard. "At once your highness" The guard rushes to fulfil his Princesses demand

Once she was alone, she began to ponder. "I hope that this prophecy is just a old mares tale" Her question seemed to echo around the walls of the royal library.

"Sister, you asked for me?" Celestia turned to see her sister, princess Luna, addressing her from across the library. "Yes, I did sister" Celestia nodded to the guard, thanking him for fulfilling his duty, the guard proceeded to bow, and leave the room, shutting the door behind him.

Luna approached her sister. "Is this about-" she was cut off in the middle of her question. "Yes sister, it is about that dark presence you sense, we must leave for Ponyville at once." Celestia stated with a sense of urgency. "So that is where the pulse hit?" Luna questioned, still unsure about the subject.

"Don't worry, my student will be able to handle the situation until we arrive, there is no time to waste, let us go." Celestia told her sister, as she began to lead her out of the library, to go arrange their means of transport.

Back in Ponyville

Twilight Sparkle was woken from her slumber by a what seemed to be, a large outburst of magic, but the magic itself she did not recognise.

She quickly brushed her mane, before checking to see if Spike, her number one assistant, was awake. The young dragon was still deep in slumber, and who wouldn't be that this time.

Twilight looked at the wall mounted clock. Twenty past one in the morning, who ever was responsible for this magic, better have a good reason, Twilight thought to herself as she stepped out the door and went to see what the disturbance was caused by.

She was surprised to see all her friends waiting for her outside her home.

Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were all standing there. Applejack actually had her hoof raised, about to knock on the door

"What are you guys doing here?" Twilight whispered, attempting to keep her voice down so she would not wake all those inhabitants of Ponyville who were asleep.

"We were going to go check out the source of that weird noise" Rainbow Dash stated bluntly. "You felt it all to then?" Twilight queried. "Sure did darlin' now lets go!" Applejack said enthusiastically.

Their search led them to a field on the outskirts of town. "I cant seem to find anything!" Rainbow Dash said, frustrated. " Keep it down rainbow!" Twilight pointed at the cyan Pegasus. "Darlings , I honestly don't thing we are going to find anything, so do you mind if I pop back home for my beau-" Rarity was cut off by a excited yell of "Ooh ooh I found something!" Everyone instantly recognised the bubbly voice.

"Where are you Pinkie?" Rainbow yelled, the need to be quiet forgotten.

"Over here silly, and I think you guys need to hurry, because a certain something over here looks very very hurt!" Pinkie replied.

A massive crater stood before them. "How did we miss this!" Rainbow yelled, face-hoofing. "Uh.. A little help over here." a voice raggedly stated. In the centre of the crater, was some strange creature, but it was clearly wounded.

It was leaning against a fallen tree in the centre of the crater, holding its side.

The creatures vision suddenly became full of pink. " Are you all right mister? You look very very hurt it looks like you fell from the sky! Wait, did you fall from the sky because that would explain all the damage and the fact that -" Pinkie was cut off by Twilight.

The entire group eventually entered the 'creatures' field of vision. "What are you and how did you get here?" Twilight queried. "For a start, im a Human, and your all ponies…who can talk…Damn" The human coughed in to his hand, moving it away from his face he then realised that it was covered in blood.

"Oh that's not a good sign." the human said worriedly as he began to slip in to un-consciousness. "Looks like your questions are going to have to wait Twi, we need to get him to the hospital, now!" Applejack said with a sense of urgency. "Alright, lets go, we don't have much time!" Twilight replied, levitating the human with her magic.

The group then began the desperate dash back to town, hoping they will be able to make it in time to save the critically injured human.

This is my first story, I hope you all like what you have seen so far, if you have anything to say review or drop send me a private message if you have anything to discuss, thanks!