HEY FANFICTIONERS! It's Kelsey, and guess what? This story is my first ever collaboration, with one of Kickin' It's PHENOMENAL authors, TheWritingsOfTaylor30! It's been such a blast working with her, and hope you all enjoy this FF!

Oh yes, she did ask me to let her put in her own A/N, so… here:

A/N- Hey guys! This is Taylor, back from a long time! Hope you had an amazing 2012 so far! Now, just wanted to let you all know how EXCITED I am for this fanfic that's being co-written with my amazing friend and amazing writer here, ThoseLovelyMemories! Hope you all love this fanfic that we both have worked really hard on! Please review, and give us feedback, we always love to hear from you! Enjoy the first chapter of Writers Wanted! Oh, and psst...Halloween Thief sequel coming soon... ;)

Okay, now time for the disclaimer! We do not own Kickin' It!


A loud "thump!" echoed across the walls of the Bobby Wasabi Dojo, as I knocked none other Jerry on the floor, bringing a pleased smirk to my lips. I could hear the rest of the guy's unconfident claps. With Rudy not even showing up for our practice session, I figured to be the "loyal and trustworthy" student and practice even without his presence. But I couldn't help but have a little fun with the opportunity. With Jerry still lying on the moldy mats, and groaning in pain, I held a hand out and he grabbed it, as I helped him up.

"Told you so," I said, giving him a sly grin. "So, the next time you try to insult me and my blonde hair, you know what's going to happen right?" I held out a fist for emphasis, just in case he forgot.

"Don't want to have to go down that road again," Jerry said, with his frantic eyes staring at my clenched fists. I gave him a pat on the back, as he went and sat in between Milton and Eddie.

"So, who wants to fight me next? I promise, I won't go as hard on you as I did with Jerry. Unless you call me a 'dumb blonde'." For that I eyed Jerry coldly. As a response, he grinned sheepishly. Milton and Eddie shook their heads vigorously. I gave them a "seriously" look, but they continued giving me those fearful eyes.

"Uh, no thanks, I like my insides to remain inside!" Milton said. "I barely have any outsides!"

"Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Milton," Eddie said. "Without my insides, how can I eat? Oh, that life would be horrible!"

I shook my head in disappointment, slightly annoyed at Milton and Eddie's redundant responses. "Okay, so based on those responses, I'm guessing no one's going to fight me then? Come on guys; let's make our time useful here!"

"I'll fight you."

I turned around to see the one and only Jack Anderson, with his perfectly tousled chocolate brown hair that fell right above his eyes, in his T-Shirt and sweatpants, giving me that crafty grin that sometimes makes me blush. However, now wasn't one of those times. I walked closer towards him, beckoning a look saying that he wished he shouldn't have said that. In the process of staring him down, I couldn't help but crack a smile.

"So you're willing to lose?" I asked, pouting my lip of fake pity. I could hear Jerry making his "burn" hoots.

He chuckled. "We'll see about that, Kimmy." And with a playful sneer, he stepped on the mat and so did I, however with a little irritation. Nobody and I mean nobody calls me that dreadful nickname…Kimmy.

"Bring it on, Jackie," I said, giving him an evasive smile. More dissing erupted from the guys. He went into his defensive positions, and so did I. Time to beat Jack.

"Ready…FIGHT!" I heard Milton shout. At first, we were still in our defense positions, our eyes alert as to who was going to make the first move. Seeing a good opportunity, I aimed my first kick but Jack slapped it down. He spun and gave me a kick but I ducked. I ran closer towards him and tried to shoot out a punch, but instead he caught my fist. He caught it and didn't let go. In fact, the both of us weren't doing anything at the moment. As he caught my fist, he locked eyes with mine, and as much as I wanted to take my eyes away from his I couldn't. It was as if I was my eyes were entwined in his, looking into those deep chocolate eyes. But that "moment" faded away in a matter of a second. He took my fist, and flipped me down, landing flat on my back.


I could hear the guys cheering for Jack. At first for a second, I was thinking that this was impossible and that I was dreaming. But when looking at Jack's triumphant face, I could see the possibilities of him beating me. After all, he has beaten me a number of times before. When he stared into my eyes once again, he took a step towards me, his face masking concern. He held out a hand.

"You okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked.

I gave him a comforting smile. "Yes Jack, I'm fine…don't worry I'll get you next time, Anderson." With a laugh, I took his hand, and he helped me up. As his fingers knotted around mine, I couldn't help but feel a tingle running down my spine. But don't worry...there was no way I would ever like Jack. Not in a million years. Right?

"We'll see about that, Kimmy," He emphasized on "Kimmy" and gave me a cunning smile. I gave him a look and smacked his arm. He chuckled, and I couldn't help but smiling myself. The guys walked up towards us, giving us both goofy grins.

"What?" I asked them, grabbing a towel to wipe any sweat on my forehead.

"Aw, looks like your little boyfriend beat you up Kim!" Jerry teased.

"That's a new one," Eddie said. I smacked them both.

"Shut…up…" I said coldly. "Or I'll…"

"Don't say it!" Milton cut me off. "Guys do you really want to get Kim mad? She's already mad because Jack beat her."

"What? No I'm not!" I said, smacking Milton's arm. I looked at Jack.

"I'm not mad…it was just for once…I'll get you next time." I hissed to him. Before Jack could respond (and I'm pretty sure his comment would be sarcastic) Rudy burst through the front doors of the dojo, with an apprehensive look on his face.

"Oh no…oh no….oh no…" I heard Rudy mutter under his breath. Jack and I exchanged looks of confusion. I looked at the guys, but they seemed to have had the same perplexed looks on their face when seeing Rudy so scared. But now come to think of it, the guys always had that vacant look on their face…except Milton of course.

"Rudy!" I said, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around to face me. "Calm down! What's wrong?"

Rudy looked like he just found out about an apocalypse. We all surrounded him, bracing ourselves for the most-likely-bad news that's about to pour out of his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Rudy repeated. "What's wrong? We got entered in a statewide competition that's what's wrong! Oh we are dead, I am a GONER!" He wailed.

We all exchanged looks of confusion. I honestly thought Rudy must have been losing it. How is being in a statewide competition bad?

"Okay Rudy, I know adults minds work differently and all, but not seeing the problem here," Jack said almost repeating my thoughts. He put a hand on Rudy's shoulder, deciding if he should comfort him or give him a pat on the back.

"The problem is that whichever dojo makes it to the finals and loses will probably end up going out of business!"

Okay, that was a problem. How could we lose this dojo? This dojo was the only place where I could be myself. This dojo was the only place where I can express myself and do what I love to do – karate. Losing this dojo meant losing my life. And losing my life meant losing my friends. And losing my friends meant losing…Jack. Wait…and my other friends too! But…mostly Jack.

"We can't lose!" I blurted, terrified of the train of thought that my mind just went through. The guy's faces turned to me, and they gave me a weird look. I could suddenly feel my face heating up for my ludicrous comment.

"Thank you…Captain Obvious!" Milton said, clearly annoyed. I gave him an icy glare.

"Watch your mouth boy," I said, pointing a finger at him.

"Rudy, it's simple!" Jerry said, spreading his hands out. "We lose in the first match….on purpose…that way, we'll never make it to the finals, and that way we'll never have to give up the dojo! Yeah…I can be smart sometimes!"

"Jerry you don't understand…" Rudy said, his eyes outlandishly large and with fear. "Someone, obviously from a high authority, and I don't know who, gave a recommendation to the judges saying with recent competitions we won, were qualified for entering the finals directly. So, in other words there's no going back! And by the way, the statewide competition is the finals."

"Wait I'm confused…" Jack said. "So they just…let us go into the finals without even going from the beginning? Doesn't that seem kind of unfair to the other dojos?"

"Well, with our 50 and counting victories thanks to you and Kim from our previous competitions, we were automatically "qualified" to be in the finals. No dojo in California has ever won that many victories in a row before."

"So really the whole reason why we're in this mess in the first place is because of Jack and Kim?" Eddie asked, giving us an absurd look.

"Hey don't blame us!" I was taken aback by what Eddie said, that they were actually blaming Jack and I for entering the Finals. I found the thought completely ridiculous. If it wasn't for us – or should I say Jack – this dojo would've been closed. And Rudy wouldn't have a job. So really, they should be thanking us. But no, because all we got were senseless accusations of something that wasn't even our fault.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for us, this place would've now been Mr. Turner's parking lot!" Jack said, reminding them of the Arthur Incident. The guys nodded their heads in agreement.

"No guys, this wasn't Jack and Kim's doing at all," Rudy said, thankfully defending us. "Someone else did this. Again, I have no idea who did it. Those judges didn't even know about us, until that person enrolled us in."

"Can't we call it quits?" Milton asked.

"No we can't…it's already been broadcasted." Rudy said sadly.

"Wait…so we were on TV and didn't even know? What? Did you happen to DVR it?" Jerry asked, fishing for the remote that operated the Plasma screen.

"JERRY!" we all screamed, telling him to stop and get back on topic.

"Rudy…we're not going to give up on you," I said putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "If it means spending a few extra hours and working hard, we'll do anything to keep this dojo open. We're not going to let your torch blow out."

"Kim's right," Jack said, backing me up. "If we want to save this dojo, and keep it from closing down, we have to train harder than ever for this competition."

"Thanks guys," Rudy said, giving us a smile. "It means a lot. But if you guys really want to save this dojo, and win the competition, you guys have to be fully committed. No slacking off or canceling practice. I believe the competition is being held in San Diego, in two weeks. Now, since I was really late and it's getting late, I'm letting you all off the hook for today. But tomorrow I expect full commitment. PLEASE!" I could tell Rudy was about to start standing on his knees and beg, before Jack clutched his shoulder to stop him.

"We promise Rudy, full commitment!" Jack said encouragingly. "Right guys?"

"Right!" The guys yelled in unison.

"We are going to be so committed, we're even going to get some more people to join this dojo for the competition! You know, just in case." Milton said.

"Hey, that's a great idea! If we have more good karate people, it could be a lot of help!" Eddie said, with a wide grin on his face, revealing his braces. "Let's start planning on how the advertise it!"

"Oh yeah, I'm in! Wooo!" Jerry said, doing his signature chant. And with a three way high five, the guys rushed out of the dojo, without even saying "bye" to any of us. Jack and I exchanged looks of disbelief, and couldn't help but laugh at just imagining how this plan of theirs is going to turn out.

"So, I guess I'll see you both tomorrow, then. I should go too. I uh…need to go see my mother and you know…ask her to get my bedroom ready…just in case!" Rudy started bawling, and stuffing his nose into a handkerchief. I couldn't sustain to see Rudy in a state such as depressing as this. I was almost hurt at the little trust he had in us. Even with the guys and their…average athletic abilities…I was still determined to prove Rudy wrong. Now that I'm seeing Rudy's true feelings towards us, it seemed like a goal had been immediately set in my mind. It was a goal to show to Rudy that we can and we will win this statewide competition. And I knew exactly how to do that. I grabbed Jack's arm and pulled aside. He gave me a quizzical look.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Jack, I think we should stay behind and…practice. Rudy's counting on us, and we can't let him down. We should stay after hours and just have the dojo to ourselves and practice," But after hearing myself offer the proposition to Jack, my tone came out harsher than intended, making it seem a bit forceful. "Unless you have plans, otherwise I totally get it." I quickly added.

"No, not at all," He said giving me a reassuring smile. "I think that's a great idea. I'll stay…should be fun."

I could feel myself turning a darker shade of pink after he said it could be fun. However, I wanted to slap myself for even changing color. We're just friends, who have total platonic feelings towards each other. Always remember that, Kim.

"Thanks," I still giving him a smile. I ran towards Rudy, before he could head out, and tapped his shoulders. He turned around and faced me scrunching the handkerchief towards his nose that was as red as Rudolph's.

"Rudy! I have a request for you," I said, talking in my most high-pitch, innocent, girly voice as I possibly can. But I had to admit, I hated talking like this. The only times I use this voice is to get my parents to say yes to something…or for things like this. Yes, Kim Crawford always gets what she wants.

"Kim, I don't have any money, and no I will not get you those shoes you wanted for your birthday. That's your parent's job," he said, sadly.

"Geez, I wasn't asking you for anything!" I snapped defensively. "I just wanted to know if me and Jack could stay back and practice some more. After all, the competition is coming up, so we're willing to practice, and win. Because you can count on us!" I said, enunciating the last few words, signaling that I intended to prove him wrong. However I don't think Rudy got the message.

"What are you and Jack up to now?" Rudy said, with a roll of his eyes.

"Rudy!" Jack yelled backed me up. "We seriously want to practice! Do you want to win this thing or not?"

Rudy stared at the ceiling. "FINE!" He wailed, like a little kid. Jack and I rolled our eyes. He tossed Jack the keys. "I trust you that you'll remember to lock this thing up when you're done. Have fun 'practicing'!" He put air quotations on "practicing".

"Rudy! We really are going to be practicing!" I yelled in an angry tone.

"Blah, blah, blah! More like "Bond With Jack Time"! But I won't stop you. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do."

I started getting agitated, and my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Whoa, we are not—"

"Blah, blah, blah!" Rudy said in a mocking tone, making a "Pacman" hand gesture. And with a wave, he fled the dojo, chuckling to himself. I rolled my eyes, and eyed Jack, with utter frustration. We're not going to bond!


"I try to do something good, and Rudy thinks I'm lying!" I said irritably, getting my mind off the "Bond With Jack" thing.

"Eh, don't let it get it to you Kim. Rudy's just really conflicted right now. As long as you're being true to yourself, it doesn't matter." He said calmly. For some reason, I always got the feeling that he just knew what to say, that he just had the gift of making a person feel better. But obviously, I wouldn't dare tell him that. I'd just get accused of having a crush on him. Again.

"Speaking of keeping my word…" I said stepping on the mats, and dragging Jack's arm, giving him my best smile. "Let's practice."

It was nearly nine o'clock, and I have to say, for once, I feel like we've actually accomplished something in all of my times practicing in this dojo. With punching a number of dummies, and a number of sparring matches, I already felt like I could win this thing. And as I flipped Jack over, concluding our last sparring match, I helped him up, and instead of saying "Ow" or wincing in pain, he flashed me a smile.

"It's coming along," He teased. I smacked him playfully.

"Shut up," I said, spreading a wide smile to convey that I was joking.

"So you want to take a break, or call it a day?" Jack asked me, as he grabbed a towel to absorb the sweat on his face. But I ended up not answering his question. I was staring at the beautiful night sky, as the shades of pinks and oranges closed down, and a golden moon seemed to have been intricately woven into the sky, along with a number of stars laced into it as well, seeming to have created the perfect scenery. For some reason, it was like my eyes never left the sky…it seemed to have reminded me of something…something that was meaningful, but I unfortunately seemed to have forgotten.

"Kim?" I heard Jack call my name again. I snapped out of my innermost deep thoughts, and I turned and looked back to him, forgetting that he even asked me a question.

"Sorry," I said apologetically. I walked over to the front bench where I could get a better view of the night sky. "It's just…the moon looks really pretty. It's a harvest moon." I heard Jack's footsteps walking over towards me, and taking a seat on the bench as well, gazing at the nightfall along with me.

"Yeah…the sky does look nice tonight." He said. I smiled, and continued staring at it…lost in thought. I think this was the first time Jack and I actually talked…about real things.

"You know," Jack began. I looked at him, beckoning him to continue. "When I was little, my granddad used to tell me a poem, every night before I went to bed. It was about the moon, and how it makes us sleepy, and how it's good luck if we see a golden moon… like tonight."

"Do you remember any of it?"

"Sadly no…but I do remember this one part, which was my favorite for some reason." He stared into my eyes and laughed. "It's kind of stupid, I know but—"

"No, it's actually…kind of sweet. Even I'm sort of a poetry nerd." I said, laughing inwardly. "It's fine, you can tell me."

"When you see the moon, it means I'm close

Holding your hand, never letting go,

The moon is a way to hide one's feelings

Could be good or bad, we never know the real thing

But always know, that the moon's your friend

Tell it anything you want, it will never be the end,

When you see a harvest moon it's a sign

It means you'll do great things one day… that you and the moon are kind."

After Jack recited the poem, I found myself staring into his eyes, never seeming to get the poem out of my head. I couldn't take my mind off of it. It was as if I just went through a life-changing experience over a poem. "That was beautiful," I said, smiling. "Did your granddad write that?"

"Yeah…every time he recited that poem, it would leave me just sitting in my little car bed, thinking and like…analyzing what the poem means." I laughed a bit, we seemed to have edged closer together on the bench, meeting eye to eye.

"Well, that's really pretty," I admitted. "And normally I don't say things like this."

He chuckled. "Thanks Kim. Hey, who knows? Maybe one day we could write a poem together!"

I laughed. "I'd like that." I said. And pretty soon, we ended up staring into each other's eyes, with my eyes seemed to have been melting in his chocolate ones. I was almost getting fed up of our staring contests, but I couldn't seem to take them away. It was as if they were fixed on his. Our faces were closer than ever, so close I could feel him breathing on me. All was well, in fact, all was great until…


Our heads turned away, quickly darting our eyes around the dojo. The loud noise seemed to have been echoing along the walls, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"What was that?" I asked, hastily getting up from the bench and walking around.

"I don't know," Jack said, looking around as frantically as I was. "But it sounds like it's coming from the—"

Jack never got to finish. Everything went black.

Before you jump to conclusions, I didn't faint. But, it was if my eyes had just shut down. The world legit went pitch black, causing me to frantically turn my head around, trying to recollect the spot Jack was in. I couldn't see a thing. My heart started beating rapidly, and I could feel sweat beading down my forehead and palms. It seemed like angry butterflies were whirling around in my stomach, as if I could just throw up at the spot. I tried walking around, but I just couldn't see a thing, which caused me to have this horrific feeling…to cry.

I gave up. I had to call Jack. So with a deep breath, I was ready to shrill out Jack's name. That was when suddenly…a hand clasped over my mouth.

Oh my god! What should I do? Attack? Cry? Bite his hand? Elbow him?

I screamed. I screamed under the firm hand that tightly wrapped around my mouth, as I attempted to scream louder. But luckily, when I heard that soothing voice whisper in my ear, I knew that I was literally in safe hands.

"Kim, it's me Jack," He hissed in my ear, but in somewhat of a calm-ish tone. "I think…I think there's an intruder. Just don't say a word. Stay with me."

I nodded, and I could feel Jack shove something in my hands. I tried to feel it, and realized it was some sort of a bat. Perfect.

I started holding the bat in a defense position, and my hand was wrapped around Jack's hand, so we wouldn't lose each other. I spun in all directions to make sure I was alert at all times, and not letting a sneak attack go loose.

But it was all useless.

The lights turned back on.

Jack and I looked around. Everything was the same. The dummies were still on the moldy mats. Our bags were still in that same spot, under the bench, thankfully looking untouched. I quickly let go of Jack's hand, realizing that I was still holding it. I blushed.

"You okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah," I said, simply. "I think I'm good. But now, I have a new respect for blind people."

He chuckled half-heartedly. "Okay, let's just grab our bag, lock up and get out of here before something else happens."

"Jack?" I asked. "What did happen exactly? Why did the lights go off all of a sudden?"

"I don't know," Jack admitted. "But let's just get out of here. I had to admit that was fun though." He said, still cracking on a smile.

"Yeah," I said, wrapping my bag around my shoulders. "I thought it was pretty…successful." We both smiled at eachother, and started heading out the door, trying to forget about the "blackout" the just took place.

But how could we forget about it…when it's not over?

A small note was taped to the doors of the dojo. Jack and I exchanged looks of worry, and with a little hesitation, I untaped the note from the glass door and unfolded it, revealing a typed-up message. I skimmed through it and my eyes started to widen, as my mind comprehended every word of the message.

"What is it?" Jack asked. He looked at the paper along with me, and when he started reading it aloud, it just made me want to run out of the dojo, and never come back.

Oh, my little Wasabi Warriors. You think that just by practicing for a few extra hours you're going to win the title of the Most Successful Dojo in California. Think again. With the ride you've just bought tickets to, you're going to endure a lot of things. Heartbreak. Loss. Confusion. Fear. And a whole lot of disappointment. Say goodbye to your dojo, my fellow Warriors. Enjoy the ride.

Yours truly,

Db. Ad.

PS- Destroy this paper…we're watching you…

So, how was the first chapter? We hope you all enjoyed it! Remember to review, all constructive/positive/not-so-positive-but-still-constructive feedback is appreciated! :)

-Kelsey and Taylor ;)