Chapter One

Nick grunted as Zak rolled his hips down against him. "Zak, untie me," he groaned out as those evil hips swirled before raising again.

"Nope." Lust filled blue eyes stared intently down into the chocolate browns, almost daring the younger man to challenge him.

"Fuck, Zak, come on!" Nick screamed out tugging at the restraints on his wrists. He knew what Zak wanted. He wanted, he needed, him to beg for it, like Nick had made him do so many times. Beg for release- whichever type of release his captor was willing to give him. Zak held on, fucking himself down Nick's length slowly, teasing both of them.

Nick grunted in frustration as Zak stood up and got off the bed, his own lubed cock smacking against his stomach as it was so rudely released. He watched as the sculpted man made his way over to their suitcases, lube coating his backside. Pulling out a long piece of black silk Zak grinned devilishly. Nick frowned back at him. "No, Zak."

Humming, he climbed back on top of his captive, taking care to rub their cocks together as he straddled him. "I think you're under my control now," he said, wrapping the blindfold around Nick's head.

"This is evil. I want to see you," he whined.

Lips softly caressed their way around his beard, pressing gently against his own. "You'll feel me and that will be even better."

Nick groaned as he felt Zak leave him once again. They never used blindfolds. This was so not fair. What the helldid he have in mind? His question was answered as an ice cube was run up his chest, dancing around each nipple, teasing them into even tighter buds. "Fuck, Zak that's cold." He could feel Zak's grin as the man dipped his head down, that evil tongue following the trail of chilled residue left by the ice. Nick moan loudly, arching his back as the tongue flicked against each over sensitive nipple, letting each one go with a single nip before dragging the ice up his thighs. Nick groaned as he felt Zak kneel between his legs. "Please," Nick begged. "Not there." The bed shifted again before Zak rejoined him, straddling his waist once again.

He felt the form cage him in, lips barely above his own and Nick considered reaching up to capture them before Zak spoke. "What do you want?"

"I want you to let me go and take this damn blind fold off me."

"Nope," Zak said.

A searing pain ripped through his right nipple and didn't leave. "Fuck!" he screamed.

"What do you want?" he asked again.

"Let me go." A clothespin was pinched on his left nipple and Nick gritted his teeth. Clearly those were not the right answers.

"One more try."

Nick hissed at the smile in Zak's voice. "Ride me."

In one swift motion, Zak sank back onto Nick's weeping cock, groaning at the fullness inside him. Taking seconds to let himself adjust, he positioned his body. "Right answer." Resting both hands on Nick's chest to steady himself, careful not to be anywhere near the clothespins, Zak started to rock his hips back and forth, slowly at first. Nick groaned at the sensation, feeling his cock slip in and out of the heat. The sloppy wet sound of their bodies meeting filled the room as Zak's hips rocked faster. Nick groaned as he felt the clothespins move with their bodies, pulling on his nipples, rippling a pain throughout his chest.

Nick anchored his feet as leverage to rock his body up against Zak's, fucking up into him hard. Zak's telltale high pitched moans filled the room as they moved harder, faster. Nick grunted, "Please… I want to see you…"

Quickly, Zak ripped the blindfold off and clicked the release latch on the handcuffs. In one swift motion, Nick had them rolled, pinning Zak's body beneath him, pulling one leg up around his hips as he held the man against the mattress. Using one hand he removed the clothespins and flung them across the room, giving the man beneath him a dirty look. A quick swat to the exposed ass cheek had Zak grinning up at him. "Just trying something different," he grunted, trying to swivel his hips to get some momentum going, "now move, Nick! I'm going insane."

Raising his body up slightly, Nick caged in the man beneath him as his hips found a pounding force, driving his throbbing cock deep into the welcoming hole. Zak screamed at the force, his cock bobbing between them as he grabbed at the sheets, arching his back. Incoherent words babbled out of his mouth as Nick shifted and wrapped one hand around the cock between them. That was all it took. Zak's body tensed and twitched against him as hot liquid released onto his abdomen. Nick fucked him through his orgasm, his hand milking his cock until it was batted away. Grunting, Nick looked down at the satiated face of his lover as he felt his own orgasm building in his body. "Where do you want it?" he asked.

Running his hands up the strong arms anchored around his body, Zak whispered, "Fill me. I want to feel you release inside of me." Nick grinned, pulling Zak up against him to straddle his waist as his own orgasm overtook him.

An hour later they were showered and laying in bed, Nick running his fingers through Zak's productless hair as he lay cradled against him drifting in and out of sleep. Sighing, Zak said, "I can't believe you're moving on Sunday."

Nick sighed back. "You know if I had a choice I wouldn't go. It will be easier on her though." Kissing Zak's forehead, he closed his eyes. "I'll still be around. Now Vegas can be our town. Remember… what happens in Vegas…"

Zak rolled his eyes. "Stays in Vegas."

Three weeks later Zak laid in his bed, listening to Aaron grumble at him through his speakerphone. "Dude, you need to get out of your funk of Nick being gone. Your other friends still want to see you."

"Aaron, bro, I feel like shit. I have noenergy. I think I'm getting sick," he grumbled, rolling over to face the phone laying next to him.

"Whatever, man. You're always sick. Get over it. Bill and I are on our way to get you. We're heading out to the strip tonight."

Zak opened his mouth to protest as the call ended screen came up on his phone. Fuck. He considered laying there, putting up a fight when they got to his house. Instead, he got up and went to shower. There was no use in fighting them and they were right. Maybe all he needed to do was get out of the house.

When he got out of the shower fifteen minutes later, Aaron and Billy were already sitting in his living room. "Dude, stop fucking with my fish," he said as he walked past Billy tapping at his fish tank.

The microwave dinged as he walked into the kitchen. Aaron swooped past him, opening it before Zak could get to it. "I stole a can of chili, bro. I'm starving."

Zak wrinkled his nose at the smell. "Whoa, has it gone bad?"

Aaron sniffed the bowl and looked at him quizzically. "No? Smells like it usually does."

Shoving him out of the kitchen, Zak felt his stomach churn. "Go eat that… somewhere else."

"Maybe you aregetting sick. Any other night you'd be bitching at me for stealing it. It's your favorite food, man. What the hell is wrong with you?" Aaron asked, as he spooned the meaty soup into his mouth.

Billy joined them in the kitchen area, eying Zak carefully. "He's missing his boyfriend, that's what's wrong with him." Zak scoffed, still not entirely comfortable with their close friends knowing about his and Nick's relationship. "We need to get him out and introduce him to other men."

That was it. Zak rolled his eyes, pushing his way out of the kitchen. "I don't want to be introduced to other men. I'm not gay! Nick is just… he's special." His blood began to boil at the doe-eyed looks the other two were giving him, clasping their hands in front of their chests in mock jesters of love.

"I dunno, Bill. Sounds like love to me," Aaron snorted.

"True wuv," quipped Billy.

Zak blew it. "That's it! Get the fuckout of my house!" he screamed, physically shoving them towards the door. "I'm exhausted and I feel like shit! I don't need any of this! What kind of friends are you?"

They found themselves standing on the front step as the door was slammed and locked behind them. A silent look passed between the two men and they mentally agreed that Zak needed an intervention. Who else was better to give one?

Nick smiled as he picked up the phone. "Hey Aaron! How's it going?"

"Bro…," Aaron started. Nick knew from his tone that something was wrong. Veronique looked at him quizzically as he stepped out of the room, a look of concern on his face. "It's Zak. You gotta do something."

"Zak? What's wrong with him? I just talked to him earlier today and everything seemed pretty good."

"No man. Last night, Billy and I were going to drag him out of his house and take him down to the strip and he just blew up at us. He's depressed or something, Nick. You leaving really fucked him up. He hasn't left his house. You know, not to give you a guilt trip or anything."

Nick chuckled slightly. Zak already gave him enough guilt trips on moving away. He didn't think that anything Aaron said would make a difference. "He'll get over it. I'll see you guys soon anyways. We have that investigation next week."

"Yeah but bro. Bro.He won't eat Skyline Chili anymore. I warmed some up at his house last night and he told me to get out of his kitchen to eat it. It smelled bad."

Nick went silent. Now thatwas unusual Zak Bagans behavior. Moodiness, that's not very unusual. But when that man willingly lets go of a can of Skyline Chili he might need to be hospitalized. "I'll call him. Maybe he's just getting sick. Flu or something. You know how sick he always gets."

"Yeah. Just call him? Check on him?"

Nick smiled into the receiver at Aaron's concern. "Yeah man, I'll call him. Thanks for trying to drag him out. I'm sure somewhere in his heart he appreciates it."

Hanging up with Aaron, Nick dialed the familiar number. "Hey," Zak answered, his smile evident in his voice. "Today must be a special day. I get two phone calls."

"Today is special. Aaron just called me…," Nick started.

"I don't want to hear it!" Zak cut him off, his voice screeching on the other end of the line. Maybe Aaron was right. Something was off here. "They came over here last night, Nick, trying to drag me out of the house when I'm so damn exhausted. And everything hurts! My shirts are rubbing my chest raw!"

Nick raised his eyebrow, stepping farther away from the room where his wife was. "Are you ok, babe? You sound a little… agitated."

"I amagitated, Nick," Zak answered, annoyed. "Why can't everyone just leave me the hell alone? I'm tired. I hurt. I just want to sleep."

"Aaron mentioned the chili. What's up with you not liking Skyline anymore?"

That question earned him an exasperated sigh. "I don't know. It smelled so gross. Maybe it was just that one can."

"Ok… well… are you ok?" He wasn't going to ask if he needed to come back out there because he knew Zak would say yes. And he knew that he would go, making up some kind of bullshit excuse to tell his wife.

Zak paused for a long time. "I feel weird, Nick. Like, I can't describe it. Just weird. Maybe I'm turning diabetic. I'm going to the bathroom constantly, drinking a ton of water. Maybe I'm just sick. I don't know. I guess I'll make a doctor appointment."

Nick nodded. "Ok. Well you know you can call me anytime," he said. Something didn't seem right about Zak. It was just… off. "Love you," he whispered.

"Love you. Bye, Nick."

As Nick walked back into the living room, pocketing his phone, Veronique looked up from playing with Annabelle. "Everything ok?"

Nick shook his head. "There's something up with Zak. He's apparently barely left his house since we left. He says he's exhausted, his body hurts, shirts rub his chest dry. He's not eating Skyline! His favorite food!"

Roni snorted. "Is he going to the bathroom all the time and constantly dehydrated?"

Nick looked at her. Maybe it was a virus. "Yeah! Is it something going around?"

"Oh yeah, it goes around. It sounds like he's pregnant!" she laughed.

Nick blinked. Impossible.

He waited impatiently by the phone. He had a plan, albeit not a very good plan, but a plan nonetheless. Zak was supposed to call him when he got out of the doctor's office. If the doctor said he was good, then he was going to call Billy and get his wife to buy Zak a home pregnancy test as a joke. Then when Zak called him to bitch, it was his job to convince Zak to actually take the damn test. This whole thing was absurd though. Men don't get pregnant, except in that one awful80s movie Twins with Arnold and Danny DeVito. But that was just the movies.

Right on time, Nick's phone rang. "You ok?" he asked.

"Well hello to you too. And yes, the doctor seems to think I'm fine. He just told me that I'm exhausted and my body was telling me to rest." The turn of the car engine momentarily muted Zak's voice. "… so in two weeks if I don't feel better I go in for bloodwork."

Nick nodded. "Okay. Well go home and get some sleep."

Zak yawned at the mention of it. "That sounds like a great idea."

Nick stared at his phone before dialing the numbers. He knew that Billy knew about his and Zak's relationship. He really hoped that Billy believed that this home pregnancy test was going to be nothing but a gag. Because really, a man getting pregnant?

Minutes later, he had Billy convinced to get Zak a pregnancy test- along with crackers and seltzer water for morning sickness and prenatal vitamins. Nick figured that was a little overboard, but hell. They might come in handy.

The next day, Nick knew he would be getting a phone call. Sure enough, around 3pm Zak called. Nick dove for his phone as it vibrated across the table. "Hey!" he said, stepping outside onto the back patio.

"BILLY GOT ME A PREGNANCY TEST!" Zak screamed. "And… and… all this other shit. Fucking hell, Nick."

Nick sighed. One final step in his plan. "I asked him to get you a pregnancy test. The rest of the stuff was his idea." He could feel the anger bubble in Zak's chest from half a continent away.

"You what?" he asked, completely deadpan.

"Please Zak. I don't know why and I know it sounds absolutely insane, but take that test. For me."

"You have lost your damn mind."

Ok, so this part of the plan was a lot harder than he thought it would be, so he had to change his tactic. "Zak, babe. Take the damn test. Roni said you sound pregnant and I agree with her. I know it sounds insane, believe me. Billy thinks it's a joke, but I don't know. Just take the damn test. What will it hurt?"

Zak grumbled and hung up on him. Nick set his phone down on the patio table and waited.

Zak stared down at the gift basket that Billy had strategically placed at his front door- complete with "It's a Boy!" mini balloons and ribbon. Men can't get pregnant. What the hell was wrong with Nick to make him think they could? But to assuage him, Zak relented, opening the box and reading the directions. This was totally something he never thought he'd have to do but it sounded easy enough. One line in the view window meant not pregnant and two lines mean pregnant. Going into the bathroom, he figured out how to hold the stick and wondered how the hell women could pee on such a small space when they couldn't aim?

For some reason as he sat there on the toilet seat, he was actually anxious to see if there really were double pink lines that appeared. Wouldn't that just set everyone off if he was pregnant? Five minutes later, he picked up the test. Two pink lines looked back up at him.