You promised me you'd never leave,

I believed you,

Because we shared something,

A deep and morbid fear,

Black lonely isolation,

No friends to encourage you,

No family to care about you,

No loved one to hold you,

Why would you promise something,

If you had the slightest thought,

That you just might not keep it,

Why would you do that,

When you left me,

I cried myself to sleep,

When you turned away,

My body crumbled,

My heart cracked,

My soul evaporated,

My brain exploded,

My gut killed over,

I thought what we had was special,

Apparently I was wrong,

To you I was another puppet,

A toy for you to play with,

I still see you in my dreams,

The man, that I knew so well,

We walked in fields,

Of sunflowers and sunshine,

We drowned our troubles in liquor,

We were inseparable,

We cried on the other's shoulder,

We watched the stars,

You promised me you'd never leave,

I believed you,

Because we shared something,

A deep and morbid fear,

Of black lonely isolation,

Now you're missing out on what you've lost,

Because I have friends to encourage me,

I have family to care for me,

You may have both of those too,

But there's one thing you don't have,

Something that I do and hold dear,

I have someone I love to hold onto,

And you know what Russia?

She's scared of isolation too,

So I promised her I'll never leave,

That I'll never let her go,

And now,

We're together,

With each other to hold,

So I hope you learn what you did wrong,

That way you can have what I have now,

Something we used to have together,

Why am I telling you this?

Because I love her like I loved you,

And I want you to find someone too,

Why do I care what happens to you?

Because I'm a good person,

And I'm just awesome like that.