Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Disclaimer 2: The lovely image used for this story is drawn by Sabbaru of deviantart! Thanks for letting me use it :) Sabbaru dot deviantart dot com

AN: An idea I was thinking of. What if Minato had survived? How would he feel about Sasuke dating his son. I feel like he'd be kind of protective, for the simple fact that he lost Kushina, and maybe Kushina would want Minato to protect their son in every way possible. By no means in Naruto innocent in this, though.

This will be a two-shot! In this, Minato survived (Kushina didn't) and raised Naruto. He's the Hokage. The Uchiha's are still alive and Itachi is still around. Hope you all enjoy it! I had fun writing this.

Italics means a flashback

Warnings: Minato being very overprotective, Sasuke fearing him.

The sky was dark, except for the few street lights that were still working outside. Everyone seemed to be sound asleep, comfortable, warm, and safe in their beds. Except for one young man.

There was a two-floor house, owned by the Hokage. In it, lived the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Minato, and his seventeen year old, Uzumaki Naruto. Both were sound asleep, in dreamland.

There was, however, one more occupant within the house, unbeknownst to Minato.

That particular occupant was currently worming his way out of a tight embrace.

"Hmm, where are y'goin, S'suke?" Naruto mumbled sleepily. His tan hand grabbing Sasuke's pale wrist, trapping him, before the young Uchiha could leave the bed and escape.

"I'm heading home, Naruto." Sasuke replied, equally as exhausted.

"Stay." Naruto smiled, his grip getting a bit tighter around Sasuke's wrist, as if he was trying his hardest to keep the raven with him.

"Naruto. I'd love to stay. I really would, but I don't think your father would be very happy to find us in bed together, again." Sasuke shivered. He remembered the first (and only, luckily) time Minato had discovered them in bed together. It was coincidentally, after they had sex the first time. It had not been pretty, and Sasuke didn't want a repeat of that.

"Naruto! Wake up sunshine, I've brought you-" An overly happy voice suddenly stopped speaking as crashes of glass and food hitting the floor flooded Sasuke's ears, causing the Uchiha to sit up quickly. The blanket slipped off his body, exposing his naked chest. Luckily, the blanket covered anything lower.

Naruto gasped and sat up as well, his blue eyes meeting his fathers shocked eyes.

"What...are you doing in bed with my son, Uchiha?" Minato asked, directing his angry glare to Sasuke, who tensed up immediately, under his gaze. Minato's tone was low and angry, almost like a warning, a dare, to answer him.

"I...I..." Sasuke stuttered, unsure of what to even say to him. The evidence was too great. It was obvious what Sasuke and Naruto had done. Sasuke also felt like it wasn't a good idea to lie to the Hokage.

"Otosan, I'm old enough to be having sex, y'know!" Naruto added in, deciding to finally speak, as he folded his arms and looked away from his father in annoyance.

'Wow Naruto, and all this time I thought you loved me. I didn't know you wished for my death!' Sasuke thought to himself as he sighed and brought his hand to his face as he tried to figure out what to do in this horrible situation. Trying to figure a way out without getting killed by the Hokage, all for sleeping with his son.

"Ex...excuse me?" Minato asked, shocked at what his son was saying. His gaze now set upon his son.

"You heard me! It's not as if this wasn't going to happen, otosan! I love Sasuke, I wanted this! It was really good too!" He smiled hugging Sasuke around the waist, nuzzling into his chest to prove a point.

If possible, Sasuke tensed up more and looked over at Minato in horror.

"Naruto. Please stop talking." Sasuke begged, able to feel the horrible tension in the room, and not wanting it to get any worse.

"Get out, Uchiha." Minato said sternly. His voice was laced with anger, but he was trying his best to stay as calm as possible, for his sons sake, at least.

"Otosan-" Naruto began, about to defend himself and Sasuke.

"Son, please be quiet," He said to the younger blond, smiling eerily, as he turned to the Uchiha.

"Sasuke, if I catch you in bed with my son again you will regret it. I promise you will" He kept on smiling, scaring Sasuke even more.

"Otosan! Come on, stop being so...over bearing! I'm almost seventeen, and besides Sasuke and I are dating! You know we're dating, you're happy about us dating. Sex was bound to happen between us!" Naruto explained.

"Oh really?" Minato replied, suddenly interested what Naruto had to say.

'Yup. Going to get killed.' Sasuke thought to himself, accepting his fate.

"Yes! What's so bad about it? You're okay with us dating, why wouldn't you be okay with us having sex? We're old enough."

"You...you need to wait until you're married." Minato stated, and Naruto laughed.

"Yeah, like I'd want to wait that long. Sasuke didn't want to wait that long anyway! Right Sasuke? He was more anxious than I was, ne, Sasuke?" Naruto shook the raven slightly, smiling.

'Why do you want me dead, Naruto? Why?' Sasuke asked the blond in his mind.

"Is that so?" Minato's left eye twitched, his angry gaze falling upon Sasuke.

"I'll...I'll be going home now, Minato-san." Sasuke said as he stood up, the sheet wrapped around his waist, covering up his privates. He walked around the room cautiously, grabbing his clothing, and quickly slipped it on, all the while trying to ignore the horrible tenseness of feeling like some sort of prey under Minato predatory glare.

"I mean what I say, Uchiha. Do not let me catch you in bed with him again. I'll castrate you, I swear I will!" He warned, and Sasuke was out the door andsprang with the quickness, like lightening disappeared (1).

"I got a lock since then, Sasuke! Plus I'm almost eighteen, and that was almost one year ago. I doubt he cares anymore!"

"Oh, believe me, he cares." Sasuke shuddered. Ever since Minato had caught them in bed together, the elder blond always gave Sasuke dirty looks, and looks of warning. Sasuke didn't like it. He also wanted to be on Minato's good side, for other reasons, of course.

"Want some convincing?" Naruto asked slyly as he sat up and kissed Sasuke's cheek. However, he didn't stop there. He let his lips travel lower, until he reached Sasuke's neck. He sucked on a hickey that he made last night.

"Stop that!" Sasuke said, moaning, as he swat Naruto away with his hand.

"You like it. Heh, let me convince you to stay. Lay back and let me do all the work." Naruto said as he harshly pushed Sasuke to the bed. He pulled the sheets away, uncovering his naked body. Naruto almost purred at the site. Sasuke's cock was half-hard with anticipation of what was to come.

"Wait, wait, Naruto. Your father-" Sasuke began. He was terrified that Naruto's father would walk in.

"He won't come, but don't worry. We will." Naruto grinned as he silenced Sasuke with a quick kiss. He let his lips travel down the Uchiha's body, something Naruto knew all too well, until he met Sasuke's hard cock. He let his warm breath graze over it, causing Sasuke to tense up, and bury his hands in Naruto's hair.

"Damn it, just do it." He pleaded, giving into the pleasure.

"What happened to wanting to leave?" Naruto asked as he teased the Uchiha.

"Ah.. How can I..when...when you...shit!" He yelled, grabbing onto Naruto's hair harshly, as he rocked his hips forward. He moaned loudly as Naruto's tongue worked wonders. Within seconds, though, Naruto pulled away. Sasuke looked up at his lover, his eyes asking a silent question; Why did you stop?

"Where did you put the lube last night?" Naruto asked, searching the room, stopping when he saw it laying on the night stand. He grabbed it and opened it quickly. He poured some onto his hand and grasped Sasuke's erection, lubing him up. Sasuke sat up slightly, propping himself on his elbows.

"Think you'd get all the fun?" Naruto smiled as he shifted his body, giving both himself and his boyfriend the pleasure they wanted.

"Ah, yes!" Naruto moaned, slowly moving on top of Sasuke.

"Are you...alright? Didn't you need to be prepared?" Sasuke asked, panting, as he held onto Naruto's hips, helping the blond move. He closed his eyes in pleasure and dipped his head back slightly, panting.

"Nah, I'm okay. I'm still stretched a bit from last night. I'm..." Naruto whispered breathlessly. "Better than okay, actually. Mmm, your cock always feels so damn good." Naruto moaned, moving faster.

"You're still so tight." Sasuke moaned as Naruto's heat consumed him.

"Glad you're, ah-" Naruto moaned loudly as his body shook with pleasure. Sasuke always knew where to hit.

"Enjoying yourself." Naruto moaned the last word out, everything exploded around him.

Sasuke laid back and took Naruto with him, letting the blond lay on top of his chest as they let their breathing even out.

"Still need convincing?" Naruto asked as he let his eyes close and lay his head on Sasuke's chest. Sasuke was playing with the blonds hair, stroking it.

"No, you've convinced me to stay. At least for a little while." Sasuke smirked as he wrapped his arms around Naruto.

A few hours later, there was a loud knocking at the door, jolting Sasuke and Naruto awake.

"Yeah?" Naruto called out, lifting his head slightly and answering the knocking, but not moving out of Sasuke's embrace.

"Naruto, breakfast is almost ready. Will Sasuke be coming over for breakfast also?" Minato asked, turning the knob in attempt to get into the room. At this, Sasuke's eyes widened in fear. The Uchiha looked over to Naruto, terror evident in his eyes. Naruto shook his head and smiled, silently telling him; Calm down and stay put.

"Naruto? Why is the door locked?" Minato asked, jiggling the doorknob again. Sasuke tensed up and pushed Naruto off him as he dashed around the room and grabbed his clothes. Once he was sure he had them all, he ran into the bathroom that was attached to Naruto's bedroom and pulled aside the shower curtain so he could hide in the shower.

Naruto laughed at Sasuke's actions as he quickly pulled on robe and walked to the door.

"Naruto, what's so funny?" Minato questioned, hearing Naruto's laughter through the door, "Hey, open the door! What are you hiding? Naruto, I swear if Sasuke is in there-" The door opened and Naruto presented himself.

"What did you say, Otosan?" Naruto asked as Minato walked into the room, looking around in suspicion. He was searching for any clues that Sasuke had been in there. He walked into the bathroom and opened the door to the small closet. Once he realized Sasuke wasn't in there, he continued over to the shower. Naruto's eyes widened as his father grabbed the shower curtain and pulled it aside. Naruto let out silent breath as he realized that Sasuke got away.

'That was close!' Naruto thought to himself.

"Sasuke isn't here, right?" Minato asked as he turned to his son.

"No, of course not. I'm sure he'll be here for breakfast though," The doorbell rang "Ah! I bet that's him. Can you get it otosan? I'm going to get dressed, then I'll be down."


"Good morning, Sasuke." Minato greeted as he let the raven into the house and shut the door behind him. Sasuke walked over to the kitchen table and sat down.

"Good morning, Minato-san."

"You look a bit...flustered today. Everything okay?" Minato asked as he walked over to the stove to continue making breakfast.

'I almost got killed by you this morning because I decided to spend the night here even after your warnings, but yes, I'm fine.' Sasuke thought to himself. He almost had a heart attack when Minato tried to come in. Sasuke was extremely happy that Naruto had a lock on his door now, and a window in his bathroom that Sasuke escaped out of.

"Of course. Hn, where's Naruto?" Sasuke asked, deciding is was a good idea to change the subject.

"Getting dressed. He'll be down in a moment." As if on cue, the blond Uzumaki entered the kitchen.

"Morning Sasuke!" He greeted, kissing his boyfriend on the cheek before sitting down next to him.


"Father, may I speak with you?" Sasuke asked his father one bright afternoon.

"What is it, son?" Fugaku asked, pausing in the reading of a scroll to give his son attention.

"I want to," He paused a moment, debating whether or not to tell his father just yet. "I want to ask Naruto to marry me." Sasuke saw some shock upon his fathers face, and began talking before the elder Uchiha could get a word in.

"I told you when him and I started dating that this was my intention. I haven't gone back on that. I want to marry him." Fugaku stayed silent for a moment, as if in deep thought. Sasuke closed his eyes in reflection. Remembering when he told his father that he was dating Naruto.

"You and Uzumaki?" Fugaku asked, his voice stern and serious.

"Yes father. Forgive me for not furthering the Uchiha clan, but this is my decision and I will not go back on it. Being with anyone but Naruto will not please me. He's the one I want more than anything."

"And where do you plan to take this? This relationship with him? What is it to you?" Fugaku asked his son as he sat back on the chair he was sitting in.

"I plan to take this to forever. My life will not be complete without Naruto. I plan to marry him one day." Sasuke spoke honestly.

"Hm, well so be it. If this is what you want, at least you've made a good choice. The Hokage's only son? Yes, this is very fitting."

"Very well," He paused, searching his sons face for any doubts. When he saw none, he continued.

"Are you going to ask for Hokage-sama's permission first? I believe you should. It's more proper, and shows a sense of maturity and trust amongst you two. I'm sure he will appreciate it if you do." Sasuke froze at this.

'Ask...Naruto's father? As if he doesn't already want to kill me.' Sasuke thought to himself, already dreading what he would have to do.

"Yes, father. I will ask him." Sasuke agreed.

"Good," Fugaku replied as Sasuke made to leave the room, with the intention of telling his mother and brother his plans.

"Hold on, Sasuke?"

"Yes father?" Sasuke paused at the door, turning towards his father.

"Your grandfather gave your grandmother a ring. A plain silver ring with the Uchiha symbol place on the inside. I have it. Would you like to give it to Naruto as an engagement ring? It's not feminine, so I think it will be perfect."

"Yes, that would be perfect father."

"I have to retrieve it. I'll make sure to give it to you before you speak with Hokage-sama."


"So, little Sasuke-chan is finally tying the knot with Naruto-kun?" Itachi teased, ruffling his younger brothers hair.

"Itachi," Mikoto, their mother, warned. "Leave him be! You should be more excited, anyway. I am! This is wonderful, Sasuke. I can't wait." Mikoto smiled, pulling her son into a hug, smiling.

"I am excited, mother. I will have a cute blond as a brother-in-law. How can I not be excited over that?" Itachi replied. Sasuke wasn't too sure if he was teasing or not, but he decided not to question it.


"Oi, oi! Sasuke!" A voice whispered from outside his window. Sasuke blinked as he pulled back his curtains to see Naruto standing on a tree branch. He opened up his window and held out his hand to help Naruto in.

"Aren't you supposed to me on a mission?" Sasuke asked, his eyes roaming over Naruto, who was in his Jounin garb.

"Yeah, but I finished a little earlier than expected, so here I am!" Naruto smiled. He looked exhausted.

"As happy as I am to see you, why didn't you go home?" Sasuke asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Tch, bastard. I wanted to see you! I'll stay over and go home tomorrow morning." Naruto walked closer to Sasuke and wrapped his arms around the Uchiha's neck, leaning upward for a kiss. While they were close in height, Sasuke was still about an inch taller, and it was noticeable whenever they kissed.

Naruto nibbled on Sasuke's bottom lip, wanting to deepen the kiss.

"I...don't think your father will like that." Sasuke said as Naruto was about to kiss him.

"Argh! It's always my father, Sasuke! Why do you always think about him in times like this? You're lucky I'm not the jealous type."

"What! Oh...no! You've definitely got the wrong idea." Sasuke winced at Naruto's claim.

"Oh really? Why is it you always bring him up then?" Naruto questioned, pulling away.

"After that first time when he found us together...he...he scares me! He's so overprotective of you. That man is like a time bomb when it comes to you! I just get worried that I'll set him off one day. I'd like to stay on his good side, thank you very much!" Sasuke explained, pulling Naruto into his arms and claiming his lips before the blond can protest.

"Let me show you just how much I want you."

Naruto was smiling, wrapped up warmly in Sasuke's arms, sleeping. Sasuke, however, was awake, gently running his fingers through Naruto's hair and smiling down at him, as if he was the most precious thing in the world.

Maybe, though, to Sasuke, he was.

"Sasuke, I-" The door opened too quickly for Sasuke to react. Instead, his dark eyes widened and he gasped, as his father stood in the doorway, gazing down upon Sasuke and the sleeping blond.

"Fa...father!" Sasuke called out. Naruto moved slightly in his embrace, but didn't wake up. The blue-eyed ninja was a heavy sleeper. Sasuke grabbed the blanket and pulled it over their naked bodies.

Fugaku put his hand out to stop Sasuke from saying anything else.

"I've simply come to tell you that I've found that thing I told you about. Come see me after Naruto leaves." With that, the door closed, leaving Sasuke and Naruto alone once again.

'Well. That was...unexpected.' Sasuke thought to himself, relieved that his father wasn't angry to see the two of them together, in bed.

"Naruto," Sasuke called, shaking him slightly, "Wake up. You should be getting home now." Naruto groaned and buried his face in Sasuke's chest.

"Don' wanna!" He frowned, nuzzling Sasuke's chest.

"I know. You have to, though. Come on, get up!" Sasuke said, pushing the blond out of his embrace, must to his distaste. He would love to spend all day, in bed, with Naruto, but he knew it was quite impossible. Especially because Minato would wonder where Naruto is.

"Okay, okay! Jeez, bastard." Naruto pouted as he sat up and stretched. He stood up and grabbed the clothing that was shed last night and got dressed.

"See ya later!" Naruto smiled as he kissed Sasuke on the cheek, leaving the way he came in last night.


"I trust your mission went well?" Minato asked as Naruto handed him the mission report. He looked it over quickly and smiled.

'Great! I expect no less from my son.' He thought to himself as he looked up at his son from his chair. His eye's narrowed dangerously as he noticed something that seemed out of place.

He stood up and walked over to the smaller blond, grabbing him by the collar.

"Otosan, what are you-" Naruto jumped slightly when his father pulled down his collar, revealing some obvious marks.

"What...what are these? They're hickies, aren't they! Naruto! When did you get these? Did you...did you stay over Sasuke's last night?" Minato asked, horrified.

"N...no! They're...bug bites!" Naruto lied.

"Don't lie to me!" Minato reciprocated.

"O...okay...yeah, they're hickies. From this morning. I visited Sasuke before I came here." Naruto replied, believing a half-lie was better than telling his father the complete truth.

"Hmm, visited? And what exactly did this 'visit' of yours consist of?"

"Uh...Well, we-"

"Minato-san, I need to speak with you." Sasuke announced as he entered the room. Upon entering, he saw Naruto standing there, slightly worried, as Minato held the collar of his shirt down, revealing all the hickies Sasuke made last night. Minato looked over to Sasuke, murder intent within his blue eyes.

'Shit,' Sasuke thought to himself, panicking, and wondering how he could escape. 'At least those are the only one's he can see right now...'

"You!" Minato yelled, letting go of his son and pointing at the young Uchiha.

"Otosan, wait-" Naruto called out, trying to stop his father from murdering Sasuke.

It was too late for Naruto to stop his father, because the man was already chasing Sasuke out the door and through Konoha.

(1) Virtual cookies for those who know where this line is from!

So, how was it! Please let me know how you liked it! Please review. If you can take the time to put this on your favorites and alerts, you can take the time to tell me that you like it :)