Ah, summer, the endless meaning of California sunshine. I couldn't wait to finally move out of New York with my best friend and get our own place now that we are 21.
"Remember to set the alarm at five." Ailyn reminded me as I finished packing up.
"Yea, I got it."
"I'm gonna miss you Sugar!" she kissed our white abyssinian baby guinea pig. I wasn't really a fan of guinea pigs, so I just ignored her. "By the way, your mom called. Your uncle is going to pick us up from the airport."
"Okay." I nodded and sighed, taking a long look at our apartment, it looked a little bit naked without her posters and my paintings.
"Can you believe it, Renae? We're finally going to start our lives! Share an apartment, adopt a new pet, get a job..." she continued.
That's the thing about Ailyn, she's a dreamer, I'm not saying it won't happen, I know it will. I'm just saying she thinks ahead too much; but thats one of the things I loved about her.
"We already have an apartment together." I smirked.
"Yeah, but our parents helped. This is a huge responsibility, we're going to work our asses off to pay each month's rent!" she laughed, holding Sugar. "Isn't that right Sugar baby?"
"Don't make me change my mind about it." I moved my hair aside and sighed.
"I'm really going to miss Sugar..." she put her guinea pig back to her cage. "Can we get a new pet once we get to California?"
"Yes, we can." I smiled, looking at her light blue eyes.
"We better get some sleep, it's already eleven." she left my room and took a look at Sugar. "Goodnight."
-next morning ;D
"Wake up! This is not the eeeend! Wake up!" Ailyn shook me to the point where I opened my eyes, half dreaming.
"What the heck?" I almost screamed.
"Thats my favorite song." she held her ipod out, "Wake Up" by Panima was playing.
I looked over at the window and noticed it was dark, then I looked at the clock and it read 5:12 am.
Ailyn was already showered, and her short dark hair was wet, while her face was covered in make up. She had this scene style, she wore alot of eyeliner and mascara, while the rest of her face was pale white, she even wore powder which made it even more white.
I sighed and put on my robe as I ran to the bathroom to shower.
-As I got out, I noticed Ailyn sitting in the corner, where Sugar's cage used to be.
"They came for her already?" I asked, putting on my demin shorts and a hot pink top.
Her parents offered to take Sugar when we were about to leave. She nodded a little sad.
"Dont worry, we'll buy a new pet as soon as we get our apartment." I reminded her. I took out my fuschia bag and made sure I had the passports and all our money.
"I really wanna get a tattoo..." she stated randomly. I laughed a little. "Isn't a little too cold to be wearing shorts and heels?" she looked at my outfit.
"I guess, but after I took a shower, I'm not cold anymore. Plus once we get to California it won't be too cold."
"You have a point." she stood up. "Just be careful, you might get sick."
I rarely get sick, so I just nodded and grabbed my stuff. "Ready to go?"
"Ian lets go!" I yelled once again.
"I don't get why I have to go, isn't she your niece?" he came out of the house
"Yeah, and I haven't seen her since we we're kids, and it'll be all weird, so I'm taking you. Besides, it won't take long, I'm just going to take them where they want to go."
"Them? So there's two? You got two nieces?"
"No, it's just one. The other one is a friend of hers."
"Is she hot?" he crossed his arms.
"Get in the car!" I demanded.
"Okay, fine, but you need to buy me some pizza when we get back."
"Whatever." I started the car as he closed the door and put on his seatbelt. "What's that smell?" I sniffed.
"I farted."
"You're disgusting!" I opened the windows.
"What? It's our car! If they don't like it, they might as well get out."
"You better not disrespect them, I don't know her that well, for all we know, she might be some karate expert or something." I explained.
"Yeah right, and I am an amazing magician." he laughed.
I rolled my eyes.