Hello again! Welcome to another installment!

I apologize for such a long hiatus: school really wants to kill me lately.

Anyway, on with the Chapter!


Akihisa grumbled in his sleep. "Five more minutes…I don't want to go to school."

"Yoshii, it's a Sunday."

"All the more reason. Now leave me alone."

As Akihisa turned to get a more comfortable position, two soft hands kept his head in place. Akihisa tries to squirm but since he was weak in the morning, he wasn't able to get free from the person's grip.

"Leave me alone…" Akihisa mumbled.

One of the hands lifted off and pinched his cheek. Akihisa opened his eyes abruptly to see Shouko right in front of his face.

"WAH!" yelled Akihisa. He grabbed her hands and stared at her. She looked like she had been up for an hour. Her hair was nicely brushed and she had time to put on a sundress while he was asleep…in the same room. Akihisa rubbed his eyes and looked around while keeping in the nosebleed. He remembered crashing at Yuuji's house because his sister learned of his infatuation with real girls and the danger they posed for her. Looking at the clock, he noticed it was 7:00.

"Kirshima-san, why is it so early?" asked Akihisa.

"The early bird catches the worm' as they say," said Shouko, "it's best to wake up nice and early to prepare for the day."

"Seriously, it's too early for a weekend. Why are you up?"

"We would miss breakfast if we woke up any earlier. Besides, I like to help Yuuji's mother with the chores around the school."

Akihisa sighed in anxiety. "Okay, whatever. I'm going back to sleep." He lifted the covers to pull over himself and snuggled into the blanket. Shouko narrowed her eyes and walked over to the bed. She leaned over Akihisa, held his shoulder in place, and nibbled on his ears. Akihisa jumpstarted and his head hit Shouko, flipping her onto the floor.

"…Ow" stated Shouko.

"Sorry Kirishima-san!" said Akihisa quickly. "What were you doing?"

"Whenever Yuuji didn't want to wake up, I would do that to wake him up. The results are identical to right now, actually."

Akihisa felt bad for hitting her in the head and extended a hand out to her. Shouko looked at it for a moment and took it. Akihisa pulled Shouko to her feet and walked to the bathroom to wash his face; might as well do what Shouko wanted while the migraine was still rattling his brain. Brushing his teeth, he heard snoozing coming from Yuuji's room. He peered in to see Yuuji sleeping like a dead weight. Akihisa figured; he wasn't too much of a morning person either. He turned back to his room where Shouko was tidying the covers. Akihisa continued to brush his teeth absently while watching her. Something about her figure mesmerized him to the point where he almost dropped his toothbrush. After looking at her for what felt like an eternity, he noticed Shouko staring at him as well, her blushing from embarrassment.

"Would you mind not staring at me?" asked Shouko.

"Ah, sorry!" said Akihisa as he rushed to the bathroom.

Shouko sighed to herself. "You're a pervert, Yoshii." Since Akihisa had no defense whatsoever on her statement, he decided to let it slide.

After a while, Akihisa felt good about waking up early in the morning; he had a lot of time to do things he usually didn't do while being pretty refreshed from a good sleep. Akihisa looked a clean bed one more time. Both he and Shouko slept in the same bed all night and it took all of his will power to go to sleep. Even so, something about Shouko was pulling him in, though he didn't know what. In his circle of friends, she was the one he rarely talked about. He was always with Himeji or Minami. Akihisa shuddered wondering what would happen if they knew he slept with Shouko last night. He shook his head to forget the nightmare thought and went downstairs for breakfast. Yuuji's mom and Shouko were plating while Akihisa turned into the dining room.

"Oh, Yoshii-kun, why so early?" asked Yuuji's mother.

"Kirishima-san woke me up pretty early so I guess I can have breakfast with you" said Akihisa.

"Well, usually it's just me and Shouko-chan eating but it's nice to have other company. Let me get another plate." With that, Yuuji's mom went into the kitchen to fetch it.

"I thought you said that you woke up Yuuji with that…thing" said Akihisa pointing to his ear.

Shouko stuck out her tongue cutely, "I lied."

Akihisa sighed in relief. The thought of his ear being where Yuuji's ear had been was just creepy. Wait, then why did she do it to him? While he pondered the wonders of life, Yuuji's mom had come back with another set of small plates. Akihisa sat down with them, said 'Itadakimasu!' and started eating.

"Woah, this is really good!" said Akihisa.

"Shouko was the one who made them. She's a great cook" said Yuuji's mom. Shouko's face flushed pink. Akihisa looked at Shouko gratefully; she was better than most and the food tasted great.

"That reminds me. Shouko-chan, we are running out of food. Could you go and get some groceries?" said Yuuji's mother. Shouko her head silently then turned to look at Akihisa.

"…I'm going too?" said Akihisa.

"It would be most kind if you did. You did sleepover, did you not?" stated Shouko. Akihisa nodded and went off to change in his room. After arriving at said destination, he realized the only clothing he had, his school uniform, was missing. Yuuji's clothes were too big on him so Akihisa looked around frantically for the uniform. After ten minutes, he noticed Shouko at the door.

"Hey Kirishima-san, have you seen my uniform?" asked Akihisa.

At that moment, like magic, Shouko pulled out his uniform, cleaned and pressed.

"Wow, it's spotless!" said Akihisa.

"It looked dirty when you came so I thought that I should clean it for you" said Shouko, never cutting out of monotone.

"Thanks Kirishima-san! Wow, cooking, cleaning; you really got this wife-thing down! I'm pretty lucky today!" Akihisa said gleefully. Shouko turned around quickly to hide her face from showing the tomato hue it grew to. Akihisa took off his pajamas and started putting on his uniform. He tried to put on the tie but it always turned out funny. His sister usually did it for him.

"Argh, stupid tie!"

Shouko sighed and went up to Akihisa. Akihisa almost moved back but stopped himself as Shouko undid the horrid looking tie and redid, faster and better.

"You need to learn how to do this or you're not a real man. Do you want me to do this for your entire life?" said Shouko calmly.

Akihisa decided not to answer the question in fear of what would happen if he had said 'yes'.

After getting everything in order, Akihisa and Shouko headed out. It was a beautiful morning; the birds were chirping, it wasn't too windy, and the shops were bustling with customers. Akihisa breathed in the smell of the different food in the air. Even though he just had breakfast, the smell of baked bread made his mouth salivate. He looked to see Shouko watching him. He scratched his cheek with his finger with a look of embarrassment and continued on through the stores.

"Yoshii, we need to find all of these things, can you help me?"

"Of course! If I'm going to help, I might as well be useful" Akihisa looked the list of ingredients to see what they would need. "Okay, I know where to get this stuff. All of these are more or less at the regular supermarket."

"Alright then, Yoshii, let's go." Shouko grabbed his hand and walk slowly to the nearby supermarket. Akihisa on the other hand was finding difficulty with the situation.

'Isn't this considered a date? I mean, we are holding hands and walking around town together. What if someone from school sees us? Aren't they going to misunderstand something? Or are they going to think it's just a friendly outlet?' Akihisa pondered intensively while Shouko pulled him along.

When they got to the supermarket, it was easy to find the ingredients and other things that Yuuji's mom had put onto the list. As they looked at all the other things, something caught Akihisa's eye.

"Hey Kirishima-san, can you continue shopping? I need to get something of my own."

Shouko turned to him, confused. "Alright, but don't be too long."

Akihisa ran to the nearest jewelry store. It would be a good way to thank Shouko what she had done for him in the time he had lived in Yuuji's house. With the allowance he had now, he could probably buy something pretty. As he looked around the bright store, he found a scrunchie-looking thing; it looked like something you would out up in a ponytail with. It had blue jewels encrusted onto the stretchy fabric. To him, it looked amazing; it would probably look better on Shouko though. As he reached for the accessory, he heard a familiar voice.

"Hey moron, what are you doing here?"

Akihisa turned to see a person with short hazelnut hair and sharp emerald green eyes sternly glaring at him.

"…Hideyoshi?" questioned Akihisa.

"Huh? I'm not Hideyoshi! Can't you tell by my clothing?" yelled not-Hideyoshi.

Akihisa turned completely around to see that the person was wearing tight blue jeans and a gray T-shirt as well as two chain bracelets on each arm. It looked pretty girly.

"…Hideyoshi?" questioned Akihisa.

"It's Yuuko, you Idiot!" screamed Hideyoshi's sister, Yuuko.

Akihisa stiffened at the name. Yuuko usually hung around Shouko when Shouko wasn't hanging around Yuuji. This is bad; if Yuuko sees he came here with Shouko; there might be disastrous side effects.

"Oh hey, Yuuko; what are you doing here?" asked Akihisa.

"If you must know, I work here. My question is: what are you doing here?"

"Umm…just buying a gift for someone. You think I could have this?" said Akihisa.

Yuuko glared at him one more time before over to the counter. Akihisa brought the jewelry and his wallet out.

"So who is it for?" pondered Yuuko.

"Why, do you want it?" retorted Akihisa.

"Watch yourself, F-class moron."

Akihisa chuckled as he handed the money to Yuuko. After that transaction, Akihisa walked out and started to look for Shouko. Thankfully, she didn't walk very far; she was looking at some daikon. Turning around to make sure Yuuko wasn't looking at him, he started walking to Shouko's location.

"Hey Kirishima-san, I'm back" he said loud enough for her to hear. Shouko turned to him with her usual stare of apathy.

"Did you find what you wanted?"

Akihisa grinned profusely "Yep."

Meanwhile, at their new favorite crepe shop, Minami and Himeji were taking bite after bite from the delicious desserts. Minami savored the sweet taste in her mouth while Himeji looked down at hers. Minami, noticing this, wondered what was wrong.

"What's wrong Mizuki?" asked Minami.

"Well, yesterday, I went to Akihisa-kun's house yesterday to give him some cookies I had made to show that I'm a good cook but when I got there his sister said he wasn't come home. I'm worried about him."

"Don't worry about Aki; he probably forgot where he lived or something-wait isn't he right over there?"

Bothe girls looked out of the window they were seated by to see Akihisa walking about the street.

"What is he doing? Why is he still in his school uniform?" said Minami.

Himeji didn't respond; she was focusing on where he was going.

"Hey, Minami."

"Yeah, Mizuki?"


Both girls watched as Akihisa made his way through the crowd to Shouko. They watched as he conversed with her, pulled out a piece of jewelry and gave it to her. Shouko looked at Akihisa with a shocked expression as he scratched his head in embarrassment. Shouko then smiled at Akihisa and put it on, sporting a ponytail on her head.. Akihisa then got a shocked expression, a face full of red and a nosebleed. Shouko covered her mouth, presumably to stop her chuckling as she helped Akihisa up to his feet. They pulled out grocery bags full of items as they walked down the street.

With the girls, something cracked.

A fire red glow encircled Minami while Himeji created a dark purple hue encroached around her body.

Many of the staff and customers inched away to make sure they weren't in the path of destruction that was about to occur.

That ends this chapter!

Hopefully I could get another chapter out soon!