Germany opened his eyes and he was nearly blinded by the light. He squinted and clenched his teeth, flinching. He quickly jerked his head away and cursed under his breath. His head pounded and he saw swirling colors when he closed his eyes once again.
What the hell happened?
His memory was hazy. He felt as if someone had hit him over the head with a huge steel bat. He shook his head slightly and opened his eyes again, slowly. His vision was hazy at first, but it gradually grew clearer with each passing second. The first thing he saw were the bright colors of a rose window.
The huge window glittered majestically against the stone wall as the sunlight filtered through it, the light disorienting and intriguing all at once. Germany's eyes widened as he immediately sat up. With shock, he realized that he was surrounded by thick maroon blankets and white sheets. His eyes wandered around the scene.
The room had had ancient looking stone walls that arched high up form a massive domed ceiling. Right in front of him, about forty feet up, was a massive rose window that seemed to take up a majority of the room.
Where am I?
Germany looked down at himself and realized that he was wearing a white nightgown.
A nightgown.
He didn't own a nightgown! He hadn't worn a nightgown since he was a child back in the 1800's! What kind of sick joke was this? Who set him up?
He made a movement to jump out of bed, but his eyes froze as he realized that there was someone beside him on the big bed. He slowly turned his head to see that the slumbering figure was covered by white sheets. The figure was moving up and down slightly from the steady breaths.
Germany's chest constricted in panic. He instinctively reached for a weapon of some sort from his pocket.
Dammit. Stupid nightgown.
He took in another breath and then held it. He slowly reached out a hand to the sheets, his heart pounding violently against his chest. With one fluid motion, Germany ripped the white sheets off of the figure.
His first instinct was to think that it was Italy. The figure had the long copper curl and same facial expression when asleep. But then, he realized that it wasn't in fact his ally.
No. It was a girl.
She had long brown hair the exact same shade of color as Italy's. It flowed gently down her back with a few stands that fell into her face. Her cheeks were lightly pink and her eyes were closed gently as she slumbered on, taking calm and even breaths. She was curled up in a ball, her slender arms pressed together and her knees bent toward her chest.
Germany gave a strangled yell as he attempted to back away from the sleeping stranger, but as a result, he tumbled off of the bed. He grunted in pain as he hit the cold stone floor. He sat back up and rubbed the back of his head, gritting his teeth together.
He stood up and looked back at the sleeping girl.
She sure as hell looked a lot like Italy. Almost to the point where it was disturbing. She had that long characterizing Vargas curl, the same facial expression, the same hair color…
His face burned bright red as he realized that she was wearing nothing but an extremely thin nightgown that stuck to every slender curve of her body.
Germany couldn't deny that she was very pretty. He quickly looked away and cursed under his breath.
This was not the time to be looking at beautiful women!
He needed to figure out where the hell he was and how he got here…and why there was a woman version of Italy in bed with him. He winced at the thought.
Could she be a relative?
He would never know for sure unless he woke her up.
Nein! She might be dangerous!
Yet, Germany didn't want to investigate the girl while she was asleep. He wasn't a pervert, but he didn't know how to handle this situation. He's not the kind of man to have a woman in bed with him on a regular basis. Let alone a woman he doesn't know. It just makes it a thousand times worse that he doesn't know where the hell he is.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and gave a frustrated grunt. He then withdrew his hand and slowly made his way toward the sleeping girl. Maybe he could just prod her awake and quickly ask her what the hell was going on.
If only he had a weapon with him…
He held his breath as he gently prodded the sleeping girl in the back. She didn't make any movement.
Germany poked her back again, this time a little bit harder.
The girl shifted a bit and moaned a bit in her sleep, but nothing else.
Germany was getting frustrated as tension filled every inch of his body. He bit his lip as he jabbed her sharply.
The girl gave a frustrated grunt before her eyes slowly opened.
Germany stiffened. Maybe this really was an unknown sister of Italy's. He slowly backed away, but held a defensive pose just in case the worst happened and this girl lunged out and attacked him. Yet, he really didn't want to hit a girl.
The girl sat up, her long brown hair falling down her shoulders to the middle of her back. It was thick and slightly wavy. It shined gently under the different hues of light that flowed through the rose window. Germany couldn't help but mentally address how beautiful she was in her thin white nightgown, surrounded by fluffy white sheets and red blankets. Her cheeks still retained that pink color as she rubbed her eyes, a slight frown on present on her face.
Germany watched with anticipation as the girl slowly took in her surroundings. A look of confusion slowly filled her face, only to be replaced with frantic fear as she looked around wildly. Her movements and facial expressions were identical to Italy's.
Then, the girl turned her head and her wide brown eyes froze on Germany's. He stared back at her intently, breathing heavily. His heart was pumping against his ribcage and his stomach was flipping upside down.
Then, without warning, the girl grabbed a pillow and chucked it violently at the German's face. He grunted as the pillow hit him with surprising force. He stumbled backwards a bit as he heard the girl cry out.
"Veeeee! Who the hell are you? What the fuck is going on? Where am I? Where-"
Germany closed his eyes and his eyebrow twitched in irritation.
She sure can rant like Italy.
"S-Stop!" Germany yelled as forcefully as he could, but the girl kept yelling. Her voice sported a thick Italian accent identical to Italy's.
Who is she?
Germany tried again. He approached the girl. In response, she grabbed a fistful of the sheets and chucked them at him. Then she grabbed all of the pillows and proceeded to throw them at him as well. Germany's headache increased as the objects came flying at him. The girl's irritating yells weren't helping either.
"STOP!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.
The girl froze, but she kept staring at him with a mixture of fear and anger on her face. She still held herself in a defensive pose.
She is a lot like Italy, yet in a way she isn't. Italy wouldn't have defended himself like that.
Germany rubbed his temples and asked in a gruff and panicked voice, "Who the hell are you?"
The girl bristled and spat back, "Ve-who the hell are you?"
Germany was taken aback by her fiery tone. Yet, he didn't back down. He kept glaring threateningly at her and responded, "I asked you first! Now answer the question!"
She glared at him with distrusting eyes. She snapped back, "Why would I tell you who I am?"
"Because I have no clue where I am or how I got here. I just woke up to find myself here in a bed next to you. Now answer my question!" he thundered, stamping his foot. He felt slightly ridiculous in his white nightgown, but he didn't let it show.
The girl's shoulders loosened slightly, but she didn't give up her defensive stance. Her eyes widened as she asked, "So, you don't know what's going on?"
"No. Do you?" Germany responded.
The girl shook her head slowly, fear clouding her eyes once again.
Germany's heart fell. So she couldn't help in any way…and he could tell that she wasn't lying. He could always tell when Italy was lying or telling the truth, and due to the fact that this girl looked exactly like Italy, he could tell that she was being honest.
"Who are you?" Germany asked.
The girl breathed in slowly and answered shakily, "I-I'm Italy."
Germany bristled and backed up. He felt a sense of fear and anger course through his body. He glared menacingly at the girl and clenched his fists. He thundered, "Imposter! I know who Italy is and you are not Italy!"
The girl cringed at the outburst and cried out in fear, "Veeee….stop yelling! I am Italy! My name is Daisy Vargas and I personify the north of the country! I have a sister who personifies the south and my two best friends are Germany and Japan! I swear on the Holy Bible that I am telling you the truth!"
The girl was breathing in and out due to panic and she was cowering, squeezing her eyes shut. Germany immediately felt guilt course through his as he took in the girl's quivering state.
Maybe she was telling the truth…
Nein! That's impossible!
But she sure as hell looked like Italy. She also acted like him, somewhat.
He lowered his voice, but he didn't lower his guard as he spoke.
"How can you be friends with Germany? I'm Germany," he stated darkly, still glaring at this girl version of "Italy."
The girl stopped quivering and opened her eyes to look straight at Germany.
He could see the fire build up in her eyes and he braced himself. She immediately shot up and charged at him, her fists clenched. Her cheeks were bright red, and she moved with a fluid motion as her long hair flowed behind her like a violent windstorm.
Germany found himself cowering as her fists collided with his chest, mercilessly beating him.
Damn! The girl was strong! He cried out in pain and tried to cover himself, but she was fast and ruthless. He could feel the bruises building up on his skin.
"You…are…not…GERMANY! DON'T…YOU…FUCKING…DARE-" she huffed in between punches.
"Ack! Scheiße! Stop it! STOP IT!" He screamed as he pitifully attempted to defend himself against her hits.
Finally after a good two more minutes of screaming and punching, she stopped and glared at the cringing nation, breathing heavily. Her hair was tousled, her eyes were still engulfed in flames, and her face was red with rage. Germany slowly backed away, finding that every step he made hurt.
"Thank you! Mein Gott!" He seethed. The two stood still, breathing in and out heavily.
Germany then swallowed and spoke, "I am just as confused as you are. Obviously there is some strange phenomenon occurring here that is beyond our control. But I swear to you that I am Germany. My name is Ludwig Beilschmidt. My ally is Feliciano Vargas and he personifies Northern Italy. My other ally is Kiku Honda and he personifies the country of Japan. Please do not hit me again. I swear on my life that I am telling you the truth."
He stared at the girl, praying that she would accept his answer. In all shameful honesty, he wasn't sure if he could handle another beating from her.
She still looked a bit suspicious, but he could see that the angry fire was gone. She now looked like the innocent Italy that he knew. She breathed in shakily, and then breathed out.
Then, her face crumpled as the tears started to spill from her eyes. To Germany's horror, she started to wail. "Veeeee, what is going on here? I don't like this at all. I want to go home and make pasta-"
Now that's the Italy I know.
If this were Feliciano Vargas crying, Germany would just yell at him to man up. But he didn't know what to do with this Italy. Even though the two were extremely similar, she is a different person.
"Please stop crying," Germany grunted in an irritated voice. "It won't help anything. We need to stay calm and figure this out."
He ran his hand through his blonde hair and tried to breathe in and out to stifle the panic that was rising in his chest. This wasn't right. Something strange was going on…
The girl known as Daisy Vargas bit her lip to stifle her sobs and started to nod in agreement, her glittering eyes shining. Germany quickly looked away from her, his face starting to burn as he again addressed how pretty she was.
"Ve, you must be telling the truth. You act exactly like Louise," she remarked in a soft voice.
"Louise Beilschmidt. Germany. Well, my Germany," she said with a shaky sigh.
"Hmm. Well, you are very similar to Feliciano. Except you seem a lot stronger than him. He would've never defended himself like you did," Germany responded with a frown.
The two were silent for a moment, both their minds whirling uncontrollably. Germany kept taking deep breaths to keep himself calm. It appeared that Daisy was doing the same thing.
Then, something clicked in his mind.
"Daisy…I have a question. Are all the countries in your…uh…world female?" Germany asked, frowning at his sore arm as he realized that bruises were starting to form.
Daisy sniffled slightly and responded softly. "Ve, most of them. But Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, and that one country…um…Liechtenstein I think…they're males. There are some others but I can't really name them off the top of my head…"
Germany's mind was running. He shook his head in exasperation as he responded, "It's the opposite for me. All of the countries in my world are male except for the ones you mentioned. So strange…it's almost like we're all counterparts of each other… representations of each other from a parallel universe."
He looked at Daisy to take in her reaction. She was staring at the floor, her arms limp at her side. She looked lost. Germany sighed and realized that this girl wouldn't be very helpful. After all, she is the girl version of Italy. As much as he liked his ally, he was pretty useless.
At least she can throw a punch.
"This is so weird," she said softly with a frustrated sigh.
Germany straightened his back. He had to do what was right in a situation like this. Stay calm and figure out where the hell he was and why he was here. A good start would be to walk out of this room and start asking questions.
"Okay, first thing's first. We need to figure out where we are and why. We have to go out of this room and start investigating. I have a feeling that if we are here, then the others are as well, both from my world and yours. I don't know if there will be any danger, but if there is, we will need to work together. Are you willing to do that?" Germany asked all in one breath. He made sure that he sounded steady and demanding, despite his need to panic. He looked down at the Italian girl.
She was very short, barely reaching the middle of Germany's neck. She looked up at him with a fearful expression on her face, her cheeks lightly colored and her eyes swirling with a mixture of brown and amber…the exact same color as Italy's…Feliciano's.
Daisy bit her lip and responded, "Ve, I will work with you if you promise to protect me. In return, I will try my best to protect you…but to be honest, I'm kind of useless…"
Her cheeks burned a bit as she said this and Germany had to fight a smile at how…cute she was.
He kept his face impassive as he gave a curt nod and responded, "I promise."
In response, Daisy gently curled her hand and held it out in front of her, offering her small and slender pinky.
"Pinky promise?"
Germany was taken aback. A wave of déjà vu hit him as he remembered so many years ago during World War II when Italy had extended his pinky to him. To his surprise, his heart throbbed a bit. He sighed and extended his pinky as well and gently wrapped it around Daisy's.
The Italian girl smiled and withdrew her pinky. Germany felt his stomach flutter, but he ignored it.
"Ve! Alrighty! Let's go!" she exclaimed in a boisterous fashion.
Germany blushed as he looked down at what he was wearing. The nightgown really was humiliating.
He let his eyes wander over Daisy's figure and automatically wished he hadn't. The girl's nightgown was extremely thin and practically see through.
"Ah, si. We must change," she said as she looked down at her own outfit. She turned her head to quickly look around the room. Germany also scanned the room quickly, praying that there was something that may have extra clothes…
Finally, he spotted it. A large elegant and richly colored wardrobe that was propped against the opposite wall.
Germany made his way toward it with Daisy following behind. He grasped the cool sleep handle, pushed it, and opened it. The door was slightly heavy. To his dismay, there was nothing in the wardrobe.
"Merda! Now what are we going to do?" Daisy asked with an impatient tone.
Before Germany could respond, there was a fast knock on the big wooden door that led out of the bedroom. He immediately tensed and eyed the door suspiciously. He looked around at Daisy, who was eyeing the door with a flash of fear on her face.
The knocking started up once more. Then there was a voice.
"Hey, West! Open up! I know you're in there! You can't just ignore my awesomeness."
Germany's shoulders loosened in relief. He let out a huge sigh as he walked up to the door and opened it. There stood Prussia, who was leaning against the stone arch doorframe, with a smirk on his face. Germany took in his appearance.
What the fuck is this dummkopf wearing?
The Eastern nation was dressed in a long scarlet robe that flowed all the way to his ankles. He was also wearing a scarlet shirt with a strange golden crest adorned on it, as well as a belt that tied around his middle. He wore bright tights and curled shoes. On his fingers were a number of jeweled rings and on top of his bright white hair was a golden crown that seemed to gleam along with his irritating smirk and flashing red eyes.
Germany just stared at him, not sure of what to say.
Prussia gave a small laugh and said, "Yes, I do look awesome."
He then sauntered into the room past Germany.
Daisy gave a small squeak as she sprinted toward the bed and grabbed a handful of covers to shield her exposed body. She stared at Prussia with wide eyes. The Eastern nation's smirk increased at the sight of her.
Germany had to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. "Do you know what's going on?"
Prussia gave a shrug before responding, "Not really. I just woke up a few hours ago in a nice bedroom. I didn't know what the fuck was going on so I went exploring and what I found out is awesome!"
He continued on, "Apparently you and I are both Kings in this universe. We rule this whole fucking region! All of the locals call it umm…Allegmita…or something like that. But the nickname for it is The Brother's Empire. I just went a lot with it and pretended that I knew what I was doing. It was pretty easy. You just have to boss people around and act all high and mighty. It's pretty awesome to be called King Gilbert. I also managed to get information about you! Apparently you just recently got married to the princess Daisy Vargas and now she's the queen. I found that kind of weird because Italy's last name is Vargas and…"
He trailed off as he looked straight at Daisy, who was still eyeing Prussia wearily.
"Whoah!" his eyes widened. "She looks so much like Italy! That's kind of creepy!"
Germany face palmed and sighed. "She is Italy."
"What? Last time I checked, Italy was a guy…but then again-"
"No, she's Italy. But she's not Feliciano. Her name is Daisy, as you already know. We're not really sure What's going on, but I have a theory that in this world, all of us nations have counterparts that are the opposite gender. But I can't be quite sure. Italy…er…Daisy doesn't know what's going on either, but she claims that she's allies with a female Germany and a female Japan, and that all the nations in her world are female except for the ones that are female in our world. It's all switched. What I don't understand is why we're here," Germany explained, rubbing his temples to soothe the irritating headache.
Prussia took this information in with a blank expression. He looked back at Daisy, who was still hiding herself in a mass of blankets.
"So you mean, our female counterparts are walking around somewhere?" he asked slowly.
"I don't know. I haven't been outside this room, yet."
A smile crept on Prussia's face as he responded, clapping Germany's shoulder.
"Come on, west. Stop being so cautious and live a little. You're king here. You got a wife…who is still sexy despite the fact she looks exactly like Italy."
Germany's eyebrow twitched in irritation. He responded through gritted teeth, "We don't have time for that! This is urgent. We have to find out if the others are here and figure out a way to get out of here!"
Prussia sighed dramatically and shook his head. "Fine, fine. You need to take that stick out of your ass, west. I'll do the honors of calling up the servants so that you can get some awesome clothes like me."
He looked back over at Daisy with his gleaming red eyes. She glared back at him, her cheeks turning into the color of tomatoes.
"Hmph. Female counterpart huh? Kesese, I hope mine is hot."