Yo minna, xAnimeLuv here~ this will be my very first fanfic so I hope you will all enjoy reading it cause it will be about NaLu and I love them :3 Lisanna can just go back to Edolas LOL but I'll still put her in cause I want something special to happen later on :) I'll post new chapters up after I get some reviews on how good it's going ot when I feel like it bahahaha anyways this is the first chapter so enjoy~

Full Summary: Are they finally together? Their lives were not simple from the start and they encounter many adventures to help save their world from being taken over by another dimension. Dragons and Dragon Slayers must unite with the Dragon Goddess in 9 years time in order to save their realm from the clutches of Acnoligia.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail because I am not as awesome as Hiro Mashima but I do own some blu-tack!

Chapter 1: Realized Feelings

Lucy P.O.V

It was night time and I was in bed staring up at the ceiling thinking of what I would do now that I have finally realized how I felt about a certain pink haired dragon slayer. After the incident with Phantom I was beginning to have these weird butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm with him. I have just found out that these butterflies indeed mean that I was developing feelings for the idiot that has gotten me in the one and only Fairy Tail, which is now my family that can never be replaced.


"What should I do?" said Lucy frustrated.

Just then as a small light bulb appeared above Lucy's head as she bolted upright with eyes the size of frying pans.

"YES, why didn't I think of that before?" Lucy shouted as she bawled her hands into fists and swung her arms straight up.

After a minute or so she got tired of the position and lied back down in her bed with a smile plastered to her lips and thought 'I'll just act like I always do and try to figure out the best time to confess to him' as she slowly dozed off into a peaceful dream.


Natsu P.O.V

'Why do I always get rolling ninjas in my stomach whenever I see her?' thought the fire breather staring outside the window of his and Happy's house. The moon was shining brightly and all Natsu could think about was a certain blonde haired best friend.

"I think I'll just ask Mirajane tomorrow at the guild since she knows practically everything" whispered Natsu being sure not to wake up a blue haired feline on the couch sleeping soundly.

It was getting pretty late and Natsu just couldn't sleep so he decided that he would go sleep in the most comfortable bed in the world, according to him, with his best friend, which was the real reason that it was so comfortable to him but he doesn't know that just yet because of his denseness.

When Natsu arrived at Lucy's apartment he jumped in the window seeing as thought it was already open and saw a sleeping Lucy in bed with a smile on her lips.

He couldn't help but smile himself looking at the dreaming form of his best friend. He climed under the covers next to her and faced her as he closed his eyes slowly falling asleep as he inhaled her scent of vanilla and lavender.

Later that night Natsu woke up slightly and found that Lucy was cuddled against him, he figured it was because he was a fire mage his body temperature was warmer than any other person and she was just feeling chilly, just then he felt those damn ninjas rolling around in his stomach again but he ignored them and wrapped him arms around her waists finding it was more comfortable than he imagined. He unconsciously leaned his head closer to hers so that his nose was in her hair.

He relaxed as he inhaled more of her scent that he could not get enough of and fell asleep again.

In the morning.

Normal P.O.V

Lucy has woken up with squinty eyes because of the rays of the sunlight shining through her window in an oddly pinkish colour…wait…pink? Lucy shot open her eyes and sighed in relief that is wasn't the sun changing colour indicating the end of the world or that vampires were taking over the world. Instead she saw the adorable innocent face of her one of a kind best friend. Natsu.

She was happy that he was sleeping next to her with his arms wrapped securely around her waists. She lifted one hand up and started playing with his pink locks unconsciously until she felt him slightly moving and in a flash, retracted her hand and shut her eyes pretending to be asleep.

Natsu slowly woke up and cracked open an eye to see Lucy's sleeping face with a slight hint of pink on her cheeks and then realized that he still has his arms wrapped around her waists and slowly let her go, much to Lucy's dismay, and sat up on the bed yawning and stretching. He looked down at Lucy's figure to see that she was slowly waking up, well that's what he thought.

Lucy was putting on an I-just-woke-up face and sat up also yawning and stretching her arms up above her head then turned to look at Natsu.

"Morning Luce!" said Natsu with his toothy grin.

"Morning Natsu… and why are you in my house and sleeping on my bed?" asked Lucy who tried to sound annoyed and frustrated.

"I couldn't sleep last night and I thought that you would want some company" Natsu said as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

Lucy only sighed as she hopped off her bed heading toward the bathroom while telling him not to break anything and not raid her fridge. As she closed and locked the door to her bathroom Natsu fell back onto Lucy's bed face-down onto her pillow and inhaled her scent and dozed off once again.

After 30 minutes or so Lucy emerged from her bathroom fully dressed and walked towards her mirror tying her hair up into a side pony tail. She saw that Natsu was sleeping on her bed so she let him rest while she cooked something for breakfast.

Natsu woke up to the smell of food coming from the kitchen and walked toward Lucy, her back facing him and cooking a piece of bacon. As Natsu leaned on the counter next to her she asked him cheerfully "up already?"

"I smelt food and I'm hungry as! Hurry and finish cooking so I can eat Luce~" Natsu whined and pouted.

"it's nearly done so why don't you go set the table up" sighed Lucy and Natsu jumped up and ran toward the cupboard getting two plates, forks and knives.

(Time skip. Walking to the guild)

"Hey Luce lets go on a job today" said Natsu as he walked beside her nearing the guild.

Lucy thought for a moment then said while smiling "that would be great Natsu! I also need to pay my rent soon so that would help heaps!"

As the two walked into the guild, they were greeted by everyone and they greeted back then headed toward the request board to pick out a mission. A blue exceed came flying toward them landing on Natsu's head asking "did you go to Lucy's house last night?"

"Yup, where else would I go" said Natsu grinning up at the blue exceed.

Happy then looked at Lucy then back to Natsu then back to Lucy and finally said "you liiiiiiiiiiike each other" putting a paw to his mouth.

Natsu had the tiniest hint of pink on his cheeks that instantly disappeared and Lucy yelled back "Shut up Happy!" turning the opposite direction from the pink haired boy and exceed. She turn back to them when she heard a ripping sound and saw that Natsu was holding a request up to her face saying "how about this one?"

Lucy took the request from him and started reading:

Please help look after our 5 year old daughter for three days while my wife and I go on a business trip.

Reward: 70,000 Jewel.

"Natsu this is perfect!" Lucy shouted happily as she swung her arms around happily.

All Natsu could do was laugh and say "you're so weird Luce" which made her glare at him and he just laughed harder, Happy copying his laughter.

"Jeez whatever, Hey Mira, Me Natsu and Happy will be taking this job" Lucy said as she walked towards the bar where Mirajane stood. Mira then scanned over the paper before handing it back to Lucy and nodded smiling "have fun."

"Thanks Mira we will" said Lucy walking out the guild doors with Natsu and Happy in tow.

SOOOO how was it? :D IONO IF ITS GOOD OR NOT cause I've never done this before :

Please help me by reviewing so I can continue the story if it is good cause there will be way more interesting things in the future and it's all in my head ready to explode ;) of course this job isn't going to be the end of it cause there is way way more in planning on doing so stay in tuned with the next chapter~ THANK YOU ALL!