Hello friends. So, as strange as it seems, people - many people - have been asking me to update this story. And while I wish I was able to tell you that my will to carry on has returned...it hasn't. I haven't written a fanfic in a very long time. I'm just not into that story of thing anymore. Love to read them! Hate to write them.

However, I didn't want to leave you hanging. I knew all along what would happen. I see that it's only fairy to give you guys a taste of what would have happened if I continued on with this story.

Truth is, Sebastian does remember what happened that night. His mind was a bit fuzzy, but after first speaking with Santana, he reminder exactly what happened. He chose to keep it a secret out of fear. Fear of admitting that he found comfort in Santana and fear that he was just another fuck up.

Eventually, he tells Santana this and while they do not become an item, they learn to respect one another and focus on doing what is best for their child.

When the child is born, it would be revealed to be a girl. Her name is Annabelle Vienna, or Annie for short.

If the baby had been a boy, it would have been named Spencer Ian.

One scenario would be them keeping the baby - the girl - and moving to Boston where Santana would go into modeling, while Sebastian went to law school.

Annie would be the apple of her father's eye and they would dance around the apartment together.

Another scenario would be Sue adopting the baby. This idea would have happened if I chose the baby to be a boy, therefore making him Spencer Sylvester, rather than Spencer Smythe.

While I leave it open ended, it's a belief that Sebastian and Santana do in fact end up together and wed. Whether or not they have a second child is all up to you guys.

I apologize once more for not being able to actually write this. I had been able to get 27 chapters in, but failed terribly to actually finish. Thank you all to those who read it and adored it. To those who love the ship, I thank you once more, since it seemed to be a dying breed.

Carry on, Readers. Carry on.