Watching the last episode was a bad idea because now I'm sad. And this project is over.

It's been a fantastic run, my friends. Thank you for sticking with me throughout this overly extended journey.

Disclaimer: I don't own YGO.

The End Part Two


Pride swelled in his chest as the last of his Life Points dwindled to zero. The holograms vanished and Yugi fell to his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks in torrents. Atem walked across the room, unable to contain his adoration, his joy, a grin spreading ear to ear.

"A champion doesn't belong on his knees," he said, but Yugi refused to look at him. Atem crouched down so he was at eye level to his partner, his best friend, his soul mate. "You achieved a great victory for us both."

Yugi hiccupped. "I was f-focusing so hard on the Duel, I-I forgo—" His voice broke as his sobs echoed around. His voice was quiet when he found it again. "I've sent you away."

"No, Yugi," Atem placed a hand on his shoulder. "You have opened the door for me. I can finally rest in peace. I've been trying for so long to remember who I was, why I was trapped in unrest." He laughed, hardy and earnest. "I couldn't remember my own name! But with you, Yugi! We were drawn by Fate. It was your Fate to finish the Puzzle three years ago and your Fate to finally free me soul."

Yugi wiped an eye with his palm and Atem helped him stand up. "Yes, it was."

"Together we were able to defeat the darkness and banish it to the Shadow Realm for all time. It was as much your Fate to help me as it was for me to help you."

Slowly, a smile crept across Yugi's lips and he finally looked into Atem's eyes. "I'm going to miss you."

Atem tapped a finger to Yugi's chest. "I'll always be with you, Yugi. We've learned and grown together, and you taught me many valuable lessons and I, you." He pulled Yugi into a hug, trying to convey everything left unsaid with it. But Yugi would know. Yugi always knew.

The Eye on the door began to glow once more and Atem released his best friend, giving him one last smile before walking toward his Fate.

"The time has come," Ishizu called. "Speak your name."

"I am the son of Aknamkanon," he said in a commanding voice. "My name is Atem!"

The Eye glowed ever brighter and a light split down the center, the door opening at his name. He took a breath and stepped forward.


He halted; the pleading voices of his friends begging him to stay made him freeze. He stared into the light, it looking warm and inviting, but the sound of his friends made his heart ache and want to turn around.

"No," said Jou, interrupting Anzu. "There are some things we aren't supposed to understand, Anz. I've gone through life confused by more than half the things that have happened to me. But if there is one thing I've learned, it's true friendship can last eons. We won't forget him, and I know he won't forget us and I thank every day we got to know him."

Atem closed his eyes, gratification filling him up. Jou, while goofy and hotheaded, had a good heart and knew what to say. He turned, finally, and smiled at his friends, looking first at Honda, then Jou, lingering a bit on Anzu, and finally to Yugi. His partner has tears in his eyes, but they spoke loud and clear: go.

He smiled at everyone before turning, throwing out a thumbs-up as he walked into eternity.

I watched the last episode and cried. Oh man. Even six years later I'm still bent out of shape because of this anime.

Thank you everyone for reading this and supporting me. After I finish writing my TAC one-shots (and finish Target), I'm going to close a lid on YGO and my FF account. This was a wonderful site for me to find my style and I've met some great friends through here. Thank you.


Over and finally out,
