So, recently i received some hate for this story from an anon, and to tell you the truth i was surprised someone could have so much hate. This was the first time i had ever received something like that and it stung a little bit, because i write these stories for you guys, and i try to write them perfectly and well as i can, and yes there can be some grammatical errors but telling me my story is terrible is something you shouldnt say anonymously, confront me and stop being a coward. I try not to think about it, but i can't say it didnt hurt my feelings.

BUT ANYWAY! Back to this story! This chapter is really long! It has some amazing confessions and flashbacks that will leave you with your mouth open. And a happy ending...well not really. After this chapter things will start to slowly get dark in the sense that Mercedes will slowly start to reveal her past to Sam and how she got her tattoo. So and hope you guys like it!

Sam's POV

Lord knows the moment I walked into Mercy's home and found out what exactly the problem was, I wanted to yell and most importantly I wanted to find that boy and kick him the balls for what he did.

"What do you mean Puckerman's in juvie? What the hell did he do?" Mercedes sighed nodding her head and placed her hands on her hips before she spoke.

"The idiot drove his mom's Volvo through the front of a convenient store and drove off with the atm." My mouth flew wide open and I just stared in disbelieve at Mercedes until she snapped her fingers to try to get me back into reality.

"You have got to be kidding me? When is he getting out?" Mercedes shrugged her shoulder and began walking to her kitchen as I quickly followed behind.

"Sam, this is bad, he's going to miss rehearsals for Regionals, costume fittings, something tells me his actions were relevant to something, to accomplish his stupid goal." Right then and there I knew exactly what she was talking about and it was something I feared and ended up being true.

"The bet. That bastard still cares about that stupid bet." I looked at Mercedes and she flinched when I said the word "bet." She gave me a weak smile and placed leaned into the kitchen counter, resting her weight on her elbows.

"Are you okay?" I head her laugh softly as she lowered her head.

"To think, just two weeks ago you were bashing me, pulling me, calling me all these types of names and now you're on our side. You're in Glee Club, hanging out with what you called 'losers,' sometimes I think it's too good to be true." Mercedes started playing with her fingers as she still had her head lowered. I gently grabbed her chin and raised it up to meet my sincere gaze.

"Mercedes, I would never hurt you. Yes, I was blinded by something as stupid as popularity. I let that take me over and you just managed to be there for those moments where I lost it. But you, Glee Club and your friends mean a lot to me and I would never do anything to harm you or them." She snickered and moved her chin from my hands and started walking away from me. I watched as she fell to her couch and brought her knees up to her chest and just stayed like that. I immediately grew concerned and I approached her sitting beside her as I notice she had tears streaming down her face.

"Mercy, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I gently threw my arm around her shoulder as she fell into my arms without being hesitant. Once in my arms she started sobbing quietly and started grabbing my shirt wrinkling it with her fingers as I felt she did that as an attempt to not scream.

"Sam, sadly you're the only person I feel like I can actually talk to." I laughed softly as she admitted with me being the only one she's starting to trust, and tried not to be mean about it. I began stroking her arms, as she started calming down. She moved from my arms and sat next to me.

"There's this guy, his name is Shane Tinsley." I felt my heart getting punched once she said a guy's name that wasn't mine. Could Mercedes like that prick? But before I could attack her with questions that my now sensitive heart wanted to know, I let her continue.

"We are always planning to going out and when that date arrives, he cancels every time. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't want to be seen outside of the school with me. Is he ashamed of me or something." Damn Mercedes and her insecurities, she was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever encountered. She, out of people should be treated like a queen. Mercedes deserves nothing more than that, but I could see she is still blinded by the fact that I'm the one that can make her feel good, I mean I'm the only one who can.

"Mercy, he's an idiot for not seeing your beauty. If I were him, and we were dating, I would show you off to everyone in this town and say out loud that you're my girlfriend." Mercedes began to blush and looked away from me. I smiled as I heard her giggle.

"Shane, I guess doesn't like me enough. I don't know what to do." She moved her head towards me as she stayed staring at me with a weak smile. Mercedes observed the grandfather clock she had in the living room and immediately stood up from the couch.

"Crap, it's almost midnight, you're parents are probably worrying about you. You should go." She began pulling my already wrinkled shirt more as an attempt to try to pull me up from the couch.

"They think I'm sleeping over at Finn's tonight. I don't want to leave because I want to stay here. I want to lay with you again." Mercedes began to bite her lip and her whole body language changed, she was now nervous.

"Sam, I don't think that's a good idea-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"I want to earn your trust Mercedes. Just like you opened up to me about someone you like-" I scoffed inside because I couldn't believe I just gave her dating advice, but the only person I want her to date is me not Tinsley.

"I want you to open up to me about other things." She moved her head in a disapproving matter and placed her arms across her chest.

"Opening up to someone I just met is something drastic." I finally stood up from the couch and met her hesitant eyes.

"You didn't just meet me, Glee Club doesn't count. You met me before I transferred to McKinley, before I became 'the jock,' before I became popular. Remember, that summer day at the Lima Bean? Where we first met?" Her eyes seemed to open wide in disbelieve.

"That was you? But you…of course that was you. How could I have been so blind? You were that boy; that boy who was playing guitar at the Lima Bean, I remember it clearly.

Mercedes' POV

Sam had resulted in being the boy I saw during the summer playing guitar at the Lima Bean. It was a day I got the news that my parents were staying longer in Rio, for one of their business trips. Being alone all those summer nights, without my father's hugs or my mother's sweet words; made me feel absolutely lonely. Rachel and Tina offered me to sleep over at their house on several occasions but I turned it down. That day when I received the news, I could help but cry; I had awaited their arrival with such anticipation, only to receive otherwise.

I was near the Lima Bean, I had planned to get their favorite coffee and surprise them, but things didn't go as planned. With tears still in my eyes, I didn't care if anyone saw me I entered anyway. Just as I set foot inside the Lima Bean, I started hearing a soft melody being played. It wasn't radio music but rather live music that being played. I turned at every direction to spot where it was coming from and that's when I spotted this handsome boy on stage with his guitar.

He had brown hair, beautiful ivory skin and piercing green eyes. But what fascinated me was how he captivated me once I heard his voice.

We spent sometime together walking

Spent sometimes just talking

About who we were?

You held my hand so very tightly

And told me what we could be dreaming of

There's nothing like you and I

Nothing like you and I

There's nothing like you and I

Without knowing, I didn't notice I was walking towards him with my fascinated eyes, he probably thought were disturbing. He noticed me and I quickly looked away from him, feeling my cheeks burning and turning into bright red.

We spent sometime together drinking

Spent sometime just thinking

About taste of joy

As our hearts starting beating faster

I recalled your laughter from long ago.

There's nothing like you and I

Nothing like you and I

There's nothing like you and I

I found a nearby table and quickly sat on the chair as I slowly started placing my eyes on the beautiful singer once again only to find that he was now only gazing at me. He bowed his head towards acknowledging my presence, since I was the only one near the stage.

We spent sometime together crying

Spent sometime just trying

To let each other go

I held your hand so very tightly

And told you what I would be dreaming of

There's nothing like you and I

Nothing like you and I

There's nothing like you and I

I stayed watching him as he stayed watching me; I felt my heart start to pound faster and faster every time he sang. There was this certain beauty in him and in his voice that made me give into him.

So why do I even try?

There's nothing like you and I

There's nothing like you and I

Nothing like you and I

There's nothing like you and I

Nothing like you and I

There's nothing like you and I

I being his only audience, I started applauding once he finished. He gave me a smile that made my knees weak. Even worse, when he placed his guitar down and started walking towards me, I felt like I was going to faint.

"Hello, I see you're a fan." He chuckled and I began blushing again, he had this cute adorable accent. He sounded like he was from the south, but I wasn't quite sure.

"I mean who wouldn't be, you have an amazing voice, quite beautiful actually. I haven't you seen you around here, are you new in town?" He groaned annoyed and nodded.

"I guess my plaid shirt, my hideous boots and my accent doesn't help me blend in, right?" I laughed softly and when I looked up at him, he began staring at me the same way I stared at him: with fascinated eyes. He quickly moved his eyes and cleared his throat once he felt that I was getting a little bit uncomfortable.

"Yes I am. I just moved here from Memphis, Tennessee. I plan to transfer to William McKinley High School." Was it coincidence or fate that this boy, being the boy of my dreams was going to be attending my same school?

"I actually go to that school." His face lit up and began smiling.

"Really? That's amazing." We both laughed amongst ourselves. Silence blew fairly quickly and he broke it off.

"Would you like to get some coffee with me?" My heart couldn't shut up and stop pounding, it was blocking my brain and I couldn't focus correctly enough to respond to him, but I did eventually.

"I'd like that." After we both received our coffee, we talked all day in that coffee shop. We began taking about our hopes and dreams, his being he has plans on being a singer and he was glad he got the gig there at the Lima Bean. I told him mine, which were that I wanted to be a singer as well and hopefully receive a Grammy.

Something about him was making me slowly bring down the walls around my heart, for someone reason I felt safe around him, like I could be myself with him and he wouldn't judge me, something that was dangerous to be feeling around a complete stranger.

"Well, I think I have to get going. I'm sorry, I didn't even tell you my name. It's Sam." He extended his hands towards me; grasping it I shook it, telling him my name.

"Mercedes." We let go of each other's hands and he asked me question I didn't want him to ask me.

"Mercedes, your school does have a football team right?" I felt my heart shatter, right then and there I knew there wouldn't be a chance for him and I to become friends.

"Yes, yes we do." I tried not to sound so disappointed because he looked so excited.

"Awesome! I want to try out for the quarterback, so then when I make the team you can come and support me." Even though I screamed internally at his sweet words, I knew his expectations weren't fit for reality.

"Yeah, of course. I would love to go to your games." I didn't want to crush his spirit; McKinley does a good job with that. We said our goodbyes and I knew I would never truly be his friend. Once he joined the football team, he was going to get showered with rules. The rules being, he had to be careful whom he spoke with, who was below him, whom they had to slushie. So later he would get the picture that we would never be friends because they would never allow it.

"I thought you moved away or something because I didn't see you at school. You dyed your hair blonde? You looked like Ken next Quinn, did you know that?" He laughed and grabbed my hands.

"Mercy, remember the first day of school, you, Rachel and Tina were eating on the bleachers?" That was the day the girls and me were remembering our summer. We were eating, laughing so loud; it caught attention of a lot of people, including Sam.

"That was the day you were walking with Finn and Mike on the football field. You stopped halfway and you gave me a big smile. I'd never seen you before and you looked so familiar but I couldn't wrap my head around it." He squeezed my hand tightly and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"You gave me that beautiful smile, you were also shy and started blushing, I could tell. You looked so stunning that day." Sam started playing with my hands and my same faded.

"That was also the day, you figured out we couldn't be friends." His smile faded too.

Sam's POV

"Hey man, who are you staring and smiling at?" Mike had grabbed my shoulder squeezing it tightly. By this time, he didn't really see whom I was staring at since she left the bleachers with her friends. She was so beautiful, more beautiful than the first time I saw her. She had a blue hat with a multi colored leopard print sweater. I saw how she laughed with her friends, and once her eyes came in contact with mine, she was caught off guard and surprised to see me smiling at her.

I scrunched my nose as I smiled even bigger causing my mouth to open from the excitement that I had finally found her. Watching her leave with her friends, my heart stopped once she turned her head and gave me a shy wave. I excused myself from Mike and Finn and followed her.

Making my way inside the school and down the hallway, I was inches away from reaching her when I had to brace myself for a red slushie I thought was going to be thrown at me but instead it was meant for her. Suddenly the hallway was covered with screams and red sticky dye. I turned to see her outfit soaked in red slushie dye; I was appalled that someone would do that. I called to her but I was stopped.

"Mer…Mercedes!" A loud a raspy voice called to me, turning around I saw my school guide Puck and a very pretty blonde in a cheerleading uniform walking beside him.

"Evans!" Making they way to me, the hazel-eyed girl gave me a sweet smile.

"Puck hello, did you see that? Some punk thought it was funny to throw a red slushie at that innocent girl." That's when they both looked at each other and started laughing. Puck walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder and with his other arm punched my stomach playfully.

"Oh, Quinny, I think he has a lot yet to learn." I was confused at to what they were referring.

"What do you mean?" I asked and the ivory skin cheerleader spoke.

"They are losers, Glee club singers, who perform nothing but show choir tunes and wear ridiculous outfits for their assembly performances. They are the lowest you can get at this school. Even the AV losers are above them and that's saying something. If you want to be cool, if you want to be popular and you want to fit in; you'll stay far away from a microphone as possible." Her harsh words were cruel but she had a point. I just moved here from a town where every corner there was street singers and country club karaoke. Where it was okay to sing out of the blue on the streets because people would join and everything would be all right. But this wasn't Tennessee; it was Lima and things around here worked pretty differently. But the problem was that I loved singing, that was something I couldn't just shut off forever; but then again I didn't want to be a loser forever.

"Is that why you had me dye my hair?" I was terribly afraid of letting people touch my hair; especially give it an entirely different color. Puck took me to a nearby salon and had my brown locks changed into blonde, but they looked like someone just put lemon juice in my hair. I liked the change, my mother freaked but it didn't look bad on me.

"Exactly bro, you got to look the part. Now, where are my manners; Sam this is Quinn Fabray." I looked over at the pretty girl and I noticed she was getting closer and closer to me. That's when her hazel eyes, her beautiful skin, and her smile mesmerized me.

"Nice to meet you." I tried not to act like a dork, but my inner avatar wanted to come out, thankfully it didn't.

We started walking to the cafeteria when I saw Mercedes come out of the bathroom. My eyes lit up and I was about to speak to her when Quinn did that for me.

"Mercedes, like your morning dose?" I turned to Quinn and was shocked at what she said to Mercedes. From the way Mercedes looked, cold, powerless and weak; all I wanted to do was hug her and tell her to ignore them. But that wasn't the role I had to portray here at McKinley; I had to hate them, but why?

"Leave her alone Quinn." The Asian girl said as she glared at Quinn. Mercedes eyes met mine and for a moment she looked at me the way she did in the Lima Bean when I first started singing, with fascinated eyes. I felt someone's hand intertwined in mine, seeing it was Quinn, I turned back at Mercedes who looked completely hurt and rolled her eyes walking away from us.

I turned my body towards her, as she did the same. In that very instant when she gave me a weak smile; I knew in my heart that we would never be friends because they would never allow it.

"You're that boy!" Mercedes kept repeating those words over and over again as her hands clutched my arms.

"I'm that boy!" I laughed softly as I placed my hand on her cheek, as she still couldn't stop smiling. Her smile started to slowly disappear as I kept staring at her intensely.

"What is it?" I started stroking her face with my thumb and smiled at her.

"I was never a stranger to you but I was in that coffee shop and you trusted me completely. All I want is to get to know you, every bit; because I want you Mercedes." She sighed deeply and nodded.

"You won't ever give up will you?" I chuckled and I placed my forehead on top of hers. Closing my eyes I asked my question again.

"Can I lay with you?" I whispered to her and suddenly felt her warm lips on mine for a brief second. When I opened my eyes, she was practically glowing.


Mercedes' POV

I could feel the cool breeze of the morning hit my face as I slowly opened my eyes to find Sam's head under a pillow and softly snoring. I couldn't help but giggle; the sun was hitting him and made his skin glisten. I moved my eyes from admiring his god-like physique and closed my eyes once again.

Suddenly I head a loud shiver and saw it was Sam but I noticed he didn't have a blanket covering him. Sam was shirtless, with pajama pants on and no blanket, I was about to place the one that was covering me over him when he started mumbling in his sleep.

"So cold-" He said as he moved his body away from me and hugged my pillow tightly.

"Must use…the force." I had to cover my mouth from screaming with laughter to what Sam was mumbling. This boy was quoting Star Wars, and I felt my face get red with trying hard not to laugh. Calming myself down, I gently placed my hand on his shoulder and tried to move him, in an attempt to wake him up.

"Sam?" He jumped when he heard me call to him.

"Lea? Oh, oh my god! I'm sorry. I was-" That's when I lost it and started laughing so hard. He looked over at him and saw his face start to turn bright red.

I covered my face with my blanket and continued laughing and even though my laughter was muffled, it was still pretty loud. After a few minutes, I finally calmed down and moved the blanket off my face, only to find Sam inches from me.

"Sam! Jesus! You scared me!" He moved a strand of hair from my face and placed it behind my ear.

"Not that I don't like your nightly sleepovers, but is this going to be a usual thing?" I asked him as grabbed my hands.

"All I want is to get to know you, you haven't told me anything yet." I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully.

"Then I guess you'll have to sleep here for a long time until you'll get something out of me." His smile faded and slowly moved away from me and off the bed, heading towards the door.

"What is it something I said?" He stopped before he could reach the doorknob and turned around.

"You were willing to trust a complete stranger with your inner thoughts and you can't trust me?" I removed my blanket off me and jumped off the bed and near him

"But you aren't a stranger anymore." I covered myself with my robe and placed my arms across my chest.

"Exactly Mercy, I'm not a stranger to you. You know me and I just wish I knew you too." He gave me a feeble smile and turned away from me and opened my bedroom door.

"Wait, look I'm sorry that I haven't been very open with you. I guess I'm still in shock and vulnerable since we…explored each other in the choir room and I have a right to be. I also have a right to be distant from you. I mean I still kick myself in my imaginary nuts every time I look back at how easily I gave in." Sam chuckled and closed the door.

"Do you regret it?" He asked me as he slowly began walking towards me and staring at me with his piercing green eyes.

"I couldn't understand, why I was so drawn to you when we were singing the duet. I couldn't explain it because it felt real. You looked and sounded so familiar and you took control over me when you began to sing, and no; I would never regret my first time." He started biting his lip and was close enough to me as he started caressing open skin around my shoulder.

"Are you afraid that I will hurt you? That I will judge you when you tell me something about yourself? No one is perfect Mercedes, I'm no one to judge." My eyes started forming tears when he asked me the first question.

"How did you know I was afraid? Because I am, I'm terrified Sam. I let it fall, my heart; as it fell you rose to claim it. You now own my heart, Sam. He grabbed my cheeks and placed them within his hands and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. He picked me up and he started kissing me with me in his arms.

Tripping on his shoes we both fell back hard on my bed, laughing so loud when we noticed what happened. His body was on top of mine and that's when I tickled him.

"Come on, we have to get ready."

Sam's POV

My heart feels like it's in the heavens. Mercedes finally decided to give us a try, and I couldn't be happier. We both made our way towards the hallway of McKinley hand in hand and without a care in the world. I wanted to show her off, I want Shane and any other guys to know that she was mine and no one else's.

Looking at my girlfriend who was beside me, she had a red shirt that was showing a little bit of cleavage and a necklace that had her name on it. She wore black skinny jeans and purple sneakers and she looked beautiful as always.

As we walked up to her locker, I didn't want to let go of her hand. She tried pulling her hand away from mine but my grip was tight but not too tight.

"Sam, I need to open my locker." I started giving her my famous puppy dog eyes; since they usually worked on my mother and Stacey, I wanted to put them to a test.

"Sam, what on earth are you doing? You look like your constipated." That's when I lost it and I began laughing really loud. I let go of her hand and I covered my mouth because we were near the library and the librarian came out and had to shush me.

Mercedes leaned in and gave me a kiss on my cheek and started playing with her lock as she tried opening it. I placed my head against other lockers and sighed.

"I guess my puppy dog eyes didn't work?" She laughed softly; opening her locker she looked at me.

"Those were puppy dogs eyes?" She was a joker, I moved near her tickling her briefly.

"I knew they were puppy dogs eyes, they just don't work on me." Damn, guess they will only have affect on my mother and Stacey.

"I have to write that down." Nodding her head playfully and grabbing her books out of her locker, I saw Artie wheeling towards us fairly quickly.

"Artie, are you okay?" I asked which made Mercedes turned as she suddenly saw Artie next to us, sweating and out of breathe.

"Mercedes. Sam. Thank god I found you. Turns out, Puck didn't even last a night in juvie. He got out this morning because he told his probation officer that he was going to do community service." I looked at Mercedes who was surprised and relieved.

"So, is he here today?" Artie nodded his head rapidly.

"The thing is; he told his probation officer he knew a cripple that needed some help and she went for it." Mercedes' mouth flew wide open and I just looked at him in disbelieve.

"So, you're his community service?" I asked him as he nodded.

"Wait, this is perfect Artie. Since you are going to be spending time with him, you can show him the ropes of Glee Club; make his inner rock star come out, with an attitude like that I know he dreams of being one." Artie's face lit up and gave Mercedes' a high five.

"When he was wheeling me around, I heard him mumbling the chorus to 'One Love' by Bob Marley, maybe I can convince him to sing it, publically." I wasn't sure as what Artie was referring to.

"Wait, like in front of the whole school? I doubt Puck would do that." Before Artie could respond, Puck came out of nowhere and grabbed the handlebars of Artie's wheelchair and started wheeling him.

"Come on Arturo, it's raining, I'm hungry, and I got a little bit cash." Artie looked awfully terrified and spoke.

"Where do I come in?" Puck looked at Mercedes and me and motioned us to follow him. I interlaced my fingers within Mercedes' hands after she closed her locker and we followed Puck and Artie.

Making our way to the quad of the school, Puck stopped Artie in front of the steps. Puck grabbed his guitar case, opening it; he placed the strap on the guitar and threw the strap over his shoulder.

"Puck, shouldn't you being studying Geometry, aren't you failing?" Puck rolled his eyes as he spoke.

"One thing I learned in my twenty-four hours in juvie-" Artie interrupted him.

"Don't you mean, 8 hours?" Puck huffed with anger and scoffed.

"Whatever, like I was saying; one thing I learned in juvie, cash is key." Puck pulled out three-dollar bills and threw it in his open case.

"Unless people know, we're not doing it for free." I looked at Mercedes who was shocked because one: Puckerman was going to sing in front of the entire school with Artie. And second, they were going to ask people for money while they sing.

"Wait, you think people are going to pay us to sing? I don't think hustling is allowed on school grounds." Puck smacked his lips in an annoyed manner and started strumming his guitar.

"Watch and learn, young Jedi in a wheelchair." I felt Mercedes squeezed my hand and I saw she was giggling. Then I remembered my brief moment I had, quoting Star Wars this morning.

"This is so badass, I've never broken the rules like this." Mercedes started cooing Artie and let go of my hand to place them on Artie's shoulder. I smirked sweetly as Mercedes hugged his friend tightly. I walked towards Artie and pumped fists with him.


One love

One heart

Let's get together and feel all right


Hear the children crying


One love


Hear the children crying


One heart


Sayin' give thanks and praise to the lord

And I will feel all right

Sayin let's get together and feel all right


Let them all pass all their dirty remarks

There is one question I'd really love to ask (One Heart)


Is there a place for the hopeless sinner

Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own?


Believe me

One love


What about the one heart


One heart


What about the love?


Let's get together and feel all right

Suddenly Puck started going table by table pushing people towards his open case and one by one, they started placing money into his case. By time they finished their song, Puck's case had approximately three hundred dollars in it.

"Listen sexy mama, Arturo; I want a solo. This duet was cool and all but, I want the attention centered on me. Crap, I sound just like the Jew!" Mercedes rolled her eyes and nodded at Puck.

"What song did you have in mind?" I asked.

Mercedes' POV

"Mr. Shue? I want to perform something along with the guys…except Artie and porcelain." Artie nodded and motioned his hands in the air to say "no hard feelings." My mouth flew wide when Puck called Kurt, porcelain. Kurt started mumbling curse words, which made me laugh.

"Oh, awesome guys, go right ahead." Sam wasn't sitting next to me this say, since I knew he was going to perform with Puck. Finn sat on the drums, and Mike and Sam got two microphones and stands and stood behind Puck and his electric guitar.


T-T-teacher stop that screamin'

Teacher don't you see?

Don't wanna be no uptown fool

My eyes shot wide open when Sam and Mike both ripped open their jackets only to find a multi colored zebra print ripped shirt hiding underneath and that showed off their shoulders and their stomachs. Quickly they grabbed markers out of their pockets and drew two lines on their cheeks and placed tiger printed bandanas on their foreheads.

Maybe I should go to hell

But I am doing well

Teacher needs to see me after school

Both Sam and Mike started singing into the microphone along with Puck. Sam looked like a sexy animal, but I also couldn't stop laughing.


I think of all the education that I've missed

But then my homework was never quite like this!

They both jumped into the air and started shaking their legs and did jazz hands. Once that was done, everyone started cheering loud for them as they continued signing along with Puck

Ow! Got it bad,

Got it bad,

Got it bad,

I'm hot for teacher!

I've got it bad, so bad

I'm hot for teacher!

Sam grabbed the microphone off the stand while checking his watch and started walking towards Finn who looked like he was murdering the drum set because he was hitting them really hard.


Oh man, I think the clock is slow

(What are you doin' this weekend?)


I don't feel tardy

Finn scared the crap out of me when he screamed


Class dismissed!

Suddenly Mike and Sam started sword fighting with the microphone stands. Mike motioned it towards Sam's legs and he jumped into the air. Then Mike "stabbed" Sam with the stand. They both went to their spots and Puck continued to sing.


I heard about your lessons

But lessons are so cold

I didn't know about this school

That's when I nearly lost it. Sam and Mike started doing what seemed like body rolls, but the way they moved made me tingle, especially Sam, since he stared at me while doing it.

Little girl from Cherry Lawn

How can you be so bold?

How did you know that golden rule?


I think of all the education that I've missed

But then my homework was never quite like this!

Whoa! Got it bad,

Got it bad,

Got it bad,

I'm hot for teacher!

I've got it bad, so bad

I'm hot for teacher!

They did there jazz hands again and started sashaying and that's when Kurt was the loudest of us all. He was fangirling all the way, since the boys did his signature move.



Ooh, yes I'm hot

I started fanning myself, as I saw Sam shake his body so provocatively. The song had ended and Mr. Shue couldn't stop telling the guys how awesome they were, especially Puck. We were also dismissed. I went down to greet Sam and give a quick kiss on his lips. He chuckled as I started playing with his bandana and his multi colored zebra print ripped shirt that did a beautiful job showing off his chiseled body.

"You looked like a sexy animal while performing." I whispered in his ear.

"Oh really?" He started giving a flirty grin and started tickling me, but then he stopped when Puck asked us to stay behind for a little bit. We both stayed behind with Puck and Sam asked him, something I had forgotten.

"What about the bet?" Puck shrugged his shoulders and extended his hand towards Sam.

"Truce?" Sam laughed and pulled Puck for a hug instead of a handshake. I was so happy that this was happening but I could tell Puck was getting uncomfortable.

"All right man, let go!" Sam released him from his hug and Puck fixed his shirt.

"Now, sexy mama; I want to get to know that little Jew better." He had to ruin the moment.

"Puck, if you want to know more about her, you'll know that her name isn't Jew it's Rachel and since when do you care?" Puck chuckled and smiled at me.

"She's makes me want to light myself on fire but she can sing. And, she's cute." Suddenly without warning I grabbed Puck's shirt and pulled him down to my eye level.

"If you hurt her, I'll rip off that nipple ring you so try to hide under your shirts but fail to do so and I'll take the skin that comes off of it and feed it to my dog!" I could tell Puck had fear in his eyes. My face turned from vicious to sweet and that seemed to freak him out more. I released him from my grip and he moved away from me, smiling.

"You are feisty." I giggled as Sam wrapped his hands around my waist.

"Not as much as you." He laughed and we made our way out of the choir room.

SO? Did you guys like it?

Sam's song in the cofee shop was The Perishers "Nothing like you and I"

Puck and Artie's duet was Glee Cast Version "One Love"

And Puck's solo was Glee Cast Version "Hot for Teacher"

I really hope you guys liked, and please if you have any concerns about this or any of my future stories, please tell me. I am open to opinions, but not really harsh ones. Well, idk maybe i'm overreacting.

Anyway! Please Review!