So if you been wandering what happened if Dex was the winner, I have manage to put in Dex's ending, however, since he lost, his wishes don't count, so enjoy.


Final Round Day 5:And the winner is...

Troy:Welcome back to the OC's ULTIMATE DARE CHALLENGE,here's what happened so far, Jake manage to reach the 5th trap in a long time due to some medelling at the hall's, and lost the 5th trap,Dex come's in and lost the 5th trap,so we're getting close to the end, so who will win the final challenge, will it be Jake, or Dex,Let's revive our contestant's and let's see if we can reach the end.

Greg:And don't worry folks, I manage to upgrade the revival machine so that we can revive whenever we want.

Troy:Wait, it took you 5 day's on figuring out how to upgrade this machine.

Greg:Well it could've been 4 day's if...nevermine, let's just get this reviving to do.

(Greg activate the machine and both Jake and Dex has been revive)


(Jake woke up, and saw that the knive on his head was gone, and saw Dex was next to him)

Jake:Oh...,hey Dex.

Dex:Oh, hi.

Jake:Well we're geting close.


Jake:Do you realize that I have 19 knive left and you have 20 left.


Jake:Let's get this over with.


(And after a while, Jake's wheel started to spin with the knives, and then Dex wheel started to spin with the knives, and one by one, both Jake and Dex manage to dodge the knives, on Jake's 15th knive, it hit his leg, and on Dex 14th knive, it manage to hit near his chest, they been doing this until both Jake and Dex manage to dodge the knive's, and the strab's have been remove, and they fall to the ground,Jake tries to remove the knive while Dex went to the final door and went to the hall)

(In Dex point of view)

(Dex was walking with his hand on the bleeding chest)

Dex:I'm not going to lose... I came so close... I can't fail now...

(Dex falls to the ground, tries to crawl to the finish line, and everything went black)

(In Jake's point of view)

(Jake has manage to pull the dagger out, and was limbing towards the door, and then to the halls, and along the way, he manage to see Dex laying on the ground)

Jake:So he died, atlease he tried.

(Jake went pass Dex and was heading towards the exit)

(Back to the show)

(The audience(Including the contestants that was in the nightmare zone(and Cylo was in a frozen in a pod like cell(Don't ask, he went crazy))was wandering who was the winner of the challenge when...)

Troy:And it looks like the winner is...

(And then Jake was limbing towards the stage and manage to finish the challenge)


(And then Jake has fallen on the ground with the back got stabbed by the knive)

Troy:A...oh, it's look like he's dead.

(And then Dex was crawing across the finish line)

Greg:And the real winner is Dex.


(Troy used the max potion and Dex was back on his feet, and then Troy revied Jake)

Jake:Ughh, what happened.

Greg:Dex is our champion.

Jake:What... but I...

Troy:Yeah I know, but dead bodies don't count.


Cream:Oh, I'm so sorry that you lost Jake.

Jake:Well, I was going to give you this if I won, but here you go.

(Jake handed Cream the love letter)

Cream:It say's "come here"

Jake:It's at the back.


(Cream flips the paper over and begain reading it)

"Cream, even though that in my show, we were married for 6 chapters, but the longer we are together, I feel that our bond is stronger, and I can respect you're choice of ether accepting ore rejecting me, so all I can say to you is this...

Will you marry me Cream"

Cream:Aww Jake,I do, I do Jake.

(Cream was kissing Jake over and over again)


Greg:Shut up Tails.

Troy:Alright Dex, since you won the challenge.

Dex:I know, I know, my first wish is a life supply of tacos.

Troy:Okay then.

(Troy snapped his finger, and a plate with one taco on it)

Dex:Hey wait a minute,there's only one taco on it, see.

(Dex took a taco, and an another taco appear on the plate)

Dex:Oh, SWEET!

(Dex started eatting his taco's in a fast time,and after 50 taco's later)

Troy:So do you want you're other 4 wishes or not.

Dex:Oh yeah, my second wish is my own personal room that is filled with T.V's,Videogames, and my very own Slushie machine.

Troy:Okay then.

(Troy snapped his finger, and a giant room appear and landed next to Dex's house)

Dex:Sweet, okay then, for my third wish, free pizza for everybody.

Greg:Which one, the studio, or the world.

Dex:Meeh, studio.

Troy:Alright then.

(Troy snapped his finger, and a bunch of pizza appear's for each person on the studio)


(And after everybody ate their pizza's)

Dex:Alright then, for my 4th wish, I wish that I want NO CRAZY FANGIRLS KISSING ME!


Dex:Have you been attack by a crazy fangirl before.


(Flashback, before Greg meet's Troy at the morning)

Greg:Man, things are not's so good, better help him out.

(And after that, a bunch of Fangirls come's out of nowhere)


(And before Greg can turned, the fangirls tackled him and kissing him)

Greg:Well mabey a few moment with these girl's won't hurt so much.

(Back to real time)


Troy:Okay then.

(Troy snapped his finger, and...nothing happened)


(And out of nowhere, a bunch of fangirls appeare out of nowhere)



(Dex tries to run, but tripped himself, the fangirls tries to get him, but suddenly,two Bodyguard's appear out of nowhere)

Bodyguard #1:Move along ladies, their's nothing to see.

Bodyguard #2:Yeah, move along or we'll have to use force.

(The fangirls tried to get through, but the body guard's used their devices that made the fangirls vanished)

Dex:What the...

Troy:That's you're body guards, they been hired to protect you if you don't want you're crazy fangirls attacking you, these guys will come and block the girl's, and also the device you might be wandering about, well it's use to teleport then into their own house.

Dex:Oh, sweet, thanks guy's.

BodyGuards:No problen Dex.

(And they vanish into thin air)

Dex:Alright,for my final wish, is for you(Point to Troy)to have a long vacation.

Greg:Nice try, but you can't...

Troy:Done, and besides, I needed a vacation anyway.


Troy:By the way, how long Dex.

Dex:Oh, about 8 months.

Troy:Okay then.

(And Troy snapped his finger and he vanished into thin air)

Greg:Great, now how an I suppose to end this show.

Dex:You'll figure it out, it's time for me to relax anyway.

(Meanwhile, in Dex's house)

(Dex was walking home(With his life supplies of Taco's)when he notice loud music)

Dex:What somebody at my house.

(Dex hurried home and saw that there's a party going on and saw a bodyguard at the door)

Dex:What the...

Bodyguard #3:Name...

Dex:Well it's Dex, but...

Bodyguard #3:Let me see... Dex...Dex...Sorry, you're not on the list.

Dex:What, but it's my house.

Bodyguard #3:Not anymore, someone rented the house for 8 months.


(And before Dex can finish, Greg came in and walk up to the bodyguard)

Body Guard #3:Name...

Greg:Greg Martena.

Body Guard #3:Let me see...Greg...Greg...Aw yes, you're on the list.

Greg:Sweet, oh by the way Dex, here's the note, I forgot to give it to you.

(Greg handed Dex the note before heading inside, and Dex is reading the note with a belt attacht to it)

"Congratulation Dex, here's the belt that prove's you're the champion, by the way, I hope you don't mine if I rent you're house for 8 months, cause I been to everywhere except you're house, I hope that you don't mine, have fun with you're taco's Dex


(Dex was shaking the note, and then shread the note off(and Dex grabbed the champion belt))


Troy:Hahahaha, now that's a party.

Greg:Yeah, it's a good thing that you've invited me,otherwise I kill you.

Troy:Yeah right, anyway's that's all the time we have here...

Everybody at the party:AWWWWW!

Troy:Not the party folks, I mean my show.

Everybody at the party:OHHHHHHH!

Troy:I'm Troy, and this is Greg, and since this is the last time, I'll see you next time on the OC's ULTIMATE DARE CHALLENGE!







Nega Sean:7th




Black Rose:11th

