I have over 20 favorites and alerts for this story. I am so happy! Thank you so much! Oh, and I do not own Twilight. I now have a beta, xXAlecxLoverXx! I am changing the rating of this to because I am paranoid.
Jacob carried me to La Push. It wasn't that far from where we were. Jacob set me down and we walked into the reservation.
"Hey Bella! Look, everyone, Bella's here!" Embry called. Quil, Seth, and Paul came running out to meet me. I was swept up in a bunch of bone-crushing hugs.
"H-hey guys!" I said flustered. I really don't like attention.
"Ready to hang with some different mythical creatures?" Seth asked.
"Definitely." I said. He grinned.
"You should get some meat on those bones." Seth said. I punched him playfully. I followed Jacob over to his garage. We walked in a peaceful silence.
"Bella, did you see what I did to the Rabbit? I completely customized it." Jacob told me. I stared in awe. Jacob had a talent.
"Wow, that is impressive." I said.
"I know. So, tell me more about Jasper." Jacob asked. He leaned against the car's hood.
"Uh well, he's was a part of the Vampire Wars down in the South in the 1800s. I think he was in the Civil War too. Oh he was in the Confederate army." I explained. Jacob looked astonished.
"That's impressive. Bella, if you two are actually meant to be together, you should talk to him. I promise not to get in your way." Jacob sighed. I looked at him.
"I can't. I'm nervous." I confessed.
"Why are you nervous? Do you like him too?" Jacob asked. I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know." I sighed. "Do I still stay for the bonfire?"
"Nah, go to your blonde vampire. They bonfire doesn't start yet. You've got a couple hours. I carry you."
"Thanks. You're a great friend Jake."
"Sure. Sure." Jacob said. He lifted me on his back and we were off. It was strangely comforting to be around Jacob like this. I closed my eyes. He wasn't as fast as a vampire but he was fast. I'm sure his speed would faster if he was a wolf.
"Here we are. The Cullen house." Jacob smirked and placed me on the ground. "Bells, you are crazy pale. Are you okay?"
"I-I'm fine. It's nothing." I reassured. "Thank you for everything Jacob. Can you call me when it's time for the bonfire?"
"Of course. Good luck Bells. Give me all the details later." Jacob grinned and ran off. I resisted the urge to pick up a stick and throw it at him. I sighed and walked through the door. Immediately, every last one of the Cullens was in the living room.
"Bella, where were you?" Alice asked. "We were worried because I couldn't see you anymore."
"Oh, I am so sorry for worrying you. Jacob found me in the woods." I stared at them in shame. My eyes fell on Jasper. He looked at me. My face heated up and I turned away. Alice came and stood next to me.
"Bella, Edward, Jasper and I need to talk to you alone. Come on." Alice said. Jasper and Edward joined us outside. Edward looked at me sadly until he nodded for Jasper to carry me.
We were soon far away from the house and out of hearing range. "Bella, Edward and I need to explain something. I'm sorry in advance Bella and Jasper." Alice said. Jasper tensed.
"What's going on?" Jasper asked calmly. He glanced at me, making me blush again.
"Alice and I are mates." Edward said sadly. I froze. Say what?
"That's not all. There is more. Tell us." Jasper pressed.
"We uh…mated." Alice said. I cocked my head to the side. Jasper froze.
"When did this happen?" Jasper stood up.
"Um…three or four weeks ago." Alice muttered.
"What's mating?" I asked.
"Sex, Bella, sex." Jasper growled. I froze.
"Hang on a minute. If you knew that Edward and I weren't meant to be, why couldn't you tell us before you cheated on Jasper? Why didn't you tell Jasper?" I asked.
"Well, uh…umm…I didn't think?" Alice flattened her hair, looking nervous.
"You see the future, you don't need to think!" I shouted. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just angry and kind of upset."
"Well, you shouldn't be. You have Jasper." Edward muttered. I looked at Jasper. I turned away, blushing.
"Darlin' let's get out of here." Jasper said. He gave me his hand and I grabbed it. He then threw me onto his back. We were back at the Cullen house in an instant. Carlisle, Emmett, and Esme greeted us.
"Bella, are you okay?" Emmett asked as soon as he saw me. He placed his hand on my face. "You're crying like crazy." I was? I didn't even notice.
"No, I'm not okay." I put my face in my hands as Emmett guided me to the couch. Rosalie even walked over to me and put a comforting hand on my shoulder.
"Jazz, what happened?" Rosalie asked.
"Alice and Edward already hooked up a few weeks before they told me and Bella that they weren't our mates." Jasper explained. That explanation made me cry harder. Emmett pulled me on his lap and started rocking me.
"I don't know what I did wrong! I did everything Edward told me to." I sobbed into Emmett's chest. Rosalie was rubbing my back and Esme was trying to cheer me up. Carlisle was looking like he would murder Alice and Edward,
"Bella, calm down. Your emotions are scaring me." Jasper said.
"What's she sending?" Emmett asked. He sounded worried.
"Despair, anger." Jasper paused. "She's sending suicidal feelings." Emmett gasped.
"Bella! Snap out of it!" Emmett boomed. I stopped crying. I must be a mess. Emmett looked at me. "Edward's not all that. He's a jerk and you need to get over him. Now please stop it with those tears and be the happy and clumsy Bella I know and love. Please do not make me squeeze the sadness out of you." Emmett smirked.
"Actually, I think that would help." I said. My voice was still breaking.
"You asked for it." Emmett grinned. He pulled me into the world's tightest hug. I felt as if I was being crushed. Strangely, it was comforting. When Emmett let me go I actually smiled. Things aren't that bad.
I hope you all liked it. Thank you everyone who reviewed. It makes my day to see the reviews. Please check out xXAlecxLoverXx as well. She is so talented. Please review!