When I get home that day, the moment I walk through the door, I call out Trina's name. I couldn't even think about anything else that day. Not Jade, not Andre, not Beck, nothing. My main concern was only on Trina. What she was going through, what happened to cause her to become so upset. I know Trina can act like a complete drama queen most of the time, but she's not that good enough of an actress to portray fear, sadness, and regret o her face well unless something was bothering her.
I threw all of my things on the couch in my living room and headed straight towards Trina's room. Without knocking on the door, I went inside. She was not there. I turned to walk out, when I saw her door open. Trina was standing there, looking at me.
"What are you doing in my room, Tori?" She asked me. I took a step closer to her, reaching out my arms as I place on of my hands on her shoulder.
"I saw that you were upset, so I wanted to talk to you to see if anything is bothering you."
"No, I'm fine." Trina said, brushing my hand off her shoulder.
"Really, because I saw you run out of the nurses office and you looked really upset."
"No, Tori. I'm fine. Everything is being taking care of, so you don't have to worry about me anymore."
"Ok, alright. If you feel…"
"Yes, I'm fine. Now get out." She pulls me by the hand and pushes me out the door as she slams it behind her. I stand there thinking what changed to make Trina seem fine now. What did she mean when she said everything was taking care of. I attempted to knock on her door again before I stopped. Forcing Trina to talk to me isn't going to help matters at all. In fact it may make things was for her, where she won't feel she can come to me for help. And I know that Trina will come to me, if something is really bothering her that she can't hold it in, I'm usually her outlet for whenever Trina is sad, angry, or happy.
I walk back downstairs to grab my books and bag. I take out my phone and see that I got a message from Beck. He said that he was thrilled about being paired with me for the school auditions. I don't reply instead I walk to my room and throw my phone on the bed.
My phone began to ring, I went to look at it to see who it was. It was Beck.
"Hello," I said, sighing. "Hey Tori, I want to know if I can come over to your house today? You know to start preparing for the auditions and everything. Is that alright?" I did not answer right away, I paused thinking about why he would want to work on this so soon.
"I'm sorry Beck, but I'm supposed to hang out with Jade tonight. Can we do this another time?"
"Listen," Beck said, "It won't take us long. I will be over there for about an hour and then I will leave. I just want to plan out what we are going to do. Not too much work. Is that alright?" Beck finished, waiting for me to agree with him. I shrug my shoulders and sigh.
"Sure, Beck. Come over to my house around 6 tonight, ok."
"Great." Beck said and then without saying goodbye. He hung up.
I dialed Jade's number right after getting off the phone with Beck.
"Hello Jade?" I said.
"Hey Tori." She said. "Everything alright?"
"Yes, everything is fine. Listen, Jade, about hanging out tonight."
"Yes, about that." Jade started to say, "I don't think we can hang out at my house tonight."
I let out a huge breath that felt like I was holding it in for ages.
"Good, I was just about to mention that."
"Yes, so I think we are going to have to hang out at your place tonight." Jade blurted out.
"Jade no, we can't," I started.
"Why not? You don't want to hang out with me?" She said.
"No of course I do."
"Ok, well then I will be at your house around 7, tonight."
"Jade wait," I pleaded.
"Bye babe," and without anything else said, she hung up.
I threw my phone at my bed before I threw myself onto it. I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." I said, my voice muffled in the bed.
"Hey, sis." I heard Trina, sounding happy and cheerful contrast to the somber sounding voice I heard from her earlier.
"So, I'm in such a good mood that I thought you and I can go out for ice cream. And don't worry Tori. You will be buying. I know how much you like to pay." Trina said. I could hear the smirk she was wearing as she was talking to me. I pulled myself up off my stomach and sat down on the bed.
"I can't tonight Trina." I had a sharp edge to my voice, sounding annoyed and tired. "I'm hanging out with Jade tonight."
"Fine," Trina said, jumping off my bed and stomping off. She turned around and placed her hand on my doorknob. "I didn't want to hang out with you anyway." She said, before slamming my door shut.
"Why did you have to slam my door!" I yelled out to hear. Then five seconds later. I heard Trina's door slam.