I heard a knock on the door. It's her. I thought. She's here. She was about 15 minutes late, but that's Jade for you. She is rarely on time for anything. I went over to the door. I checked myself in the mirror app I had on my pear phone. The doorbell rang. I quickly put my phone away and opened the door. There stood Jade in front of me. Her long black and purple hair curled at the ends. She had on a dark green low cut shirt and black skinny jeans that complimented her shape. She had one of her eyebrow piercings in the left eyebrow this time as well as a nose ring. The I love darkness tattooed on her chest looked new. I kept staring at her tattoo; it wasn't long before my eyes wander down her shirt.
"Tori!" Jade yelled at me, "Are you going to invite me in or not?"
"Yes, Jade. Come in," I said leading Jade to the couch.
"So, do you have an idea in mind?" I asked her.
"An idea about?" Jade asks.
"The project?" I replied.
"Well, I was thinking we could do the movie Silent Hill," Jade says, smiling.
"Well isn't that movie a little…I don't know. Disturbing and gory," I said.
"Well if you count the scene where…"
"Alright I was thinking we could do, maybe, Training Day. The one with Denzel Washington," I said looking Jade in her beautiful, blue eyes.
"That movie bores me," Jade sighs as she crosses her legs.
"Alright, then. Maybe we should do The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo."
"Yes, that's a good one. I like how Lisbeth takes revenge on the guy by…"
"Alright, well should we start?" I said to her.
"Sure," Jade says smiling. Smiling at me, I tried hard not to act to giddy.
"Well I have a computer in my room; you want to go in there?" I asked her, as I tried to gather my bag and books.
Jade was already up and walking up the stairs. I followed her. Don't stare at her butt. Don't stare at her butt. I said to myself looking directly at the ceiling. Jade turns around and looks at me.
"Are you ok?" She asks.
"What? Oh yes, I'm fine," I said still staring at the ceiling. Jade comes over to stand next to me and stares at the ceiling. I find my heart beating faster as her arm lightly touches mine. I suddenly dropped all my books on the floor.
"Nice going Vega," Jade says as she bends down and helps me pick up my books.
"No, don't worry I got it," I said as I try to quickly gather up all my books. I glanced over at Jade and notice the Jade tattoo on her lower back. I quickly turn my head. Stop it Tori! I said to myself. Stop it, alright. You do not like Jade. You do NOT like Jade. I stood up and took my books. I took the book Jade handed me and quickly walked into the room.
Jade and I sit on the bed. Our shoes off lying on the floor by the bed. I had my laptop in my lap as Jade and I were finishing up ideas.
"Well, anything else," I said her.
"I don't know. I'm pretty tired. Could we finish it another time?" Jade said looking at me.
"Well, we have been doing this for a few hours. Sure, we can finish up another time." I get up off the bed to place my laptop on the desk.
"You know Tori," Jade said as she lay back on the bed, "Hanging out with you isn't so bad."
"Yes, well hanging out with you isn't so bad either," I said trying so hard to hide the dorky smile I knew I had on my face.
I walk back over to my bed and lay down next to Jade. She turns over towards me and looks me in the eyes.
"You know you have really pretty eyes," Jade said as she slowly smiles.
"Thanks," I said and without warning I feel Jade's lips on mine. I try to keep my eyes open. Don't enjoy it. Remember you don't like Jade. She's your enemy not your friend. Then without thinking, I slowly closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She takes her hands and caresses my face before she encloses them behind my neck. She rolls over on top of me and my hands move inside her shirt and up her back. My legs enfolding around her waist as my hands lay on her back inside her shirt. I feel Jade's tongue in my mouth touching mine. She begins to kiss my neck.
"Tori!" I hear Trina calling from the hallway, "Tori! Where are you?" Trina walks into the room.
Jade and I quickly scramble off of each other.
"Tori," Tina said standing in the middle of my room, "I need you to make me sandwich.
"No, Trina," I said rolling my eyes to the ceiling.
"Please!" Trina whines at me.
"Why can't you make your own sandwich?" I asked her.
"Because I don't want to have to take everything out of the refrigerator just to make everything back in there again," Trina said, like that was the best excuse in the world.
"Oh hey Jade," Trina said as Jade walks pass her with her shoes and everything else in her hands.
"Bye, Jade see you at school!" I try to yell at her before she runs off.
"Tori?" Trina says.
"What?" I cry.
"Make me a sandwich," Trina says with a pouty look at her face.
"Fine, " I said as I quickly run down the stairs.
I see Jade at the door as she is quickly trying to put on her shoes.
"Jade?" I call after her, "Listen about what just happened I…"
"I'll see you at school, Vega," Jade says as she walks out the door. I follow her out the door.
"Jade. Jade, wait!" I cry. Jade keeps walking until she goes to her car. I walk back inside and sadly close the door behind me.
"Come on Tori," Trina says as she walks down the steps, "That Sandwich won't make itself."
It's been a week since Jade and I talked or even seen each other. I knew she was trying to avoid me but why? Did she think the kiss was a mistake? Did she not like it? Does she feel guilty about it? I can't do this anymore. I have to talk to Jade. I walk over to Jade's locker and that's when I see Andre coming towards me.
"What's up Tori," He said, "What you up to?"
"Well, it's…it's nothing. I was just going to class," I reply dumbly.
"alright cool, want me to walk with you?" Andre says sincerely.
I nod my head and we walk to Sikowitz's class. What's wrong with me. Why didn't I just tell Andre the truth. I mean, he's my best friend. I think to myself as Andre and I get to class and start to take our seats. He's more understanding than anybody. I'm sure you can tell him that you and Jade kissed and her won't freak out. I look over at Andre.
"Andre," I said. He turns and looks at me.
"Tori? Are you alright?" He asked genuinely.
"No. I mean, yes. I mean, listen. About a week ago Jade and I…."
That's when I saw Jade walk into the room. She was holding hands with Beck, acting more affectionate with him than usual. I stare at her for a minute. Jade looks over at me and quickly turned her gaze.
I walk over to a seat and sit down. Sikowitz starts class. He talks something about improving with a basic script. The entire time I just think about Jade.