Six: Radio:

The bell ringing proclaimed the end of lunch. Student's around us emerged in louder chatter as garbage was picked up and thrown out. I mirrored them, picking up my own stuff all the while looking a Fang in sheer skepticism. How could I not? He ate every damn thing without even leaving a crumb - not even a smidgen of food was seen. I was a tiny bit flabbergasted that he ate everything. Fang was tone in strength, but still on the scrawny side, so where the did it all go? Was his stomach one black hole?

I shook my head, telling him, "I can't believe you ate everything."

Fang balled up his plates in a crumbled pile, "I told you I would."

Despite my awestruck, I managed a glare. "Yes, I guess you did."

Jamie laughed, "Aw man, watching you guys is epic!"

The whole group joined her in laughing. Honestly, for a second I forgot we were in the midst of my friends still who could see and hear everything. Crap.

Ignoring what she said, I picked up my own garbage and together we all ventured to the trash cans by the doors, before leaving the lunchrooms.

"Are we still on this Friday?" Angel asked.

Jamie and I shared a look. "You always ask that Ang." I said.

Angel shrugged, "Meh."

"Friday will never be cancel... unless... like someone's sick... can't get out of bed sick too." Iggy input.

"What's Friday?" Fang asked us.

"Movie night." I said.

Freshmen year movie night was conceived. The large step from middle school to high school was a massive change for all of us. The homework and class work was ten times worse then middle school ever was, putting a troll on us all. One night, Friday, we decided to put the school work on pause and rent all types of movies, and of course, there was food, junk food. It was so fun and nice to just chill with each other, without the baggage of school work that it became written in stone. Now, four years later we still do it and always will.

"Oh." He said.

"You can join too." Nudge said quickly.

I nodded my agreement. "Sure can."

Fang didn't automatically respond, and when he did, it was spoken slowly. "Maybe I will."

What the hell does that mean? I feel like this was going to be a habit we're going to have to break, me always having to read in between the lines with him.

"Whatever. Do so, or not." I said breezy.

After that we all went our own ways to class.

The ride home was more entertaining then the one to school.

First we got in an argument of who was going to drive home. Fang wanted to, since I drove us to school. Insensitive, I told him he could go to hell. In return he glared at me. Second, after we got in the car ready to go home, Sam, out of all the people threw a football at my windshield, the rubber ball bouncing off with a thud. Thank the lucky stars he didn't cleft my window. The idiot didn't look upset that he threw the ball a little too hard and a bit too high, sailing it over his buddies head. All smiley, he jogged over to us.

I pushed my door open to poke my head out, "What the hell Sam?"

"My apology." He spoke smoothly.

I glared at him as he reached for his ball on the ground, and then spun it around in his hands.

"You were this close to breaking my glass." I accused.

He smiled brighter, "I'm sorry, let me make it up to you Max let me take you out on a date,"

"No," I said without even giving that stupid idea a thought. "Now, get outta my way or I'll hit you."

He opened his mouth but snapped it shut when I duck back into my car, starting the engine.

He shook his head, and, thankfully, went back to his football friends.

To make this understood, Sam and I were never anything. However, we did go on one date last year. When I started to grow boobies, and my frame went from a 'boy frame' to a more curvy one he took up noticed. Needless to say, he wouldn't leave me alone until I agreed to go on one date. I was positive he tried to woo me, but failed horribly. It was the worst date ever, so bad, it deserved to be the new start of another realty show, "the bitterness of worst dates ever.' It was that bad. The thing is, Sam is used to dating cheerleaders or girls with a hot body, but nothing going on upstairs. I was neither of those.

I actually ate.

I talked.

And I wore what was comfy.

Needless to say, he didn't know what to do.

"Who was that?" Fang asked.

"Sam, a football player." I grumbled pulling out of the parking lot.

"Does that happen often? Him asking you out?" Fang asked.

"Yes, and I wish he would stop." I said.

Fang didn't respond, and I kept quiet too, still a bit peeved.

I reached for the radio then, turning it on.

Sly, Fang changed the radio station.

The rest of the car ride Fang and I wordlessly fought over the radio.

So... no FAX yet... but soon... very soon, these things take some time. Please tell me what you think, so drop a review!

And thanks to lilianneherondale for beta this, you rock!

Now... clicky the botton below and review!
