Another story! This one was inspired by the absolutely hysterical Friends' episode, The One With Ross' Inappropriate Song. I own none of this stuff. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Not mine!
As a parent, some moments are truly indescribable. Like the first time your child smiles or laughs. And it always stings when you're not there to witness it for the first time.
Carlton Lassiter sat on his large, overstuffed couch. His only child, his little girl, rested in his outstretched arms. Her blue eyes were wide and bright as she studied him with the same scrutiny with which he studied her.
"Come on, sweetheart," he coaxed. "Laugh for Daddy."
He remembered the look on Juliet's face when he came home and she delightedly told him that Molly had laughed for the first time. But then she had told him what she did to make their baby laugh, and he was horrified. No, he was not going to do that. He would find some other way to make their baby laugh.
Shifting Molly to his left arm, he reached into his pocket and dug out his cell phone. "Here you go, Molly mine." He pressed a few buttons, and the theme song for COPS started.
The baby just stared at him blankly.
He was seriously beginning to question the child's paternity.
The song ended, and Lassiter dropped it before laying the baby out in his arms again. "You know, you could just put me out of my misery with a little laugh, Molly." He stood up and began rocking her. "Come on. Just a little one?"
When the hell did he start begging?
In lieu of her pacifier, Molly stuck her fingers into her mouth and studied her father's face.
Heaving a sigh, Lassiter held his daughter out in front of him and studied her little cherub face. "Okay, sweetheart. I give up."
He didn't hear the front door open, or Juliet step inside.
"But I'm only doing this because I love you so much, and I know you won't tell anybody."
Molly stared at him, unimpressed.
Sighing, Lassiter watched his little girl's face as he started to sing.
I like big butts and I cannot lie
You other brothers can't deny
When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
Molly giggled, and Lassiter lit up, delighted. Bringing her back to his chest, he snuggled her and kissed her little head.
With a wicked grin, Juliet snuck up behind her husband.
"I told you, that girl is all about the ass!"
The End!
A/N: Ahahahha! Poor Lassie, having to resort to rapping to get a giggle from his kid. LMAO. Thanks for reading, and please review!