Looking for someone to love me

Disclaimer: I don't anything except for the idea please don't sue me I am thinking about just putting the disclaimer in my bio so I don't have to continue writing/typing it over and over.

WARNING this will be SLASH which means guy on guy lovin' if u don't like it then be my guest and don't read it ok k this is also sort of AU as in I was to lazy to look up what actually happened Harry is dominate in this story just so everyone knows.

Parings: HP/Gambit

These might help: {parseltongue} [wolf speech] \thoughts\

Summary: The war is over and Voldemort is dead and gone. Harry has gone traveling leaving all his friends and hurt behind He finds on his journey that he has healing powers, is starting to act very feral, and is gaining wolf like qualities he is searching for some one to love him. Gambit is lost and lonely he has been living at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters for 3 years after leaving New Orleans he is searching for that one to take care and love him.

Harry POV

Why did he bother being surprised by the deceitfulness of people. Humans were terrible beings and although witches and wizards though themselves exempt they were just as despicable as everyone in the species.

Regular POV

"Harrison is there another reason for your coming to stay here, I don't mean to pry. but it seems as if there is more to your reason then what you have stated." Storm asked.

"You seem very honest with your request so I will answer." Harrison started "Let me give you an idea of where I came from."

"Where I am from, is a place where magic is real and people carry around little sticks in which to channel said magic, it is a place where people fly on brooms and create potions to heal, to kill, and just because they need money. There was a war going on in the Wizarding World between the so called light and the dark. One thing I want you to understand before I go any further, is that to me there is no light or dark and no good and evil magic or people even, there is only choices that make us who we are. Got it?" Harrison questioned and once everyone nodded, even though they looked confused, he went on "Ok, so there was a war between this supposedly kind, old, and grandfatherly man called Albus Dumbledore and a cruel, evil, conniving, and murdering snake faced bastard named Voldemort. Yeah, so anyways, Dumbledore said he was fighting for freedom of everyone; Voldemort said he was fighting for the rights of purebloods, who don't have muggle or mundane blood in there bodies. Dumbledore apparently was going to hire a woman, a seer in fact, for a class called divination when she stated a prophecy that said a boy was going to vanquish the dark lord. Unfortunately, there was another boy who overheard part of the prophecy and ran off to tell his master who immediately sought out the one foretold in the prophecy. The boy's, who heard the prophecy, master was of course Voldemort who wanted to kill the little baby stated in the prophecy so no one would stand in the way of his power. So he went to the house that Halloween night to kill the little baby, he stormed the house and killed the baby's father and went up the stairs to get the baby his plans, however; failed because that little babies mother refused to give up her little baby. Voldemort tried to reason with the woman but with no success so he killed the mother, and turned to kill that little baby who had no clue to what is going on, and cast the killing curse that was known to kill in an instance. But it didn't work and Voldemort was destroyed. The baby though didn't get off completely unscathed, no, he was left with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and proclaimed the savior of the wizarding world."

Harrison paused for someone gasped and looked up from where he had held his head down while telling the story and saw that all the females had tears rolling down their faces, they had all realized who that little boy was and had their eyes glued on the scar that although a little faded was still standing out on his forehead. The men had sympathy showing all over their faces.

Seeing no pity Harry continued.

"I see you all understand. I was forced into a war that I had no clue about. Albus Dumbledore was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-"

"Wait!" Jean said suddenly, interupting mid-sentence.

Everyone paused and looked at her.

Jean flushed then said, "So magic is real."

Harrison nodded, surprised that she was the only one that brought it up not that he showed it, most people have a hard time believing in magic, but then again this is a school for mutants and if that could happen then anything can.

"Are you going to now say that I am now condemned to hell be cause of something I cannot control as it is 'witchcraft' as your bible calls it?" Harrison asked raising a eyebrow, it was a valid question as far as he was concerned since Americans were known for their following of their precious bible.

"No" Jean said, knowing that she deserved that question as she had already called him out on his demon dog.

"Anyways Dumbledore tried his best to force me into a perfect soldier, easily controllable and pliable. My dear former headmaster wanted to manipulate me into being his way back nto the lime light. Albus Dumbledore had defeated a Dark Lord by the name of Gellert Grindelwald, he beat him stole his wand and was exalted and got used to his opinion being the only one that mattered. When I started Hogwarts attention turned more toward me than him and he did not like it. He thought if I defeated Voldemort he could take credit for it and get back to the pedestal that he was on before. To him, I was merely a means to an end.

Harry then took a deep breath and continued. This was the hardest part of his story.

He started bribing my so called friends to spy on me and dose me with obedience potions and a potion that would force me into doing whatever was demanded of me called the liquid imperious. Luckily, because I can resist the spell with the same affects imperio, Icould also fight the potions and eventually grew to be immune to all mind controlling potions and such. I still acted as though I was under the affects and fooled everyone. I went through the war and won it and then everyone showed their true colors including me. I left and I refuse to return."

There was a silence where no one knew what to say. Harry stared straight ahead of himself at a wall refusing to let his story and the looks of the others in the room affect him.

"Ok then, Gambit would you please lead Harrison here to a room in the school", Xavier finally said, breaking the awkward silence. "We can continue this after everyone has been fully rested."

"Sure, Wheels," Remy said to Charles before turning to Harrison. "You be followin' Remy to your room please.", then he walked out the door

"Ok.", Harrison said then nodding to the people and followed Remy out the door.

Walking swiftly down the hall following Remy, Harrison was led up two flights of stairs and down another hallway, to a door that seemed sort of isolated.

"This be your room", Remy said, gesturing toward the door.

"Why does it seem that I am alone in this part of the house?"Harrison demanded to know.

"Wolfie advised that we 'ave a room for mutants like you." Remy explained

"What do you mean, mutants like me?", Harrison said, just a bit offended not that it showed.

"Remy did nah mean to affend ya he jus meant dat dis room be for people dat seemed anti-social wit others and for people who lik dere privacy.", Remy said quickly, clearly trying not to upset the new guest in the house.

Harrison just looked at him.

"Really" Remy said.

"Ok, are you going to tell me now why you were so adamant about me staying here in the school?", Harrison questioned.

"Can Remy explain tomorrow or later after you 'ave rested?" Remy said trying to get out of that talk for as long as possible.

"No." Harrison said flatly.

"Can we go somewhere more comfortable?" Remy tried again.

"Like where?" Harrison asked suspiciously.

"Remy room?" Remy suggested.


"The living room"


"The kitchen"


"Your room"


"Are you sayin' no to frustrate Remy"


Remy got this expression on his face, that Harrison found a little adorable, it looked like Remy was…pouting.

"Remy are you pouting?" Harrison asked Remy with a completely straight face, in fact, the only reason knew that Remy knew Harrison was teasing was because he was used to the masks that people wore and saw the amusement most wouldn't see.

"No." Remy said clearly still pouting.


"Is there somewhere you would like to go where we could have this talk?" Remy asked.

"Let's take a walk outside, shall we?" Harrison suggested lthough both knew it was a command.

"Ok" Remy said agreeing.

And then they were off.

Meanwhile, Logan was thinking over what has been said so far by Harrison and realized that Harrison is someone who might be able to recognize and relate to what he himself had been through.

"Maybe he is alright." Logan said thoughtfully.

Ok folks here it is I hope u like it and if not tell me about it and as always review I like hearing what you like what you don't like what you think I should do and where the story should go give me your opinions review review review review review review review review review review review review review
