Requests are currently closed. Sorry for the inconvenience. Warnings for this chapter includes: Light bondage, suspension, tentacles Tangela X Tracy Horatio (Midnight-Tearz) BW: Hello pokemon fans! And welcome to Ditto's Show – where everybody wants to impress our little pink friend. I'm your host, Bradi Wood and here with me is Tracy Horatio. Want to tell us a little about you? TH: I'm a bad girl. And my Tangela is going to punish me. BW: Kinky. Well, I'll let you at it. Good luck! Tracy's blonde curls sashay side to side as she swings lightly. She's suspended by her feet by long, coiling purple tentacle-like arms. Her hands are tied together with a small, but sturdy, rope behind her back. Tangela's purple tentacles slap at the girls large tits, making them jiggle and her let out little erotic, pant-like moans. Tangela murmurs its name softly as it swirls the fuzzy tips against the girl's boobs. Her nipples are extremely hard, standing out and screaming for attention. More purple arms come out and whip at her sides, making the girl jerk from side to side. Giggles burst from her slightly parted lips and she squirms, trying to escape the tickling. Tangela only slaps her nipples harder. Tracy gasps loudly and stiffens. Tangela only says his name, but Tracy knows what her pokemon's thinking. Stay still. Or else. So still she'll try to stay. "Oh! Oh, God!" She shouts as a tentacle finds her wet pussy. It thrusts in quickly, not giving her any time to react before it pulses in and out, the hairs sliding stickily inside of her. Though they're not very wide, the appendages make up for their lack of girth with their extreme length. She can practically feel it bashing against her cervix; or something. She can't really think clearly. Yet another tentacle comes out and gingerly taps her clit. Doesn't rub or trace it like she'd want, but a simple rapping. It's not enough to really fuel her, but the quick thrusts of another arm are almost making up for it. The purple hoses wrap themselves around her breasts, making the bubble out, almost like a balloon. They start to discolour – not very much; just a slight red tint to them. Her nipples seem to pop out more than they had been – which is surprising, since they were harder than a teenager's dick after watching porn for the first time. Tracy starts to feel her climax build, a burning sensation in her womanhood. Tangela feels the slight throbbing against it's tentacles and steps everything up a notch. It quickens its drives into her sopping pussy, rubs a fuzzy tip against her clit harshly, squeezes her breasts and swirls around the tips of her tits, even running a few tangles up and down her sides. "Ahh! Ohhhmaaaaa! Uhhh!" She jerks back and forth vividly, drool starting to seep from her lip at all of the parts of her body being assaulted with feeling at once. Soon she's screaming unintelligible things, not making any sense at all, but vocalizing her pleasure. "Cuuuuuuummmmming!" She barely manages the word out before her orgasm explodes from within her. She lets out one last ear-piercing scream as her body shakes with the final feelings flooding her body. The purple mess of a pokemon sets its owner on the ground, still panting as she sits up. All of the purple appendages retract. Tangela shakes the damper ones out a bit before hopping over to it's trainer. She gives a slightly dazed smile as a voice rings out. "Maybe next time."