Hi there!

I am so sorry about this update, stuff happened, I'm failing Geometry and my parents won't let me drop down to standard.

I wanted to get this in Tuesday, but there was Halloween.

I was Mad Hatter!Italy XD

If I owned Hetalia, the world would be twisted by the way.

"W-who, who are you?" Peter asked the eleven people in front of them. To him they looked really strange kind of like the people that Kumajirou were talking about. He paused in his thoughts, wait were they?

A motherly looking woman said, "My name is Mother Sun, they are the planets and your moon." She looked over the planets and the small moon that accompanied them then walked up to the three nations and dogs. "We are here about Antarctica." She started, "We know what he's up to, this is the same thing he did millions of years ago, but this is worse than what that was. He's planning to take the entire world and turn it into ice."

The nations looked at each other in concern. Matthew was the one to speak first, "but that would mean that it would be so cold that no human could live on Earth. It would be a big ball of ice."

A young looking man with a big red birthmark on his face, Jupiter, spoke from behind Mother Sun, "Exactly, just like Pluto here" he smirked ruffleing the hair of his little brother. The much smaller boy scowled at him while he started again, "What I want to know is, how you three escaped him?"

"Birdie's invisible." Gilbert said with a grin until his so called birdie elbowed him.

The Canadian frowned at him, "Not funny Gilbert, but that is pretty true. He looked right past me, but when he used his ice power thing he caused a giant ice pick to fall straight down on my arm." He pulled his sleeve up showing the makeshift bloodied bandages.

"Wait" Spoke Venus, "did you say ice power?" She stood close to Mars who grabbed her sisters hand. "I thought only us planets had power… things?"

Moon slowly shook his head and scooted close to Oxy, "Countries have them too. Ones like Italy's speed, America's strength, and even," he looked to Matthew, "Canada's invisibility. Some just don't know how to use it."

Oxy nodded in agreement saying softly, like her throat was hurting, "Even the smallest countries have them, if they're a personification, they got 'em" The little Dalmatian gave a small smirk and was about to show off her power but Mother Sun stopped her with a pat on the head. Her ears drooped and she continued to look off past everyone.

"Well, now what do we do? Hm? Track down Mr. Antarctica and kill him off or something?" Gilbert asked, "Because I saw that dude fight, you might be planets and all but that dude's un-awesomely huge. He took down Ivan. RUSSIA. Have you seen that guy?"

Jupiter sighed, "It's what we have to do, Prussia. He may be big, bigger than Russia even, but we can't let him set another ice age to Earth. Oxy won't be able to take it, we're still working it out."

Oxy suddenly burst into a large coughing fit, Mars reached down and patted her back a little. When she stopped she shuddered and said softly, "I-I feel colder…" The Martian girl picked her up and huddled with Venus.

"Antarctica has started to move again." Uranus growled, "We need to go, now" He flicked his cigarette and the butt fell to the ground.


I'm sorry it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Short I wanted it to be longer but I forgot what I was gonna make them do next.

Anyway I got finished with the first chapter of Hero, and I wanna upload it but then people will be like MOAR RAWR and stuff and want the next chapter but I don't want it just hanging out on my phone for forever and a day. So I might as well.

Weeeeelp Please Review! W