Player of My Heart

Summary: For as long as she could remember, Kim has had a crush on Jared but Jared has never noticed Kim, especially since he became captain of the football team. As Jared started getting closer to phasing, Kim has noticed the changes in him; the anger mood swings, the rapid growth spurt, and the bulging muscles,. Kim notices all these little, until her beloved Jared suddenly disappears

Chapter One: Dreaming

I walked down the stairs and saw my sister, Tess, standing in front of the door, waiting for me so we could get started on our normal route to school. Once we were out the front door, we walked for two miles until we reached the front doors of La Push High School.

Tess ran off to go smooch with her boyfriend. I wouldn't mind having a boyfriend, it's just the one I really wanted I could never have.

I looked away from my sister and her boyfriend as they lip locked, sighing as I entered through the front doors of La Push High School. As l walked toward my locker, I saw Jared Cameron having a heated discussion with some slut who was obviously his current girlfriend for the week.

Jared Cameron was one the sexiest guys I had ever seen, with his curtain of black hair surrounding his handsome face and beautiful strong athletic body. The way he looked on the field when he was playing football never failed to make my heart skip a beat. He was just so incredibly sexy. Jared had been in my classes since grade school, but he'd never paid attention to me.

Jared would never be interested in me. My inner rambling was cut off when my best friend Jessie walked up to me.

"Hey, Kim," Jessie, said as she leaned on my locker.

"Hey, Jess," I replied.

"Anything exciting happen?" Jessie asked me with an eyebrow raised.

I shook my head. "No."

She asked me with a knowing smirk, "You were dreaming about Jared again, weren't you?"

"Not really," I whispered, hiding my face in my locker.

"Look, if this will help pull you out of your misery, and since he is that important to you, suck it up and ask him out," she said exasperated.

I turned to star at her with wide eyes, my eyes were open so wide, they could have flown out of my sockets. "Are you out of your freaking mind? He'll say no."

Jessie shrugged. "It's better than having gaga eyes at him every single waking moment you look at him."

Jessie began to shake her head at my silliness. I opened my mouth to say something when a loud sound caused both of us to jump. We heard a locker door slam hard. We both jumped and looked over to see what the commotion was all about. Sure enough, Jared and his slut for the week were arguing.

"Gosh Jared, what is your problem?" she asked.

"Me? I'm the one with the problem? You're the one with the problem!" Jared yelled. Good grief, what has gotten into him?

"Whatever, Jared, I don't have time to deal with you on drug rage or whatever the hell it's called, I have class," Shannon said before flipping her hair and walking off.

"Fine!" Jared, yelled. "Walk away, that's all you're good for!" Jared then slammed his fist onto the wall of lockers and let off a stream of curse words before stalking off to class.

Jess then let out a low whistle. "Whoa!"

"I know," I whispered.

"Maybe he's on steroids, that would explain why he's been playing better on the football field," Jess assumed.

Come to think of it, that could be plausible. First, Jared started getting taller…taller than a normal teenage boy would have, and he was getting more bulky and muscular. Not that I was complaining about that, I could stare at his body all day.

"Earth to Kim, are you still in there?" Jess asked.

I shook my head. "Yes, sorry."

While shaking her head, Jessica responded, Okay, for the sake of your sanity, and my own, I'm going to do something I should have done a long time ago; I'm going to ask Jared out for you."

I froze and stared at her. "Jess, you better not, if you do I'll never speak to you again."

Jessica just laughed. "I'm only kidding, Kim. I'd never do that, though I really think you need to just ask him out."

Feeling defeated and depressed yet again, I grabbed my notebook and walked with Jessie to class. As we walked into World History class, and there he was, sitting at his desk, Jared. Jared was sitting down, watching some strange videos on a camera that belonged to one of his friends, breathing very heavily, he seemed to be doing that a lot more often. As I walked by him to get to my seat, he didn't even look up once. I sighed as I sat down and took out my notebook.

Mr. Mitchell came in and immediately started to lecture. "Okay class, back to what we were talking about yesterday, Helen of Troy." He went on and on about how she was the face that launched one thousand ships. I'm wasting my time in this class; I'm never going to use history in the future, I wanted to be a cosmetologist. Instead of taking notes, I turned to the left in my seat and began to stare out the window daydreaming.

After class ended, Jared and I were walking hand-in-hand to his car, a 1966 Oldsmobile 442. His father had bought it for him for his sixteenth birthday. He opened the door on the passenger's side, and gave me his hand as he helped me into the car. Once Jared closed the door, he got into the driver's side and put the key in the ignition. We drove for a couple of minutes, and ended up at his house. It was probably the nicest house in La Push. It was made of logs, had a gorgeous fence, rosebud bushes, a tiny, delicate flower bed in the front lawn, and was two stories high. There was nobody else home, so he took me to the door. As we went inside, he kissed me on the lips.

"So, my parents aren't home," he said with a suggestive look.

"I can tell since there aren't any cars outside," I replied, trying to hide my anxiety.

"I love you so much," he whispered, kissing me lightly again.

"I love you too."

Needing no further encouragement, Jared kissed me again as he closed the door with his foot and continued kissing me until we were at the bottom of the staircase. He pulled away for a second to take off his jacket and throw it on the floor. Then he took off my jacket as well and dropped it next to his. He proceeded to kiss me again, before he led me up the stairs, severing the contact he had with my lips. When we reached the door of his bedroom, he opened it and led me to his bed, sitting us down on the edge.

He leaned over, pushing me down so that my back was flat against the mattress, and he was on top of me. Jared sat up, with his legs still straddling my hips, reached down for the hem of his shirt and took it off. Once he took it off, he reached down to slowly unbutton my shirt. Then he pushed it down my shoulders, leaving me in just my bra and pants. Jared started trailing kisses from my navel up toward my neck. Then he started to kiss me really passionately. He reached behind my back and unlatched my bra, sliding it down over my shoulders and removing it from my body.

"MISS CONNWELLER!" I heard a voice shout as I jumped in my seat. I let my eyes wander and saw that everyone was looking at me; some who looked concerned, some who looked frightened obviously by the way Mr. Mitchell shouted, and some who were snickering while pretending to go back to work on their notes, all eyes were on me, except the one boy I wanted so much to notice me, Jared. He obviously was too busy being in his own little world to notice what was going on. Thank god. Mr. Mitchell had a very angry expression on his face.

Oh god! If the Quileute gods are really up there, please send one of your holy spirits to kill me, I would be eternally grateful. I had to snap back from my pathetic rambling to the Quileute gods and looked at Mr. Mitchell, as embarrassment creep up my face as he continued staring at me. Mr. Mitchell was a short, bald man who looked friendly, but below that appearance was a tough man. Of all teachers I've had, he was the scariest.

"Yes, Mr. Mitchell," I replied. Maybe if I was very polite and respectful now, he wouldn't call home.

With an eyebrow raised, he said, "When the bell rings stay behind, you and I have a lot to talk about."

I nodded my head as I tried my best to hide my flushed cheeks. Mr. Mitchell went back to the class, explaining something about the Reconstruction Era, but I didn't pay much attention. I couldn't believe this was happening again, and this time I got caught!

I couldn't help it. Jared had always made me feel giddy inside, and I couldn't help but stare at him.

Jared Cameron and I had been in the same classes since grade school, but I've never acted on my feelings towards him. And now, I just couldn't seem to stop thinking about him all the time.

Of course, with all the time in class daydreaming about him, my grades were falling on my report cards. Dad was furious when he saw them, but mom was a little more sympathetic because she understood what it was like to have a crush on a boy. But it's not just my parents, my sister, Joanne, was always trying to give me some tips in order to make my feel more beautiful. My best friend Jessie has enjoyed teasing me about my crush on Jared for years. She tells me I need to just ask him out.

As if! I was sure that if I asked him out, he would probably say no, or even worse, laugh and then tell all his friends about it. I couldn't handle that kind of humiliation, so I just kept quiet.

Despite my constant daydreaming about Jared, his Casanova behavior always bothered me. Every week, he had a new girlfriend. It was widely known that no girl had ever said no to him. I wouldn't mind sleeping with him, but he would probably dump me like the others once we had sex.

Time flew by fast, and before I had even realized it, the bell had rung, everybody started walking past Mr. Mitchell's desk. He looked at me with narrowed eyes,and although he is probably my father's age, he's very easy on the eyes and not that bad looking. Once I reached the front of his desk, he had about five of different test in his hands and all he did was stare at them and shake his head. He looked up at me with disappointment and sighed.

"Kim," he started. "You have to start applying yourself more in class and at least attempt to pay attention. Your marks are starting to decline horribly, which reflects poorly on yourself. Look at the past few tests you've taken," he told me while placing them down on the desk for me to look at. I looks at them and they were awful. The first grade started with a C and then the number of red marks for wrong answers just kept increasing. "Now that you see what I'm talking about, by the looks of things, it looks as though you may be held back a year, and not graduate with your classmates."

I froze. Not graduate. This is just horrible. Not only will it bring my family to shame on the reservation, but it look badly on me. Worse, if my dad gets wind of this, I will be screwed for an eternity. "I have to graduate with my class. Please Mr. Mitchell, isn't there anything I can do that will help me to pass?" I asked practically begging.

Mr. Mitchell opened one of the draws in his desk and shoved them in there sighing. "I know you need to graduate this year, Kim, it'snot just this year, next year you'll be a junior and your junior year is critical for college admissions, but your lack of focus in your academic work is what's holding you back and reflecting that you are not a dedicated student. How about we make a negotiation, if you start turning in all your homework and make at least a C on the next few exams, I'll curve your grade to passing, do we have a deal?"

"Really?" I could hardly register what he just said. He said he would help me pass.

He nodded his head. "Yes, we won't mention it to anyone."

I nodded excitedly, and before I knew it, I walked around the desk and gave Mr. Mitchell a hug. After I let go of him and thanked him, I walked out of the classroom. As soon as I walked into the hallway, I saw Shannon smoking something in the hall. I really wished a teacher would catch her. Watching her suffer with detention for a month would brighten my spirits.

I walked as quietly as I could and I sighed making my way outside to see Tess giving her boyfriend one last kiss before moving next to me as we headed home.

"So, how was your day?" Tess asked. I merely shrugged.

"Is everything okay?" Tess asked, concerned after seeing the depressing look on my face.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, don't worry I'm fine."

Tess didn't look convinced, but decided it was best not to push it. Tess knew me very well, and that when I wanted to talk about things, I would talk to her. Tess stopped walking suddenly. I looked at her to see what was wrong.

"I've got an idea, let's go watch the football game," she said enthusiastically.

I stared at her like she was a lunatic. "Are you serious? Why? We don't even like football."

"I know, but this will give you the chance to stare at your beloved Jared," she said lovingly.

I froze right there on the spot. "How did you find out?"

"Well," she lingered. "It was pretty obvious the way you always stare at him, plus your notebook has Mrs. Kim Cameron written all over it."

I put my head down and could feel my cheeks turn bright red. "Oh."

"Don't worry little sister, your secret is safe with me," Tessa said, before grabbing me by the arm and pulling me back towards the school.

We walked inside, going past the office and gym towards the football field. We got there and headed towards the middle of the bleachers.

"There, this will give you a better view of your man," Tess whispered.

I groaned. "He's not exactly my man."

Tess shook her head just as the whistle blew and the game began. I felt cheery as I saw Jared running out from the alcove where all the football players were. I loved how his body looked in the uniform, but I was pulled out of my thoughts by Tess.

"Kim!" Tess shrieked, as she shook me.

I pushed her off me. "What is your problem?"

"Look!" Tess exclaimed, pointing down at the field.

I looked down and the scene shocked me. Jared was pushing one of the other players on the opposing team. The coach kept blowing the whistle, but that didn't stop Jared from tackling the guy to the ground. Four coaches ran out onto the field just to pull them apart. A time out was called.

"Well," Tess said, with a smirk on her face. "That was an exciting part of the game wasn't it? Is he on road rage or something?"

I turned to look at her, a scowl obviously on my face, so she stopped smiling.

"Well, I guess since it doesn't look like Jared will be playing for the rest of the game, so let's head home," she decided.

I shook my head as we walked home together; the good part was that it wasn't even all that dark yet.

As soon as we both reached the front door, we had barely walked in when Tess decided to plop herself down on the sofa and watch Oprah. Of all the things in the world to watch, she chooses Oprah. Mom and Dad weren't home yet, but my younger sister Naliya was in the kitchen eating cookies.

I walked upstairs to my bedroom, and plopped myself down on my bed.

As I gazed up at the ceiling, I began thinking about Jared again. I knew I was always thinking about him, but I couldn't control it. He just had to be the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. Whenever I was around him, I felt a strange connection to him, but I couldn't describe it. I wished he would just notice me once, and see how perfect we would be for each other.

Truth be told, I was worried about what would happen if I actually did give in and give him a chance. Would he be like me the way he was with everyone else, just date me for a week then move onto someone else? Or would he actually see that I was someone he would see himself having a future with? I really need to stop thinking about him, my grades are horrible enough as it is, and if I don't graduate, my father will only have two daughters he can praise.

I turned into my pillow, and stared out the window, waiting for the thunder storm to begin. Oh, what has my life turned to?

A/N: Please leave a review, reviews keep me writing