Thin boots that covered a pair of small, young feet bounded through the forest. Of course, it wasn't the boots running, but rather the person they were connected to. The little girl was giggling like a madman, arms stretched out like the birds she'd seen from her window. Her long, golden hair was streaming behind her and despite her best attempts to keep it clean, a couple of twigs were still stuck in it.
The girl felt the leaves and branches crack under her feet, and grinned. It wasn't often she was let out of the castle. She much preferred the forests of Ordon than the long, stone corridors of the Castle. It was much more fun and exciting since the only thing she could weave around in the castle were the maids.
"Zellie! Zells, come back here or else Mommy and Daddy won't be very happy with me!" a voice called out a bit behind her, but she could still hear his footsteps. This made 'Zellie' only run faster and laugh even harder, although she did try to stifle it with her dirty hand.
Finally, after a bit more running she came across a big log blocking her path. She skidded to a stop, her arms moving widely to regain her balance. Examining the log with a cross expression, Zellie backed up and, after pushing her foot against a fallen branch, launched off and bolted towards the log. Bending her legs and forcing herself to jump, her chubby hands closed around a knot and she pulled herself upwards.
But just as she reached the top, two, much larger hands grabbed her around the waist and yanked her away from the fallen tree. The girl shrieked and tried to get away, but the familiar laughter filled her ears and she stopped screaming to turn around and stick her tongue out.
A middle-aged man, perhaps nearing his late fifties, held the young girl tightly as he brought her to his chest. He had on a worn leather cap with kind, old brown eyes. A scruffy beard covered half of his face; it was beginning to go gray from age.
"Got you!" he laughed at her, ignoring her annoyed expression. "C'mon, we better get home before it gets too late," he told her. He repositioned the girl so she sat more comfortably on his waist and started walking, knowing exactly where to go having lived in these woods most of his life.
As they crossed the long bridge and entered the outskirts of Ordon, Zellie couldn't help but yawn, and no matter how quickly she tried to hide it, her carrier noticed and moved the girl around so she sat more comfortably.
"I not tired, Wusl…" she said even as she slurred her words. Her tutor would be furious at her improper grammar and unladylike posture.
"Whatever you say, Zells…"
"I not!"
"At least let's go inside – I'd hate to get in trouble because of you."
"Finnnnnne," Zellie whined, leaning back for dramatic effect.
Rusl smiled and approached the old and rotting ladder of the treehouse. He tested it, for once, a plank had split when Rusl tried to climb up. He'd since then fixed it, but there was no harm in being careful – especially with a child.
Once positive the ladder was secure, Rusl pulled himself up onto the platform. He entered the tree house, knowing no one was home. He set the little girl, who had already fallen asleep in Rusl's arms, on a makeshift cot. He tucked the covers around her small, petite body, making her into a little mummy.
Once satisfied with his work, Rusl went over to the open stove, and tossed a log into it, watching as the ashes were flung into the air. Luckily they cooled down quickly, but even if they hadn't, the tree house had stone flooring around the stove.
Rusl warmed his hands by the fire, enjoying the comforting heat. Soon, his position on his knees changed to him leaning back on his hands, and then him laying completely down and putting his feet against the wall. Which, inevitably, made Rusl fall asleep.
A face blearily swam in and out of focus. With tremendous effort, Rusl opened his eyes and waited as the drowsiness wore off. Once done, Link's face sharpened into focus. He looked the same as he always did: sandy locks hanging in his eyes, slanted blue eyes, and long, pointed, Hylian ears. Nothing at all like the King of Hyrule should look like with a daughter in tow.
"Link, you're back! How was your trip?" Rusl asked, stretching as he sat up.
Link grinned, but Zelda answered from behind him. "Great. Although that stupid bird hates me!" she said as she folded clothes.
Link gave her a bashful smile. "You did call it old," he retorted softly, taking note of his sleeping child. He gave Rusl a hand in helping him up, and then went over to his wife to help pack everything away.
Rusl shook his head. "You talk more with her than you did with me as a child!" he teased Link. Link's ears tinted with red, and he ducked his head, grinning once more.
"I feared his coronation speech was just going to be 'Thanks,'" Zelda laughed. "Luckily, he gave a sentence or two. Shortest speech in Hyrulian history, you know. The longest one I think lasted around six hours or something…"
Rusl relaxed against the wall and let out a chuckle. Five years after Manston attacked, and both of them were doing fine. He had heard of 'soldier's heart', where veterans would have nightmares and be mentally unstable, and he feared so many would get it after the small war had taken place. A couple people of did (including poor Ilia, but she had a loving husband who took care of her during night terrors and flashbacks. Who knew Fado had a sensitive side?), but Rusl supposed they weren't blessed by the Goddesses for nothing.
Rusl still couldn't believe the sacred Triforce of Courage was nestled in Link. He knew the boy was courageous before the Twilight Crisis, but after Link had come home, Rusl had noticed a change. He was more alert, wearier, and seemed to always have a sad look in his eyes.
But then he and Zelda grew even closer. He was happier, seemed to relax more easily, and although both him and Zelda had that same sad, longing look in their eyes, they took comfort in each other's pain, whatever it may be.
Impa had later told him it was the Triforces acting upon each other; that they were reacting to each other, making them closer than a normal couple. At Rusl's confused look, Impa realized he never knew Link was a carrier for the Triforce. She had actually laughed and explained to him what it meant, what it did, and practically everything about it.
She even explained about the battle, and how it worked like it did. She told him that Manston simply 'took their life forces' away from them. Or basically, he took their souls out of their bodies and was to use their bodies as a blood sacrifice for Ganondorf. However, she did say that because the Goddesses picked them, their Triforces acted like a revival, for when the lights reconnected with their bodies, both Triforce and soul entered the body.
It explained why they were here as well: to visit the Sacred Realm, as they did every year, to make sure nothing dark and evil was in their blood. It was when dark spirits took over their body that Impa advised both Link and Zelda to go to the Master Sword, making sure any remnants of the dark magic were expelled.
And now they were leaving again, Rusl noticed with a pang of sadness. He only got to see them two or three times a year, and he always missed them the minute they left. But Link did say that Ilia could have Epona's child, as long as she let Rusl ride it for trading expeditions and visits. She, of course, said yes.
But the foal was still in Epona's womb. Until it was old enough, Rusl would just have to wait; but Rusl could wait. He still had his five year old daughter to take care of, and his beautiful wife. Although Bo was wracked with illnesses, he and Rusl were still good friends. Even Ilia was expecting, her belly just beginning to swell. Malo and Talo had become business partners, and Zelda had promised to look after them.
"Rusl?" Zelda asked, worry in her voice.
Rusl blinked, not realizing he was getting lost in his own thoughts. "Sorry, I was just thinking. You guys heading off?" he asked.
"Yeah," Zelda said, coming over for a hug. Normally, touching royalty was strictly against the law, but Zelda ignored it, often hugging everyone in Ordon when they left in the morning. Rusl nevertheless wrapped his arms around Zelda and gave her a goodbye hug. Afterwards she took her slumbering daughter and exited the treehouse, waiting for her husband.
Link came over, and while shaking hands they pulled each other into an embrace. Rusl ruffled Link's hair, and Link ducked to avoid it.
"Take care of yourself now," Rusl told Link sternly. Link mock saluted him before sauntering off to the door, taking their bags with him. Before Link left, he turned to Rusl and asked:
"You still hunting?"
Rusl blinked, and then shook his head. "Too damn old. My back hurts every time I try."
Link grinned, and then replied softly, "Just remember wolves are much smarter than humans." He laughed, as if it was an inside joke, and slipped outside.
"Wait, what?" Rusl asked. "Do you mean Zelda's wolf?" Laughter could be heard outside, as if they were snickering at him. It sounded more like Zelda than Link to Rusl.
"I wonder what happened to that wolf..." Rusl mused, and then stepped outside to see the couple off.
Zelda, apparently hearing him, turned to him and called up, "I'm sure he misses it! I sure you" She winked, and then hopped into their carriage, disappearing into the covering.
"Huh..." Rusl said to himself and went back inside before a thought sprang up in his mind. He immediately waved it off and laughed about it.
There was no way Link could be a human and a wolf at the same time.
Is there a fish around? Because I see a Fin.
Ba dum tsss.
(No that was an awful joke…)
It's the end, guys. THE END. AHHHH! You know, I spent all my time thinking of what I'd put in the final author's note, and now I can't think of anything…
Oh, but if you have any suggestions for a new title/summary, please tell. I'd like to change this *generic pointing at title*
But please REVIEW. And until next time! Which will probably be Runaways! (I'm exicted :D)