Hello, everybody! I'm back again with a new Fairy Tail fanfic. It's NaLu, this time. Before I go on with my first chapter, I would like to thank all the people who put my previous Fairy Tail fanfic in their fav story lists. Thanks to all! That's certainly encouraging!

Disclaimer:I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters.

It's a story of a famous mage guild in the country of Fiore, Fairy Tail- the strongest, the unbeatable, the problematic and probably the ONLY mage guild in the merchant city of Magnolia- an abode of many hooligans, its existence always had been an eyesore to the people of Magnolia and the Mage Council too. If you ever saw a ruined building, a sunken ship, a devastated town, a blasted railway track, a smashed-up harbor or sometimes, may be just any huge crater where there supposedly some structure existed, then the Fairy Tail mages obviously had been there earlier. Everyone could safely assume it. Where there's trouble-just name it- they would always be the part of the main picture. Everyone knew it. But then, it was an undeniable fact that the Fairy Tail mages were the only one who could protect them from any danger inflicted on them and the town. They would come with a bang, resolve the crisis and leave with a blast, literally. Damn those Fairy Tail idiots! Always overdoing the things! The townspeople complained as those Fairy Tail mages had been disrupting their peaceful daily routine for many years unfailingly. It's a story of a boisterous mage guild, Fairy Tail and their unruly mages.

A day in Fairy Tail.

"I dare you say that again, you flame head!" A raven-haired boy shrieked.

"You wanna fight?" the pink-haired boy glared at him.

"Fight!" A blue winged cat exclaimed in the middle of the confusion.

"Do you wanna pick a fight with me?" the ice mage hit him back with his own question.

"Don't copy my lines, ice stripper. Get your own." His rival retorted. "And your pants too!" He pointed at his almost naked body.

"Damn!" the ice mage realized that he had only his boxers on his body.

"Perv…" the fire mage laughed at him but was soon silenced by a huge snowball that sent him flying in the air.

"You jerk, Grayyy!" Natsu's body flamed with anger. He charged at Gray with his flaming hand, just to hit him hard on his face but the ice mage was quick and he avoided the attack easily without even being touched. "Don't dodge!" Natsu hissed.

"Watch where you going!" the ice mage smirked. The fire mage looked at the man in front of him. Elfman!

"A man should fight with his manly fists." Elfman was revved up on seeing the fight of those two boys. He stood up. "Isn't here any man who can have a fight with me?" Shit! Natsu was running at his top speed, it was impossible for him to avoid himself from hitting him.

"You're in the way!" Natsu hit him.

"Show your manhoooo…" and there went away Elfman breaking through the guild's roof, he soared high into the clear sky of Magnolia leaving behind a faint twinkle.

"Look, Elfman has become a star." Wendy exclaimed with delight.

"Why should Elfman have all the fun?" another member screamed.

"Yeah. Let's fight." Everyone agreed and started smashing up the beer mugs, furniture and the guild.

That was a normal day in Fairy Tail, as lively as ever-all the members would be engaged in drinking, fighting and breaking each others' bones and jaws for no any special reason in particular. It happened all the time. And that was what a certain stellar mage was thinking.

"It happens all the time." She sighed.

"Every one of them is so full of energy." The pretty bartender chuckled while cleaning a china plate. "Ne, Lucy, how is it going on in between you and Natsu? Getting along well, I think."

"Lucyyy, move awayyy!" Lucy saw the fire mage hurtling towards her. She ducked down immediately but too bad for Mirajane, she didn't see the incoming fire mage and so had a collision with him that knocked her down.

"Kyaaah! Mirajane-SAAANN!" the blonde screamed in horror. She ran to help the bartender to stand on her feet.

"I'm fine." Mira gave her a weak smile.

"Hey Gray," the fire mage jumped on the bar counter. He was slightly injured in the crash while Mira took the whole damage. "Look what you did? It's your fault."

"You shouldn't have started it at the first place." Gray retaliated.

"You started it all, bastard."

"Lucy. You tell!" they asked her together.

"Cut it out you two, will you?" Lucy gave them an angry look.

"Hai!" both gulped. "As friendly as ever."

"Luce, why are you still angry?" the pink haired boy asked the blonde who walked her way out of the guild hurriedly. "I already apologized to Mira." He followed her. "I apologized to you too." She didn't speak. She continued walking with her arms crossed before her chest. "I won't do it again."

"Now, that's next to impossible for you." She stopped walking and turned back. "Natsu Dragneel, you damaged half of the furniture of the guild." She started counting. "You torn the bar apart, uprooted one of the pillars of the guild, knocked Mira unconscious, dispatched Elfman to some distant planet and broke only-god-knows-how-many-bones of the rest of the members. You turned the whole guild upside down!"

"You've an excellent memory, Lucy." The fire mage, totally amazed by her, started clapping.

"Aye! Aye!" Happy clapped along.

"Come, let's scoot off to your house and have a nice lunch together like a family." he threw his arms on her light shoulders. "Aye, Sir!" the winged cat said cheerfully. She stomped on Natsu's foot and pushed him away.

"Oww! Why did you do that?" he groaned. "I said I'm sorry, Lucy."

"Your ridiculous actions are none of my concern."

"So why are you still angry?" he was a bit confused.

"You're a brainless idiot!" She walked away, annoyed and agitated.

"And that was all what happened." Natsu told the pretty bartender. He looked at the stellar mage sitting at a distant table with Levy. "And she won't talk to me."

"May be she wants you to try harder." She replied while cleaning the wine glasses. "Why would she want it?" Natsu snorted.

"You love her, right?" she asked him.

"No."He pulled his scarf up to hide the faint red color that had started appearing on his cheeks. Mira smiled at the boy's innocence.

"He liiikkkeesss ~~ her!" Happy cooed.

"Who taught you to roll your tongue?" Natsu spoke angrily.

"Don't keep these feelings to yourself only. You need to tell her." She told him. The boy looked at her with surprise. "You need to remind her why you are together." The fire mage couldn't understand her words.

"Try to woo her," She elaborated. "with flowers, chocolates, expensive presents or whatever."

"But Happy and I already gave her all the jewels we earned during our last job to pay off her house rents." He said flatly. Happy nodded in agreement.

"Just go after her." She was a little annoyed.

"Will that work?" he scratched his head. "The whole 'woo' thing? What if she gets more furious?" Natsu and Happy hugged each other and started trembling with fear.

"She's your nakama. She can't be angry at you for too long." She smiled.

"You're right, Mira!" he jumped with happiness.

"By the way, does it hurt?" he pointed at the wound on her forehead that was covered by a band-aid.

"I'm doing fine." She smiled nervously.

"Good!" he waved her goodbye and went away.

She turned back. Let's check the calendar. Her fingers danced over it and stopped at a particular date. Ano, Valentine's Day is approaching. A wicked smile crept up on her gentle lips. I see.

How was it? Liked it? Tell me. Leave a review or just PM me. Your feedback would be very welcome.

Natsu: Who's Valentine?

Lucy: No idea!

Natsu: And why does he have a whole day to himself only?

Lucy: -punches him at the back of his head- How would I know?