Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT
Hi everyone! Another story, and I wanted to make one with the guys having a little adopted sister.
Her name is Dani (short for Danielle, yes that is from Danny Phantom, but i liked the name) she's 6 years old, has blond hair and blue eyes. Mikey was roaming the sewers one day and found her injured, and alone. She was abandoned and Mikey took her home and Donny fixed her up (kinda like a lost puppy), and she was adopted into their family. Mikey is who she mostly hangs out with, but she is very smart like Donny. She is adored by everyone and she is as innocent as Mikey and loves to follow him around and play pranks.
Hopefully I can write this story the way I imagined it. Read and enjoy!
"Mikey, Run!"
"What happened this time?" Leo asked as Mikey ran past him and Donny with Dani percehed on his back, and Raph close on his heels.
"I don't know, but it looks like their playing with her again." Donny pointed out flattly as he poured his coffee and grabbed a piece of toast. "It's too early for this, why couldn't they wait until lunch?" He mumbled as he took his breakfast to the table and sat beside Leo, who was sipping his tea.
"I don't think that it's ever too early for them to play around, just be happy that Raph is joined in on it." Leo exclaimed as he poured himself another cup of tea.
"MICHELANGELO! Bring back my prisoner!" Raph could be heard yelling as Mikey and Dani ran into the kitchen and dove under the table. Dani then stuck her head out and placed it on the side of Leo's leg.
"Shhh. Don't tell him that were here! Were running away from Dr. Sourpuss's evil laboritory " Dani begged as she tried to keep from laughing. Raph then ran into the kitchen.
"Where are they!" He demanded. "Epp!" Dani exclaimed as she dove pack under the table.
Leo smirked and said "Nope Raph, haven't seen them."
Giggling could be heard from under the table, and Raph immediatly dove under it, and grabbed Dani's leg. She squealed as Raph pulled her out from under her hiding place.
"Mikey! Save me!" Dani yelled as Raph slung her over his shoulder and ran out of the kitchen. Mikey quickly ran out from the table. "Don't worry princess Dani! I'll save you!" He shouted as he struck a heroic pose and then ran out to save his little sister from Raphs' evil clutches.
Leo started laughing at the strange role playing that Dani managed to get Raph caught up into.
"So she's a princess prisoner?" Donny asked as he laughed seeing Raph and Mikey come back into view fighting with invisible swords.
"You'll neva' get her back. She's mine foreva'!" Raph proclaimed as he continued to fight Mikey. "NO! I'll save you Dani!" Mikey shouted as he 'stabbed' Raph. "AHHHHH!" Raph yelled out as he pretended to die. Dani then ran into Mikey's outstreched arms. "Yay, you saved me! Now let's go eat victory pancakes!" She yelled as she hugged Mikey for 'saving' her.
"I had to rescue you, and now I have to cook for you too!" Mikey complained while strolling to the kitchen and swinging Dani around.
"Well, I'll help you make 'em! I'll put the blueberries, and the chocolate chips, and the whip cream..." Dani started listing off the ingredients as Mikey pulled up a chair for her, as he started to gather the things they needed to make the pancakes. "Ha, ok." Mikey laughed as me pulled her hair back so it wouldn't get into the food.
"Leo, I'm gonna make you one with a smiley on it!" She exclaimed as Mikey handed her the first pancake. "Ok Dani, thank you." He said smiling.
"Your welcome." She excitedly said as she finished placing the strawberry mouth. She then jumped off the chair and carefully raised the plate over her head as she scooted it across the table, and in front of Leo.
"Wow Danielle, this looks great." He told her as he looked at the face in front of him; two blueberries for the eyes, a dab of whipped cream for the nose, five stawberies for the mouth, and more whipped cream for a ninja mask. "Your welcome Leo." She said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Dani, I'm done with the next one, come make Donny one." Mikey called as he poured more batter in the pan for the next pancake. "Ok Mikey." Dani exclaimed as she hopped up on the chair and started on the next face.
"That was a yummy breakfast Mikey, thanks!" Dani exclaimed as Mikey wiped some syrup off of her cheek. "Your welcome Squirt." Mikey replied as he patted her head and took her plate to the sink.
"Mikey." Dani asked as she tugged on his belt. "Yeah Dani?" He answered as he bent down so she could whisper in his ear. "Can we go skate?" She whispered to him as she looked around, like she was asking a forbidden question. "Of course we can, just go grab your board and your helmet, and we'll go, ok." Mikey told her as he stood up and watched her run off to get her stuff, her blond curly ponytail swinging behind her as she ran.
"You two going out to skate?" Donny asked. "Epp! Don! Don't do that!" Mikey exclaimed as he jumped. "Yeah, were going out. Be back in about 2 hours, just in time for lunch." "Ok, that's good." Donny said, walking away as he saw Dani coming, trying to hide her skateboard behind her back and keep her helmet from falling down into her face.
She thought that Mikey was teaching her a secret skill. She wanted to show her other brothers her new skill once she had gotten better.