Ok, just thought of this today. Just trying it out. I know its been done already but I wanted to do it. So anyways here's to my next possible brain child?
AN: I rewrote this one. Again. Seemed pree gay still so it needed tweaking. Again...
The Truce
It's been a little over four months since the truce was called between Charley, Peter and the vampire Jerry. Ever since that morning, they all went on with their lives as best as they managed.
In a final decision to release Amy, Peter and everyone else, Charley had to swear utter secrecy on his life and he would owe the vampire a huge debt that could be called upon at anytime. If he said anything to anybody, Jerry would kill him and anyone else who knew. The teenager agreed if Jerry bargained not to kill anyone else in this area and to be civil if they met again after this.
Jerry had agreed, surprisingly without hesitation. Although he still killed, everyone was unaware. The vampire went into the city and killed discreetly. Disposing of bodies properly in the desert and kept it quiet. No one ever found out, but the missing persons list seemed to mysteriously increase during those months.
Amy, Charley's now ex-girlfriend, had been released from the vampire, as was the magician. And as for Mark and Ben. They had no real recollection of those events, other then thinking it was just a bad dream. Ben couldn't explain why he was covered in dirt, and Mark figured it was a bad trip.
For the following month after the teen moved, the vampire kept an eye on the boy, but started making conversations. It scared the teen at first. If he were outside after dark, sometimes the vampire came from nowhere and made small talk.
Jerry's visits happened up to four nights a week for a few hours. They would sit on the front step for those hours, just sitting there and talking about pointless things.
He was eventually invited into the teen's home after the second month of their deal. Not once did the vampire attempt to hard him or eat him. Though he always threatened it. When Jane found out two weeks later, she really didn't agree with it. Really didn't at all.
Charley grew used to the nocturnal visits that ranged anywhere from sun down to sun up, and lasting a few hours each. Jerry would barge into the Brewster's house at anytime he felt like it and made himself at home.
Nothing was the same after that. Even Peter was there whenever he mustered up the urge to drive over.
Jerry kept the visits surprisingly civil when they happened, but enjoyed scaring the two of them when ever the opportunity presented itself. Behaving whenever Jane was around, since she could kick him out at anytime, he wouldn't risk it.
The teenager grew used to Jerry's scary moments quickly. Peter didn't right away of course. He despised the vampire and was terrified of him at the same time. But kept to the agreement. Talking to him when he had too and eventually he lost a lot of his fear as time went on.
Like the teen, he just adapted to the situation as best as he could. It wasn't easy for him to befriend the beast that destroyed his life, but he was doing it.
The days turned to weeks, and the weeks to months. The three of them slowly began acting as though nothing had happened. As unusual and wrong it was, they slowly grew closer and a small bond was created. In a sense. Jerry was still cruel and rude but not as bad as he used to be.
Charley and Amy weren't speaking to each other very often. She stayed away but never completely ignored her ex boyfriend. She moved to the city and changed schools. He kept going to the same one.
Charley felt abandoned there. Like he was back in the ninth grade and was friendless. There was no girl of his dreams, no Adam, no Ed because he had killed him. Mark and Ben went back to picking on him. Charley was back to being a loner. It was seriously lonely. Things were looking like how they used to be during the school hours, especially the bullies.
Today was one of those days he wished to stay invisible. Everything just felt off. Charley had a hard time keeping his mind on his work, and he was tired. Mentally strained and ready to snap.
Having to deal with this by himself was taking it's toll. Thinking that he might take Jerry up on his offer of talking about stuff. After all, Charley talked about these things with Peter all the time, no problem. It was different with Jerry. He wasn't sure how to even ask a question without him feeling awkward.
He suddenly wondered what a four hundred year old being might have for advice. It could be anything. His mind wandered too much today. He sat back turning his eyes to the clock and waited for the class to end. Soon it was going to be lunch.
When Charley was keeping to himself, minding his own business and texting Peter when Mark came up to him. Charley's guard went up immediately seeing his face.
He asked to talk for a minute, so Charley followed to a less crowded spot, getting uneasy. He was wondering what the creep was going to say this time. Having harsh words thrown at him over little things. Making him upset. Not really being one for violence he tried walking away. Until Mark opened his mouth about Ed.
That struck a painful nerve. Turning back to face his ex-friend Mark, who threw the first punch. His fist connecting with Charley's eyebrow, drawing blood. His eyes watered as his mind burned with the painful words. Then it was all over when the curly haired teen unleashed all the hidden fury. Barely feeling the occasional blows he received and kept swinging his fist madly till he was pulled away.
Charley ended up getting suspended from school for the severity of the beating. Mark was pretty bloody by the time he was finished. The teen gave no argument to why he did it when he was questioned. He admitted that he did it, and that was it. So after collecting work for the week after dealing with cops and school staff, he was sent home.
Charley walked home angrily and took his time doing it, zigzagging through the streets. He was going to enjoy explaining this to his mother, he was sure that there was a huge punishment waiting at the end of it. It was his own fault.
He looked up at the sky quietly. A dark, dull day. The clouds reflecting his current mood.
Charley reached up and carefully touched the throbbing bits on his face as he looked at the ground. Wincing as he felt a large gash above his eyebrow that was still bleeding. He had a puffy bottom lip that was split, it burned but it was a numbing burn. Not to mention his bruised knuckles and a high possibility of a broken finger.
He was a mess. To say the least. Glaring at everything in distaste during his walk home, curious to know what else could possibly go wrong. An hour had past as he finally came to his house and unlocked the front door. Walking in slowly as he looked around.
"Mom?" He called out shutting the door. After a minute of silence he relaxed.
He threw his bag on the couch as he went to the stairs and quickly headed up to his room. Changing his bloody shirt to a clean and stainless dark blue tee-shirt. Dabbing the gash with the bloody one and groaned as he reopened it, a sting filled his forehead.
Collecting his clothes off the floor quietly and figured he would go to the basement to do his laundry to pass some time. It was unusually quiet in the house. Almost dead silent. He frowned lightly as he went back to the main floor.
As he opened the basement door and flipped the light on and started down the steps, an uneasy feeling creeped up his back as his pace faltered. He frowned and looked around for the source when he forced himself to go further. He rolled his eyes to see Jerry sitting on the washing machine smirking at him as he shielded his eyes from the sudden brightness.
"Hey Charley. Shouldn't you be in school?" He asked. Charley walked over quietly.
"Your still here? I got suspended for fighting Mark, if you must know. Move. I need to do my laundry and I can't if your sitting there." He said tonelessly, keeping his head down.
Jerry chuckled and moved off the metal machine slowly. His eyes staring hungrily at the gash on his forehead.
"I should be mad at you. It's your fault for today." The teen mumbled, breaking the momentary silence. Jerry tilted his head as he smelled an painful anger.
"Really." Jerry leaned against the dryer as the teen threw his clothes into the washer and added soap. Jerry sniffed him briefly before his hands reached out and grabbed the teen's face.
"Your bleeding Charley. And bruised. Did you fight a bear?"
"Let go!" Charley tried to pull away, scared by the sudden movement.
Stopping when he saw Jerry's eyes staring at him calmly. He swallowed slowly as he tried to pull away again. Trembling as Jerry held his face, grinning at the teen slowly.
"Relax, if I was going to kill you, you'd be dead as soon as you came down those stairs." Jerry said as he stood in front of the worried teen, pressing him against the metal machine. He took one of his hands from Charley's face and cut his thumb.
"This is going to help, just don't let it touch your tongue." He cautioned with a small smirk.
Charley flinched as Jerry smoothed his thumb over the gash on his forehead and leaned away, the cold steel biting into his lower back. It burned painfully where the vampire touched then it went numb. Causing the boy to let out a small groan. The vampire did the same to his lip.
After a moment, Jerry stepped away and the teen touched where he just had reluctantly. There was no gash above his eyebrow, and his bottom lip was smooth. Not even feeling a scar was there. Confused by this, he looked at him and frowned while wiping the blood away from his skin. Jerry just smirked deviously.
"If anyone is going to make you bleed," Jerry paused. "It's me."
Charley looked at him quietly before he turned back to the washer. Unsure if he should be grateful or terrified as he turned the knob and water spilled into the barrel. He held his breath.
"Uh... Okay? Thanks.. I guess. Saves me from explaining to Mom about the fight. Does my mom even know you're here?" He looked back at the vampire while shutting the lid loudly. Wanting a little distance he turned to the stairs.
"Don't thank me. She will when she sees me." He replied coolly.
"You know that's going to piss her off right?" Charley smirked as he went towards the stairs. "Like, really pissed off."
"Like I care. I can come and go as I please." He replied flatly.
"Bring me a beer sport."
"No." Charley rolled his eyes and kept going. Hating that Jerry always expected him to cater to his needs. So he ignored the order. Till he demanded again.
"Get it yourself! Just because I swore to secrecy and whatever doesn't mean I'm your slave." He snapped before he opened the door to find Jerry standing on the other side. Charley jumped before he moved past him.
"And stop doing that." He growled.
"Stop what? Sneaking up on you? Why should I? And it could mean that if I wanted you to be my slave." Jerry said with a grin as he turned to the kitchen and opened the fridge, grabbing a bottle of beer from the machine.
"Mmm. I'm liking that idea Charley." The vampire purred turning to the living room.
Glancing at the teen as he pulled the curtains closed and turned on the light, Jerry narrowed his eyes for a moment. Charley was on edge more then usual. He was also curious to why he fought. Charley wasn't the violent type. The teen looked towards him and shook his head.
"That is never going to happen." He stated.
"It might."
"Whatever man." Charley replied as he picked up his bag and pulled out a binder and sat down on the couch.
Jerry came into the living room slowly as he used a sharp nail to pop the lid off the bottle, folding it over before he threw it at the upset teenager. Charley growled and threw it back, missing the vampire completely. Jerry chuckled as he sat on the couch and turned the TV on.
"So why did you fight in the first place?" The vampire asked curiously. Charley glanced at him then opened his binder.
"I don't know. I was just having a bad day." He lied.
Charley wasn't ready to have a warm 'buddy buddy' talk just yet. He could feel the icy gaze as he started writing something down. He tried to ignore the man. Jerry scoffed finally and sat forward.
"Why are you lying Charley? What, are you afraid your going to get lectured by a four hundred year old man?" He teased.
"As far as I am concerned, your not a man. Your a vampire. And its none of your business either. I don't want to talk about it." Charley replied as he glanced over at him with a stern gaze.
"Least of all with you. Your solution is probably 'Let's just kill him!' " The teen said, mocking Jerry's voice to the note.
"Suite yourself kid." Jerry chuckled as he sat back against the couch and drank out of the bottle. "That's not always my solution."
"It is too."
"You're right."
It went quiet other than the sounds of the television. Charley thought quietly over the fight. Stupid words that burned into his heart. About Ed, about how alone he was now. Hearing all of that was painful and it sparked a fury inside of him that made Charley lash out. Which was something he never did.
He was getting angry again thinking about it. He rubbed his forehead slowly as he tried not to let it bother him again. The urge to hit something was starting to creep into his mind.
"What has you so worked up?" Jerry asked again, hints of concern.
"I'm fine." He breathed out, dropping his arm.
"Charley, I can hear your heart pounding and you reek of anger. Very tempting." Jerry cooed, suddenly leaning over the teen.
"I'm fine..." Charley said again before looking up at him slowly, his eyes gazing at the vampire's pendant.
"If you don't back off, I'll stab you with my pencil."
Jerry laughed and stood straight as the teen held the pencil towards him.
"How frightening. Here. You might need this more than I do." The man paused.
"If your mother asks why you stink you can always say that I made you do it." Jerry said as he held the beer towards him. Then chuckled again.
"Or say Peter was here."
Charley couldn't help but let out a laugh at the vampires joke. He took the beer from Jerry and sipped it. Resting his head on the back of the couch as Jerry sat back down and put his feet on the coffee table.
"I'm sure mom would love that. Why didn't you go back to your cave?" Charley asked him as he stared at the ceiling.
"Didn't feel like it."
"So.. you just decided to hang out in the basement?" The teen asked.
"That was the plan. Shut up and drink." Jerry said as he flipped through the channels boredly.
"Will you just freaking pick something!" The teen snapped. Tired of hearing the channels continuously.
Charley looked over at him for a moment. Jerry looked content sitting there, it seemed as though he didn't want to be alone. Maybe it was because it was in his nature to be near someone all the time. He didn't fully trust Jerry. Probably never would. But for some reason, he didn't mind the cruel things he said anymore. He slowly took another sip.
"Stop staring Charley. You're going to miss what's on." Jerry said, grinning wickedly as the TV started moaning loudly. Charley looked and coughed on what was in his mouth.
"Oh god! Really Jerry!" He said after a moment of trying to breath. He dropped the binder and set the bottle down. Charley lurched forward to try and snatch the remote away.
Jerry moved his arm away the same moment Charley jumped, using a finger to push him over. The teen tripped over Jerry's legs and landed on the floor with a groan. He sat up to see the vampire smiling away madly. Charley looked at him then to the TV.
"Turn it off you perv." Charley said again.
"Make me." Jerry looked at him challengingly.
"Sure. Let's go wrestle outside." Charley said as he kicked the vampire in the leg. "Turn it off, please."
"Was that a bug?" Jerry asked as he looked at his leg. The teen glared, and kicked him harder.
"Come on Charley. A man has needs." The vampire stated.
"You're not a man!" The teen groaned and shook his head.
"Okay, so I WAS a man. But I still have needs." He chuckled darkly.
"I am going to my room. You're freaking me out. Your paying for that by the way." Charley said as he stood up and headed for the stairs as he looked over his shoulder.
"See you at dinner Charley." Jerry said slowly.
Charley gave him the finger as he went up the stairs, earning a growl from Jerry as he sat on the couch. The teen went to his room and closed the door.
Grinning suddenly.