So I was rewatching Special Education and kjust before Blaine says "Regionals here we come" he leans forward a little bit and I couldn't help but shout "NOW KISS" at him . So I wrote it as a drabble :)

As always, feel free to prompt me anything from any of my verses :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee.

"I got your text! What's wrong?" Blaine knew he sounded a little out of breath from running down from his dorm as soon as Kurt had texted him. He really hoped it wasn't too obvious.

"It's Pavarotti, I think he's sick." Blaine immediately felt relieved. At least Kurt wasn't hurt. "I'm ta-taking good care of him but he-he won't sing and he's losing his feathers." Kurt sounded almost distraught.

"Oh, he's just malting." Blaine assured his friend, taking a look at the yellow bird. "He's growing a new coat of feathers so his body has to shut down a little." He glanced at Kurt's face who still looked a little worried but mostly like he felt stupid.

"But don't worry about it. He's got food, water, he seems to like his cage. Just give it a little while, he'll be singing again in no time." He gave Kurt a reassuring smile, only just realising how much of a metaphor for Kurt's own life this was. And, wow, did Kurt look good right now.


"Don't forget, Warblers practise tonight at 5." He leaned forward. "Regionals here we come." How had he got so close again? Blaine's eyes flickered to Kurt's lips and back to the stunning blue of his friend's.

He was going to stand up and leave now... any minute... Oh, fuck it.

Blaine leaned in that little bit further and kissed Kurt softly.

The other boy gasped, freezing for a moment in which Blaine started internally freaking out until Kurt finally returned the pressure.

Blaine pulled away after second. He stared into Kurt's eyes.

"Ah- I-I was trying to be comforting and then..." He really had no idea what he wanted to say.

"No one has comforted me that way before, must be a Dalton thing." Kurt joked. Blaine cracked a smile before swooping back in and kissing him again.

"Why have I not done this sooner?"

"You're not the only one asking that." Kurt blushed bright red. Blaine stroked his cheek lightly.

"Do want to do homework with me?" He asked, almost whispering. Kurt gave him a cheeky grin.

"Are you asking me on a date, Mister Anderson?"

"Well, I believe I am, Mister Hummel." Blaine couldn't but kiss the boy again when he smiled that special way. "I like boyfriend better."