******************Look, I love the Animorphs. I just don't like how they
all died. This is something I came up with so bear with
Animorphs #57
Animorphs in Johto
Digimon Lantern 1
Chapter 1
Pikachu Surprise!
"Ax! Fire the shredder, man!" Marco yelled.
I fired the shredder. Its beam collided with the Dracon Beam and there was a huge explosion. Marco looked as the small Andalite fighter spiraled down towards Earth. Marco was very scared.
"Ax-man, you can set us down right?" Marco asked.
I can try. This is a unfamiliar fighter. Let's see, the green button's the ejection system or is that the red button? I said trying to make it funny.
"Ax! This is no time for humor!" Marco yelled again.
Marco, for once you have a point.Tobias said to him.
The fighter crashed and my human friends were knocked unconscious. I went out to see how badly damaged the ship was when I saw this yellow mouse coming towards me.
"Pika! Pika! Pika! Pikachu!" It said.
My translator chip told me that it was in need of help.
In here, little one. I said to it.
The mouse ran into the ship and I followed. Activating the cloaking device, I watched a pair of humans come out of the bush. One of them had a turtle-like creature with them.
"Where could that Pikachu have gone, Squirtle?" The male asked the turtle.
"Squirt?" It replied.
The two humans left and the "Pikachu" as the humans called it was smiling at me.
"Anything you need?" It asked me thanks to the translator chip.
I need a local morph. Do you mind if I acquire your DNA? I asked Pikachu.
It let me use its back. I touched him and I saw the creature go into the morphing trance. When I fully acquired it, Pikachu left. The humans I were with woke up.
"Ax, what happened?" Prince Jake asked me.
We crashed. There are no signs of Yeerk activity and I have acquired a new morph. I said to my Prince.
"What is it?" Rachel asked.
It is a type of rodent. I said.
I began the morphing process. My skin became yellow as my size shrank. My ears moved higher up my skull and my hind legs disappeared. I lost my tail blade as it formed into another tail. I found out that I have acquired a mouse with electrical properties.
"Ladies and gentleman, hawks and Andalites, we're not in Kansas anymore." Marco said.
I believe it called himself Pikachu. I said.
"This isn't right! That morph Ax just got is a Pokemon! They're not suppose to even exist! It's a freaky video game and cartoon! It's not even real! How in the world could this have happened?" Rachel began to yell.
What is Pokemon? I asked my friends.
Pokemon is a Japanese game which spurned a lot of parents to buy the game. In the game, there are these animals called Pokemon. There are 251 of them. The object of the game is essentially to catch them all. Along the way, you'll have to battle trainers and gym leaders. In order to beat the game, you have to defeat the best trainers of the league. I don't get it sometimes. Tobias explained to me.
I looked around the craft with my stalk eyes. The human Cassie was not there. This wasn't like her.
Where's Cassie? I asked.
We found her by a cougar-sized creature that according to Tobias was a Persian. Around her, a group of assorted Pokemon had gathered around them.
Blissey, Miltank, Charizard, Meowth, Pikachu, Dragonair, Mew, Blastoise, Venusaur, Bayleef, Sneasel, Rattata, Raticate, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Rapidash, Tauros, Farfetch'd, and I think that bird over there is Articuno. Tobias said to us.
Cassie waved us over to her.
"They like me. I was able to acquire their DNA so now I have nineteen new morphs." Cassie said to us. "They'll let you acquire them."
We acquired the Pokemon and set out to a settlement. Then, my left stalk eye picked up on a dangerous foe.
I see a Hork-Bajr Controller to my left, Prince Jake. A group of Taxxons are with it and they're chasing a man, a woman, and a Meowth. I said.
"Let's try these new battle morphs." Prince Jake said.
I felt myself grow as I concentrated on the Charizard DNA. My hind legs vanished again as my neck grew. I felt my tail catch fire until I remembered that that was alright. Wings grew out of my back and I became red. I saw that Rachel had become Blastoise. Cassie became the Articuno. Jake became Venusaur. Marco became Tauros while Tobias had morphed into Mew. I decided not to ask why.
Let's rock! Marco yelled in thought-speech.
Marco charged ahead and rammed right through a Taxxon controller. Its insides burst over the scenes while the other Taxxons ate him. Cassie used the Ice Beam attack and froze the group of centipedes. Tobias formed a sort of barrier and rammed right into the Hork-Bajr. Jake walked over to the controller and placed his massive foot on its chest.
Now, how many survivors are there? Jake asked him.
"Thirty-four. Twenty of them were flattened when a giant cat rolled onto them. You froze the last thirteen, human." The Controller told him.
Jake used an attack called Vine Whip to hurl the Hork-Bajr into the air and another attack called Solar Beam to destroy it. I saw that the Taxxons were about to thaw out so I unleashed an attack called Flame-thrower on them. Marco wrinkled his bull nose.
Ax, did you have to do that? He asked.
I did not want them to get away. They would've cause great trouble for the humans that live here. I told him.
The humans that we'd saved were watching us, greedily. Tobias formed an energy orb and blasted the humans and their Meowth away.
"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" They yelled as they vanished into the distance.
Who is Team Rocket? I asked Tobias.
Criminals. He replied to me.
After we had demorphed, we were walking along a path when three humans shown up. One was a Caucasian boy with a red hat with a Pikachu walking with him. One was a light-skinned red-haired girl with a creature that still hadn't come out of its egg yet. The other was a dark-skinned man. The boy pulled out a handheld device and looked at the screen.
"Those two Pokemon don't even register on the Pokedex, Misty. I'm going to see how well Pikachu is against them." The boy said.
"Ash, maybe you shouldn't. You never know what could happen." The dark- skinned man said.
"Brock, don't worry. Pikachu can take it." Ash said to his friends.
We are not Pokemon! Tobias and I yelled at the same time.
Misty pulled a similar Pokedex. It beeped when it was pointed at Cassie.
"Guys, the bird and the centaur thing don't register on it but she does." Misty said pointing at Cassie.
Cassie bent her head down.
I was forced to bring you, Animorphs, here. Cassie knew this and let me utilize her body. Her body will not be damaged while I am within it. Do not worry about her. A voice began to say.
What are you? I asked it.
I am the Pokemon that the humans of this world call Celibi. As I said before, do not fear for your friend. She will be strengthened by the experience. Celibi said to us.
How can we trust you? Tobias asked.
Do you have a choice?
Animorphs #57
Animorphs in Johto
Digimon Lantern 1
Chapter 1
Pikachu Surprise!
"Ax! Fire the shredder, man!" Marco yelled.
I fired the shredder. Its beam collided with the Dracon Beam and there was a huge explosion. Marco looked as the small Andalite fighter spiraled down towards Earth. Marco was very scared.
"Ax-man, you can set us down right?" Marco asked.
I can try. This is a unfamiliar fighter. Let's see, the green button's the ejection system or is that the red button? I said trying to make it funny.
"Ax! This is no time for humor!" Marco yelled again.
Marco, for once you have a point.Tobias said to him.
The fighter crashed and my human friends were knocked unconscious. I went out to see how badly damaged the ship was when I saw this yellow mouse coming towards me.
"Pika! Pika! Pika! Pikachu!" It said.
My translator chip told me that it was in need of help.
In here, little one. I said to it.
The mouse ran into the ship and I followed. Activating the cloaking device, I watched a pair of humans come out of the bush. One of them had a turtle-like creature with them.
"Where could that Pikachu have gone, Squirtle?" The male asked the turtle.
"Squirt?" It replied.
The two humans left and the "Pikachu" as the humans called it was smiling at me.
"Anything you need?" It asked me thanks to the translator chip.
I need a local morph. Do you mind if I acquire your DNA? I asked Pikachu.
It let me use its back. I touched him and I saw the creature go into the morphing trance. When I fully acquired it, Pikachu left. The humans I were with woke up.
"Ax, what happened?" Prince Jake asked me.
We crashed. There are no signs of Yeerk activity and I have acquired a new morph. I said to my Prince.
"What is it?" Rachel asked.
It is a type of rodent. I said.
I began the morphing process. My skin became yellow as my size shrank. My ears moved higher up my skull and my hind legs disappeared. I lost my tail blade as it formed into another tail. I found out that I have acquired a mouse with electrical properties.
"Ladies and gentleman, hawks and Andalites, we're not in Kansas anymore." Marco said.
I believe it called himself Pikachu. I said.
"This isn't right! That morph Ax just got is a Pokemon! They're not suppose to even exist! It's a freaky video game and cartoon! It's not even real! How in the world could this have happened?" Rachel began to yell.
What is Pokemon? I asked my friends.
Pokemon is a Japanese game which spurned a lot of parents to buy the game. In the game, there are these animals called Pokemon. There are 251 of them. The object of the game is essentially to catch them all. Along the way, you'll have to battle trainers and gym leaders. In order to beat the game, you have to defeat the best trainers of the league. I don't get it sometimes. Tobias explained to me.
I looked around the craft with my stalk eyes. The human Cassie was not there. This wasn't like her.
Where's Cassie? I asked.
We found her by a cougar-sized creature that according to Tobias was a Persian. Around her, a group of assorted Pokemon had gathered around them.
Blissey, Miltank, Charizard, Meowth, Pikachu, Dragonair, Mew, Blastoise, Venusaur, Bayleef, Sneasel, Rattata, Raticate, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Rapidash, Tauros, Farfetch'd, and I think that bird over there is Articuno. Tobias said to us.
Cassie waved us over to her.
"They like me. I was able to acquire their DNA so now I have nineteen new morphs." Cassie said to us. "They'll let you acquire them."
We acquired the Pokemon and set out to a settlement. Then, my left stalk eye picked up on a dangerous foe.
I see a Hork-Bajr Controller to my left, Prince Jake. A group of Taxxons are with it and they're chasing a man, a woman, and a Meowth. I said.
"Let's try these new battle morphs." Prince Jake said.
I felt myself grow as I concentrated on the Charizard DNA. My hind legs vanished again as my neck grew. I felt my tail catch fire until I remembered that that was alright. Wings grew out of my back and I became red. I saw that Rachel had become Blastoise. Cassie became the Articuno. Jake became Venusaur. Marco became Tauros while Tobias had morphed into Mew. I decided not to ask why.
Let's rock! Marco yelled in thought-speech.
Marco charged ahead and rammed right through a Taxxon controller. Its insides burst over the scenes while the other Taxxons ate him. Cassie used the Ice Beam attack and froze the group of centipedes. Tobias formed a sort of barrier and rammed right into the Hork-Bajr. Jake walked over to the controller and placed his massive foot on its chest.
Now, how many survivors are there? Jake asked him.
"Thirty-four. Twenty of them were flattened when a giant cat rolled onto them. You froze the last thirteen, human." The Controller told him.
Jake used an attack called Vine Whip to hurl the Hork-Bajr into the air and another attack called Solar Beam to destroy it. I saw that the Taxxons were about to thaw out so I unleashed an attack called Flame-thrower on them. Marco wrinkled his bull nose.
Ax, did you have to do that? He asked.
I did not want them to get away. They would've cause great trouble for the humans that live here. I told him.
The humans that we'd saved were watching us, greedily. Tobias formed an energy orb and blasted the humans and their Meowth away.
"Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" They yelled as they vanished into the distance.
Who is Team Rocket? I asked Tobias.
Criminals. He replied to me.
After we had demorphed, we were walking along a path when three humans shown up. One was a Caucasian boy with a red hat with a Pikachu walking with him. One was a light-skinned red-haired girl with a creature that still hadn't come out of its egg yet. The other was a dark-skinned man. The boy pulled out a handheld device and looked at the screen.
"Those two Pokemon don't even register on the Pokedex, Misty. I'm going to see how well Pikachu is against them." The boy said.
"Ash, maybe you shouldn't. You never know what could happen." The dark- skinned man said.
"Brock, don't worry. Pikachu can take it." Ash said to his friends.
We are not Pokemon! Tobias and I yelled at the same time.
Misty pulled a similar Pokedex. It beeped when it was pointed at Cassie.
"Guys, the bird and the centaur thing don't register on it but she does." Misty said pointing at Cassie.
Cassie bent her head down.
I was forced to bring you, Animorphs, here. Cassie knew this and let me utilize her body. Her body will not be damaged while I am within it. Do not worry about her. A voice began to say.
What are you? I asked it.
I am the Pokemon that the humans of this world call Celibi. As I said before, do not fear for your friend. She will be strengthened by the experience. Celibi said to us.
How can we trust you? Tobias asked.
Do you have a choice?