Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been so busy lately! Well here is chapter six I hope you like it. Also I would like to thank all of you who put my story on your favorites list and reviewed. I really motivates me, so thanks a bunch! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter JK Rowling does. Oh and I'm sorry that this chapter is short but another will be coming soon.

Teddy's PROV.

I ran through all different kinds of hallways and rooms before I finally stopped. I ended up in one of the upstairs bedrooms. Tears blurred my vision as I sat down on the bed and sobbed. I have always wanted to meet my parents but now, when I could finally meet them, I couldn't even talk to them it just became too much. I slowly looked around the room. There were two identical beds next to each other. On one of the night stands there was a picture of Fred and George Weasley. Fred was yet another victim of the war. I knew that uncle George still wasn't over his death. At the thought of death I started to cry again. I was so confused. I was sad. I was angry. I was scared. I had so much emotions running through me, and I just didn't know what to do. I sat there crying until I heard a soft voice calling my name. Victorie. She must have come to find me.

"I'm in hear Vic" I croaked. Victory softly opened the door, stepped into the room, and closed it. She came over and sat down on the bed next to me. I looked down at my hands.

"I'm really sorry Vic, but I- I just couldn't do it. With everyone watching me, with them watching me it- it was just too much." I said running a hand through my hair.

"It's okay for you to feel confused Teddy. It's okay to feel scared, and angry. You need to feel those things first so that you can move on. I just want you to know that I am here for you and that I will help you get through this." Victorie said taking my hand in hers.

"Thank you" I whispered before pulling her in for a long, sweet kiss. When we pulled apart I felt a new confidence. I could get through this. Vic would be right there by my side. Victorie stood up pulling me up with her.

"Teddy if you aren't ready to go back in there its ok, you can stay here if you want. I can just tell the others that-"Victorie begun.

"I'm ready to go back in." I interrupted.

"Oh all right then, let's do this." Victorie said with a determined look on her face. We slowly walked back down to the dining room hand in hand. I took a deep breath before I stepped into the room. When me and Victorie entered the room everybody looked up at us. Not a big surprise.

"I found him!" said Victorie with a smile on her face. She looked so beautiful I almost forgot what I was about to do here, and all of the sadness went away. Then it all came back when I saw the hard look on my father's face. Well there is no use putting it off any longer. It had to come out sometime, and its better now than later. I took a deep breath before looking strait into my father's eyes and saying.

"My Name is Teddy Lupin."