Chapter 1
"Rin wake up you stupid girl, I need you to go to the market and buy a couple of things" said an elderly voice. Rin open her eyes to see her adopted father Mr. Ling looking at her.
"Ok, Ok I'm up, just give me a couple of minutes to get myself prepare" she said while rolling her eyes. Ling left the room and Rin jump up to get her day started. She went into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and went in to bathe. Rin was a girl who didn't come from much; her mother and father abandon her when she was only 10 leaving her in the care of Mr. Ling who took her in. On the outside everyone thought Mr. Ling was a loving father who took pride in taking care of Rin but in reality he really didn't care about her he just needed help around the village. He would often make rude comments about her, saying how nobody would ever marry her and how she was better off dead. Rin was 17 years of age with the height of only 5'4. Her skin was the color of snow, her hair which was shoulder length was jet black. She had brown eyes that was the window to her soul. She was a beauty for her age and youth. Her breast was a 34b while her butt was big and her hips were wide. While most girls her age were already marry and pregnant, Rin didn't have any of that in mind she was just trying to get by in this cold world. Demons control the world which put humans as their slaves. Rin couldn't stand demons because they thought they were better than humans because they were stronger. Once she put on some clothes she went into the living room to see Mr. Ling laying down waiting for her.
"Finally! Your stupid ass took forever. Here I made a list of things needed in this house, make sure you get everything or I make you return everything back" he said while handing her the money and list.
"Baka" she muttered, while walking outside the door.
Rin started walking to the market when she came across one of her close friends Yumi. Both were orphans so they automatically got close to each other. Yumi was 5'9 with long brown hair that came to her waist. She was set to marry a prince from the east in a couple of months and that was all she could talk about.
"Rinny where you going?" she said while skipping behind her.
"To the market to pick up a couple of things"
"Mind if I go with you?"
"No I need some company"
The walk was quiet until Yumi started talking about the latest in town. "Did you hear that our Lord is making an appearance in our village?"
Rin turned her nose up in disgust, she hated the Lord of the West because he made it known that he despise humans and if they weren't no use he would had been killed all of them. He rarely came to the village but when he did it wasn't for a good reason. Rin never saw him because she was always locked in the house but the rumors were that he was beautiful and walked with a grace of power. Rin didn't care if he was cute or ugly, what matter was that he was a demon.
"That isn't a good thing, why is he coming?"
"I don't know but hopefully he doesn't kill us all, I'm getting marry in a couple of months"
Rin started laughing, even though the most vicious demon in the world was coming to their village all Yumi could think about was getting marry.
Meanwhile back at the village...
All the elders in the village stood at the entrance of the village shaking in fear. Everyone knew that their Lord was coming today and some of them didn't have any money to give him. A gust wind rush pasted them and there standing there was the lord himself.
Lord Sesshoumaru stood at a height of 7'1; he had long pure white hair that went well past his waist. His face was beyond beautiful; he had two magna stripes on each side of his cheek, and a purple moon crest in the middle of his fore head. His face expression remained emotionless and cold. The loveliest thing was his eyes; it was the color of amber shining brightly.
He was a dog demon and ruler of the west but also know as the ice prince of the west. Mostly describe as being quiet, emotionless, and cold. Nobody dare question or try to challenge him, and who was brave enough to do so was strike down.
"Filthy humans have you no respect bow when you see royalty" screeched a high pitch voice, coming from a short hideous toad.
Quickly the people started bowing down. Lord Sesshoumaru just looked at them with disgust, he didn't understand why the world was full of disgusting humans. They were rather off dead he thought.
"You humans are beyond on tax for 3 months, my lord have been gracious to even let you all go beyond a month. Please put all money in the basket" said the toad.
Rin and Yumi was just making it back to the village where she saw the crowd gather at, they went toward the crowd and saw Lord Sesshoumaru.
"What is this? Somebody is missing their portion of money" said the toad.
The people in the village immediately look at Mr. Ling who didn't put any money in the basket. Mr. Ling immediately bow to the feet of Sesshoumaru and started begging for mercy.
Pitiful thought Sesshoumaru as Rin walk towards Mr. Ling to see what was going on.
Sesshoumaru raise his hand about to kill him when Mr. Ling scream "Don't kill me, take her she can become your slave"
Sesshoumaru look at Rin, she wasn't half bad looking in his opinion even beautiful if he was into humans. He turn away walking back to the carriage and telling his soldiers to take Rin.
"Oh thank you Lord Sesshoumaru you are the best lord ever" said Mr. Ling while wiping the tears out his face. In a flash a whip was seen and Mr. Ling body was cut up with green smoke coming out of it. The village gasped with fright, they didn't see this coming.
"Make sure you have my money or this will happen to the whole village next time" said Sesshoumaru. Rin was scare and torn, she didn't know to stay or go with him. Yumi motion for her to go so she wouldn't be in the same situation as the now decease Mr. Ling. The soldiers started towards her and grab her, pulling her to the car. She tried to fight but it was useless, they knock her unconscious …