A/N: I can finish things too. And now that I know you people still read this you are now obligated to rub my belly and tell me how great I am. /Rolls away
"Why, thank you," Robin purred, the News Coo nodding its head as it flew off. Robin fingered the thin envelope, addressed to a D. C. Fleur with the insignia of the renowned Covers & Binding Publishing Company in the return address corner.
"Another one?" Usopp said with a sigh, rubbing his head. "I mean, I know your book got pretty popular, but you get a check at least once a week…"
"They liked it enough to make special arrangements to deliver my earnings," she said, a pleased smile on her tanned face. "I always go in disguise when I collect it. Besides that, the man who owns the company is a special friend of some of my…associates."
"I'm sure Luffy's dad appreciates you using his connections to get your porn out to the general public," Zoro grunted from across the lawn, rubbing his head then leaping aside before the knife Sanji threw could lodge itself in his throat.
"It isn't porn, you dirt clod," the cook defended, swaying to Robin's side and grinning. "It's a perfectly legitimate piece of writing. I myself am not ashamed to admit I enjoyed every word of it, my swan."
"I'm honored, cook-san," she said, beaming and sending him into elated full body convulsions. Usopp rolled his eyes.
"I hear you're working on a sequel?"
"Is this about Robin-san's book?" Brook called eagerly from the crow's nest, Chopper waving down from the opened hatch. "I am a huge fan! Please disregard that I am just skin and bones! Yohohoho!"
"The rumors are true," Robin admitted, sashaying back to her lawn chair and flipping her sunglasses down to her nose. "I've gotten much inspiration since the time I was working on my first manuscript. And there's nothing wrong with having a steady stream of income."
"Nami still hasn't read your masterpiece," Usopp pointed out.
"She was the one who read all my drafts," Robin reminded him. "And she knows how it ends, anyway…"
"Well, excuse me if I let the details of the smash hit, trashy romance 'Midnight Meat' remain a vague stain on my life's collected knowledge," Zoro muttered, biting into a pear and throwing the core at Sanji's head while he sauntered over with a drink. "No offense or anything, but I'd prefer to pretend I don't know where you came by the inspiration for that crap…"
"It is a caricature of the love between the beautiful author and myself," Sanji spat, twirling as Robin took her margarita without comment.
"Right. It in no way, whether your delusional mind wants to acknowledge it or not, resembles the events leading up to the infamous romance between our captain and naviga—"
"THE BLASPHEMOUS SHIT THAT LEAVES YOUR MOUTH," Sanji screamed, tray whizzing past the sniper's head before they fell to wrestling.
"So much energy this afternoon," Robin said cheerfully.
Suddenly, she turned her shaded eyes with everyone else's towards the appearance of a stiff, flustered and blushing Franky from the top of the staircase.
"I went to go fix the shower head," the shipwright confessed, lips pursed and sunglasses glinting in the sun. There was a pause to let his solemn, veteran-of-war tone chime the bells of familiar association.
"Oh? Is something happening up in the bathroom?" Robin asked innocently, cheshire grin free to roam up to her ears.
Franky stared at her hands, busy scrawling over her notepad like she was already aware of what had happened. He wanted to resent her for her cunning, but even if she wasn't capitalizing on Nami's change of heart little more than a year ago, it would be just as awkward…
Kids these days.
"They're at it again."
The end.