Sorry it's been so long! I decided what to do with C and R on my own...but I think you'll like it. Enjoy!
(No One's POV)
"Woah! Woah! Slow down!" Robbie said, amused at Cat's eagerness to go to the beach.
"Speed up!" Cat said as she continued dragging Robbie across the parking lot to his car.
After Cat basically threw him into the driver's seat, she quickly crawled over his lap and settled into the passenger's side.
"Go!" Cat squealed excitedly.
"I'm going!" Robbie laughed as he sped off out of the parking lot to the beach.
After a 20 minute drive, Cat was bouncing up and down in her seat.
"Are we there yet?" She asked like a little girl.
"Almost, Cat. Be patient." Robbie replied, reaching over with his free hand to take hers in his.
Robbie pulled into the small parking lot next to the beach. The sun was almost under the water, giving everything a cool orange glow.
"IT'S THE OCEAN! OCEAN OCEAN OCEAN! "(Kyoko, anyone? ;]), Cat squealed in joy.
Robbie watched Cat run down onto the soft sand, laughing and skipping as she went.
"Robbie! Robbie, come here!" She called him.
He smiled to himself and walked out of the parking lot onto the sand, taking off his shoes and socks and rolling up his pants to the bottom of his knee.
Robbie slowly walked up to a twirling Cat and stopped a couple feet away. She looked so beautiful, dancing and chasing after the retreating tides. The last of the sun's warm light made her tan skin glow.
"I love the beach! It's so fun!" She said, more to herself than to Robbie.
He moved closer and took her small hand in his. Cat laughed and looked at Robbie. She smiled at him, then turned and faced the ocean, still smiling.
A warm breeze blew by and Cat tilted her head back. Her vivid red hair flowed out like a cape behind her. She giggled and closed her eyes.
Cat opened her eyes and looked over at him.
"Do you love me?"
"Of course!"
Robbie smiled at her and shifted his gaze to the waves.
"Do you love me?" Cat asked.
"Of course..." Robbie answered adoringly.
Cat pulled Robbie closer and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"CAT!" yelled an angry voice.
Cat turned and looked for the source of the voice.
It was Ethan. He was standing a couple yards away.
(Robbie's POV)
I quickly pushed Cat behind me, shielding her with my body.
"What are you doing here?" I asked as calmly as I could.
"None of your business. Back away from my girl while you still can." Ethan said threateningly. He walked over to us with long strides, stopping only a couple feet away.
"She's not your girl anymore, Ethan. Leave us alone. Why are you even allowed to be here?" I said, trying to make myself sound brave.
"The court date is two days away. I can do whatever I want until then." He said, glaring at cat, who was trembling behind me.
I turned my head slightly and whispered to Cat.
"Call 9-1-1"
Cat nodded and stuck her hand into her pocket for her phone. It wasn't there.
"My back pocket" I whispered to her. Ethan was watching us with a smirk on his face.
"The nearest cop is like an hour away, so even if you do call, they won't be here until I'm done." Ethan informed me.
Cat stuck her hand into my back pocket and pulled out my pearphone.
She quickly dialed and told the lady our situation.
"We'll be there shortly." Said the lady on the other side.
Ethan laughed and walked towards us slowly. I backed up so we stayed the same distance part.
Without turning my head I told Cat to run while I tried to distract Ethan.
Cat counted to three in her head then turned and bolted. Ethan looked after her and started to jog slowly towards her, getting closer to me every second.
"Back off Ethan!" I shouted.
Ethan stopped running and looked at me.
"Didn't get enough the first time?" He asked cruelly.
I took up a defensive position.
Ethan took out a knife.